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The "we are god" theory

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posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Shamatt

My faith in the etherial is no less justified than your faith in logic.

It is also no more justified.

I suggest you go beyond mere faith and
take up Radical Understanding which is
God Communion as explained in The KNee of LIstening

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by Shamatt

My faith in the etherial is no less justified than your faith in logic.

It is also no more justified.

I completely agree.

Originally posted by RRokkyy

I suggest you go beyond mere faith and
take up Radical Understanding which is
God Communion as explained in The KNee of LIstening

Looks interesting, thanks - I'll look over it over the next few days.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by NorEaster

but don't be surprised if you start getting challenged on that assertion

I dont mind. Its not like Im trying to prove something to anyone.

People instinctively know that they exist, and that the fact that they exist is not a personal failing on their part. You can chastize them for embracing their unique personhood, but in the end, you'll fail to make people disappear. Even a million of you can't make people disappear. They exist and they exist as unique and inimitable entities that have value regardless of what anyone tries to insist.

There is nothing wrong with knowing you exists lol. I sure hope that we all know we exist! I have not chastized anyone for embracing their uniqueness at all. But it is also a fact that embracing such too much, can cause pride which can cause a very selfish attribute. As one can embrace their own uniqueness...hopefully they can be mature enough to embrace everyone elses. This is not about making anything disappear...but its about seeing and understanding...we are all a part of eachother. You could not be...without many others influencing you and nature and nurture effecting you. We all respond to other people and nature, we all influence reactions from other people, we all react towards other people....we in a sense, dont need a spiritual perspective to see and understand that in a sense, we are 'one' perpetual motion of expressions and reacting and responding to those expressions. Take away ever other unique person that has influenced your life, every family member, friend, every author of every book you have ever read, every film maker and actor of any show or movie you have ever watched, every stranger that you have crossed paths with that stirred feelings in you or influenced a 'thought' in you. None of us 'are' without many others. Take away all the history of mankind that makes us 'think', makes us react in emotion, makes us respond in expression. We cant change the fact that none of us would be who we are...without the 'many', without nature as well. So you dont ever have to be spiritual, to understand and give reverence to the 'greatness' of 'life' that is in 'cause and effect' constantly.

Unity does not suggest that any 'one' part of the unit...needs to not embrace their own unique part in the unit. It takes all the ants of every make the hill bigger and better. They work in unison. Imagine what a ant, by its own self, without the rest of the unit....trying to build its own hill all because it knew it was unique in its own right...refusing to join the 'unit' out of pride for its individuality. There are many things in nature that show us how unity will take us further...then standing divided as 'unique individuals'. Each acorn is powerful and unique in its own right....but they are all of 'one' kind, the oak. All the oak trees are unique and powerful and beautiful in their own right....but they all are rooted in the one earth.

Its common ground that brings us together to be stronger and better.

Now, this is where I get really irritated. You're suggesting that my "being" is not to the same level as your "being". That I don't accept this because I haven't transcended to wherever the hell you're sitting. The truth is that you and others like you play that same damn card every time you're pressed on whatever it is you're selling. And yeah, you're selling. I used to prep and dispatch marketing shills, and I know how to cluster them on sites like this. I taught high tech companies how to market on boards like this. I'm not a kid to this environment.

First...lets look at what I said.


Its not something anyone should try to prove to another...or something that anyone should claim as a fact for all. Its a personal discovery and if one really understands it, this will show in their 'being'.

I never said anything about any level or anyone being better then ect. I said...if one has really experienced the Spirit within will show in their 'being'. What this means in 'being' is that their 'understanding' will show in their 'nature'. Their actions towards others, their values, their morals, their 'being' OF the world, OF a species, Of a oneness that they see living all around them.

No one feels pressed here...Im not playing a card. I can simple sit back in time before I experienced what I have...and see why another person telling me of such things would not of been enough for me to understand. I know...that another telling not enough and it should NOT be enough, for anyone to 'just take something as truth'.

What am I selling? What am I benefiting from spending my personal time sharing with others that bring such topics up? Im against any teachers charging others for any spiritual understanding...Im against others making books about spiritual growth and how to obtain it. Im all for how Jesus passed on his own personal truth...which was standing by the road side....opening his heart.

There is not one single thing I am trying to sell..and if people are spending money on such things...that is their own fault.

I actually stand up for those that give people a hard time for not accepting something they have no foundation to stand on through understanding or experience. Ive seen many wanting to call all the skeptics names like sheeple, zombies, blind....and its uncalled for.

The world needs common grounds, places where all likes can meet. We are one species and we live on world world where the air and water is something we all need and share. This is a fact. What other do to the air and going to effect those around them. I dont give a damn how unique of a person the 'one' is that is pouring toxic waste into the river....that one great unique individual is effecting others with his or her actions.

There is cause and effect, there is action and reaction. We all influence eachother and nature. a matter how we all, spiritual or non spiritual, want or wish to see it as not. Im not here to prove anything to another...Im here to try to get all types of people, to be aware that we effect and influence each other. When we make a choice or express our feelings through a action, we need to consider first, what is the benefit or the hinderence to the world or another person that my actions can or will cause.

We can focus on how unique we all are as individuals....or we can focus on how unique we are as a species, amongst many many many other species.

My best

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by NorEaster

Thou hast given me bullsh*t, Grasshopper . It is not an argument.

People instinctively know that they exist,

I dont believe that you have read The Knee of Listening
as your ranting doesnt address its argument.

I'm going to respond to your post only, concerning this, since you're the one I went after, and you deserve a direct response due to that. The rest of you can read off his paper.

I went through several articles on that site, and I did so because after I published my own book on the subject of God and humanity's relationship with God, I needed to find out what else had been published recently on the subject. KneeofListening is not hard to find on the Internet, and was one of my earlier studies. In fact, I have a lot of it pasted into Word doc and in a file, as I also have done for many other complete notions.

My primary issue with your community is that there is a palpable appearance of assumed superiority that threads throughout (mostly) the general communications between leaders in the organization (I'm assuming) and the rank and file. This superiority seems to be aimed at creating an "us versus them" mentality within the community that I honestly find repugnant. The teachings seem innocuous enough, but the obvious effect on the "enlightened" that rate high enough within the community to have their own public forums seems to be extremely negative. "By their fruit ye shall know them..." I've look at the fruit and I'm not impressed. I guess it's as simple as that.

Sure, I have a completely different way of seeing God and humanity, but it's the dismissive, superior tenor of what I read on that site that turned me off. I don't have to find that sort of thing acceptable. There is no requirement that insists that I must.

You do admit that people instinctively know they exist. However I believe a better word than instinct is intuit. They intuit their existence. Thus you admit that existence or consciousness is intuited.

