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Influx of immigrants from India baffles border officials in Texas

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:34 AM

Influx of immigrants from India baffles border officials in Texas

Thousands of immigrants from India have crossed into the United States illegally at the southern tip of Texas in the last year, part of a mysterious and rapidly growing human-smuggling pipeline that is backing up court dockets, filling detention centers and triggering investigations.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:34 AM
So this pipeline has become very efficient, but why so many from India right now? Are these farmers who have lost everything or perhaps they are experiencing some other kind of collective difficulty... If so, then what?

It looks like many are being allowed to stay, as they are claiming political asylum, but this appears to be a ruse.

Your thoughts ATS?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:40 AM
They could be Pakistani Muslim militants who are claiming to be Indian, most people would not know the difference, especially people in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Political Asylum... from India? Thats a new one to me.. Granted some parts of India still adhere to the ancient caste system, but even then....

Is it possible their citizenship is Indian but loyal to another country / group (terrorist or something else)?

Kind of unusual to have an influx from a Democratic Country with rule of Law. To me it would be like a mass influx of Canadians sneaking into the US claiming asylum.

Something doesnt seem right.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

isnt india at war with china? i have new neighbors from bhutan, just north of india, said they fled from some kind of war. one poo'ed in my yard and they tend to flip out when i listen to metal and rock and roll.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:58 AM
Australia has been having a large influx of Illegal Immigrants from Sri Lanka (Tamil) and Afghani.

Our P.C. people have been on the case lately too, no longer are they Illegal Immigrants but "Irregular Arrivals" and the asylum seekers are now "Passengers". So you now know how apathetic the Oz Govt is towards these people, when they even pay $20,000 per seat... political refugees my a$$ ! Economic more like it !

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:59 AM
It will probably get a lot worse.

US is one of the few developed countries with weak border protection I have heard of.

Amazing that 1/2 the budget is military, yet the people's own borders are not safely secured.

What are your tax dollars doing for you?
Thats right!
Billions for dictators to oppress their citizens for the oil companies profits

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Political Asylum... from India? Thats a new one to me.. Granted some parts of India still adhere to the ancient caste system, but even then....

Is it possible their citizenship is Indian but loyal to another country / group (terrorist or something else)?

Kind of unusual to have an influx from a Democratic Country with rule of Law. To me it would be like a mass influx of Canadians sneaking into the US claiming asylum.

Something doesnt seem right.

HAHA! Sorry but your Canadian analogy made me laugh

hrmmm...So obviously this has been well tracked and this is not just a case of more illegal immigrants being caught?

To be honest I think I'd want to get the hell out of a country that has about 1 billion people also! Not sure about the classes of people and their population numbers but I would suspect that this is a factor (this is an assumption) ... But why the States when the are other countries closer? I'd have to think for awhile about that one. Possible due to the cheaper housing available there now? I know for a fact that more Canadins are buying homes in the US.

Anyone know more about the political situation in India?



PS: Sorry got lazy and didn't read the story. So these people basically travel a good porton of the world to end up in the States. It seems like a very well oiled pipline (pun intended) has been in the works and more and more Indians are aware of this which would make the US a prime destination because of htis
edit on 7-2-2011 by AeonStorm because: PS

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by CitizenNum287119327
It will probably get a lot worse.

US is one of the few developed countries with weak border protection I have heard of.

Amazing that 1/2 the budget is military, yet the people's own borders are not safely secured.

What are your tax dollars doing for you?
Thats right!
Billions for dictators to oppress their citizens for the oil companies profits

Thats America for you.

I wonder why they are leaving India? What don;t we know? Wheres WikiLeaks when you need them?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:04 AM
I'll wager a bet they are Punjabi's. They aggressively abuse the immigration system in my country. They have a lot of backing. They play the system in every conceivable way. they're not refugees. If you can trace them back to a centralised authority, you'll find India's military.

India's certainly does have refugee's. There have many mass-slaughters in that country in recent years... mostly low caste untouchables converting to Christianity which the controlling Hindu's won't allow.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by squandered
India's certainly does have refugee's. There have many mass-slaughters in that country in recent years... mostly low caste untouchables converting to Christianity which the controlling Hindu's won't allow.
The article author casts doubt on that:

But analysts and human rights monitors say political conditions in India don't explain the migration. There is no evidence of the kind of persecution that would prompt a mass exodus, they say, and Sikhs haven't been targets since the 1980s. The prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh, is a Sikh.

