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My husband woke up.

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posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by stellawayten
It's this man made frequencie they have in the mist of life for you humans,its unreal ,and its driving alot of people crazy.

That makes absolutely no sense to me. Maybe you could rephrase it?

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
Just dont trust psychiatrists,doctors and medicines,they just want you to stop growing into what your suppose to be,its a plan for thats was written up by some very high and powerful agents of the world.
'Dont let the cattipiller turn into a butterfly'
A program that locks the doors down that are suppose to be open,a door that was meant to be open so it could lead to another door and another door.

So, what you propose is for psychiatric patients to suffer? Not to mention that you endanger their lives, because in a deep depressive phase with no medication a bipolar patient will most likely eventually try suicide to stop the suffering. I know, because I've been there, done that and I have the scars to prove it. What is your excuse?

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
Dont let the doctor or no lunatic psychiatrists tell you or put your husband on no kind of meds that controls the brain. You cant imagine the protacol in life that humans reaally dont know about,and to controle whats been in humans every since they put the first pyramid up, to stop you all from conecting to your

Absolute rubbish and dangerous advice. See above. I have to wonder is your hatred for doctors and medication widespread to include all doctors and medication or is it only psychiatrists and their drugs?

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by WalterRatlos
So, what you propose is for psychiatric patients to suffer? Not to mention that you endanger their lives, because in a deep depressive phase with no medication a bipolar patient will most likely eventually try suicide to stop the suffering. I know, because I've been there, done that and I have the scars to prove it. What is your excuse?

I have no excuse,i have nothing else to say ,just read the side effects that comes with every doctor visit ,and every pill thats popped,along with the visits to the shrink.

'I think i remember one warning',but it came out 12 years and 8000 medicines after the fact and over a thousand [Suicides]. 'forgot' what it was .Suicide,'Cant remember'.

but any way,i have no excuse ,i have nothing to say,im pretty sure the psych loons are perfect in your society,im pretty sure they havnt been the cause of some ones ,umm,forgot.SUICIDE.

With help or with out help,theres still a chance things will turnout for the worst.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 07:54 AM
What you describe could well be a manic episode, however to be diagnosed with bi-polar their needs to be at least 2 manic phases with at least one depressive stage. looking at it from a psychiatric point of view it could well be a stress induced illness of some nature, and may well end up being a bi-polar type illness. What medication is he on.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:18 AM
Why is no one addressing the fact that supposedly this man has just lost his grip on reality.
Even though he is sharing beliefs that his wife doesn't mean it's normal.

The road to this kind of thinking never happens in this instance. Something else is bother him and it is OP's duty to talk serious to him. As I said before OP you need to trivialize (not entirely, just be lighthearted) some of your ideas so your husband will feel comfortable talking to you.

Before anyone says anything in response think about this. If all the ideas you hold that lead you to this site came to you in an instant, would it have not driven you mad? He has completely given up on his beliefs, things he has held to his entire life. So if this isn'[t some creative writing piece, if this guy exists, there is something wrong.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Fatgoblin

It makes me laugh the amount of people on here posting about the end of the world coinciding with the superbowl. No one ever makes any predictions up like that for the FA cup or the champions league, and I'm pretty sure more people would be watching those globally (champions league at least)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Griffo
reply to post by Fatgoblin

It makes me laugh the amount of people on here posting about the end of the world coinciding with the superbowl. No one ever makes any predictions up like that for the FA cup or the champions league, and I'm pretty sure more people would be watching those globally (champions league at least)

My world almost ended when Torres joined Chelsea

Oh well, it's payback time this Sunday.

Come on you Reds!!!!

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 10:24 AM
I did read the whole thing.

And honestly it touched my heart.

I don't think there is anything wrong with him.

I am no scientist, nor that I want to be, I am neither a Doctor or anything to say he could have this or that.

But I do believe that something must have happened to him, something radical.

Let's see if there is anything going to happen on the superbowl.

Who knows...

I had recent dreams of stuff that I find hard to explain in some cases, each night I sleep there is like a story telling me something.

I believe that he wants to she you (op) something, I dont think he wants to kill anyone or himself, he maybe just wants to find the truth out there.

I found everything very interesting in this whole topic, and for what People can come up with is very interesting as well, but he may had contact with aliens???

Would be cool!!!

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Dear OP,

I do understand what your hubby is going through during his incarceration.