The human DNA gives the human being an information platform upon which to build its inimitable identity. From there, the human brain works to craft a personality, with the active assistance of the emerging human mind that the brain is actually bringing into physical existence from instant to instant. I believe in logic and I believe in empirically defensible proposals, and this leads me to admit that the human being experiences its own existence as a result of its consciousness. The true human being is not the body or the brain any more than the music is the instrument or the person playing it. Still, it takes the person and the instrument to create that music as a shareable physical reality, and it takes the human brain - supported by the human body - to create the human being.

You have no idea just how insanely complex the actual linkage between humanity and (God) the existential being that initiated this contextual environment that contains it and allows it development really is. It took me 118,000+ words to simply sketch it out, and I've written tens of thousands of words since then as raw elaboration for future publications. The technical aspects are crushing, and the implications of only a handful of pages within this book are enormous. Hell, the ramifications of getting rid of particle-centric physics alone is revolutionary. And that was a small part of Section II that had to be tossed in there to establish the indivisible unitary nature of physical sub-structure. That's a friggin PhD by itself. Too bad I never made it to college.

You have an incomplete concept of Knowledge.
NOBODY KNOWS WHAT ANYTHING IS. Yes people do know about things and how things work.
Apples fall from trees. You can calculate the speed and force with physics and math. Yet nobody knows what matter,space,time or energy is. Nobody.

You see, now this is where you're wrong. Maybe they didn't know, but they do know now. Matter is redundant event in a deathrace against the icy hand of existential oblivion, with each unit of event throwing its all in to the collective for logical inclusion within the holon identity that is the largest expression of collective event. An example is each orbit within each atom in your own body being logically represented by the whole of your body, even though its own survival is brief as a simple orbit. It is the survival imperative itself that drives event collectives to form, and as event collectives ourselves (yes, you exist as an event, to be blunt about it) we perceive these event collectives as solid and stable. This is due to sharing the same rate of event transition with everything else happening in this contextual environment. Like a spacewalker drifting motionlessly next to the spacestation as both fly at a speed of 18,000 mph through a vacuum that provides no contextual contradiction Try that at 30,000 feet and the ride changes radically due to contextual contradiction within that specific environment.

Your ego is fear. It is your own creation in each
moment. If you examine your consciousness
in each moment you will see you are always
seeking. You seek because you are suffering.
You have separated yourself and are separating
your self or consciousness. That is what you are
doing. The act of separation is fear. Primary to
to that separation is Reality or Love/Bliss.

I don't have fear. I have enthusiasm. I seek because I'm fascinated by what I find. My whole being is on a search for the wonderful things to learn, and I love the way I am. I may be brutal in exchanges with people, but in my heart, I'm having hte time of my life.

You have two choices. You can continue to seek
or you can Understand that you are Seeking.

Or I can understand that I'm seeking and enjoy the hunt. And why not? The search is exhilarating.

You are the caterpillar becoming the butterfly.
You must let go of the caterpillar mind.
Its not so hard if you really want it.
If you dont want it, then why deny it?

Again, you simply don't realize that I am the butterfly. When I opened my mind and walked off on the traditional way of allowing others to define reality for me, I became that butterfly. You want to put me in your guru's box, but you can't do that. He made that box, and he put you in it, but neither you nor he can ever catch me. You can run and jump, and use nets or whatever you wish, but I've been too high above you for quite a while now, and your efforts have no effect on me.

I know who God is. I know what humanity is. I know who Man is. I know why we exist and I'm out here cracking heads as a way of alerting folks that they can know too. People like you, who insist that it's a mystical unknowable journey of spiritual devotion, have had your run, and after thousands of years of failure, it's time for you to move along. It's not about spirituality or self-denial or any of that traditional stuff. It's about finally understanding what this has been all along, and how to apply that understanding to your own corporeal life.

This is the 21st century, not the 5th century. Reality has revealed itself to us in ways that the ancients could never have conceived of. We can profit from what we've learned and approach all of this stuff in a way that makes perfect sense with what we now know to be true. This is what I'm fighting people like you over. I want to give the 21st century human being a shot at finally having it all make sense. If it takes being rude now and then, then whatever. I can take the heat. I'm not trying to get elected mahatma.
edit on 2/9/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

There is nothing wrong with knowing you exists lol. I sure hope that we all know we exist! I have not chastized anyone for embracing their uniqueness at all. But it is also a fact that embracing such too much, can cause pride which can cause a very selfish attribute. As one can embrace their own uniqueness...hopefully they can be mature enough to embrace everyone elses. This is not about making anything disappear...but its about seeing and understanding...we are all a part of eachother. You could not be...without many others influencing you and nature and nurture effecting you. We all respond to other people and nature, we all influence reactions from other people, we all react towards other people....we in a sense, dont need a spiritual perspective to see and understand that in a sense, we are 'one' perpetual motion of expressions and reacting and responding to those expressions. Take away ever other unique person that has influenced your life, every family member, friend, every author of every book you have ever read, every film maker and actor of any show or movie you have ever watched, every stranger that you have crossed paths with that stirred feelings in you or influenced a 'thought' in you. None of us 'are' without many others. Take away all the history of mankind that makes us 'think', makes us react in emotion, makes us respond in expression. We cant change the fact that none of us would be who we are...without the 'many', without nature as well. So you dont ever have to be spiritual, to understand and give reverence to the 'greatness' of 'life' that is in 'cause and effect' constantly.

Unity does not suggest that any 'one' part of the unit...needs to not embrace their own unique part in the unit. It takes all the ants of every make the hill bigger and better. They work in unison. Imagine what a ant, by its own self, without the rest of the unit....trying to build its own hill all because it knew it was unique in its own right...refusing to join the 'unit' out of pride for its individuality. There are many things in nature that show us how unity will take us further...then standing divided as 'unique individuals'. Each acorn is powerful and unique in its own right....but they are all of 'one' kind, the oak. All the oak trees are unique and powerful and beautiful in their own right....but they all are rooted in the one earth.

Its common ground that brings us together to be stronger and better.

This description of community is right and I absolutely embrace this. I have no opposition to the uniting of human beings in common cause. The human being is a communal being at its foundational essence. Without community and shared existence with other humans, it suffers enormously. This isn't what I was referring to at all.

Now, this is where I get really irritated. You're suggesting that my "being" is not to the same level as your "being". That I don't accept this because I haven't transcended to wherever the hell you're sitting. The truth is that you and others like you play that same damn card every time you're pressed on whatever it is you're selling. And yeah, you're selling. I used to prep and dispatch marketing shills, and I know how to cluster them on sites like this. I taught high tech companies how to market on boards like this. I'm not a kid to this environment.

