posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by kimar
I seriously doubt this, sorry:
The thing is though I saw the planes turn around and come back to leave more trails.
Let's educate you with some perspective. How far do you think you can see, up in the sky, when you look downrange? On a clear day, of
(It's actually related to the height of any object, in the what I'm getting at here. For airliners at normal cruise altitudes above about
30,000 feet, it's about 200's all related to the curve of the Earth's surface. Of course, the higher it is above the surface, the
less the Earth's curvature is a factor. Like, we can see the Moon, the Sun, stars, etc....).
Anyway...these jets you
think you saw "turn around"? You didn't. You saw multiple jets, passing by.
Now...speeds at cruise. Somewhere between 7 to 8 miles per minute on average. Oh, and there is certainly no way (unless you'e Superman) you can see
an airliner that is at most 150-250 feet long from 200 miles away! So, you have to consider that aspect, and at what point you can see something that
size, at what distance.
See the point, yet? Look are most likely mistaken. Because, I truly doubt that you gazed at airplanes for minutes on end, without
distraction....did you?