That he wish not to open his eyes nor leave with you...only shows he had been touched far more than he had let on to you, and have no wish to speak further of what is being sent to him. He too, is only a flawed mortal, just like all of us, a simple being with simple aspirations.

But being touched and awakened, he suddenly realizes far more than he wished for, and as his initial reaction being recieved was not that of openess, but the cuff of authorities and being tossed into jail. He would have spent his time challenging his new found beliefs, and ..only resulted in pain, and wish that it had never happened to him. It is the only way to deal with it, to reject and be blind so that confirmity and a 'blue pill' way of life be the norm again.

But unfortunately, for the touched, it comes with a purpose and responsibility. Some over enthusized it, some reject it, but millions deal with it through logic and reason always, and had been able to carry on the mission and their life both at professional and personal levels. It needs compassion from loved ones, as well as a dedication to seek for the truth from one with patience.

That he had help saved lives during his incarceration is a hero in my books, for he had proven he is not insane. He has a heart of gold, a willingness to help others, even when any other 'normal' human would have just shrugged and wallow in self pity, let the place be burn down. But he did not, despite the odium of being mistrusted by his very own loved ones and thrown into a mental institute.

He needs your help, compassion and love, more so you, who is no stranger to seeking for truth. It certainly is nof fun and games to be here or your path, for reality is often painful, but a confrontation we must all courageously face up than to have the rug pulled off our feet, as thousands did when the finanacial collapse, etc, truth came..

He needs NO drugs which will only worsen his spiritual path and purpose, a rejection of his gift and an addiction for life prescribed by man who presumed that scientific knowledge is at it peak today and nothing further to learn. He is NOT insane.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:37 AM
I Google Earth Marfa and recon there's an under ground city there?? I know there all over the world now and ready, but west Texas Marfa looks eo have a rather large one too, could be wrong but don't think so... !! ??

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:29 PM
I really didn't want my first post to be the one where I fess up to being crazy, but whatever. I feel like my experiences could be relevant to actually helping a person, so here goes.


In my short life, I've had a lot of experiences similar to your husband's, where I'd either wake up with an "epiphany" or start feeling like I was receiving messages from god. No actual hallucinations, just "knowing". Very abrupt stuff. The first time it happened, I told everyone I cared about to meet me in the Chihuahuan Desert when I said it was time to get out of town, so that we could forge a better humanity after the end of the world with a new religion based on the balls I was very clearly tripping. I just woke up one morning "knowing" these things. After I crashed, I recanted. It was embarrassing and painful.

So now... seven years later... I'm on the brink of an actual mental health diagnosis (and would be closer if I'd been able to keep the job with health insurance and I wasn't paying out of pocket and thus having to save up my minimum wage wages...) If it hadn't been for "encouragement" from family towards my "spiritual" experiences, I would have probably come to this a lot sooner and saved myself a lot of agony.

The second to last time it happened, I had met the man of my dreams, and then I had a fit of crazy, told him I was on a higher vibrational consciousness and descended from angels and that I had a message for humanity, and I abruptly left him when he wouldn't believe me. Both of our lives have been a shambles since then.

Strangely, the next and currently the last episode I had actually inspired me to get help because I realized "Wow, this is crazy stuff and I've been doing it for years."

There's some things I've learned, dealing with untreated whatever's wrong with my head for a good seven years (walks and talks like bipolar, but I want them to be Sure before throwing me on meds...), and that is this: You can be ill, and have all the wonderful spiritual experiences you like, but in the long-term, if the hurtful, delusional parts take over, and they usually do, it will destroy a lot of things that are wildly important to you in your life... At the same time, treatment does not have to negate the new spiritual side. I honestly think that "crazy" people, even though we are technically ill, do have a bit of an advantage over "normal" people when it comes to the field of metaphysics. We see a different world than you sane folk do, and perspective does make a difference.

Talk therapy+meds has a high success rate from what I hear. Start doing that now, imho, because the alternative is a long, long road full of unnecessary pain for him, you, and your family. If it has prompted him to become more spiritual, there are spiritual practices, such as meditation, that can be remarkably helpful when used alongside treatment and can help him in figuring out which thoughts and feelings come from the bipolar and which are real, and also nurtures the spiritual awakened side.

