I would like to relate a personal experience,and get the communities take on it.I apoligise for the length but I wanted to give all the details.I used
to own a very old house more than 100 years old.I know very little about the history of the property,only that it had originaly been a three room farm
house and had been added on to to make it the house I purchased.It had been made a ranch style home with what was to have been an attached garage for
a florida room on a slab.The original house was on a footer with a beam 10 inches by 12 inches down the middle of the main floor.This beam was
supported by oak barrels buried half way into the ground and filled with concrete.This arrangement supported 2x12 joists that were 18 inches on
center.The sheathing under the roof shingles were 2x6 laid side by side.The tops of the outer supporting walls were 4x4's across the top stacked two
deep.Keep in mind that the wood was actual measurement 2x6 etc.The newer parts of the home were standard construction for the area with lumber sized
the way it is now.I put this down because the style of construction is unusual for the area and seriously overbuilt for where it is,I thought this may
have some bearing on my story and maybe one of you may see something that I don't.
Not long after we moved in some rather unusual things started to happen.Our cats would sit in the back hallway and stare at a spot on the wall.All
four cats did this and at the same spot.Sometimes they would jump and swipe at something invisible to us.There was nothing behind this spot on the
wall except the toilet in the bathroon.I opened this wall when I remodeled the bathroom and there was nothing unusual inside it,but even after the
remodel the cats would do the same thing in this spot.The cats would also behave this way at the door to one of the bedrooms that we used for
storage.There were always strange knockings and other sounds like someone walking in the attic.Only thing was you couldn't stand up in the attic (and
the attic was full of stuff), unless you were under 5 feet tall and the entrance to the attic was a pull down staircase in the kitchen ceiling visible
from the livingroom and the florida room.The thing made a loud noise when pulled down so nobody could have secretly have gotten up there.
Things used to disappear on a regular basis rings and other jewlery left out would disappear only to reappear either in the same place or in a
completely different spot. This also happened with keys and other small objects.At first I blamed it on the cats but then the things would reappear
neatly placed on a table or counter.Sometimes the things never returned sometimes it would be months before they would show up,other times only a
couple of days would go by.Larger things would on occasion not be where you left them, like a baseball glove would show up in a different room than
where you left it.
This is all the little stuff that used to happen fairly often.I used to say it was fred doing it just to give the occurance a name for fun.There were
many other noises and odd things which happened over the 25 years I lived there,but there was one experience that really made my hair stand up and
sent a chill down my back.
I used to have Fridays off and was consequently home alone all day.I was sitting on the couch facing the back hallway where the cats used to sit and
stare at the wall.The Big screen TV was directly across from me and next to the opening to the hallway.There was a window and door with a window in it
at the end of the hall.It was a bright sunny day in the summer all the windows were open.I had the television on kind of for background noise.I wasn't
really paying attention to it because I was reading a magazine.
I heard a sound and looked over the top of the magazine to see one of the cats who had been sitting in the spot and staring at the wall come tearing
as fast as they could go into the living room.I looked at the spot on the wall where they used to take swipes at something unseen and saw what looked
like the dark outline of a human head come out of the wall and appear to look around.
It was like a shadow of a head.Then a dark shadow shape in human form came out of the wall ,walked toward me down the hall and into the livingroom
only 8 feet from me.It then walked in front of the TV and sort of slightly blocked the screen as it passed kind of like there was thick smoke in front
of the screen.It appeared to look directly at me as it passed in front of me and continued to pass through the door to the bedroom where the cats used
to stare.This all took place in about maybe 10 to 15 seconds.I freaked out and jumped up ran to the bedroom door and pushed it open,but of course
there was nothing there.
This happened several years ago and I haven't been able to forget it.I usually don't get unsettled by odd things happening but for some reason I found
this very unsettling and I can't seem to put my finger on why.I spoke to a friend I used to work with who was very into the paranormal and he said
that there was a dimensional portal in my house and I had witnessed a being from that dimension passing through this dimension to another.He said that
was why it appeared as a shadow to me.I've never known what to think of this experience other than it's wierd.Other than that one friend, anyone I
have told that story to thinks I'm crazy and yet I know what I saw.So what does the ATS community think about this?
edit on 2/9/2011 by
lonegurkha because: (no reason given)
edit on 2/9/2011 by lonegurkha because: (no reason given)