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Jesus Christ Master Mason

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift
... the powers of Solomon, which are sorcery and Masonry, since Solomon forced demons to help him set the cornerstones of the Temple.

Is that in First Kings, or in Chronicles?

So it's hard to tell if he's actually for or against the idea of hidden knowledge and power being used for personal gain, or whether he is just angling to control it, himself.

Um, John 18:20, at his arraignment before Pontius Pilatus:

Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.


posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by AtticusNoble

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Who was the “Grand Architect of the Universe" .... At the signing of the Declaration?

There is and has only ever been one GAOTU. Time is irrelavent.

That is the number one key tenet of Freemasonry, "One, ever-living God." Now the name of that God is not important, all religions are accepted.

I would humbly amend your statement with the phrase, "to the fraternity." As in - Now the name of that God is not important to the fraternity. It is, however, of the highest importance to most of our members. If "most" is too much to assume, then "many."

MM here also.

I would like to know "why" the "name" of the Maker would be important? To the some, it could be the Shemhemaphorash or Tetragrammaton (72 and 4 letter names of the Maker). To others, it may not have a name at all....the "energy" is the same. We name it in a way that we can conceive in our puny minds.

What matter is HOW you approach it. If you approach with LOVE, with the desire for more WISDOM, and serve with STRENGTH, You are serving the same Master/Mistress.

In the early days of the christian "putsch" (post Jesus) , pagan and christian got on fairly well in many cases IF both were respectable to one another. When "christians" forgot the teachings of Jesus and followed those of Paul instead, it went to hell. Rome was a political issue more than religious.

Personally, I dont think JC woudl recognise the church as it exists (in many cases) today. He would haul most out as money changers and charletans. Some are "old school" are fine though...small ones.

All the Gods are One God, All the Goddess'es are one Goddess, and there is One Initiator.

Was JC an initiated into the ranks of MM's? No. Are we initiated into the same ranks as JC? You betcha, just on a lower arc.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
I would say that if anyone thinks the name of God is not important in Freemasonry, they either have not been exalted to the degree of Royal Arch Mason or received the degree of Perfection in the Ancient and Accepted Rite. Or, if they have, have not paid much attention!

I am MM but was unable to finish my YR degrees for money reasons. I made Mark Mason.

In this case, I think you maybe correct but would it matter only in the degree work?

This is STRICTLY from the stand point of not having "recieved more light" as it were.

When my funds get squared up, I intend to finish. I think I will start from the bottom and continue back since its been a few years.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

If I recognise the jewel correctly, your a Past Master.

Obviously a dang good one!

Only met a few like you and its a privilage to have met you here.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by Arcfyre

FACT: Yes you maybe or maybe not be right

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
However, if by "Mason" the OP meant "initiate", that's a different story. There is good reason to believe that Jesus may have been an Essene, which could sort have been considered the "Freemasonry" of that place and time.

"The system of teaching which was adopted by Jesus was the system of the Essenes.

"Certainly, the Essenes were one hundred percent Gnostics."

- The Revolution of Beelzebub by V.M. Samael Aun Weor

edit on 1-2-2011 by Tamahu because: edited quote

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by iamahumandoing
There is some interesting information on this website:

Masons are there to support all individuals. There mathematics and knowledge is in many ancient structures and are present in the creation of many world citys.

On the website you have stated. It describes exactly the formation of humans through the system of triangular operation were the Star of David ( the six pointed star ) is the human evolution itself. The triangle representing the age of man represented by the number 6 and the upside down triangle representing the age of women by the number 9 meaning the age mirrors man which is the technology age which in the past cycle created the pyramids of Egypt for mankind to reset the cycle of life

Everything operates under the triangular system were the top supports the bottom in direction like private familys that own banks for the worlds financial gain to Kings & Queens, presidents and primeministers, bosses of private and public business, captains of sporting teams ect, and the bottom supports the top in labour which is the general public of all countrys citizens.

The reason for triangular operation is that because everything physically living on earth is Fuel, Heat & Oxygen which is Fire. Fire burns us which is why it is considered a negative. The positive is the life giving element of water which forms all things like a battery. We have a greater amount of water internally which is considered our spirit of Mind, Heart and Soul of positive energy! This is where the number 6 is derived from. The number 8 represents mans DNA which is this figure!

Jesus is the son of Satan. He is the light which is achieved by the perfect balance of negative and positive in life. He stated everything in life was a negative while the positive spirit in us all is our loving spirit which attempts to support everything during life. This is why earth is stated as Eden where humans were tempted by Satan with the Apple of knowledge.