First...lets look at what I said.


Its not something anyone should try to prove to another...or something that anyone should claim as a fact for all. Its a personal discovery and if one really understands it, this will show in their 'being'.

I never said anything about any level or anyone being better then ect. I said...if one has really experienced the Spirit within will show in their 'being'. What this means in 'being' is that their 'understanding' will show in their 'nature'. Their actions towards others, their values, their morals, their 'being' OF the world, OF a species, Of a oneness that they see living all around them.

No one feels pressed here...Im not playing a card. I can simple sit back in time before I experienced what I have...and see why another person telling me of such things would not of been enough for me to understand. I know...that another telling not enough and it should NOT be enough, for anyone to 'just take something as truth'.

What am I selling? What am I benefiting from spending my personal time sharing with others that bring such topics up? Im against any teachers charging others for any spiritual understanding...Im against others making books about spiritual growth and how to obtain it. Im all for how Jesus passed on his own personal truth...which was standing by the road side....opening his heart.

There is not one single thing I am trying to sell..and if people are spending money on such things...that is their own fault.

I actually stand up for those that give people a hard time for not accepting something they have no foundation to stand on through understanding or experience. Ive seen many wanting to call all the skeptics names like sheeple, zombies, blind....and its uncalled for.

The world needs common grounds, places where all likes can meet. We are one species and we live on world world where the air and water is something we all need and share. This is a fact. What other do to the air and going to effect those around them. I dont give a damn how unique of a person the 'one' is that is pouring toxic waste into the river....that one great unique individual is effecting others with his or her actions.

There is cause and effect, there is action and reaction. We all influence eachother and nature. a matter how we all, spiritual or non spiritual, want or wish to see it as not. Im not here to prove anything to another...Im here to try to get all types of people, to be aware that we effect and influence each other. When we make a choice or express our feelings through a action, we need to consider first, what is the benefit or the hinderence to the world or another person that my actions can or will cause.

We can focus on how unique we all are as individuals....or we can focus on how unique we are as a species, amongst many many many other species.

My best

You and I need to better understand each other's manner of expression. We seem to agree on much more than we think we do. Thanks for taking the time to help me understand your view better. Language and terminology really can affect the message at the receiving end. I actually agree with most of what you explained here.
edit on 2/9/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Thanks for the reply Noreaster. I have always respected your perspective and I may press you more to understand my stance since I consider you show critical thinking in many of your posts. I know we have had some great short chats about topics (what I consider good chats at least) and I think more then once, though we may of had some different perspectives, we have found common grounds that were important to us both.

Something that I have really been trying to express to many others is that common grounds are very important for us. For thousands of years mankind has revolved around its differences, creating chaos and walls. Though I consider myself a spiritual person....I feel a need to show those that are also spiritual and those that are skeptics of such...there are common grounds and these, are the meeting tables to brake bread.

Is mankind really gong to keep letting differences keep our species from doing better? Isnt it things like sharing, compassion, hope, ect...that can be our common grounds? Isn't it things like sharing a universal language of laughter, crying, and dancing...that can help all lands, all religions and non religions, and all step up and embrace maturity and embrace all that has formed us to be what and where we are today?

I have a help even just a few people...consider the possibilities of a world uniting, for greater things. The reason that I have the desire to spread such an idea online in because that is where real people are. Such things do not need to start with a leader saying its best for us...or a group of politics that uses such things to gain voters on their side. It needs to birth in the people. We are going to have to give some new ideas a try...for I think we have worn out the old ones and the old systems are not working.

Will there be mistakes and falls? Sure. But arent such things part of figuring things out? Maybe we will go through time where a leader and group does bring on a new system for the world and maybe the world will resists it and maybe many bad things will come of it. But maybe, good things will come from it the world seeing how many possibilities our species has, as it unites for a better world. I hope we dont have to go down alot of paths that dont work (isnt that we are doing now and have been doing anyways) before we find the one that is true and honest....but I have more hope in the power of a people then I do in the power of leaders.

Sure its a complicated thing...and sure...much complexity we will likely go through while we trial and error such things.

Im really not promoting a perfect/utopian world and there are words and ideas that many assumptions are attached to as soon as they are mentioned or brought up.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

The book I just finished was the result of decades of quietly understanding small bits that clashed with the larger swaths of what humans have declared truth, until the gathering total of bits reached a critical tipping point about 3 years ago. Then I decided to sketch out what I suspected to be true, and it was then that the flood started, and it poured right through my fingertips and onto the keyboard. Last September I finally decided that I wouldn't worry about making money off what I had written by shopping it to a traditional publisher, and (according to all responsible opinions on the subject of book selling) destroyed the book's market value by self publishing it. I don't expect to make anything off this, but I still need to protect the thrust of it by managing its release to the larger world of thought. Making folks pay to buy it is the best way I've ever known to do that.

But I did that for the same reason that you do what you do. Because I want people to know that they are already free, that they are already the luckiest manifestations of physical existence that can possibly occur, and that - in the end - caring about others is the only way to "succeed" at being human. There is a creator, and even though it's not (1) the guy with the white beard who sits on a throne in the clouds, or (2) the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful spiritual presence that moves us around like chess pieces in a game He plays with Himself, or (3) even the sum total of every person who lives and has ever lived and every bit of everything that exists in this universe, that creator did bring what we know of reality into existence and for its own fulfillment of an existential requirement that all dynamic life possesses. The key to this creator being is what we have decided to call Love, but it's not as simple or as philosophical as you might think, while actually being more pre-elemental than what anyone has even bothered to examine as fully existent. Not easy to quickly explain, but if you put in the effort to logically nail it down, it does prove itself to be solidly and defensibly true. Of that, I am absolutely certain, and in my book, that's exactly what I do.

What you do - as you concern for the success of others - is you love, and if you do nothing else in your life, when you've moved on, you'll be grateful to your corporeal self for having given the eternal you that wonderful gift of having loved in a true sense. My wife is a magnificent lover of people and larger concerns. She's my role model, and I'm lucky that I get to watch her live her life and to learn from how she lives. My drive is that I feel a need to give the people who are capable of love (but not necessarily driven to develop that capacity) to finally understand how eternally valuable love (again, I'm using a term that we can readily associate with what I'm not actually bothering to describe in detail here) is for the fully developed human being that we each are creating ourselves to become once our lives are finished. The ramifications of NOT loving are enormous, and for some - like me, for instance - loving does not come naturally. It's something I have to really think about and practice, and every now and then, I have a burst of genuine compassion (or so it seems, and I can only hope that it's true). No, there is no Hell, but some things are more onerous due to their relentless consistency that others are in their spectacular ferocity. Again, I haven't the time nor inclination to elaborate here.

