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We are living in the Age of Enlightenment! Rejoice!

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posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:08 PM
Unfortunately OP, we already had an age of enlightenment a few hundred years ago that produced the English, French, and American revolutions.

Just joking, I really do see this as a time in which a lot of people are "waking up" so to say... but the real test is not about who is waking up and what we learn thanks to our discoveries and awakenings- but about what we DO with the revelations and knowledge.

THAT is the real battle.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by roughhouse

Has your formal education in physics ever lead you across the book The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra? I have talked with physics professors at my local CSU, Humboldt State University. One of them uses it as a textbook in his course(s). It is written by a well-versed particle physicist who establishes many connections between Eastern Mysticism and quantum mechanics. Check it out, I think it may open your mind to an entirely new realm of possibilities.

Think of the dichotomy that has existed between science and religion/spirituality for the past 2 and a half thousand years. Human thinking split itself into two fundamentally divided groups; but it truly has turned out to be many paths leading to the same destination. Whether you are a hardcore atheistic scientist or a devout spiritual seeker, it has now become apparent that both these seemingly irreconcilable disciplines have lead us to the EXACT same conclusions.


posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:19 PM
Indeed we are
2012 was predicted for a reason...the time when humanknd will be freed from corruption and greed

The Age of Enlightment has started !!

should i say duplicate to a age of enlightment thread ... NEVA


posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Yes Brother. Although I place no particular significance on the year 2012, it is evident that we are entering/have entered an unparalleled time of growth and awareness. Everyone is here to learn and experience, we are all individuations of the God-consciousness of the Universe, the Supreme Creator and Creation.

In case any were wondering what foundation my spiritual beliefs have, I deeply resonate with many aspects of Hinduism, particularly the Shaivite sect and Jnana Yoga, although I also draw upon Buddhist and Daoist philosophy. Once you look beyond the posturing and manipulation of messages, universal truths become apparent in even Western religious philosophies such as Christianity.


posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by NoEXcUseS

Im curious to know for fun were apx do you locate yourself in the EMS scale

take the test for fun
you will like it

E.M.S - Enlightment Measurement Scale (Cat 1 to 6) ... take THE test !!

Since my youngest age .. i have felt it coming

but sadly .. i think it have to worsen to get better ..
edit on 2/2/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by NoEXcUseS

I'll give you a hundred dollars if you can bend metal with your mind without physical contact, among all the other crazy new age claims.

Only $100? Telekinesis is no easy feat

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Brother, I remember glancing at your E.M.S. thread some while ago but didn't bother to really evaluate each point in regards to my mind. After going through the list, I'd say I rank somewhere between 4 and 4.5. This body is currently only 19 years old, so I have plenty of time to learn and grow.
All the time in the world, in fact!

I must remark, although I appreciate the intention of the scale in helping us to understand where we may be on our journey, I'm not quite sure if it's as simple as a list

Nonetheless, I sincerely thank you for the effort and I admit it was fun to read through it.
We will all reach the destination, no matter what path we take or how long it takes us; they all lead to the same place. Many do not even know they walk the path, but in due time they shall realize that there is more to this world than the material, transient illusions presented to us by our senses. Once they look within themselves, they will find what they have been looking for all along.


posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by NoEXcUseS

I hereby give thanks to God that there are 19 year olds out there like you!

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

Enlightenment is just an illusion created in our own minds to make us feel more peaceful, More in control and one with nature etc. The age of enlightenment will be the biggest illusion known to mankind.

wow ...ok ...... I saw that the way it is now is the Greatest Illusion known .......and enlightenment is a complete shedding of that knowledge and experience of God.....

If your understanding of 'Enlightenment' is simply knowledge then you are correct, However if you believe it is a spiritual awakening then you are falling for the trap.

Enlightenment began to happen here on this end by negating all knowledge putting aside everything that I'm aware of including all knowledge .....there was a finding of the real me devoid of body, mind, knowledge ...... oh and I have a few thousand years worth of books, philosophy/philosophers, and scientific findings to back that up....

and you have......

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by NoEXcUseS

I hereby give thanks to God that there are 19 year olds out there like you!

I will have to echo this sentiment. It seems in those years, the perspective is really quite strong in its... "determination" to not see the world/universe/God/whatever as bigger than one self. Good to hear some have grown humble, and in that, grow immensely.

