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Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by stellawayten
It's this man made frequencie they have in the mist of life for you humans,its unreal ,and its driving alot of people crazy.
Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
Just dont trust psychiatrists,doctors and medicines,they just want you to stop growing into what your suppose to be,its a plan for thats was written up by some very high and powerful agents of the world.
'Dont let the cattipiller turn into a butterfly'
A program that locks the doors down that are suppose to be open,a door that was meant to be open so it could lead to another door and another door.
Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
Dont let the doctor or no lunatic psychiatrists tell you or put your husband on no kind of meds that controls the brain. You cant imagine the protacol in life that humans reaally dont know about,and to controle whats been in humans every since they put the first pyramid up, to stop you all from conecting to your
Originally posted by Griffo
reply to post by Fatgoblin
It makes me laugh the amount of people on here posting about the end of the world coinciding with the superbowl. No one ever makes any predictions up like that for the FA cup or the champions league, and I'm pretty sure more people would be watching those globally (champions league at least)
Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by WalterRatlos
So, what you propose is for psychiatric patients to suffer? Not to mention that you endanger their lives, because in a deep depressive phase with no medication a bipolar patient will most likely eventually try suicide to stop the suffering. I know, because I've been there, done that and I have the scars to prove it. What is your excuse?
I have no excuse,i have nothing else to say ,just read the side effects that comes with every doctor visit ,and every pill thats popped,along with the visits to the shrink.
'I think i remember one warning',but it came out 12 years and 8000 medicines after the fact and over a thousand [Suicides]. 'forgot' what it was .Suicide,'Cant remember'.
but any way,i have no excuse ,i have nothing to say,im pretty sure the psych loons are perfect in your society,im pretty sure they havnt been the cause of some ones ,umm,forgot.SUICIDE.
With help or with out help,theres still a chance things will turnout for the worst.
Originally posted by toasted
reply to post by stellawayten
arrested AND medicated against his will?!?!
that don't sound good at all....
is that the future for those of us who are not like the collectivist [ borg ]?!
is hubby still medicated?
Originally posted by jonwight
im no dr. but maybe meds arent exactly what he needs.
I was dreaming about my boyfriend doing this same thing the other great to read that it actually happened to someone
Originally posted by 1GodsLivingLight
I was thinkin the same thing..bipolar disorder is bull..I was dreaming about my boyfriend doing this same thing the other great to read that it actually happened to someone
Originally posted by fusionhunter
Acts 1:8
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Originally posted by Colton
Nibiru is closing in on it's 3600 year orbit.
Mankind is about to change.
The spiritual shift experienced by your husband and many others signals great change in Humanity.
We are about to enter a new age of Discovery.
Embrace the Truth. Seek the Unknown.