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Cop Shoots Handcuffed Suspect In Police Car In The Face

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:50 AM
Are you guys really arguing over the title? Here are some questions to confirm he was "shot" in the face.

1. Did the cop pull the trigger?

2. Did the bullet touch the suspect's face?

If you answer yes to both then he was shot in face. If you answered no to either one, you are in denial, bottom line.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by 1SawSomeThings

Yeah.. This is likely completely made up. The officer is trying to start building his defense. It is highly unlikely they didn't search the man. It doesn't matter though, he shot at and tried to kill an unarmed cuffed man in the back of a cruiser. I knew some bs like this would come up


posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

The rifle was fired, and they don't know why yet. If he was shooting to kill, he was a crap shot.

Your headline is inflammatory

Thank you Lucidity for adding calm and reason to an otherwise sensationalistic thread.

Smarten up people, we have enough problems with the police already - if you're going to post something about an incident such as this at least be factual. A hair trigger doesn't help anyone - not the police and not in reporting about them.


posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:31 AM
Police = The largest street gang in America! NWA is right ____ the police!

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by silo13

Read the thread. The person you are replying to is factually incorrect. Calm or not they were wrong. If you read the article it clearly states the gun was fired intentionally and now a statement has been made as to why and it's complete BS. The cop attempted to kill this man who was cuffed an unarmed.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 08:26 AM
its the officers duty to ensure the safety of all those that are present.

quite frankly it doesnt matter why he shot [at] him.

the fact that he was already apprehended and clearly no longer a threat, is just iceing on the cake.

100 bucks says he gets paid vacation, while his buddies “investigate” the “misfire”.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by silo13

thank you for the attempted downplaying of a serious problem.

not sure what you meant by “we” as you dont even live on the same hemishere of the planet that this occured.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Mizzijr
Are you guys really arguing over the title? Here are some questions to confirm he was "shot" in the face.

1. Did the cop pull the trigger?

2. Did the bullet touch the suspect's face?

If you answer yes to both then he was shot in face. If you answered no to either one, you are in denial, bottom line.

thank God reason and sanity still exist.

i swear when it comes to ats, there could be a nuke going off and rest assured there would be 16 pages of people telling me im fine and that nukes are a natural occurance that happen all the time. nothing to worry about!

go back to sleep, nothing to see here!

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:23 AM
There are some bad cops sure, and some that just shouldn't be cops, but mean well. But I don't agree with the anti-cop pro-crime voices that sadly are so large these days, it's like want to be robbed and their mother raped. Sure we have some bad cops, but we have more bad non-cops. At least some people are trying to do the job that really noone wants to do, deal with the scum of society. Maybe someday there is a robbery, and a loved one of yours in being a hostage, I guess the cop haters just want their loved one to be killed and praise crime. It makes no sense to me. It's too bad this guy got grazed in the face, but if people didn't do crime, they would not be putting themselves in a situation for such stuff to happen to them.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
Read the story?

The rifle was fired, and they don't know why yet. If he was shooting to kill, he was a crap shot.

Your headline is inflammatory:

Handcuffed Suspect Shot By Elk Grove Police Officer vs, Cop Shoots Handcuffed Suspect In Police Car In The Face

The bullet grazed his face. He wasn't shot in the face.

Repeating stories like this by adding your clear bias and in a deliberate, derogatory and inciteful way does no one any favors. It's dishonest and childish. Your attempt to lead others to support or agree with you is pathetic.

And anyone sucked in by the misleading thread who just jumps in bashing without reading is just ignorant.

Oh, and your bacon reference is so adorable. You should be proud.

edit on 2/3/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

Umm are you kidding, the bullet grazed his face not shot him in the face.. that is a load of crap and you know it.

Let me be a police officer, and let me handcuff you, then let me pull a rifle on you and shoot you in the cheek, would you not tell somebody you've been shot in the face?! That is pretty lame for you to try to make that point.