Originally posted by Ben81

Im curious to know for fun were apx do you locate yourself in the EMS scale

take the test for fun you will like it

What good is the test if you will not believe the results?


Either way, even though it has been stated eloquently, "enlightenment" describes the first major free will shift in ones perspective towards realizing that the one perceiving is an active and living part of that which he/she observes. Such a thing does not denote "specialness" as it was simply realizing what was happening all along, with every single "thing" here. Such an experience is as humbling as the Ultra Deep Field pictures. It is not only accessible to some, it is simply what is already happening, regardless of ones perspective on it. Such a thing is available to everyone and everything. It is not some "super-state" of "ascended magical mastery." It is a baseline, where one can truly progress beyond there as a... "conscious mover." Even those who say they are not, are indeed enlightened.

One way to see it: Their perspective differs however, and as such, there is no alignment or stability with themselves, or what is going on around them. Without that stability, there is no stable ground for growth to occur. Their orbit, or path through life, is too wobbly and frenetic. As it changes from one state to the next, as simply pre-programmed neurons firing, it flings any attempt of building a conscious foundation off into nothingness. As more humans act instead of re-act (with even their very breath), the entire system will maintain a certain state of base stability. Thereby making it easier for others to reach that baseline, or "enlightenment." It is interesting to see how others start to act when one approaches them in a radiant state of Love, for instance. Those who are not too invested in their re-actions (or fear true action) will have a drastic change in demeanor, even as they approach closer to the one who has chosen that state. The re-action and action to such a thing is consistent, even if no words are spoken. It is quite the interesting thing..

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

You speak of OP "falling for the trap" after including religion as a part of "true" enlightenment. Ignorant if you ask me. I agree with you OP, nice post!

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

Following what you are saying, perhaps true enlightenment or "awakening" is when people turn their backs on the old ways of ignorance and out of sight, out of mind, and will come together to tackle all of the real problems we are having here on earth.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by NoEXcUseS
reply to post by Ben81

Brother, I remember glancing at your E.M.S. thread some while ago but didn't bother to really evaluate each point in regards to my mind. After going through the list, I'd say I rank somewhere between 4 and 4.5. This body is currently only 19 years old, so I have plenty of time to learn and grow.
All the time in the world, in fact!

I must remark, although I appreciate the intention of the scale in helping us to understand where we may be on our journey, I'm not quite sure if it's as simple as a list

Nonetheless, I sincerely thank you for the effort and I admit it was fun to read through it.
We will all reach the destination, no matter what path we take or how long it takes us; they all lead to the same place. Many do not even know they walk the path, but in due time they shall realize that there is more to this world than the material, transient illusions presented to us by our senses. Once they look within themselves, they will find what they have been looking for all along.


Well brother you are on the good path .. helping some souls in need with simple and logic word

you are a messenger of light... by creating this thread .. you have accepted the mission of life
has a protector of earth that want a better world with good values for a futur generation sake

we need to continu spreading the love in light so our world can heal from superficial greedyness

all become one is a close reality.. keep the hope and spirit high in this unsustainable human system (society)
that greed have created ... it will be no more

can you feel the heat coming ... its not the fire who cause that heat ... ITS THE LIGHT
edit on 2/2/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

How can it become a new age religion if spirituality isn't a religion at all?

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Serizawa
reply to post by sinohptik

There is no way we can understand the universe spiritually. It is just too complex for the human brain. Did we evolve? Did God create us? Where did God come from? Did the ancient ones create us? Where did they come from? Is there more than one God? Is there a God for every universe?

Do you understand what i mean. You could be atheist, I could be a Buddhist and we could have a Muslim a Jew and a Christian and all of them would claim to be enlightened. So IMO enlightenment is an illusion, You believe what you want to believe to make yourself feel more important than everyone else. These are just examples not directed at anyone in any way.

The belief that the world is becoming a more positive place is utter nonsense. As the years go by our world is destroyed more and more and funny enough in 2012 millions of people will claim that the age of enlightenment is taking place while millions of people are still dying from famine, genocide and wars.