Let's just say that we're both trying to toss life preservers out there. In the end, that's a good thing.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

What an amazing Post!

I love you, you ole codger!

Well done...

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

I would love to read your book. And I should add...I dont mind at all paying for a good book. A person that has a deep perspective to not only going to write it through a book...they will share their ideas with those close around them and maybe some fortunate friends and strangers.

What gets me is these people that call themselves gurus and priests (self claimed spiritual leaders)...and have websites..and at the website you are directed to 'go buy' all of their ideas. Ive seen some start out small in forums and groups talking with others...then a few years later they are having conferences around the country and charging a couple hundred bucks to people for 1 freaking conference.

I must admit..though the road side service as Jesus did shows a great nature to todays world with the many lands and many people in many lands, such a sharing on the road side would not reach many ears or eyes, such as books do today. I commend you for taking the time and putting it all down into writing and wanting to share it with others.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

C.S.Lewis was the man !


posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 11:41 PM
Hello to all,
I Love all of your answers to this question, it was wonderful to see the thought process unfold.
I thought I would throw a few more thoughts into the mix.

Mystic and metaphysical India produced her Avatars, Rama Krishna and Buddha, who brought Knowledge and Enlightenment to the world. Rational and Humanistic China brought forth her Great leaders Lao-Tse and Confucius, who brought to us the ideas of the Tao and of proper conduct. Utilitarian and artistic Japan gave birth to her brave Samurai and the ideas of Shintoism, loyalty, gratitude, endurance, knighthood, and beauty. In Egypt there was Hermes, the thrice great, the supposed son of Osiris and Isis, who became the father of mystic and esoteric brotherhoods of all lands, formulating the ideas of Knowledge (science), Wisdom, Love, Beauty, and Immortality. Persia produced an Avatar, Zoroaster, who taught the dualistic doctrine of the Good and Evil, and struck a keynote of purity for the world. In the land of the Hebrews, Moses became the Law giver and stood for righteousness. Greece produced the Great Orpheus, the supposed son of Apollo who brought a gospel of beauty. Rome produced no special Savior but gave the conception of law and order to the world. And finally Jesus brought to the world the great ideas of Love and Self-sacrifice and the Kingdom of God which is within, pointing the way to the coming of the new era of the new state of consciousness of the Brotherhood of Mankind. Thus, each era has its definite keynote, each brings us a new concept and yet we see the same unifying force everywhere. All point in the same direction, all have the same goal.

The One Principal or the OM(the I AM) has its origins with the Gnostics. It can be traced back to and beyond Atlantis. It simply states that We are ONE with ALL things ie: everything is pure energy and as part of that energy we are part of the whole. To even come close to truly understanding the implication of this IDEA We must have an Understanding of the road back to the whole. Not necessarily have traveled it but a view of the road ahead at the vary least.

Here is an excerpt from my book I wrote a few years ago on the subject. If you are interested in reading the entire book I have the link to the PDF below.

