reply to post by pharaohmoan
Your choice of music on that video completely discredits your opinion in my eyes (joking, but serious the music wasn't necessary).
Why have you guys faithfully backed these videos without any proof for yourselves. It's like, your shown something, and you immediately believe it to
be true, no matter what. Do you think Transformers are real? They look pretty realistic to me, just how I'd imagine a transformer to look if I went
outside and one was there. But just because you see it on video, does it make it real.
A common response I hear is "I've seen UFOs" "Ive experienced a first encounter", and I don't doubt these to be true. But the evidence provided
states, logically, these videos have been intentionally manipulated. Tampering with evidence in any situation voids that evidence.
You could say "Hey Debo, the audio was copied, but who cares, the video is real", but this would mean that, audio wise, they went out of their way to
deceive. How can someone be trusted on any fronts, if they have been shown to intentionally go out of their way to deceive you. How can you still
trust them. Why would they copy and edit the audio in the first place.
You could also say "Yo, well, they added camera shake after the video was shot, so what", but then what purpose would editing in some camera shake do?
If they are showing us footage which is to be a true and accurate account of what they experienced, why add in glamor and sparkle, the purpose of the
video is to be proof, not to entertain.
Disregarding my own findings (aswell as others), if I was to believe these to be true, I would ask myself "If this is real, why haven't these people
spoken out about this yet? It's been over a week and they have been online (shown by their last logins on youtube), so they had the chance to even say
something about this. Why havent they spoken with the news yet and done a interview? What purpose do they have for intentionally remaining silent?"
These are the first questions that would come to my mind, regardless of evidence or facts.
Some of you claim that my audio findings are false, or that theres a reasonable explination as to why the way it is. I have yet to have someone say
"No Debo, your wrong, here why _______ look at .com or /youtube video as proof to back my claims". This will never happen, because what I have shown
is to be without a doubt, not even the slightest, to be true. But then you guys easily dismiss me, but not the people who filmed this video. In that
aspect, wouldnt you think, just for the slightest moment, that I would be more likely to tell the truth, rather than them, because atleast I have the
audacity to defend my claims. They just plopped the videos and bounced.
I can somewhat understand some peoples reluctance to my claims, because its outside your knowledge. Most of you I'm sure never even seen a waveform,
let alone understand what I've tried to described is happening. This is understandable as I would be reluctant as well if the only evidence I had to
go on was the theory of interlaced artifacts inside a progressive video, since I have no knowledge of that area, and couldnt be certain if it was
indeed possible or not.
But you guys seemed to be cut from a different cloth, you say your skeptics or that you think outside the box, yet you still seem to unquestionably
follow what is placed in front of you.
Does it even raise a flag that you guys are defending the videos more than the people who filmed it? Are you guys curious why they haven't spoken
about the event, especially since you know they havent been detained by the PTB since they keep logging online.
Doesn't it bother you that, Eligael, the person who first uploaded video 1, has lied about filming the video? He didnt film the video, he said a
friend did, yet on HIS youtube page, he states in the video discription "I was witness(with another guy)", Yet on his facebook page when asked " You
filmed this?" he replies "My freind".
The same on his wife's facebook page, she was asked the same and she responded "Nao Tel, foi um amigo do Gali. Nao e incrivel?" which translate to
"Tel (name of guy who asked) No, it was a friend of Gali. Is not it amazing?". Here you have him clearly lieing to you, but you still think hes
telling the truth?
So even if you want to dismiss evidence here because your lack of knowledge on the subjects involved, how do you dismiss the social aspect of those
individuals involved.
Think back to any UFO videos you've seen on the news, wasn't there always someones face plastered to it saying"I was walking home and looked up and
there it was, so I took out my camera"?
But yet we don't have a face to associate with. We have no face saying "I filmed this, this was crazy". Why would this be? I know if I had recorded
something even remotely as clear as what these guys claim they did, I'd be the first to plaster my face next to it.
This is the reason why I am extremely annoyed with the community here. This has been the first topic which I have decided to be apart of, and if this
is any evidence of other topics on here, I'll most likely not involve myself. Which is a shame because even if you don't care for my demeanor, at
least you could say, even if you don't agree with what I show, that I put forth effort to provide new information to the subject
Anyways, I'm going to bed, I'll be back
edit on 7-2-2011 by DeboWilliams because: (no reason given)