"There is no reason to believe these claims have any truth to them," said Sumit Ganguly, a political science professor and director of the India Studies Program at Indiana University.
I think they will say anything to get asylum, even made up nonsense like the example in the story.

This is kind of scary because they know they're not catching all of them and they could just as easily be Pakistani terrorists as Indians.

That TV show border wars looks like a comedy watching those guys run around all over the place chasing people instead of just stopping them at the border.

If the US wanted to control the border with Mexico more effectively, it could be done. But it almost seems like they want a porous border. It's going to come back and bite them when the wrong people slip through.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by gougitousakusha
reply to post by Xcathdra

isnt india at war with china? i have new neighbors from bhutan, just north of india, said they fled from some kind of war. one poo'ed in my yard and they tend to flip out when i listen to metal and rock and roll.

India and China have fought 3 major wars in the last 50 years, and have territorial claims that extend a ways into each others areas of control. Pakistan recently ceded some territory of Kashmir to China (China holds part of the territory Indian and Oakistanfight over, but usually remains out of the encounters).

Bhutan and Nepal are both countries which are stuck between China and India, and if I am not mistaken I dont think China and Bhutan have diploomatic relations with each other (It goes to China pulling the laying claim to anything within eyesight). China recelty puled a mummy that was on tour with other artifacts from China because the mummy apparently had european ancestry. They lay claim to the uigher area, whcih is where the mummy came from. They are concerned if the mummy shows european attributes, their claim to that area woiuld be invalid.

Still, going back to India and asylum, even if the 2 countries are at war, there is no reason for Indians to calim asylum to get into the US. They can just get extended visas.

Something just does not seem right at all.
edit on 7-2-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by CitizenNum287119327
It will probably get a lot worse.

US is one of the few developed countries with weak border protection I have heard of.

Amazing that 1/2 the budget is military, yet the people's own borders are not safely secured.

What are your tax dollars doing for you?
Thats right!
Billions for dictators to oppress their citizens for the oil companies profits

It goes a lot deeper than that and involves other issues, but essentially the PC police have taken over. Our Government has forgot who they answer to.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by AeonStorm

Thats my main poiint though. India is not en enemy of the US and as of late, relations have become a lot warmer between the 2 countries. There is no need for Indians sneak into this country illegally since all they have do to is just get an extended visa, work visa, student isa or work permit / green card.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

If I have the time I can lead you to many sources highlighting massacres of delits who converted to Christianity, plus other minority groups. Some number in the 1000's and it's common. You can find highly credited academics to refute my claims, but that's India for you. Corruption in India goes right to the top. It's endemic and the politicians have been ripping off $ trillions so don't let anything surprise you. India is not as it seems... Nobody will refute my sources, academics included. They just use their clout to push an agenda.

There is a reason why India has the highest rate of poverty on the planet.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by squandered

Intresting.. If you can do me a favor and post some of your sources.. I would like to learn more about this as I was unaware there were this many issues.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I was hoping you wouldn't ask... I had a source. Someone collated the lot and have numbers.

I used You Tube and searched for caste massacre, delit massacre

This is the best I can at short notice

To be edited. It's easier to put them all here and check that I haven't doubled up.

America's allies are never scrutinised. You want to know of Japan's dirty dealings...
edit on 7-2-2011 by squandered because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:29 AM
Look at Canada and britain.
They started lettingh Indian nationals in in droves.Now they are over run with indian people taking over all the GOVERMENT jobs....Driving all the taxis, even taking over the trucking industry......
You will have a huge downstream problem if you allow it to continue.
Seriously, they are very skilled at worming their way into control positions over time.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by stirling

If Indian immigrants are apparently very good at working into societal positions of power, my question would be:
Are they good at the positions they are getting?

On another note:
I'm not sure I can buy any of this Pakistani terrorist hogwash.
If there's going to be another terror attack on u.s., you can bet the u.s. will be helping orchestrate/facilitaty/allow this one too.

Not really sure what this new immigration thing means. But I'm really not surprised. India is not very pleasant from what I hear. There are many Indian immigrants in america already, which helps bring more in.
I like the added culture from other countries, diversify and strengthen america if it's done right.
edit on 7-2-2011 by skylightsintheillions because: readability

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by squandered

Well those were some sobering videos. I couldn't watch them through. It was just too horrible.

So, indeed, there is a good potential reason for there to be "refugees" wanting and needing escape from India. When you are in those circumstances you don't have the luxury of waiting for the bureaucracy to process your work visa application.

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