We begin our journey into the next evolution of the Human mind as an infant, only having the basics. We have our life force energy, our imagination, our emotions, and our desire. Fortunately, these are the components of creation. The Universal mind takes the place of your parental figure and does those things that you cannot yet do for yourself, you simply have to know how to ask. An infant will cry in order to ask for the fulfillment of a desire. Lets take a moment to look at this process. When an infant cries we must guess their desire. Is it hold me, feed me, change me, walk me, cuddle me, hold me up, too hot, too cold, too cramped, don't want to sleep and so on and so forth. After time both the parental figure and the infant learn to understand each other. Different cries for different desires. An infant will cry until the desire has been met or the desire changes. This is the same process when asking the Universal mind to fill your desire. One thought, one desire mixed with emotion. This is called forming an ideal. This ideal is your cry to the Universe. It is our job first to learn how. When we have a desire we cry because we are infants. We cry in the form of prayer or wishing, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn?t. When it doesn?t, we think that it was not meant to be. When it does, we feel, for the most part, short term happiness. The Universe, as a parental figure, wants us to be happy. It wants to fulfill our desires. This is called the One Principle. It is the job of the Universe to fulfill your desires, but it must be able to hear your cry and recognize your desire. Your emotion is your cry. This is what the Universe understands. If you feel the emotion of sorrow because you do not have, the Universe will not give. If you feel the joy of having, the Universe will give. This is what is called harmonizing your vibrational frequency with the Universe. Anger, sorrow, depression, and loneliness are a few of the lower frequency emotions. The Universe vibrates much higher in frequency and does not ?hear the cry? clearly. Love, happiness, joy, and bliss are a few of the higher frequency emotions and the Universe ?hears your cry? loud and clear. In order to begin making a connection to the Universal mind, you must practice harmonizing your vibrational frequency. As stated before the Universe ?hears? only the higher vibrational frequencies clearly therefore to maintain a connection or harmonization, your emotions must remain in the higher frequencies. This will be difficult at first, monitoring your emotions, but with practice and new learned responses it will become much easier. A very good place to start is paying attention to your emotions as they come to you. Recognize what they are and what caused them. You must understand that your emotions are yours and yours alone. No one or nothing can tell you how to feel. No one can make you sad or happy because they are your learned responses, not theirs. Feel compassion for those in pain, but remain in control of your own vibrational frequency. Find the way to make sadness become happiness. A very good way to help maintain the frequency is through gratitude and appreciation. Feel the emotions of gratitude and appreciation for what and whom you have in your life as often as possible. When you feel a lower vibration, recognize what it is and what truly caused it, find the happiness through the gratitude and appreciation of a better understanding and through practice and a little time your learned response will change making it easier to remain in a state of higher vibrational frequencies. Now the Universe can hear you. The Universe actually ?hears? all of your emotions to the intensity that you feel them and can, and does, work against you, as you would perceive it, and this is why. If you feel and maintain the feeling of not having enough you are telling the Universe that you don?t want enough and, because the Universe wants you to be happy and have what you desire it does not give you enough. This unfortunately can become a downward spiral. The Universe wants you to be happy and cannot understand your depression therefore continues to give you less and less until ultimately you die. Positive emotion brings positive results. Positive emotion gets the attention of the Universe stronger and faster than a negative emotion. Now that you have its attention, how do you say ?can I have abundance?? This is where it becomes a little more difficult. Visualize yourself living in abundance. See yourself having more than you need of all that you desire. Feel the emotions of gratitude and appreciation for having those desires already. With repetition of visualization and the emotion of having, your focus begins to sharpen. Your mental picture or movies become crystal clear and you believe without a doubt through the emotion of already having what you see as your desires, and your idea or desire becomes an ideal. This strengthens your connection to the higher vibrational frequencies and gives the Universe a better understanding of what you want. It is like saying to the Universe ?I would like a cookie? versus ?I would like a chewy, chocolate chip cookie with fudge chunks.? Once an ideal is created, let it go, knowing that it is already yours. Trust the Universe to put it in line for you. Then the Universe manifests it into the world of form. As an infant you do not understand how it manifests only that it does. The Universe will direct you to the things it has set for you and all you have to do is listen and act. Pay attention to your feelings and ?intuition?(that gut feeling). This is how the Universe communicates. You give emotion and it uses emotion to direct, so if you feel the need to do something and it feels positive, GO, DO IT. This is the process of the One Principle. Use the process for every desire you have. Practice using it. The Universe does not understand ?small? or ?large? only the ideal. Use it to receive the small things as well as the large or, as you may perceive, more complicated. Build and develop your visualizations to be sharper, clearer, and faster. Strengthen your positive emotions so you feel the higher vibrational frequencies stronger ands faster. The better you get the easier it will be for you to accomplish and you can move on to be a Kindergartner. As you practice drawing your desires to your life, you begin to realize you are actually looking toward the future and aligning yourself to receive. When you have developed the skills to draw all you, and those around you need or desire it becomes easier, cleaner, and faster. You will soon find you are stretching out to the community. It is at this point where you can see into the future, per say. When you can achieve a clear vision and the joy is full in you easily and quickly let it go. No longer focus on that desire. Obtain the clarity to the ideal and give it to the Universe joyfully knowing it has come to be, then quiet the mind in that clarity and watch its impact. See what changes and those affected by it. As you see problems, issues, or new opportunities to help, see it as you would your desires and be joyful in its manifestation and move on. One can affect the joy and prosperity of the World. When you reach that clarity of vision, you have lowered the brain frequency of your analytical mind and raised the vibrational frequency of your creative mind. This brings you into balance. Both sides of your brain are working together on the same frequency. This is known as the Alpha state. It is in this state where creation exists. Here, you can do anything you wish with a single directed thought. For those who have developed their belief in themselves and removed limitation and all forms of doubt from their mind, this book ends here. When you reach the clarity and emotional equivalent in an instant and your belief that what you desire will manifest is unwavering it will be instant. You no longer need even close your eyes. When you reach this point, you step into the World from School Child to Middle School. In your practice of bringing your ideal into focus you are reaching the Alpha State. When your focus is clear, stop all action in this state. Quiet your thoughts and just be. Go into this silence and emerge yourself in it. Pictures and/or thoughts will come to you, let them flow. You will find inspirations, knowledge, and wisdom. This is the Universal Internet or Akashic Records. It holds every idea, thought, or action that has ever been, it is a complete record of consciousness. When you begin this lesson of the mental computer, you may doubt where the information is coming from. Do not doubt or the two hemispheres of your brain will slip out of balance and the vibrational frequency will be lost. It is easy to return to this state, and will become automatic, the more, and longer you are there, but as long as you have doubt you will go no further. When the doubt is gone and you accept the knowledge being given to you, you will earn your ?library card.? You can always access information, even in the beginning but as long as you have doubt you will only get pieces. The process for looking up information is easy for some and difficult for others. When you are quiet in your Alpha state and the Universe is open, simply whisper your desire. Most people, when they think, it is in words and is not really audible in your mind. When I say whisper, I mean to make it audible in your mind as a whisper. This may take some practice. Use your analytical mind to whisper your desire to your creative mind then return to the silence. Your creative mind will then access the information from the Universe and will begin to give it to you via pictures and feelings. It will come to you as a completed understanding that may be difficult to put into words. Experience all of your senses while there and you will find a true meaning of reality. You are free to continue asking questions or begin a conversation if you like, the Universal mind will answer. Get to know this source. Soon you will come to understand that Everything is part of the whole or ONE. It is this oneness that locks the Alpha state in place and it remains open permanently. Now all that is needed is to begin the Ascension. Ascension is a philosophical word meaning, to go beyond the physical reality without mortal death or shortly after death, but either way the body is not left behind. Ascension is the next step of the evolution of the human mind. Once you have ascended, you are no longer bound by the physical reality, yet you may return and leave as you desire. When you ascend your body turns to light, and returns to the source but it can be retrieved at any time you wish. Because you took your body with you, you are just as physical as you wish to be. Ascension is achieved by raising the vibrational frequency of your body. You may notice, when you are creating or manifesting your desires you are actually lowering their vibrational frequencies in order to bring it into this reality. The opposite is true when sending things into the Universe. All things return, in natures time, as the molecules break free from their physical casing and are recycled or used to create something new. Think of a world where garbage and scrap were simply given back to the Universe. Again, this is achieved by raising the vibrational frequency of every molecule. When in your Alpha state see one molecule in your body, not your whole body because one is all you need. Focus on that molecule and see the energy as light, a golden white light. See the light grow in intensity as it vibrates faster. That molecule will make the molecules next to it raise in vibration as well and so on. There is no need to help it spread, just focus on the one. Within a short period of time, with some practice, every molecule will vibrate the same and will become light. This light is always present and is known as your Aura, however, when the vibrational frequency is raised this light becomes visible to all. When this state is reached, your body is perfect, as it was meant to be, young and vibrant, healthy and pure, in perfect shape and beautiful. Ascension occurs when your mind and body are vibrating as one at the same frequency as the Universe. In the example of the garbage being given back you may have realized that the molecules are separated and used. This may cause fear to creep into your mind. Yes, it is true that when you ascend the molecules in your physical body are given back to the Universe. The molecules in your body right now are always coming and going as it is, so let the fears go. Those specific molecules are not needed when ascended. You are a light being with true consciousness connected to the Universal mind. You can go anywhere and do anything in the process of learning the more detailed lessons of the Universe. If and/or when you choose to become physical you simply create the ideal or body, bring it into focus and lower your vibrational frequency. Ascension is the goal, the graduation from Earth school.

As for the Good and Evil debate...

There's an ancient Gnostic story that goes something like this.
There was a Man of the Spirit cast, who lived on the second ring of the third city of Atlantis.
His gnost (knowledge) was vast and far beyond that of the common Worker or Warrior so
he told it like this; We have all fallen. We once were light, one with all. When we saw the dream
and moved toward it our light began to fade and we came to be as we are today,trapped in a
shell of dreams.
To move from the light or slow down the molecules, solidity takes hold, vibrations drop and the physical come to be.
The Idea of the fallen became the negative.
The word Evil comes from Eve's ill. And represents our fall from the light.

