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Stoning execution caught on camera

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posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

The central tenet of Christianity, is one of liberation from the sickness of evil, by love, freed for the sake of freedom to freely love as we are loved.

Where in the hell did you get that? The main pull of Christianity is John 3:16 -- "God so loved the world that he gave his ,...."

This is a message of hate -- toward the Jews. If you don't believe in "HIM", you go to hell.

So many people, including many on these boards, do not seem willing to open their mind and make use of their higer faculties of reason, logic, and intuition, and many of their opinions are worthless in the light of truth and add up to nothing of any value, especially when driven or motivated by contemptuous bias.

I don't know who you are pointing at -- sounds like you are talking about yourself.

edit on 29-1-2011 by SecondComing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by SecondComing

You make so many assumptions about what you THINK you already know, it's insulting to both of us.

Open you mind and think again, and if you can, re-investigate again, free from contempt, prior to investigation, a surefire recipe to keep a man in everlasting ignorance.

P.S. Jesus was himself a Jew and a Jewish rabbi, he was first a Jew for Jews, although I am reminded of the exchange with the Samaritan woman at the well, not that you'd have any interest in what I might be alluding to there.

Sadly, where there is no understanding or attempt at understanding, any real communication, except perhaps for the benefit of the reader, is a complete waste of time, it's like talking to a brick wall or a vacuum. There is no possibility for any mutual understanding, none. You've already made up your mind based on what you ASSUME. Good luck with that.

edit on 29-1-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Byteman
reply to post by DrChuck

This old flawed argument again.

A core belief of Islam is to spread it EVERYWHERE to EVERYONE. That means these people, with "conviction" as you put it, are also dedicated to a future where YOU and/or YOUR DESCENDANTS are under their rule.

Therefore, we don't have to respect their culture. They are already dedicated to destroying ours first chance they get.

According to your "let's respect it" logic, you must respect my wishes to preserve my culture and beliefs. So your rant against people, who themselves are against Islam, is hypocrisy. BTW, this is why this argument is forever flawed.

Now your just generalizing all Muslims. By your logic the Westboro Baptist Church represents all Christians. Believe it or not, not ALL Muslims are out to convert you and conquer you. You probably believe ALL Mexicans want to steal jobs in America.

As for Muslims being dedicated to destroying our culture, we do a heck of a better job at destroying other cultures than anyone in the world. When was the last time a Islamic state ventured into our lands with a full blown army? The small attacks they've successfully made are nothing compared to the demise and destruction of what we have accomplished. We've been in the Middle East trashing the place loooong before 9/11 happened. Who is the transgressor here?

I do respect your wish to preserve yourself, I respect everyones wish to preserve themselves, even those of my ENEMIES. Its the strongest and most basic drive of any living thing. But,I can just not respect yours, cuz your behaving like an ass.

Just as they WERE?
They STILL kidnap little girls, forcibly convert them to Islam, and then forcibly marry them.
They STILL stone female children for just looking at a boy wrong.
They STILL rape their child "brides". (abuse victims)

Western people are STILL held accountable for their actions.
You forget what stuff like POLICE, JUDGES, PROSECUTORS, DEFENSE LAWYERS, and JURIES are for?
It's just that we go through the ridiculous steps of actually having to PROVE the crime, instead of some high-level Mussie declaring "a wrong has occurred ALLAH!!!!!!!".

We don't stone to death RAPE VICTIMS like they routinely do either.

How do you know if they didn't hold a tribunal for this matter? Were you there? Or is it that your emotions cloud your reasoning?
As I said before not all Muslims follow your flawed generalizations.

I will declare Muslims whatever I want, whenever I want.

What are you, 5 years old?

Rape children = animals
Marry children = animals
Force children to do anything = animals
Stone women for having desires = animals
Stoning rape victims = animals

So adultery is a mark of being more heinous than Muslims?
In my opinion, your priorities are severely flawed.

How is two consenting adults having sex, worse than a grown man forcing himself upon a 8 year old child?

Why do you keep bring up the matter of children? Are you trying to appeal to emotions so your argument may sound more credible? All those things you've listed has been done by us too. We don't have child rapists? You don't think our soldiers overseas do any of those? The lands we conquered, have all been subject to worse treatment than what you allegedly accuse the entire Muslim population of doing.

The only difference I see is the stoning and timing. We use guns and the electric chair instead. Death is death whether its by stone or bullet. Marrying off underage girls was also practiced by us for thousands of years, in every part of the world. We have stopped that recently, more recently than you think. And even though most of the population in the western countries have banned it, it is still going on.

When the hell did I say two consenting adults having sex is worse than raping a 8 year old child? Where are you getting this?
Stop trying to force words in my mouth with your histrionics and behave like a human being.

How is that you sympathizer?
You sympathizer to a religion of child-raping.

