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New Madrid *Alert* Strange Rainbow...Birds Fleeing

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by dnvrliz
I know that FEMA is always preparing for things of course, but preparing to this extreme for an earthquake is not normal. I don't care how much info you have you can't predict an earthquake like this. It seems more like they know that the New Madrid will blow but they know because it has been planned not because they think it will blow.
Not from the signs it is showing either.
Take Los Angeles for instance, how come they aren't worried about that area, they are having quakes daily and they have a huge fault that could go at any time.... doesn't make sense to me.

I live in southern california and I call tell you that any rational person that doens't live in a fantasy world is extremely concerned about the San Andreas since been so quiet for so long. In fact scientists have recently speculated that the southern portion is capable of a much larger EQ than they previously thought. LA Times had a good article on this recently. And we all know it's not a matter of if, but when this thing unloads and does some serious damage.

Funny thing is, even after the 7.2 baja quake down in Mexico last Easter, people still seem to think that a massive EQ out here won't cause much damage or casualties despite the fact that quake was felt from hundreds of miles away including up here in the greater LA metro area, Las Vegas and Arizona. I can tell you first hand my house shook pretty good for several minutes. No damage, but lots of things fell over. So just imagine if the epicenter was much closer than Mexico.

All I know is that this state is 2nd in the country in unemployment right now, and the state itself is pretty much broke. So any EQ that is mag 7.0 or greater on the San Andreas is likely going to be the final nail in this states coffin - regardless of whether it's the northern portion that runs directly under San Francisco, or the southern portion that runs through the San Bernadino mountains in the LA area.

What scares me the most is the prospect of a the entire San Andreas fault going off - if that happens don't be surprised if the entire west coast sinks into the ocean like so many prophets and psychics have claimed will happen in the near future. I know some people believe that's impossible but the History Channel recently aired a showed aptly named '10.0 Megaquake' and outlined a scenario in which a massive EQ could be generated along the entire SA fault line.

As for the New Madrid - I'm extremely concerned about that area as well because I have lots of family and friends in the midwest. And even a 6.0 - 7.0 EQ on that faultine could be very devestating and kill 1000's and have the same type of impact that a 8.0+ EQ could in california simply due to the construction of buildings and homes in that area not up to the same standards as the ones out here. When the NM went off in 1812 it was estimated to be an 8.0 mag EQ (and don't forget there were 3 of them that were 7.0+ over a 2 year period) and if that happens again this time I truly can't fathom the aftermath.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 05:37 PM
I live in N. Alabama and work outside. we see these rainbow clouds alot. Especially before it snows. Or when there's a stormfront pushing in. growing up on a farm we used these omens to let us know that wet weather was coming soon. I don't doubt that there could be an earthquake coming to N. Madrid fault. Alot of strange things have been happening in the world lately. FEMA is up to something.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:09 PM
Honestly...if you think the New Madrid fault is going to blow you're always going to be looking for stuff to confirm your suspcions. It's a trait of paranoia. Not saying things aren't strange...but you can probably attribute the animal movement to the massive winter storm. As for the rainbow...I saw a strange one yesterday here in Arizona. But we don't even have a major fault line under us. Not too concerned.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by YourPopRock

had to turn that one down everyone thought i was watching a porno whats up with that guy lol