Thats what I got I hope it gives you thought.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Agarta
And finally Jesus brought to the world the great ideas of Love and Self-sacrifice and the Kingdom of God which is within,

cool read... till I got up to that part, Though I am Jedi I believe this was taken out of context... for I too seen the movie "Passion of Christ"

I looked a little further into Gnosticism and found a good read here

Although the origins of Gnosticism are still largely enveloped in obscurity, so much light has been shed on the problem by the combined labours of many scholars that it is possible to give the following tentative solution: Although Gnosticism may at first sight appear a mere thoughtless syncretism of well nigh all religious systems in antiquity, it has in reality one deep root-principle, which assimilated in every soil what is needed for its life and growth; this principle is philosophical and religious pessimism. The Gnostics, it is true, borrowed their terminology almost entirely from existing religions, but they only used it to illustrate their great idea of the essential evil of this present existence and the duty to escape it by the help of magic spells and a superhuman Saviour. Whatever they borrowed, this pessimism they did not borrow — not from Greek thought, which was a joyous acknowledgment of and homage to the beautiful and noble in this world, with a studied disregard of the element of sorrow; not from Egyptian thought, which did not allow its elaborate speculations on retribution and judgment in the netherworld to cast a gloom on this present existence, but considered the universe created or evolved under the presiding wisdom of Thoth; not from Iranian thought, which held to the absolute supremacy of Ahura Mazda and only allowed Ahriman a subordinate share in the creation, or rather counter-creation, of the world; not from Indian Brahminic thought, which was Pantheism pure and simple, or God dwelling in, nay identified with, the universe, rather than the Universe existing as the contradictory of God; not, lastly, from Semitic thought, for Semitic religions were strangely reticent as to the fate of the soul after death, and saw all practical wisdom in the worship of Baal, or Marduk, or Assur, or Hadad, that they might live long on this earth.

This utter pessimism, bemoaning the existence of the whole universe as a corruption and a calamity, with a feverish craving to be freed from the body of this death and a mad hope that, if we only knew, we could by some mystic words undo the cursed spell of this existence — this is the foundation of all Gnostic thought. It has the same parent-soil as Buddhism; but Buddhism is ethical, it endeavours to obtain its end by the extinction of all desire; Gnosticism is pseudo-intellectual, and trusts exclusively to magical knowledge. Moreover, Gnosticism, placed in other historical surroundings, developed from the first on other lines than Buddhism.

I will check out your work

edit on 2/11/2011 by Cosmic.Artifact because: txt...

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:10 AM
There is an interesting Ancient Christian writing Called...

"The Thunder Perfect Mind"

Jesus the Carpenters account of “The True Mind”, Not mentioned any more in the churches today.

Worth reading to gain more understanding of the early Christian writings. (only a couple of pages)

First know the Difference between "The True Mind" (LIFE) and The World.

Especially understanding The LIGHT of MAN (Not A'Dam) is The LIFE of God (from "The Gospel According to John" CH. 1 V 1 to 13.)

and another interesting statement....

From "The Gospel of Thomas"... Quote;

56. Jesus said,

“Whoever has come to understand the World
has found only a corpse,

and whoever has found a corpse,
is superior to the World.”

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

I went through several articles on that site, and I did so because after I published my own book on the subject of God and humanity's relationship with God, I needed to find out what else had been published recently on the subject. KneeofListening is not hard to find on the Internet, and was one of my earlier studies. In fact, I have a lot of it pasted into Word doc and in a file, as I also have done for many other complete notions.

My primary issue with your community is that there is a palpable appearance of assumed superiority that threads throughout (mostly) the general communications between leaders in the organization (I'm assuming) and the rank and file. This superiority seems to be aimed at creating an "us versus them" mentality within the community that I honestly find repugnant. The teachings seem innocuous enough, but the obvious effect on the "enlightened" that rate high enough within the community to have their own public forums seems to be extremely negative. "By their fruit ye shall know them..." I've look at the fruit and I'm not impressed. I guess it's as simple as that.

Sure, I have a completely different way of seeing God and humanity, but it's the dismissive, superior tenor of what I read on that site that turned me off. I don't have to find that sort of thing acceptable. There is no requirement that insists that I must.
I believe in logic and I believe in empirically defensible proposals, and this leads me to admit that the human being experiences its own existence as a result of its consciousness. The true human being is not the body or the brain any more than the music is the instrument or the person playing it.
You have no idea just how insanely complex the actual linkage between humanity and (God) the existential being that initiated this contextual environment that contains it and allows it development really is. It took me 118,000+ words to simply sketch it out, and I've written tens of thousands of words since then as raw elaboration for future publications. The technical aspects are crushing, and the implications of only a handful of pages within this book are enormous. Hell, the ramifications of getting rid of particle-centric physics alone is revolutionary. And that was a small part of Section II that had to be tossed in there to establish the indivisible unitary nature of physical sub-structure. That's a friggin PhD by itself. Too bad I never made it to college.

I don't have fear. I have enthusiasm. I seek because I'm fascinated by what I find. I love the way I am.

Or I can understand that I'm seeking and enjoy the hunt. And why not? The search is exhilarating.

Again, you simply don't realize that I am the butterfly.
I want to give the 21st century human being a shot at finally having it all make sense. I can take the heat.

I'm not trying to get elected mahatma.

You think you are the new mahatma.
In the mist of sassafras Many things will come to pass And the smoke shall rise again To the place above where it began Time will bring the fire and flame As surely as it brought the rain But in the gardens of the moon Time is held within the silver spoon If you're happy where you are Then you need not look too far If you've found your place at last Then you need not use the looking glass 

edit on 11-2-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by NorEaster

I would love to read your book. And I should add...I dont mind at all paying for a good book. A person that has a deep perspective to not only going to write it through a book...they will share their ideas with those close around them and maybe some fortunate friends and strangers.

What gets me is these people that call themselves gurus and priests (self claimed spiritual leaders)...and have websites..and at the website you are directed to 'go buy' all of their ideas. Ive seen some start out small in forums and groups talking with others...then a few years later they are having conferences around the country and charging a couple hundred bucks to people for 1 freaking conference.

I must admit..though the road side service as Jesus did shows a great nature to todays world with the many lands and many people in many lands, such a sharing on the road side would not reach many ears or eyes, such as books do today. I commend you for taking the time and putting it all down into writing and wanting to share it with others.

Y'know, I would've just tossed it up online if I could've, but to make it possible for a normal modern person to understand this thing enough to decide whether it's plausible or not took me a lot of effort. Check this one analogy out. This is just to properly introduce the concept of identity establishment, and how contextual composition delineates one holon from another within a larger inclusive holon. And to be honest, if a person can't grasp this, or accept that this is actually true, then the entire premise will not make sense to them.


