reply to post by lonegurkha
Advice about an occurrence like you've described is shaky, at best. I've witnessed things like you've described, with the cats behaving oddly,
misplaced objects, and one large shadow of a human; I still don't know what to do about it. The plan I'd had was to leave and not return, but lo and
behold, sometimes these things can follow.
Out of experience, I would recommend you do nothing. When I was younger and attempted to dig into the past, or find the shadow, or chase the thing
out of my house, it only made the occurrences more frequent and disturbing; it seems to me that once these sorts of apparitions become aware that you
are aware of their presence, they attempt to act out in ways which continue getting them attention. I suspect it has less to do with 'giving them
power', as some would say, than the simple fact that for most of their existence as wraiths, they've gone unnoticed. Now, whether your household
spirit is malevolent or benign, only you could say. Either way, pursuing knowledge concerning this apparition (within the confines of your home, that
is) will almost certainly result in heightened activity.
One experiment you could attempt, were you so inclined, would be to have several different guests, one a time, stay the night in your house. I would
advise against warning them about the apparition, though that may bother your conscience. Odds are one or more of your guests will experience
something abnormal, and their perception and reaction to said experience could help you gauge the intentions of the apparition. On a side note, when
I performed (albeit unknowingly) the same experiment as a teenager, in each case the offensive entity within my house led my guests (who believed, in
the dark hallway, that the shadow was me being silent) directly to one corner in my bedroom, a place which my cats, too, stared, and in which I had
witnessed very odd shadows.
Alternately, at a time when you are alone, preferably in the early hours of the morning, try going through the areas in which you saw the shadow with
a camera. Don't try to shoot anything particular; take multiples of each location you choose to shoot, and make certain you take plenty of pictures.
I've found this to be a particularly effective means of catching photographs of lights which weren't visibly there when the picture was taken. Odd, I
know, since I was after a picture of a displaced shadow, but one of every forty or so pictures I took in that house revealed anomalous images which
were in no way shadowy.
Anyhow, I hope this information has been helpful. I'm sorry I can't give advice as to actual action, but the truth is I have no idea what we're
supposed to do when we witness such things. All I know is that if you are cautious and show little fear, you'll do better than most.
(edit) So, I should have read further before responding; your description was simply so close to what I'd seen I jumped the gun. Since you aren't
living there, and haven't seen anything at you new home, I suppose you're fine. Glad you got out; I myself moved back into the haunted home of my
youth two months ago, and while nothing has happened, I've been on edge the whole time.
edit on 3-4-2012 by Malfeitor because: (no reason