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Chick-fil-A controversy shines light on restaurant's Christian DNA

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Oh my gosh, they should have just kept out of religion and politics and continued to make great food. I'd hate to have to stop going to the place because it's become another self righteous, anti-gay advocate.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by something wicked
Annee, have you looked into this further? As a non American person this is the first I've heard of this company BUT..... if they have made a gesture to support a pro marriage group that means.... they have made a gesture to support a pro marriage group. That doesn't mean they have made a gesture to an 'anti anyone who for whatever reason doesn't support marriage' group - lighten up.

They have donated large sums of money to political groups that fight legalizing gay marriage.

Here is only the first 5 sites on Google.

edit on 7-2-2011 by Annee because: (no reason given)

Fair do's..... but, so what? It's their money.

Annee, at a personal level I believe in the right for gay marriage, in fact only recently I attended the 'wedding' reception of two friends/colleagues who had just become a couple through a civil ceremony. That however doesn't give me the luxury of telling a business how to spend its money. If the anti gay groups involved aren't breaking any laws then if you or I like it or not, it's their business.

I'm guessing if you won the lottery big style and decided to donate part of your winnings to charitable groups, there would be some have and some have nots regardless of how carefully you tried to avoid that.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
Please understand where I am coming from on this Annee. I have owned successful companies in the past, and there is literally no end to the people coming out of the woodworks when one becomes successful who believe that they should then begin to make decisions for the successful one. They don't care when something is not a success; they only care when it is a success.

I owned a business too.

I actually had a few "customers" come in and out right ask me if I was Christian. They wouldn't do business with me if I was not Christian.

What you keep saying I think - - I don't. Maybe you think that way - - but I don't.

It isn't just donating to one charity. They've been banned from Indiana University South Bend for offering to provide food free of charge to anti-gay events.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:11 PM
Well I was oblivious to this fact as well, until not too long ago. Most are mentioning how they are "obviously" christian, but it wasn't "obvious" to me either.

I don't consider there food great either, for a myriad of reasons... but that's another topic.

Originally posted by Procession101
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Oh my gosh, they should have just kept out of religion and politics and continued to make great food. I'd hate to have to stop going to the place because it's become another self righteous, anti-gay advocate.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by something wicked
Fair do's..... but, so what? It's their money.

. . . doesn't give me the luxury of telling a business how to spend its money. If the anti gay groups involved aren't breaking any laws then if you or I like it or not, it's their business.

What part of boycotting do you not understand?

Basically - the "white hoods" are no longer being allowed to be worn by corporations.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:19 PM
It is of course up to a company to do as they please and for their customers to also do as they please by not eating there any more.

I would however like to point out the irony of a company donating food to someone because they feel that they want to help in the upholding of the laws set down in Leviticus, that being
Leviticus 18:22

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

and then completely ignoring one of the other key rules in Leviticus that being chapter 11

7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you.
8 Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.

How does that biblical rule fit in with this tasty tasty chicken and BACON sandwich.

It's obvious that this is a political issue for them rather then a religious one as they seem to only care about the particular bits of the bible (like a lot of people) that dont interfere with THEIR own choices.

Judge not lest the be judged chik fil a


posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by TheRedneck
Please understand where I am coming from on this Annee. I have owned successful companies in the past, and there is literally no end to the people coming out of the woodworks when one becomes successful who believe that they should then begin to make decisions for the successful one. They don't care when something is not a success; they only care when it is a success.

I owned a business too.

I actually had a few "customers" come in and out right ask me if I was Christian. They wouldn't do business with me if I was not Christian.

What you keep saying I think - - I don't. Maybe you think that way - - but I don't.

It isn't just donating to one charity. They've been banned from Indiana University South Bend for offering to provide food free of charge to anti-gay events.

In your article link was this statement: "Some students, however, remain nonplussed by the controversy. "Chick-fil-A's already known as a Christian organization," IU South Bend senior Brian Jernigan told WSBT. "So, I'm not really surprised that they would donate to an organization that's against homosexual values." Pray tell what are "homosexual values"? What would a sodemite have in the way of values applicable to the norm of society?

As for IU banning Chick-fil-A, so what? Those students who love it will just go to the mall and chow down. All gay people are doing is increasing Chick-fil-A's profit by this behavior. I'm sure there will be more who hear this story and go there to eat than any who would stop eating there.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by something wicked
Fair do's..... but, so what? It's their money.

. . . doesn't give me the luxury of telling a business how to spend its money. If the anti gay groups involved aren't breaking any laws then if you or I like it or not, it's their business.

What part of boycotting do you not understand?

Basically - the "white hoods" are no longer being allowed to be worn by corporations.

I understand the word boycot thank you, I don't understand white hood though, could you enlighten me please?