I think your nit-picking is your pathetic way to try to make yourself feel better by bashing strangers threads on some conspiracy site. I usually liked reading your thoughts on threads but this one is different

I don't trust the criminal gang called the police that enforces the rules of the even higher ups they work for called the gubberment that is dead set on power and control. Too many innocent people are hurt everyday at the hand of these bastards.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by tom502
There are some bad cops sure, and some that just shouldn't be cops, but mean well. But I don't agree with the anti-cop pro-crime voices that sadly are so large these days, it's like want to be robbed and their mother raped. Sure we have some bad cops, but we have more bad non-cops. At least some people are trying to do the job that really noone wants to do, deal with the scum of society. Maybe someday there is a robbery, and a loved one of yours in being a hostage, I guess the cop haters just want their loved one to be killed and praise crime. It makes no sense to me. It's too bad this guy got grazed in the face, but if people didn't do crime, they would not be putting themselves in a situation for such stuff to happen to them.

If they were not criminals they would not be shot by police officers, how backwards of a person does it take to think that up.

All crime is committed by the need for money, the police officers protect the people that make the money, that has no true value at all, all the police do is under the guise of being "the good guys" but they are an evil group of people empowered by the leaders of society. Remember that over 50% of the worlds money supply is owned by these people, the middle class owns around 1% of the actual money, so all we are is a rat race and the police enforce the rules.

Sure they help us when something happens, but the "crime" they stop is caused by the system they protect. So the system pays people to walk around with guns and the right to jail people to protect the system. They are the slave protectors, if the system's slaves were to be able to cause destruction they would not be working and making them money.

If you do not see this then you are sadly conditioned by their influences that has been going on for hundreds of years. Do research on the bilderbergs and maybe you'll realize this great land of freedom is a lie, and we've all been tricked.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Quasar_La-Zar

All crime is committed by the need for money, the police officers protect the people that make the money, that has no true value at all, all the police do is under the guise of being "the good guys" but they are an evil group of people empowered by the leaders of society.

I disagree. Crime is rarely a "need" for money, it is usually just a desire for money, or an addiction to greed or some other vice. It can also be an anti-social attitude. The majority of crimes are not committed by someone stealing food for their family. The OP case is a case of domestic violence. The police were protecting the woman and children. Money had nothing to do with it.

By and large, the police really are the "good guys." There are some bad ones, and there are some that let the bad ones operate too long, but the majority are still good.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Well I guess we will agree to disagree, Maybe you have not watched enough police brutality videos, or maybe you enjoy the life the monetary system gives to you, Maybe you have not been effected personally by wrong cops, but the FACT is that 1 bad cop is worse than a squad of good ones, the damage that one cop does throughout his lifetime lasts in the victim's mind forever. Remember the cops are trained in how to get away with manipulating the law, and a judge will take an officers side more often than not over a person he arrested.

And yes more than 3/4ths of all crime committed stems from a money related issue, murders more often than not are inspired by some form of debt or greed. I can't give you a source to prove this statistic, but I'm sure its even more than 3/4ths...

Just because your a mod does not mean your view is more valuable of an opinion than mine, not that you were saying it is. I just feel mods get on the high horse sometimes.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 10:15 AM
lets get one thing straight before we continue, shall we?

police officers are agents of the courts, nothing more.

they have no duty or obligation to help you or anybody else.

their own protocols and procedures are set up to protect THEM. not you.

if a cop saves you, its because he is a good person. not because its his job...

likewise you dont have to be a cop to be a good person, or to save somebody.

so lets stop assuming that being a cop automatically equates to being a good person.

thank you for your time. continue.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Quasar_La-Zar

And yes more than 3/4ths of all crime committed stems from a money related issue, murders more often than not are inspired by some form of debt or greed. I can't give you a source to prove this statistic, but I'm sure its even more than 3/4ths...

