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Secret space program disclosure on the way?

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:42 PM
Do any of you feel that Uncle Sam is beginning to soften up the public as to the existence of an advanced secret space program and/ or the existence of an extraterrestrial presence among us? I can't help but think this is what is behind the myriad of upcoming soon to be released movies and TV series this year. Sort of like tenderizing the meat before throwing it on the grill. The latest recruiting ad for the United States Navy touts the new slogan "global force for good", and concludes with the statement "wherever it takes us", as we see a missile entering space and a satellite in orbit. Are we about to learn what is really going on in space? Step aside NASA, the Navy is getting us ready for the real Star Trek. How long until we are a member of the federation? Take a look at the US Navy ad and let me know what you think.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:59 PM
I would have to check on this, and you may want to do the same. But I could have sworn that the Navy is involved in either, agencies such as NASA, or even have their own space program. Again, I am not sure, so I am going to need to do some homework, after I finish my college homework. Also I would like to point out that when I was in the Marines we always had similar motto's. Seeing the Navy and Marines are associated and the old motto was "any clime and place" this just seems to be a more modern version of the saying. Just my two cents.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:04 PM
I do believe that HUGE government institutions like the Navy plan their symbolism and propaganda VERY deliberately. I can see where you're going with it though, I couldn't say I'd disagree... "Wherever it takes us": Space. "We" (human race) already are a member of the Federation, just not publicly.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by UFORacer56

Thanks for your reply. I am sure the Navy is involved in space on several levels. Zorgon has presented several threads and tons of info on the Navy Space Command. I should maybe clarify the question. Do you think that inclusion of space operations in their recent advertising campaign signifies a movement in the direction of disclosing some of the true nature of those operations? I don't believe I have ever seen them advertise having anything to do with space previously. Hope this clarifies where I was going with this.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Disclosure, nah. Some kid will join thinking he is going out into space when all he will be doing is mopping the deck.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:31 PM
I watched the commercial, and I took it as them implying that they are using satellites in space to guide the missile, not that they are actually sending a missile into space. If disclosure came about, it wouldn't be from the U.S. government, it would be from another country. If by some weird reason the U.S. government would disclose that information I doubt they would use the Navy to "tenderize" us. Navy typically operates within the realm of our seas and oceans, not outer space, and therefore does not make sense to me to use Navy to soften us up for this type of disclosure.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:37 PM
The navy did indeed grab a downed saucer off the coast of LA after the engagement of the ack ack guns with an intruder over LA in 1942.
The army also supposedly got one that went down in the hills east of LA.
The disclosure of a note by Herbert Hoover, statng this is on file somewhere.
The adds for the srvices seem to be going the direction you indicate,(one for airforce which is pretty futuristic was discussed last week here.
You may be correct in your assessment of these adds, but i too think disclosure is not on the near agenda for a number of reasons.
Though the suppression of info may just be a habitual part of the system and is going to be phased out over the next while.
It seems to be working well these the question remains when?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by jetflock
Disclosure, nah. Some kid will join thinking he is going out into space when all he will be doing is mopping the deck.

Well, you can be the slight debunker, but the US Space Force is operational and involves all of the services, including proportionally the army and the Marines. For a breakdown of how it was formed, and structured, see Military Space Forces: The Next Fifty Years. (ISBN 0-08-037432-8) Completed back in the Star War days of 1989, it gives a comprehensive view of how the space force was being built. It clearly explains what its mission is. And that is to control all space within the Moon's orbit, not to mention the Moon itself.

Sea power is doomed to become a second-class tool of war. Everything sitting out there in that virtually two-dimensional sea is a setting duck. The bigger, the more so. With ships in space, you can throw down nothing more sophisticated than large boulders to take out a flat top. But you don't even need to go to that extreme. Killer rockets (land, sea and air based) are the current biggest bane of any ship at sea. Ship-board interception systems of anti-rocket rockets, 20 and 30mm multi-cannon and even lasers are insufficient for safe-guarding a ship from a determined enemy. Space superiority is the key to winning large-scale warfare today, and if you hold the high ground, the game is yours.

And if you think the winding up of our pathetic shuttle program is the end of our manned space efforts, think again. There be triangles out there..

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by jetflock

Mopping the deck of a berrylium cruise maybe!!! Star for your comment though, very cynical yet true!

And no I do not believe this ad i playing much a huge roll in the disclosure project, but it obviously gets people thinking in that direction(space)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:20 PM
If any of the armed forces are going to own space, then the navy has the best template since they are already working with big ships, the air force helps out with the smaller and faster ones. Any other forces will just be along for the ride.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by greybeard1

When discloser happens you will see only that you have been duped. But be excited anyways. Why not.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:26 PM
This is very interesting, I read another thread about the same thing here on ATS, I beleive the Navy does have a secret space program and NASA is just there to keep us distracted.

Here is a link you might want to check out, I don't know if it's up to date or not.
John Lear's Files
The Navy's Secrets
NAVY Space Command Uncovered

Great Thread, I had forgotten about this.


posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:36 PM
Most of nasa's mission are for the defence sector. The shuttles and stuff are secondary really.

Also, there are already space commands for most branches of the forces, including the Navy.

I do believe we have a secret space program, but you or me ain't ever going to hear about it, unless we get on the inside. These are just recruitment commercials.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 04:41 PM
All that I get from the ad is that the navy launches sattelites,no evidence of any "secret" space programmes

unless the secrecy is the purpose of the sattelites that the navy are launching?

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 07:44 AM
i think that wikileaks has something about it and maybe the US is "getting ready" to talk about it in case Julian Assange reveals all that. This are good times for the truth, the world is going to more enlighted times where hiding something will be more difficult. Governments cannot lie to people as before, you'll see it more a more.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by greybeard1

The motto "Global Force for Good" scares me more than aliens do.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by MacSkywalker
i think that wikileaks has something about it and maybe the US is "getting ready" to talk about it in case Julian Assange reveals all that. This are good times for the truth, the world is going to more enlighted times where hiding something will be more difficult. Governments cannot lie to people as before, you'll see it more a more.

Very good point!
It doesn't take much imagination or forward-looking into their possible contingency plans to consider that they already have stuff salted away to be pulled out as the need arises.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 01:36 AM
The navy is suppossedly has gone the furthest,with outer space travel. SUPPOSSEDLY,they will be the first to launch star trek like ships,if they have not already.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 07:59 AM
I think the best thing our country could do is put the Air Wings back under the Army and end the Air Force as a separate military branch.

The US Army can run the unmanned UAV's. We don't really need the Air Force being separate anymore. Manned flight is about over for warfare in the atmosphere. Plus it's simple economics. This isn't 1947, we ain't rolling in Federal Revenue for many more decades.

The Navy can field Commanders to fly ships in space. Well we all know Navigators really tell the hardware where to go. The CO just points and says "make it so".

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 08:10 AM
This subjeck (me thinks) would be a great episode, for "Brad Meltzer's DE-CODED", it sure would!

Maybe we should all e-mail 'em to mention it.

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