The Beast as some say which is the leader of all organisations. His knowledged is interpreted as Lucifer.

The Chinese use this number of 888 as a representation of the Red Dragon which gives knowledge and learning to humans.

Jesus stated he will return with a sword stating this information which all humans will understand but it will effect all religions in their meaning of positive ethics in religions. All religions have this common thread of believeing in a higher power of spirit which is our positive self!

edit on 1-2-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

edit on 1-2-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

edit on 1-2-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by felonius

Originally posted by AtticusNoble

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
Who was the “Grand Architect of the Universe" .... At the signing of the Declaration?

There is and has only ever been one GAOTU. Time is irrelavent.

That is the number one key tenet of Freemasonry, "One, ever-living God." Now the name of that God is not important, all religions are accepted.

I would humbly amend your statement with the phrase, "to the fraternity." As in - Now the name of that God is not important to the fraternity. It is, however, of the highest importance to most of our members. If "most" is too much to assume, then "many."

MM here also.

I would like to know "why" the "name" of the Maker would be important? To the some, it could be the Shemhemaphorash or Tetragrammaton (72 and 4 letter names of the Maker). To others, it may not have a name at all....the "energy" is the same. We name it in a way that we can conceive in our puny minds.

What matter is HOW you approach it. If you approach with LOVE, with the desire for more WISDOM, and serve with STRENGTH, You are serving the same Master/Mistress.

In the early days of the christian "putsch" (post Jesus) , pagan and christian got on fairly well in many cases IF both were respectable to one another. When "christians" forgot the teachings of Jesus and followed those of Paul instead, it went to hell. Rome was a political issue more than religious.

Personally, I dont think JC woudl recognise the church as it exists (in many cases) today. He would haul most out as money changers and charletans. Some are "old school" are fine though...small ones.

All the Gods are One God, All the Goddess'es are one Goddess, and there is One Initiator.

Was JC an initiated into the ranks of MM's? No. Are we initiated into the same ranks as JC? You betcha, just on a lower arc.

For me the "why" is important because my salvation depends on it. I respectfully disagree with the statement that "all Gods are One God." For me Jesus is God. He became flesh and lived among us, died for our sins and rose on the third day. I believe He nows sits at the right hand of the Father and has sent his Holy Spirit as the Comforter. His blood alone serves as propitiation for our sins and brings us back into communion with God. So, to me, the name is very important.

I know you and many others may not subscribe to this and you shouldn't have to if you don't feel it to be true, but for me Acts 4:12 will always hold true:

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:48 PM
Freemasons spend most of their time on here arguing that politicians and world leaders are not part of the cult and now seem to be trying to convince us that the worlds most famous individual, Jesus Christ, was one of their brood! next you'll be trying to convince us all that your not all godless heathens! :-)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by CholmondleyWarner
Freemasons spend most of their time on here arguing that politicians and world leaders are not part of the cult and now seem to be trying to convince us that the worlds most famous individual, Jesus Christ, was one of their brood! next you'll be trying to convince us all that your not all godless heathens! :-)

I don't believe Jesus was a freemason by any means.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

The charges are felony charges my friend. When my house was raided the officers found a handful of roaches and a bunch of seeds. Due to the seeds, my charges went from minor possession to felony manufacturing.

Sorry to hear that brother. Drug laws are so ridiculous. Any body should know that a plant manufactures its own seeds. Based on the tone and tenor of your posts you're a good one and don't deserve what you are currently facing.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I'd have to disagree. A Master Mason is privileged to all there is to do or know in Freemasonry.

Master Masons do not possess the Master's Word. To one who is a Master Mason only, the Word is lost.

I also contend that the idea that more knowledge exists, or that there is a higher level than "Master Mason" goes against everything we learn in the first 3 degrees.

In my jurisdiction, the third degree ritual has the Master state to the candidate that he (the candidate) is now about "to receive all the light in Masonry that can be conferred in a Symbolic Lodge". I've heard similar statements in other jurisdictions. The point here is that the "Symbolic Lodge" qualifies that statement. In other words, the candidate is receiving all the light in Masonry proper to his degree, but additional light in Masonry exists outside of the Symbolic, or Blue, Lodge.

I also contend that the idea that there are actually "higher-level" Masons would be fuel on the conspiracy fire that there is some elite group of Masons running the show. We constantly battle and debate to kill that conspiracy, but you are lending it some credibility.

