posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by MidnightDStroyer
That's the spirit!
You remind me of the kids from Vegas who came up to Rachel,Nev
one year to "infiltrate the secret base".They had a plan to wear scuba
suits and crawl in at dusk..Two days later they came back to town crying with their mom
to get the rest of their bags.They were caught as soon as they crossed the line,with
their faces in the hot dirt for an hour,a M-4 rifle barrel in their ear.It was not pretty,
nor was there any ACLU witnesses to abuse by the SF/SEALS who guard the base from spys,tourists,and snot-nosed brats who want to stick their nose
under the fence.
-Didn't make it within thirteen miles.
The best you're gonna do is deface a rancher's mailbox like all the rest of the frustrated
youth with nothing to do on summer vacation but dream of fame and adventure.
( My recommendation would be to save the $700.00 Fine money,and go to Vegas.
There's better adventure there.)