posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 02:49 PM
I'm fairly new to all this UFO stuff, having seen a few documentaries I became deeply interested in the subject and I'm getting more and more
educated on the subject with every documentary I watch and website I go on, I also have an interest in military aircraft. There's always one thing I
find strange about the military aircraft explanations regarding UFO sightings and maybe someone can answer this question, if these craft are top
secret military projects then why are they testing them in such close proximity to public places? History tells us that since the 1950's (probably
even earlier) the U.S government has went out their way to conceal any technologically advanced experimental aircraft they have in their posession,
U-2 spy plane, OXCART/SR-71 Blackbird, F-117 Nighthawk, B2 Spirit and probably a lot more that didn't go into production, so why would they fly a
highly experimental aircraft such as the one involved in the Cash-Landrum incident so close to towns and public roads? It just doesn't make sense.
There's no doubt in my mind that people are seeing UFO's and they aren't imagining it but I just find the military explanation in a lot of
incidents highly dubious as surely if they did belong to the military they wouldn't want anybody to see them.