It may very well be that my statements could fuel conspiracy theorists, but I can't control what anti-Masons do, nor do I have any desire to. Let them believe whatever foolishness they want. However, the fact remains that the UGLE has consistently considered the Holy Royal Arch to be the Supreme Order in Freemasonry, and that Masonic history shows other degrees worked even before the modern Master Mason's degree was first promulgated by Desaguliers. The Rosicrucian Grades of the Royal Order of Scotland are a good example of this, which were worked in Kilwinning before the formal institution of the Master's degree.

Now, quite obviously, the higher grades do not confer any additional "rank" in one's Lodge, and the conspiracy theorists get this stuff confused all the time. I only warn against the dangers of brushing the higher orders off as "appendant"; it tends to devalue them, when in fact, both historically and philosophically, they can be shown as much a part of the Masonic system as the Master's degree.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by felonius

Thanks, and likewise!

I am a Past Master of my Lodge, but the avatar is actually the jewel of the 14° of the Scottish Rite. It does look very similar to the Past Master's jewel used in most jurisdictions.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by coyotepoet
Sorry to hear that brother. Drug laws are so ridiculous. Any body should know that a plant manufactures its own seeds. Based on the tone and tenor of your posts you're a good one and don't deserve what you are currently facing.

Please, do not feel sorry for me! It is an honor to face the charges. I have already been offered a reduced sentence to a misdemeanor, which I refused. I am willing to fight the charges even if it means imprisonment. Who can strip a man of their God given right to self medicate with what God has provided? Who is so arrogant?

Do not fret for me my friend. Everything is in divine order.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

Um, John 18:20, at his arraignment before Pontius Pilatus:

Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.

That's true, but the synoptic gospels have him saying to his apostle initiates that "To them, I speak in parables; to you, I speak openly". Jesus further instructed his disciples to "cast not your pearls before swine".

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I consider that to be high integrity. In fact, its a crime to follow the laws that our consciousness decrees to be crimes against humanity, and that is law, but rarely upheld by the courts. I'll be sending prayers for you.

I also agree that Jesus was not the Master mason and instead things have been hijacked by Rome and other groups as well, though they never mean the same thing.

But the message is the same, for everyone no matter what they are following, its the same path, awareness, growing our consciousness and not allowing the suffering of others and corruption to go unnoticed or overlooked. To grow compassion and love and walk away from worldly concerns, but focus on what really counts, overcoming our flaws and faults and helping others to wake up and care about those in need as well.

And those who seek find what they've sought, they are guided within. And true insights can be given. For example, raising our frequency and envisioning, manifesting or patterning, the law of affinity, doesnt mean what people think it means. This answer was just given in my meditation. Its not about wishing for or praying for promotions, or material things at all, and this is how most use it. Its actually more akin to prayer, and being aware, seeking to discover here in this hellzone planet, what our weaknesses are, our lacks, or blocks to helping others, what our failings are, and then to seek, envision, pray for, new patterns of behavior, to turn those weaknesses into strengths. In other words, the law of attraction is being misused as a materialistic tool, whereas its not, its a tool/form of prayer to help us overcome bad habits. Materialism is one of those.

Those who seek do find. I am going to pray and seek the right path, answers, in court for you, protection from this system and the wolves.

Warm Wishes, Peace, Love & Enlightenment.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:56 PM
No man can serve two masters.

Deny Freemasonry and it's trappings. It is not of the True Christ path.

IAMIAM, your circumstances served to distance yourself from this Brotherhood of false light. You know this in youir Spirit.You are being divinely guided to where you rightfully belong.It is not within Freemasonry bounds.

Peace and blessings to you Brother and understand I mean no disrespect.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
Jesus further instructed his disciples to "cast not your pearls before swine".

Remember the parable of the pearl of great price my friend. The pearl here is your love, the swine are the filthy material things of the world. Do not cast your love to the material things of the world for they will turn and rend you.

This is my interpretation. It seems more fitting with Christ's love for all than the traditional interpretation.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by benedict9
No man can serve two masters.

Deny Freemasonry and it's trappings. It is not of the True Christ path.

IAMIAM, your circumstances served to distance yourself from this Brotherhood of false light. You know this in youir Spirit.You are being divinely guided to where you rightfully belong.It is not within Freemasonry bounds.

Peace and blessings to you Brother and understand I mean no disrespect.

My friend, I have only left the Sanctum Sanctorum to join the whole Brotherhood of Man. There I was a Master, here I am a servant.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by benedict9

Then it would be good for you to deny the common church that goes by the name Christians that think they are on the right path...for anyone that can look and see and has any sort of ability to discern will see just how hijacked it really is, and contradictory even to itself, and certainly scoffs at the teachings of Jesus.

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