It’s All About Context

Now, before I can explain your true existential nature, we need to do a little work to establish the proper foundation upon which that explanation can rest. As indicated by this sub-title, we’re going to take a moment and look at the nature of internal and relative context, and while I realize that context is not what you came here looking to learn about, without this short lesson in how context works, there’s no possible way that you’ll be able to grasp the information about who and what you are, let alone what God is and why He decided to have you exist in the first place.

I will try to make this as accessible as possible, and lay off the dry technical stuff when I can. In fact, like I warned you, I’m going to attempt a narrative analogy to help describe my first point. With this analogy, I’m going to try to illustrate how internal context works to make even the least of things – within a great collection of similar things – unique and special. Afterward, I promise to relate it to you as a person.

Soaring high above a full orchestra’s rendition of a symphonic masterpiece, a solo violinist offers a packed house a stunning performance. Some in the crowd swoon under the spell of each note’s strength and nuance, while others focus on the entire presentation as a whole. There are those who find themselves enjoying the performance in spite of a preference for other forms of entertainment, and then, there are those who can never be satisfied with what this or any other violinist can produce. In fact, the music that each mind in that hall hears is unique, even though the notes that soar from the stage to the farthest reaches of the hall are simply what they are and nothing more or less. With this in mind, as the violinist pulls passage after passage from his instrument, and fills the evening with the art that drives him to such intense devotion and disciplined dedication, a question becomes, at what point does the man, himself, end, and the man’s art begin?

When the violinist draws his bow across the strings of his violin, where does the violinist – the human being wrapped in skin – end, and the music that transcends that corporeal confine, begin? Is it at the end of his fingertips, where the strings are set to vibrate? Is it as the sound waves leap from the violin’s soundboard to touch the air in the hall? Is it where those sound waves press against the inner ear of the listener? Or is it within the mind of the listener as the whole of it is translated into what that specific mind has determined to be music? And what of the mind that is – due to any of a host of reasons – incapable of perceiving that sound as music? How do we factor in the unique perspective of the listener, and how that perspective was built until that instant when the violinist’s sound waves struck that listener’s mind to be either accepted or rejected as that which can be defined as music? Or does the music always remained trapped within the mind of the violinist, and the effort to release it, a repeating failure that can never be rectified?

That’s a really good question. In the same sense, where does the human brain become the human mind? Does it ever become the mind? Where does the person emerge from the human being, or does the person ever truly emerge? This is basic philosophy, and you can debate it forever, as evident in any freshman college classroom in the early weeks of the fall semester.

But first, we need to focus on the issue of context, and to look at how internal context creates unique identity. After all, the person does not exist if it cannot be delineated from all that surrounds it. Again, let’s look at this violinist and all that his performance delivered to his audience. This time, let’s shift the focus to the question of context and what launches the isolation of unique identity. Maybe we can find a transition point between the effort and the art if we dig in deep enough?

When we look at just a short list of unique physical components that combined as the music that was created – the brain/nerve/muscle activity of the violinist, his hands and fingers acting upon the strings, the bow drawn across those strings, the strings vibrating and resonating against the bridge of the violin itself which caused the wood to resonate, the sound waves pushing through the open air of the hall, the reverberation of the walls and ceiling that smoothed out the harsh tone of the raw sound of the strings and made it sing as it did, the ears of the listeners, and finally, the minds of each listener at that instant that the sound became music as interpreted by each mind – we have to accept that if we took away any single stage of this list of contributing aspects alone, the result would cause the music in question to either be radically altered, or destroyed entirely.

Then there are the preparatory components. When the violinist struck his first note of the evening, that note was a C#, but to simply state that it was a C# is to lose sight of all that this single note presented to the unique identity of this particular moment. This C# note does not exist in a vacuum. It didn’t simply appear from nowhere to launch this specific performance.

As the first note of a composed symphony, it was chosen and placed by that symphony’s composer. That choice imbued this C# with all that came about, as historical context, to create that choice. What historical context? Let’s see.

This composer lives (or once lived) a life that contributed to the notion of choosing and placing that note in that specific part of the composition. In fact, it stands to reason that the composer spent some time and thought about which note to place in that specific part of the piece, and likely spent considerable time deciding how long the note should last, how loud it should be played, and whether it should be physically manipulated by the musician in such a way as to provide it a specific expressiveness at any point within its existence as a performed musical note. All this thought came as a result of study and experience, as well as the direct impact of those specific events on the inimitable human expression that separates that composer from any other composer – or any other human being, for that matter.

As the definite result of such a causal chain of events – education, experience, consideration, and even the invention and establishment of notes and staff as a form of written musical documentation (if one wishes to run the history of that note all the way back to its origins) – this C#’s historical context becomes a primary identifier when selecting it from any such expression suite for precise examination.

In this case, history is not the only progressive chain that brought this C# to lead off this orchestral arrangement. There is also the direct contribution from the author’s own intellectual continuum to consider. That composer provided a full level of intellectual context to that note, and that context grants a distinction to that specific note that is not shared with any other C# note in that or any other musical piece. The identity of that note is affected by that very specific context, and makes that note unique before it is even performed.

Of course on this particular night, that note was performed, and this fact isolated it even further as its singular identity was further amplified with the additional impact of the performer. After all, this was an audible note, and not just a conceived note, within this particular composition.

When the violinist struck that note, he added his own contextual contribution to that specific note on that specific evening. This piece was not composed by him, but the creation of that C# note as sound – the physical interpretation of that note by way of the violin as a sound generation tool – was accomplished solely by the violinist. What flowed through the hands and fingers of that violinist as he struck that C# note, represented all that had been his life to that point in time, and the whole of it caused that C# to suddenly belong to him as an artist who had taken the composer’s suggestion and had had his way with it – for good or ill, as the case may be.

The years of study, practice, and personal sacrifice; the career that he’d already had, or still envisioned; the surging elements within his own body and brain; all coming together as he hit that first C# and gave its execution his own unique signature. This is the historical and intellectual context that the violinist provided, which combined with the historical and intellectual context that the composer had already provided, to further distinguish this first C# note as a contextually isolated unique whole that expressed the unique identities of both artists in a manner that is both actual and logical.

But there are other contextual layers to consider. This was a performed note. There is the instrument itself that actually generated that note's sound.

The musician’s violin is a rare and valuable model that was produced by a celebrated craftsman who died hundreds of years ago, and since its creation, it has been played by a line of brilliant musicians who’ve carefully preserved its beauty, its tone and its overall utility. The very fact of its unique excellence, and the history behind that excellence, contributed its own level of context to the sound of this first note, as well as the causal impact on the violinist’s psyche (again, flush with critical context) as he skillfully honored this rare treasure with his committed effort to produce that sound.