To be enlightened you must get rid of "ego" and "self", the "to make yourself feel more important than everyone else" is your own "ego", "self". To be enlightened you need to try and understand that everything around you, is part of you, and you are part of everything. We are not "self" or singular but "ego" wants to make you seperate. You are me and I am you and everything in between, if you can let your "ego" go then you can understand and feel this, if not you haven't let go of your "ego". We are all at different stages of this "enlightened" state. Most of the "ego" hungry people are in power and lust to fill there "ego" with more money and power. This "ego" is part of us all, always trying to prove that you are "Self" and you prove that with "ego". When you become enlightened you let go of "ego" and find that everything is 1 and the healing process begins. We live in an illusion and to break free you must let go of "ego".

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

If you believe enlightenment to be what you have written here then you don't have any idea what enlightenment is. It has nothing to do with being better than anyone. Thats the ego talking....You need to study if your ego will let you....True Enlightenment has nothing to do with the mind. It has all to do with Beingness.....

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by LightSource

This one sees it differently.

As one is destroying their ego on one front, it arises from another. It can not be removed. to remove such a thing would be denying a statement such as "I am."

It is seen as a layer by this one, and one which can be re-defined. In being trapped in the limited concepts and egoism that is trained by this society, one might perceive it to be the root of problems. However, as part of all that is, it is simply subject once again, to our free will perspective of it. By denying it, it can lead to an ego problem of a completely different kind.

It is not losing one self in that which is beyond the body. But redefining "self" to include all that is, including ones body, thoughts, perspective, and breath. simply because these bodies are an equal part of all that is. One doesnt lose the sense that this one can not make anothers arm move. But neither does one lose the sense that one can indeed, move their own arm. If one were to obliterate their sense of self, they would be left with no movement and their breath would cease. This one sees it all as self. this body, mind, perspective, and derivatives are an individual, but not separate, part of that. The universe/God/all that is (whatever one wishes to call it) is not so limited as to be incapable of supporting such variety (which in its true extent, is beyond what these minds can comprehend). That is evidenced by in numerous individual, but not separate, iterations of all that is. Even if only speaking of this physical realm.

That is simply how this one sees it.

different conceptualizations of the same experiential process can be useful in learning how vast this ocean truly is

edit on 2-2-2011 by sinohptik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by sinohptik

Very well said. It's truly all about perspective and control. Growth of the spiritual self is inevitable; how long it takes can vary widely but it is our true destiny to be reunited with the Oneness of the Universe, both in the sense of death and in the sense of the ego-death. Once one can accept that they are not separate but part of a whole, that is a very large step to take. I'm still personally working towards getting the concept truly and unequivocally established in my mind, at all times. It is very difficult, the Ego is a powerful presence.


posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 03:12 AM

Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality;
[1] an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.”
[2] Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; such practices often lead to an experience of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or the human community; with nature or the cosmos; or with the divine realm.
[3] Spirituality is often experienced as a source of inspiration or orientation in life.[4] It can encompass belief in immaterial realities or experiences of the immanent or transcendent nature of the world.

Look beyond ATS, how many people do you see doing these things?. How many people in this world are materialistic and will remain this way?. How many people believe Human beings and all living things have souls? . How many people care for one another? Is the world becoming a better place?.

Spirituality is a way of life.......and it does not promote hatred. Why the hell do the ones that claim to be enlightened still show hatred and discrimination towards each other? I've read all the threads bashing Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc....If you participate in such activities you are not fully enlightened. You should allow people to practice whatever religion they feel comfortable with and accept that you are not in control of their lives and decisions. I have never claimed to be spiritually enlightened or whatever you want to call it. The more we advance scientifically the less human we become......Do you call this enlightenment? The New World Order....Would you call that enlightenment? this Enlightenment?. To be honest all I'm seeing is the human race being more empty headed, Heartless and ignorant as time progresses while money becomes more important. We can all sit back relax and smile while claiming we're enlightened while we let these murderous politicians and societies destroy our children. You want to become enlightened? Well it starts with understanding that we must create a unity amongst us, We must overthrow the oppressors and love each other while spreading positive messages but never once neglecting global events. We must allow people to practice religion peacefully no matter what form they chose. We must stop the media from implanting ideas in our heads and brainwashing the youth. We must understand that now is the time to act with your heart to change the world for better rather then wait for the last minute and retaliate with violence.

I cannot speak for everyone on ATS but not once can i say I have constant peace and happiness while millions of people suffer world wide.

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