I won't dispute that a lot of crime is "money related," but that doesn't constitute a "need" for money. The vast majority of crimes are related to money for drugs, or just for good old-fashioned greed and money lust.
Very few are related to a person not being able to take care of a family, and, in my opinion, those crimes based in a real need, should be looked at much less punitively. If I ever serve on a jury, and I find out the man was stealing bread to feed his kids, there is no way I am convicting!

Still, we will have to just disagree on the cops. While 1 criminal-cop is much worse than a regular criminal, much more dangerous and harder to catch, I can't agree that it negates the effects of the entire force working diligently to protect and serve.

Just because your a mod does not mean your view is more valuable of an opinion than mine, not that you were saying it is. I just feel mods get on the high horse sometimes.

This is an odd phenomenon that I never knew existed. My opinions and/or postings haven't changed one bit since getting that banner under my name (about 2 weeks ago), but the criticism of my posts has definitely increased, and a high percentage of that criticism refers to me being a mod? Odd development that I didn't expect.

For the record, Mod duties are to look out for T and C violations, they don't indoctrinate us to a specific brand of ATS thinking, and we post our own thoughts and feelings, they are not vetted by any official ATS committee.

edit on 4-2-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
How come we never hear on here about the police organising the gang stalking, or giving weapons to neighbours of targets to microwave those people in there homes?

Only the blatent stuff about the police gets reported.

If I read you correctly and you believe that the police target individuals and give microwave weapons to nieghbors of those individuals to microwave them secretly...and that the police coordinate gangs to stalk people...I suggest you go and talk to someone. Most counties have some form of free mental health counseling etc. You can at least get an opinion as to your ideas. Everyone can benefit from talking to someone once in a's healthy and helpful....Peace
edit on 4-2-2011 by maybereal11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-2-2011 by maybereal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 11:12 AM
There are over 683396 thousand police officers in the US as of 2006 more now, once a month or so 1 does something horrendous and you all jump on the "they are out of control" bandwagon...they are in a high stress job like our military, day after day dealing with negativity and skum...what do you expect that none of them would snap...much less than 1% go this far (which I agree is too far)...

Check out the police brutality in China then go back to complaining about US cops...

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

I was going to post something similar. I lurk here a lot and normally I see you or a few others that, show some logic in the threads. Why does it seem that, people don't even read the original content associated with these threads anymore? There is always some outrageous claim, and rarely do people try to debunk it. The majority wasn't like this a year or two ago.

This guy in the backseat assaulted his wife, smashed a window and then stayed inside with the children and wouldn't come out. They had to surround the house, just to make sure he wouldn't leave. So. He assaulted a woman, smashed a car window and while in crazy mode decided to spend time with kids? And the OP supports him? Remind me not to bring anyone I know, near that guy. Either of em.
edit on 4-2-2011 by UFORacer56 because: Grammar

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 11:43 AM
with a "police rifle"

oh so it's ok for a cop to point an ex military m16 assault rifle at a handcuffed mans face with his finger on the trigger but I can't own one for sporting

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by marinesniper0351
There are over 683396 thousand police officers in the US as of 2006 more now, once a month or so 1 does something horrendous and you all jump on the "they are out of control" bandwagon...they are in a high stress job like our military, day after day dealing with negativity and skum...what do you expect that none of them would snap...much less than 1% go this far (which I agree is too far)...

Check out the police brutality in China then go back to complaining about US cops...

Ohhh I do so love that mentality. It seems alot of people suffer from this.
I mean logically it makes sooooo much sense doesn't it???

If things are WORSE somewhere else then what right do you have to complain???? Argument.

That one can pretty much cover ANYTHING!!! ANY injustice ANYWHERE!!!
Things are worse in China, just be glad you don't live
Very simplistic thinking and one that I would have hoped people visiting a forum such as this would be above.
But, I suppose things aren't THAT bad here at ATS, just think of what it would be like if we were at conspiracyplanet.

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