I hope that you can both look back on this a few years down the line and laugh together.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by WalterRatlos
So, what you propose is for psychiatric patients to suffer? Not to mention that you endanger their lives, because in a deep depressive phase with no medication a bipolar patient will most likely eventually try suicide to stop the suffering. I know, because I've been there, done that and I have the scars to prove it. What is your excuse?

I have no excuse,i have nothing else to say ,just read the side effects that comes with every doctor visit ,and every pill thats popped,along with the visits to the shrink.

'I think i remember one warning',but it came out 12 years and 8000 medicines after the fact and over a thousand [Suicides]. 'forgot' what it was .Suicide,'Cant remember'.

but any way,i have no excuse ,i have nothing to say,im pretty sure the psych loons are perfect in your society,im pretty sure they havnt been the cause of some ones ,umm,forgot.SUICIDE.

With help or with out help,theres still a chance things will turnout for the worst.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 01:19 PM
Nibiru is closing in on it's 3600 year orbit.

Mankind is about to change.

The spiritual shift experienced by your husband and many others signals great change in Humanity.

We are about to enter a new age of Discovery.

Embrace the Truth. Seek the Unknown.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 02:36 PM
Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by stellawayten

arrested AND medicated against his will?!?!

that don't sound good at all....

is that the future for those of us who are not like the collectivist [ borg ]?!

is hubby still medicated?

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by toasted
reply to post by stellawayten

arrested AND medicated against his will?!?!

that don't sound good at all....

is that the future for those of us who are not like the collectivist [ borg ]?!

is hubby still medicated?

What else would you suggest when someone is showing clear symptoms of a manic or psychotic episode? If someone is at risk of harming themselves or someone else then they do need medicating and the only way to do that is to arrest them or in the UK we section them under the mental health act. Most countries have something along these line.

It's not nice i agree but it is the best way forward. As for him still being medicated well that is what he might need. Bipolar disorder is extremely horrible and can often lead to suicide, full on psychosis is simply disturbing if you have ever witnessed it and psychotic individuals can harm others or themselves very easily. The paranoia these poor people go through and the sheer terror some of them experience due to their delusions is not something i would wish upon anyone.

I find it deeply sad that so many on ATS are against medication. While it is true that medicines are over prescribed in the USA (btw this can be attributed to your private healthcare system) there are many people who desperately need medication. Those medications allow them to lead normal lives.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by jonwight
im no dr. but maybe meds arent exactly what he needs.

I was thinkin the same thing..bipolar disorder is bull..I was dreaming about my boyfriend doing this same thing the other great to read that it actually happened to someone

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by 1GodsLivingLight

On what grounds do you think Bipolar Disorder is bull? Do you even know what it is? Have you read any books or journals on it?

“The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about.”

I was dreaming about my boyfriend doing this same thing the other great to read that it actually happened to someone

Is this a joke?

You actually hope that your boyfriend gets aggressive, loses trust in you, take your family on a trip against their will, turns paranoid to the point that he doesn’t let you use your cell phone, gets so psychotic that you actually fear for your life, starts fighting with cops, and starts having hallucinations?

I can’t imagine how bad your boyfriend must be for you to wish this would happen to him.

I also find it incredibly disrespectful and insulting to the OP that you’re so happy this happened to her husband.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by 1GodsLivingLight

I was thinkin the same thing..bipolar disorder is bull..I was dreaming about my boyfriend doing this same thing the other great to read that it actually happened to someone

Wow I've read some ridiculous posts on this site but yours takes the cake

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by fusionhunter
Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Hey check this out. Some more cool stuff from the bible for you

"I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the Lord: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. A curse on him who is lax in doing the Lord's work! A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed." [Jer. 13:14; 48:10]

"Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourself every girl who has never slept with a man." (Numbers 31:17-18)

"The Lord commands: "... slay old men outright, young men and maidens, little children and women" (Ezechial 9:4-6)

"The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their women with child ripped open." (Hosea 13:16)

It's like spreading the gospel of Ted Bundy

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Colton
Nibiru is closing in on it's 3600 year orbit.

Great, this is the 'advice' that ATS posters give to someone with a serious medical problem on her hands. Friggin Nibiru.

Mankind is about to change.

Apparently not for the better.

The spiritual shift experienced by your husband and many others signals great change in Humanity.

I didn't know losing your marbles equates to experiencing a 'spiritual shift' nowadays. You learn something new every day.

We are about to enter a new age of Discovery.

Embrace the Truth. Seek the Unknown.

What she needs to be doing is seeking out a damn good doctor

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