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Originally posted by pexx421
Aha! then macman makes another funny comment about how he is fine with how other countries operate! While at the same time he pays taxes to our nation, which go to bombing other nations and stealing their natural resources. Most likely supports sweat shops and child labor too by wearing nikes and shopping at wal mart. All while probably defending "personal responsibility"
Originally posted by pexx421
Sorry, but you're way off. First of all, Israel is the 52'nd state. : ) Secondly, obama wants nothing like your government, and he doesnt want any form of socialism. That is just demonization of the right and the press. What he actually wants, the same as all democrats and republicans....barring perhaps 4 (one repub and 3 dems)(um...thats gravel, kucinich, paul, and maybe one or two we dont know about) is to transfer all the money from the middle class and working poor to the wealthy elite. Every single program or decision that obama has supported has been to benefit the corporations. His proposed "obamacare" was created solely to guarantee every american would be forced to pay the health insurance industries, and also to guarantee massive profit to the corporations, and did nothing to provide better or cheaper healthcare to the populace. His bailout and his stimulus packages were made to protect the profits and safety of the banks, and did nothing to help the americans losing jobs or homes, and the expanded wars he supports are there solely to secure the flow of oil, and to put money into the pockets of arms manufacturers and defense contractors, and do nothing to provide security or defense to americans. All the people who call him a socialist, are liars, though it would be better for us all if he were. True socialists take offense at being grouped with him. All the people saying he wants to redistribute wealth.....are correct, but not in the way they think. Like all most powerful elected officials, his goal is to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, which in america is ok, while transfering wealth from the rich to the poor is anathema. There is class warfare going on, but it is being waged....and the wealthy.
Originally posted by macman
Originally posted by pexx421
Aha! then macman makes another funny comment about how he is fine with how other countries operate! While at the same time he pays taxes to our nation, which go to bombing other nations and stealing their natural resources. Most likely supports sweat shops and child labor too by wearing nikes and shopping at wal mart. All while probably defending "personal responsibility"
It is all well and nice to live in the world of "I hate America" and so on.
I, have little to no control of what my run away Fed govt does. If I were in control, we would be out of 99% of foreign affairs. Our military would not be sent to fight other countries battles. Fend for yourself.
I hate Nike like no other. Don't like Walmart much either.
Again, maybe get your stereotypes correct before you go off. Or check your facts.
Originally posted by TheAnuraOne
reply to post by macman
Well, we can start keeping our hands off your government, as you say, when you pay back the billions you owe us and the rest of the world, cowboy.
Originally posted by TheAnuraOne
So, do you think the recedivism in the American economy is all the government's fault because they spent trillions on wars and bailouts, etc.?
Do you believe that Americans, themselves, had a major role in the decline of the dollar due to poor credit, wasteful spending, personal debts, buying houses and gas-guzzling SUV even when they knew they couldn't afford it?
Or, is it the same old blame the rich because they have all the money and I don't?
I'm confused, do Americans have and hole personal responsibility and maybe that was a major reason as to why the dollar declined? Could that be relevant at all?
Originally posted by TheAnuraOne
I think, in my humble opinion, that misconceptions and media lies are what has fueled this 'revolution' ,as you call it, in America. Obama has/is trying to create a European-style government molded like my Swedish government. Contrary to popular misinformation, it is not molded after our good neighbors in England nor America's neighbors to the north, Canada. With the media lying about what kind of government it would be (if Obama were successful) the Americans have becomed hoodwinked. You have been lied to about exactly what kind of government he's trying to make, and what it would be like.
The revolt, as you will, can be blamed on numerous factors: bigotry, racism, fear and ignorance are just a few that come to mind.
I have decided that maybe a Swede's perspective on this all might inform some of the people who are just not knowledgeable on the afforementioned subject. In my opinion, he's not trying to create a new USSR/USA hybrid a many of you believe. That is just ridiculous to believe that. Anyways, back to the topic.
For example, here in Sweden we are NOT a (completely) socialist country. We are a mixture of capitalism and socialism.
I know, I know. People hear that word socialism and they think communism. Wrong. That is a media lie.
We accept all religions and promote independant thought. Last time I checked, that was anti-communism.
However, the American media has portrayed ALL socialism to be communism and that is just wrong. We are vastly different than China and the old USSR.
Here in Sweden, we have virtually no one on welfare (and from the media outlets and blogs I have read from the States regarding socialism, according to them everyone would be on welfare) and almost nothing is handed out.
Our taxes pay for every service we receive, every program we enroll in, every school we attend, everything.
You won't hear that in the media over there.You are told that you will be in a bread line, with no job and no money.
We have virtually no unemployment and almost no welfare recipients.
You hear that we Swedes have free healthcare, free this and free that, and milk and cookies for bedtime. Absolutely not. We pay for everything via our taxes.
Here in Sweden it works and I will give you two examples of why it works:
1. Sweden has nowhere near the population as America does. Our form of government will only work for much smaller populated countries.
2. Here in Sweden, when we pay our taxes, it actually goes to what the government says it will: services. Our government doesn't take the taxes from us and spend it on other things, then borrow from a program to pay for it and borrow from another program to pay for the borrowed (from) program, and then borrow from another country to pay for all the borrowing from its programs that it has done! That's INSANE!. What a hairball the IRS is dealing with and to think it's from its own bosses' doing!
Obama means well, but he's vain to think that our style of government would work over there. Capitalism is great, but so is socialism if it is applied right and the public is educated enough about it. Hence, Deny Ignorance. How appropriate.
Now, is Sweden the land of milk and honey? I don't know. But, it's working. I do know that. We have billions of Krona in surplus and we have no outstanding bills owed.
It took us 25 years for it to finally start working. It didn't happen overnight and I think that is the crucial mistake Obama made. He tried to do everything at once. You cannot do that. Plus, TPTB would have to give up some control if our style of government was enacted over there. Well, as we all know, they would NEVER go for that.
Sweden is a valuable trading partner with the USA and we our sometimes referred to as the '52' state. We don't hate America, We are rooting for you!
Get this racial crap behind you, unite together against your lying and deceitful government and take control of your country!
Stop falling into the traps that the elites have set forth and educate everyone you know. Ignorance is no excuse.
God bless USA!
Originally posted by TheAnuraOne
So, please educate me as to why alot of people are against Sarah Palin? I see she has always stood for her fellow Americans, yet people bash her every chance they get? If she stands for the people, why so much hate? I just used her for an example. If we had a revolt here, and a Swede stood up for the people, we would (probably) support her. If there is so much distrust and angst towards the government there, it would seem more people would turn towards someone to lead.
I remember watching/following the '08 US Presidential election and remember when Obama said he was going to fundamentally change America. He overwhelmed the polls. It appeared that America agreed with him. 2 years later, the people turn on him. Did they really expect things to turn around overnight? Impatience? Like I said, it took us 25 yrs to get where we are. It didn;t happen like that.
If America is that messed up, one has to wonder if there is a chance for America to turn things around?
Originally posted by lokdog
I'm gathering from this thread thar Sweden doesnt have any teabaggers, we'll yall are missing out just think how much better off your country would be with teabaggers in office ready to sell your country out to the corperations willing to piss on the poor and down trodden for campaign donations.Thats what this democratic republic really is and always has been.