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IF the worlds Wealth was divided FAIRly

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posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 08:27 AM

The land belongs to the land owner who can do with it anything he/she desires. I have cattle I could raise grain instead I guess and give it away but then what would I exchange for goods and services? That would be suicide.

No. The land belongs to those who work it. He cannot do anything he desires. That is the thinking that has brought great pollution to land, air and water. You cannot do everything that you desire with "your" land. You have to work it to produce for all AND IN A SUSTAINABLE WAY, not abuse it.

And also you cannot buy some food and let it rot if that is your wish. That is just irresponsible, stupid and not good for business even in capitalist/economic/business terms. Letting some food rot equals wasting the time of many people who made it possible and it is also wasting the finite available resources of Earth, putting an unnecessary strain on the planet. It is stupid from all points of view.

So NO. You are NOT free to do whatever you want with land, air and water, you are not free to let food waste, you are not free to let plants, animals, humans or others EARTH'S RESOURCES get wasted.

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: ripcontrol
Great ideas...

World peace, no one suffering, equality..

gold stars all the way around....

Now for the rest of reality you have problems...

Who decides the fair distribution part....

What is their past...

how much for this processing do they charge...

Lets say you get lucky and succeed where communism failed... great leaders, no slackers, no power hungary fools...

the next part...

You will end up in the same situation you have now in about three to five years... unless you continue to remove problem children...


easy, because you will have those who trade x for y, freedom/liberty for security, and or soervices for sex (hey it is the second oldest profession)

those who are not smart enough to monitor those trades.... and viola... we get back to where we are...

This is proven via history...

Its not an if it is a how... their is no way... should a union based teacher be paid the same as say a CPS caseworker or perhaps a LEO, or say an astronaut...

again who decides? that is the key, power....

The word is not fair, as it is subjective to everybody, and it has long been dropped in the discussion... the word is equal, as in equal amounts of money. Yes, police would make the same as teachers and the same as astronauts the same as farmers. Everybody works the same amount of time in whatever line of work and gets paid the same. No need to make that much money or that much yield as today everything is superoverpriced thansk to greed, monopoly, artificial scarcity, etc and everything is not that productive, despite the long work hours. In a very equal system there will be no allowance of more than a certain number of kids per woman, a certain amount of wealth and income per person (no unlimited income, no unlimited rent, no umlimited wealth), there will be no interest/speculation, no central bank system, no greed culture...therefore all will be far cheaper, therefore people won't need to work as much. Mother Earth has given to billions of people before you and me, throughout history, and it was fine, it was only until privatization of everything and industrialization, that many have been left with nothing and that Earth cannot keep up and is deteriorating.

No point in going to the moon if there is no food to eat. No point in having police if there is no education for kids. No point of having education if there is no safety. Etc. All aspects of life and all lines of work ARE important, that is why they are done by someone and paid bye someone in the first place! If that is not true then you have just invented a new type of eocnomic system, looool. Just that some industries have managed to secure more their business, thru lobbying, biased laws or whatever else corrupt practice, such as entertainment industry and their copyright scheme. Or pharma and their patent scheme, aka monopolies.

The proof that the world is wrong is all the concentration of money and power in so few hands while 3+ billion are poor. And all has been achieved by man made laws, man made systems, man made customs, etc. It is no random stuff. If such inequality can be achieved then so do great EQUALITY, just the systems of belief, of culture, of customs/habits, economical and political have to be in place.

But the first thing to get there is YOU and your mind and belief, if you cynically and comfortably from your little life say cannot be done then it will not be done. Luckily for us there is many people that do not think as deafet-ist or as comform-ist as you do. Second step is education of the new generations to show them what current system is doing and how is wrecking societies. They won't even need to be educated about this, they will simply see it in their lives.

Capitalism/neoliberalism is the facts a provend FAILED system. The 1% owning more than 50% of everyihtng while more than 50% are poor and barely own 2% of everything, combined. 3+ billion people poor, continuous eternal wars, hunger, famine, inequality. This system already proved to be a fail.

Other systems as the one propose here have never been tested so no, there is no proof that it won't work as you say.

Soviet Russia and China were NOT communism/socialism, they were only called that by american propaganda to impose their neoliberal ways, just in the paper, bu in the facts they were monarchies or tyrannies where a small group of people controlled everything and everyone and never stepped down from power. True community-oriented states, social welfare states such as the nordic countries have the highest quality of life standards in the world, not the USA. USA is only rich and powerful but it has no qaulity of life. If you think otherwise then you are just ignorant and not traveled.

edit on 26-10-2016 by p450p because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2016 by p450p because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 02:08 PM
The flaw in your system is the same as the flaw in the current system.

Ergo, no appreciable changes will be made.

posted on Oct, 26 2016 @ 02:25 PM

originally posted by: undo
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

this is why it's better for each nation to stop importing and start creating the stuff themselves. if they don't have a resource, THEN import it, but what's the point of importing when your land has the resources and a ready made work force, THAT NEED JOBS? south africa has this problem. the usa has this problem. zimbabwe, has this problem. etc.
stop importing, start creating your own stuff, puts everyone to work.

easy solution.

The problem is not home-producing instead of importing. I could not care importing everything, if it had a fair price and no skyhigh prices BS, scarcity BS or restrictive, time-windows BS. Not all countries and territories can produce everything due to geographic, weather and other unique characteristics. We all depend on each other to get everything we need. The problem is some countries, USA et al, IMPOSE their business agenda through political coertion (hello UN and World Bank), economic embargo/boycott, business and trade sanctions, military threat, and sometime just violating sovereignities, to all those who are not comforming.

The point of home produce is to lower cost, not to get everything, as some things cannot be grown or produced locally as said due to many conditions geographical and other. The problem is mainly US and friends exporting overpriced stuff and forcing others in to their game. One good example is copyright. If people do not want to pay for those riduclous prices, 12 dollars for a DVD movie? That is riduclous, the USA will force that country or those people into buying or into jail, regardless if they live in another country and have never stepped foot inside USA soil. This is the problem. USA law does not apply outside USA but they conveniently forget this or cynically and abusively ignore it.

Don't tell me top stars and actors deserve 30 million dollars for a few months of acting in a movie while a farmer in Asia that produces tons of rice during long hours of work for year deserves pennies. Why? Who decides this? No one in their right mind would agree to this and non have, it all has been imposed. That was the point of nuclear bomb, to threat others and to bend over to US agenda. And that is the point of business practices, international institutions, USA world police attitude, etc, TO IMPOSE THEIR BUSINESS AGENDA.
edit on 26-10-2016 by p450p because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-10-2016 by p450p because: (no reason given)

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