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by Disconnected Sociopath

How right you are!!! One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post is the damage that quakes do to the economy. The Loma Prieta quake was epicentered in the Santa Cruz area, and that little beach community suffered the most damage. Three years afterward, their economy was still struggling- it's not just the money that disappears into repairs & such, it's all of the people who move away because businesses close, work is hard to find, & the fact that one disaster was enough & they'd rather live & spend their money elsewhere. The fact that California has just come away from so many years of drought, which dried up the Imperial Valley & turned lots of little towns into ghost towns (no water, no work!), & the present storm & mudslide situation, doesn't help. The last thing that California needs right now is a bad quake.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:29 PM
As for the departure of certain animals from the area, like the crows and other flocks of birds. They may have been getting ahead of this storm that is set to hit the Midwest tonight. When a storm like this approaches, it can drive the birds away because of the cold air that is being associated with this storm. However, I am not saying that the birds leaving the area would have anything to do with just the storm coming itself. You just can't go by what a flock of crows are doing. It is possible that the ants in the area could be sensing a possilbe shake coming. Seeing as to how they are underground a majority of the time. If you guys really want to know if an earthquake is going to happen. I suggest that you keep an eye on certain animals, especially if you have a dog or a cat as a pet. Dogs, cats, and some other animals are especially susceptible to low frequency electromagnetic signals that are given off before a quake. If you have a lot of snakes in your area, check to see if they either come out of hibernation. Snakes have been known to come out of their nests up to five days before an earthquake, even in the winter time.

Originally posted by strawberry91
How far reaching would this earthquake be if it actually happened? I live in northeast Alabama near the beginning of the appalchians. Just curious, I hope it doesn't happen anyway.

You would be surprised as to how much damage we could see if the New Madrid Fault were to experience an earthquake. Just to give you an example as to how much damage we could see if the New Madrid were to go in the near future. Cities close to the epicenter like St. Louis, Missouri and Memphis, Tennessee would have thousands of buildings destroyed or severely damaged. Damaged wouldn't just be confined to those two cities, in fact you could end up having damage three to four hundred miles away from the epicenter of the quake. The reason being that we could see so much widespread damage is due to two reasons. Reason one being that the New Madrid's fault zone is twenty time the size of the San Andreas fault zone in California. If a quake were to hit on this fault again, the destruction brought on by the next quake would be catastrophic. Reason number two is that states east of the Mississippi do not have the earthquake preparedness that states out west have. We don't have the building codes pertaining to earthquakes that a lot of other states and countries.

Just to give you some examples as to how widespread this quake could be felt.
On October 31, 1895, a magnitude 6.6 with an epicenter at Charleston, Missouri. The quake damaged virtually all buildings in Charleston, creating sand volcanoes by the city, cracked a pier on the Cairo Rail Bridge and toppled chimneys in St. Louis, Missouri, Memphis, Tennessee, Gadsden, Alabama and Evansville, Indiana.

On November 9th, 1968, a magnitude 5.4 quake struck near Dale, Illinois. The quake damaged the civic building at Henderson, Kentucky and was felt in 23 states. People in Boston said their building swayed. It is the biggest recorded quake with an epicenter in Illinois in that state's recorded history.

edit on 1-2-2011 by gimmefootball400 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by coolottie

After the guy ran to the next room i noticed that bird on the telephone pole in front of that big tree and thought, 'there's a bird just sitting there calmly...' Immediately after i thought those words, the camera zoomed in and it wasn't a bird anymore, just a part of the pole.
The real birds flocking in roughly the same direction at the same time is odd. Not to mention the proximity to a fault line and the fact that the birds disregard seasonal migration. Good find.

There actually WAS an earthquake.

edit on 1-2-2011 by Yellow Ledbetter because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-2-2011 by Yellow Ledbetter because: link

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by Yellow Ledbetter

How would birds flying in a flock be odd or strange? That is nature..

I am sorry but has no one here seen a flock of birds in your whole lives? Have you never looked at ths skyline?

This normal picture more strange then anything i saw in that video..

But its just a picture of birds...

OK people let me fill you in on a giant secret.. Birds flock when they forage, big snow storm was heading to area.. Nature at work. The one thing there is no proof of, evidence of and basicly no point in is the assumption that 1 flock of birds we see in a very short video has anything to do with an earthquake starting!

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 06:56 PM
I just wanted to add that also SHARKS are migrating by the thousands off the coast of florida. It came out in florida news recently. So now i'm in shock as to what this all means.!!!

here is the link:

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by ShogunAssassins

check the link i put in there. amazing would have been a better word to use than odd.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by Yellow Ledbetter

Its slightly over 70 miles between St Louis and Farmington and a 2.5 magnitude quake you would be lucky to feel.. I wouldnt call that amazing..