I also understand if an org wants to give to a charity that supports Israeli orphans, some people will boycot because it doesn't support Palestinian orphans. If it gives to Palestinian orphans then...... you get the picture. What it comes down to is how it decides to spend its money. You may like it, you may dislike it, your opinion is exactly that - your opinion.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Wel, as a corporation, they are free to donate to those that they wish to.

They sure do, within the law.

Of course the people not donated to feel offended that it went to those opposed to them

Nothing in the blog article linked says any such thing.
The gay people protesting this business never asked for food donations.

So it begs the question...why are you making up lies to push your point?

and as such they will play the victim card as usual.............nothing to see here

There was no complaint made about gay social status. The complaint is against this corporations pro-gayhate stance.

Again, why are you making up lies to push your point?

judst a person running his business the way he wants to, while people try and tell him to do otherwise because they are offended.

Again, people have the right to run their business within the confines of the law. No one is arguing that.
No one TOLD them to change their practice, they were ASKED to change their practices.

For the third time, why did you choose to lie to make your point?


Gay or Lying, hyperbolic, hypocrite like you.
Who is morally and ethically superior?
My vote wouldn't be for a liar.

Get over yourself, and your caveman religious values. Gays have every right to be and do whatever they want within the confines of CONSTITUTIONAL law. The same CONSTITUTION that your favorite playmates...the Christians...practice their religious freedom under.

The fact that you respect the Christians and their rights, but you don't respect the rights of Gays, makes you a FLAMING HYPOCRITE.


It bears mentioning that so much anti-gay fervor is possibly a cover-up for your own internal gay feelings. You reflect the anger you feel at your own gay feelings, at the non-closeted gays in order to make yourself feel fulfilled. After all, people only attack things that make them feel threatened.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by something wicked

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by something wicked
Fair do's..... but, so what? It's their money.

. . . doesn't give me the luxury of telling a business how to spend its money. If the anti gay groups involved aren't breaking any laws then if you or I like it or not, it's their business.

What part of boycotting do you not understand?

Basically - the "white hoods" are no longer being allowed to be worn by corporations.

I understand the word boycot thank you, I don't understand white hood though, could you enlighten me please?

I also understand if an org wants to give to a charity that supports Israeli orphans, some people will boycot because it doesn't support Palestinian orphans. If it gives to Palestinian orphans then...... you get the picture. What it comes down to is how it decides to spend its money. You may like it, you may dislike it, your opinion is exactly that - your opinion.

Do you think you could stick to the specific subject?

Major corporations donating large sums because of personal religious belief - - - to political groups - - - specifically anti-gay - - - to deny Equality to a minority.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by romanmel

In your article link was this statement: "Some students, however, remain nonplussed by the controversy. "Chick-fil-A's already known as a Christian organization," IU South Bend senior Brian Jernigan told WSBT. "So, I'm not really surprised that they would donate to an organization that's against homosexual values." Pray tell what are "homosexual values"? What would a sodemite have in the way of values applicable to the norm of society?

I read the entire article.

How very selective of you.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Annee

If you look at the bottom of that Huffington Post article you will see something interesting. Chick Fil A has been reinstated as a full service food provider. They have a link right there on the article you posted.

"Last week, Chancellor [Una Mae] Reck ordered a review of the suspension. The review was completed today, and based on a more complete understanding of the facts, Chancellor Reck ordered the end of the suspension. At this time, Chick-fil-A is a full-service food provider for IU South Bend with no restrictions," said Ken Baierl, IUSB's director of communications and marketing in a written statement.

The more complete understanding is that the Pensylvania incident that started this thread has nothing to do with Chick Fil A corprate money. It is a local franchise holder providing food to a non profit goup. It is the choice of an individual owner and corporate management can not stop them from doing it.

In the sources you cited I could only find one mention of corporate Chick Fil A money going to any "anti-gay" organization. They gave money to an organization that was sponsoring a video competition. The competition was to make :30 second videos about what lasting love means to you. The money was not donated to the organization for general operating funds. It was donated for the video project.

Yes some of your links lead to other links that imply that the head of Chick Fil A's charitable organization was personally against gay mariage. It also said that th owners were anti-gay. I didn't see where it said, or substantiated that corporate funds were going to support "anti-gay" causes.

From what I read it seems that the owners and their friends spend a lot of personal money on the issue. If that makes you want to boycot that is fine. Just don't paint a company full of independent owners with the same broad brush.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by something wicked

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by something wicked
Fair do's..... but, so what? It's their money.

. . . doesn't give me the luxury of telling a business how to spend its money. If the anti gay groups involved aren't breaking any laws then if you or I like it or not, it's their business.

What part of boycotting do you not understand?

Basically - the "white hoods" are no longer being allowed to be worn by corporations.

I understand the word boycot thank you, I don't understand white hood though, could you enlighten me please?