This blend of causal/historical and intellectual context – somewhat different in nature than the blending of purely intellectual context of two artists in tangential collaboration on the piece, but just as powerfully isolating in its impact – was yet another contribution to what had already come together to distinguish this first C# of this particular musical piece.

Then, we must include the actual event and environment into the contextual whole, since the note did reach into a real environment during a real moment in time. For this, we must include the environmental aspects of the concert venue itself, the relative humidity of the atmosphere and its impact on the violin’s tone and the “carry” of the note within the hall, the impact of competing and sympathetic frequencies from the other notes filling the hall, and whether people were buzzing among themselves as this note was struck, or even if the hall was full or whether people were still finding their seats. From there we can continue to add contextual qualifications until we run out of atoms and quarks and strings to pick over.

So, where does the artist end and the art begin? I don’t know. There may not be a point where one ends and the other begins, and that may be exactly the point. Context identifies and isolates, but it can also unify and relate one unique with another. Our violinist – as he struck that C# – became forever associated with that composer through the contextual confines of what both men contributed to that one note, even as that C# broke free and isolated itself from the whole of reality with its full load of inimitable context, never to be duplicated again as the fact of its existence lives on into eternity.

The artist adds to the whole, while establishing his or her art as both contribution and identification. Of course, as humans we each experience reality in relation to ourselves and to our own unique identities, so we focus on the identifying/isolating aspects within the artistic expression, and we look for that point where the art itself becomes released from the artist. After all, it must exist if we are to take from the artist what we see as beautiful and claim it as part of our own identity.

So, what was the point of that analogy? Besides enjoying a bit of philosophy and realizing that the separation between the art and the artists may not even exist, we established how internal context divides and isolates things – even information – into unique and identifiable wholes by way of combining and contrasting specific aspects that are associated with whatever it is that is being examined.


Now, if it takes that kind of effort to establish something as seemingly obvious as how identity is created, then imagine how excruciating it is to prove things like "state of being" and "truth". The effort to define and delineate the expressions of the foundational imperative Survival involves at least 25,000 words in section 4 alone. How does one simply bullet point that sort of thing? I never found a way, but when you are dealing with something as profoundly transformational as this premise is, you need to take it all right to the bricks and start over again.

I still haven't figured out how to explain what I have without sounding like I'm trying to be cryptic. Hell, I'd love to figure out how to put it on a site in a way that wouldn't make people get bored with the yards and yards and yards of technical stuff and ignore it. I actually had to invent jargon (like TEC, HTEC, GSE, IDI, SDI and tons of other acronyms) to keep the reader from getting completely overwhelmed with digression. The glossary is 40,000 words long, and so severely rigid (by necessity) that it kind of freaks me out - and I developed it.
edit on 2/11/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

You think you are the new mahatma.

If you are happy where you are,
then you need not look to far.
If you have found your place at last,
then you need not use the looking glass.

Christ. I told you I hate that green crap.

Yeah, I'm all peace and love and stuff.


I have moments of really enjoying all this but my life hasn't ever been about this sort of thing (arguing with transcendental people and debating reality with philosophy majors). It certainly hadn't been about explaining it to anyone until I took this effort on. There's no way I'm ever going to relate to your way of thinking and vice versa. I made my living singing and playing guitar to drunks for 30 years (along with a few straight jobs here and there) so I'm not part of the club that regularly pushes this sort of thing out into the world and gets it noticed. Hell, if I could've found anyone who'd even lifted this ball off the field - I looked over the Internet to find someone even in the area code on this premise for over three years - I would've handed him the whole thing and asked him to cut me in on 30%.

Frankly, I'm floored at how hard it is to explain even the smallest and easiest part of it to people who I would've thought eat, drink and piss this stuff 24/7. Apparently, this isn't your garden variety notion. That's come as a complete surprise to me. I had no real idea what other people were thinking until I finished the book and started looking for cross-over friends and others to team up with. Believe me, I'd rather be part of a team on this, but I can't butcher it just to make friends.

You have fun with your guru friends, and keep in mind that if you try and "counsel" me again, I'm going to backhand you again. I don't enjoy it, but like I said, I'm used to dealing with drunks telling me that I wouldn't suck so bad if I played Neil Young songs or got a girl singer with big tits. Those guys have been getting the same treatment from me for decades. And it's a lot worse in person, trust me.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:53 PM
Here is a Drawing (100% accurate) of the "Partition Map" of the Souls "Processing System", often referred to as the City Jerusalem in Christian writings, but is also shown in most other religions as well.

The Drawing below, also shows "The Man Child" "Partition Map" in the Centre, in Christian writings is called "The Son of Man". i.e. the Man child or the Child of The Soul referred to as MAN (Not the Descendants of A'Dam). Often this Little City is known as "The New Jerusalem" that came down from Heaven (The Dwelling place of the Souls).ref. "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".

Both the MAN or the Soul and The Primate A'Dam have been confused and become one, reported in the Genesis. I mean the writings portray them as one and the same when in actual fact they aren't.

This is also explained in the other religions across the World.

But what it is actually in technical terms, is known as the "Partition Map" of the Souls "Processing System".
All things are made manifest through the “WORD” i.e. the Communication language of the Souls "Processing System".

This is the Image of MAN (Not A’Dam) but The Soul Created in the Image of God… That is according to the ancient writings as well as in the bible.

"The Book of Ezekiel" Ch. 40 onwards
as well as "The Revelation of Jesus Christ".

You can find this structure in Buddhist and Christian Temples, Monasteries, churches and
Cathedrals displayed in the form of Mosaics as well as in Windows.

Often Components are displayed separately as well.

You can also find Mosques, are also full of the same Geometry.
But each of the religions show this, in their own Cultural Expressions of this Structure.

It is Not difficult to see this in your own Soul.

edit on 11-2-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

It's pretty, but what does it actually indicate? Specifically, that is. These charts and graphs that people seem to point to, and claim have the answers that reveal the whole of humanity and reality, what are they seeing that the rest of us are not seeing? I admit that I can't take what I honestly believe to be true and draw a spirograph sketch of it that wraps the whole thing up nice and tidy - with color coded dots and symetrical balance - but then, as far as I know, there's a certain amount of dynamicism in reality that pokes out here and there on its own. Not anything I can intellectually or intuitively squeeze into a triangle or a circle or a sphere or whatever the hell that thing you have is.

Is there a book that details the specifics of why this picture explains what you say it explains? After all, if only you know what it's trying to explain, then it's not really succeeding at explaining anything to anyone - well, expect to you of course. Not that that isn't important, I guess.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Enjoyed reading all of that! Loved your using analogy

Thanks for sharing

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