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 07:27 PM
what's up with the attacks? lol just sharing my OPINION of the event to be 'odd,' or 'amazing'. I find the link between the unimpressive earth quake and the wall of birds on a foraging party to be pretty extramazingoddinary, if you don't mind me saying.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Disconnected Sociopath

History Channel had a Special about Earthquakes on Saturday night. It was very informative it was new. It made me feel 100% better after I saw it.
After watching a youtube video some guy made a few weeks ago, it scared the crap out of me.
But I live on the wabash fault ( connected to new madrid?) and work for a quasi gov agency and no body from iema or around here worships the devil. Nobody around here wants to hurt people on purpose. don't worry about that because there are SO many good people here.
The fire rescue people, police everybody wants to be prepare for any emergency so they can help people. They have kids and family who live here too. There is so much hype and people are getting scared. We will all be OK. TOO many good people here in this neck of the woods. be positive.

NOTE: Emergency Mang. in California had the same table exercise in 2008. They mock ordered supplies and they selected a specific city in CA to be the epicenter. called the Great Shake-Up whatever... same name.
Actually, its a good thing they are doing this and we should all be happy they are planning. Don't worry, just be prepared and hopefully it will never happen.
I have heard all these years that all the little tremblers on the new madrid fault are actually relieving pressure in the Earth. God wont take you until it is your time anyway.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Ok I watched those Youtube videos and they seem perfectly normal to me. I live in Canada and this is what the sky looks like before a big snow storm. Birds can sense this stuff and they fly away. Nothing strange to me.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by coolottie

My point is that you are over reacting. Posting an alert for the N.M. fault line because of rainbow clouds and animals acting in ways you perceive as weird is either fear mongering or predicting as well as fear mongering.

I am saying I am on the fault line. The animals are not acting any differently here than any other day. When the N.M. fault line blows up big it is going to be effecting every state on that fault line. If there is only a slight disturbance in one area of the fault line the animals are not going to flee, they would have no reason to.

There are plenty of logical explanations for animals acting strange, especially with massive storm fronts moving in. As for squirrels a lack of them being in your area is likely an increase in predators. As I said in a past post birds follow the weather and nature.

Again, FEMA, HLS, or even the ordinary person can spend every penny they have to prepare for when the fault line busts open. They will never be prepared for the destruction that is coming when it does. The death count will be a minimum in the hundred thousands.

Rainbow clouds are in the air often all you have to do is look up.


posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 09:46 PM
Nature does seem to be acting a tad odd... It could be nothing but i live in south ga and the oak trees here, and pretty much all the other trees have all their leaves on them or are budding. I noticed this in the middle of January which i found a little strange.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Disconnected Sociopath
I have friends and family that were in the quake in San Fransico in the 80's. Not many young people are old enought to remember it. It was horrorible. The southern part of that fault has been acting up so much this past 4 months like you like you I can just see it sink the whole Baja gone. I recieved a wonderful email from an ATS member and I think with all of the major quakes around the pacific rim looks like a nightmare on the Iris map. I do believe the Sun has to do with all of this and this is not because of a solar cycle, The earth is pulling up moisture from the earth and it is causing big problem and our magnetic field is not at all well. People in California know the drills and what to do during a quake. Here is the middle of the country not many people are prepared or even think it could ever be possible. If you have any pointers that you know we should need please let us know. Some people are not even aware there is a fault. God is in control and I am not afraid but worry about how this will effect the young families around me.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by zcflint05
You should be because if 7-8 hits Baja or New Madrid you will suffer a lot because of it. California and the Midwest produce most of the food consumed in this country. You need buy a few extra can goods too. That is not paranoia that is smart.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by ShogunAssassins

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:54 PM
I am in Northern Utah and just today saw a rainbow alot like the one in the video. It wasn't as brilliant in color, but it was strange just the same...

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