I also understand if an org wants to give to a charity that supports Israeli orphans, some people will boycot because it doesn't support Palestinian orphans. If it gives to Palestinian orphans then...... you get the picture. What it comes down to is how it decides to spend its money. You may like it, you may dislike it, your opinion is exactly that - your opinion.

Do you think you could stick to the specific subject?

Major corporations donating large sums because of personal religious belief - - - to political groups - - - specifically anti-gay - - - to deny Equality to a minority.

Annee, I was sticking to the subject. As a non American I can't vouch that the pro marriage/family groups you mention are anti gay by anything other than proxy, but almost every charity is in danger of being seen as being in some way against one group or another - that was my point. It's their money - if it was to a pro gay group and pissed off other people I'm guessing you would be laughing about that though.

To note, I really couldn't care about someones sexuality, but this isn't my money that's being spread is it?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by v1rtu0s0

Anything can be taken too far. SO WHAT if they catered an anti-gay event? SO WHAT? Does this mean that every time someone fills up at the pump that we're supporting terrorists because the oil corporations of the Middle East who supply us support bad guys? Should we take a stand and stop pumping oil? Of course not, because we need to drive in modern society. The same goes for eating. Who really cares about the Chick-fil-A situation? If you're gay, then probably so. More power to you. Should the company be closed over this? I don't think so, because as long as Chick-fil-A is putting out good food and they're staying in business, who really cares if they catered the anti-gay event? Those who are unhappy with it will probably make a stand and support another company like Taco Bell who only has "beef" that is only 35% beef.

It seems like people are always going to find **SOMETHING** to get stirred-up and offended about. Perhaps focus all this energy towards something more productive?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by MikeNice81
From what I read it seems that the owners and their friends spend a lot of personal money on the issue. If that makes you want to boycott that is fine. Just don't paint a company full of independent owners with the same broad brush.

I don't actually - - I am continuing to follow up on this elsewhere.

I don't think there was a problem with Chick-Fil-A being on campus - - - as long as they didn't provide free food to anti-gay groups.

In the end - - I'm in support of those "watch dogs" who bring to the public any form of discrimination by a corporation.

Dennys has had lawsuits because of race discrimination
Walmart has had lawsuits because of gender discrimination

I am adamant about religious belief denying rights through political means. Religion is the main reason to deny gays equal rights. Religion should have no bearing at all on citizens equal rights.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

They factory farm.

That means their chickens diets are about 50% antibiotics, 40% feed, and 10% feces covered pebbles for their gizzard.

You could just eat bird-poop covered mold on a rock and skip the giving them money step.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Wel, as a corporation, they are free to donate to those that they wish to.

They sure do, within the law.

Of course the people not donated to feel offended that it went to those opposed to them

Nothing in the blog article linked says any such thing.
The gay people protesting this business never asked for food donations.

So it begs the question...why are you making up lies to push your point?

and as such they will play the victim card as usual.............nothing to see here

There was no complaint made about gay social status. The complaint is against this corporations pro-gayhate stance.

Again, why are you making up lies to push your point?

judst a person running his business the way he wants to, while people try and tell him to do otherwise because they are offended.

Again, people have the right to run their business within the confines of the law. No one is arguing that.
No one TOLD them to change their practice, they were ASKED to change their practices.

For the third time, why did you choose to lie to make your point?


Gay or Lying, hyperbolic, hypocrite like you.
Who is morally and ethically superior?
My vote wouldn't be for a liar.

Get over yourself, and your caveman religious values. Gays have every right to be and do whatever they want within the confines of CONSTITUTIONAL law. The same CONSTITUTION that your favorite playmates...the Christians...practice their religious freedom under.

The fact that you respect the Christians and their rights, but you don't respect the rights of Gays, makes you a FLAMING HYPOCRITE.


It bears mentioning that so much anti-gay fervor is possibly a cover-up for your own internal gay feelings. You reflect the anger you feel at your own gay feelings, at the non-closeted gays in order to make yourself feel fulfilled. After all, people only attack things that make them feel threatened.
Dude really? Get over yourself. I'm not a Christian nor am I gay. I wonder why when you disagree with anyuthing from the gay agenda idiot trolls automatically pull the supressed feelings card. I think it's just a ploy to try and get attention. As I predicted, another pro gay anti anyone who disagrees thread, guess we have to have one every week.........have a nice day.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Great point, Dave. It seems like some Christians conveniently ignore some parts of the good book, while the purposely focus on others.

Originally posted by davespanners

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Not to mention PETA would have a field day with the tortorous factory farming aspect of it, but I disgress....

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

They factory farm.

That means their chickens diets are about 50% antibiotics, 40% feed, and 10% feces covered pebbles for their gizzard.

You could just eat bird-poop covered mold on a rock and skip the giving them money step.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:10 PM
I think the sheer length of this thread, and the fact that it is on the front page says a lot about the state of the ATS community right now. This thread has certainly become it's own social issue.

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