Calm down.

edit on 29-1-2011 by DrChuck because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-1-2011 by DrChuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Maslo

Thanks for reconstructing my statement. Again, I do NOT care what the Taliban does or what stone age goatherders do. I appreciate the examples you offered, however, what the Afghan people do, does not concern me. Primitive people display primative behaviors. If it were up to me, that stoning would not have taken place, because I'd have used nuclear weapons on the mideast 25 years ago, and glassbowled the ENTIRE mideast.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by reatarded

Saying it is the coltural norm is easy to do when you dont see it.. Try finding the video, watch these people go through pain, watch them die and then tell me its the norm...

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by mountain40
reply to post by Maslo

Thanks for reconstructing my statement. Again, I do NOT care what the Taliban does or what stone age goatherders do. I appreciate the examples you offered, however, what the Afghan people do, does not concern me. Primitive people display primative behaviors. If it were up to me, that stoning would not have taken place, because I'd have used nuclear weapons on the mideast 25 years ago, and glassbowled the ENTIRE mideast.

How nice. So, you would not have stoned one or two teenagers, you would have murdered the whole population. Thank God YOU are not in change eh?

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by DrChuck

The small attacks they've successfully made are nothing compared to the demise and destruction of what we have accomplished.

You mean liberating them from the Taliban dicatorship, so that now all important socioeconomic parameters (HDP, economic growth, quality of life, human rights, women rights..) in the country are BETTER than before the war, with further potential to improve that would be unimaginable under Taliban? Yeah, thats really demise and destruction...

We've been in the Middle East trashing the place loooong before 9/11 happened.

No, the sionists in Israel were doing that. Why should we pay for their mistakes?

How do you know if they didn't hold a tribunal for this matter? Were you there? Or is it that your emotions cloud your reasoning?

According to the article in the OP, there was no fair tribunal. And even if there was, do you think its okay to stone women for adultery?

As I said before not all Muslims follow your flawed generalizations.

More than 50% agree with stoning women, according to statistics.

All those things you've listed has been done by us too.

Maybe. But they are the exceptions that are frowned upon, not the rule of the land.

The lands we conquered, have all been subject to worse treatment than what you allegedly accuse the entire Muslim population of doing.

Of course. Thats why majority of afghani city population prefer NATO over Taliban, according to polls.

The only difference I see is the stoning. We use guns and the electric chair instead. Death is death whether its by stone or bullet.

Since when we shoot or fry women for adultery?

Your moral relativism is disgusting.

edit on 29/1/11 by Maslo because: typo

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:43 PM
wow...they even stoned the guy she was accused to have been sleeping with.........sorry, can't say it was totally unfair then.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:44 PM
while i agree this is barbaric, the fact remains this is the law of the land. we know that if we murder somebody we can be executed, it's no different there. while i understand that adultery should not be a a death sentence, it still is the law there.

do the crime do the time. who are we to judge their society and laws? again while i don't condone this it is the law, and the people there knows what happens to those who break the laws.

i'm sure a bunch of you don't like when other nations criticize our laws for being soft. don't criticize other nations laws, it's none of our business

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Hardstepah
while i agree this is barbaric, the fact remains this is the law of the land. we know that if we murder somebody we can be executed, it's no different there. while i understand that adultery should not be a a death sentence, it still is the law there.

do the crime do the time. who are we to judge their society and laws? again while i don't condone this it is the law, and the people there knows what happens to those who break the laws.

i'm sure a bunch of you don't like when other nations criticize our laws for being soft. don't criticize other nations laws, it's none of our business

Laws of Afghanistan do not allow any stoning. Even according to law of the land, this was a brutal murder.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

If I was to commit murder I wouldn't be executed (not that I would), execution is still one of the backwards methods used in very few western societys. BUT even they do it without (hopefully) causing pain to the accused.

Stoning is designed to cause pain up until the accused loses consciousness and then dies. I for one don't care if its the "law of the land", it's barbaric, pure and simple, and should not be tolerated, by anybody.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by woogleuk

I know that if I could dismiss my hate and pity and throw rocks at someone who
stood in a hole in the ground, within the anger I would feel good because it wouldn't
be over in one go... the 'surface' rage of being betrayed by someone I love, would call
for forgiveness in my head, as I pummeled their body with rough stones.

But I wouldn't feel too bad, my friends -who I can trust and who are there to support
me, would also lob the boulders at my loved one and I would again, feel part of something.

If my pity rose first, my friends would rush to my aid and bludgeon my wife/husband for
me and as her/his terrified -yet resigned eyes met mine, I would feel confident that my
God would be smiling at my and my friends actions.

Yer' gotta love this planet.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:30 PM
thats pure sickiness and evil!!!!

And some of the replies here kinda throw in like "we are no better or we did this"

Well,,,we are alot better and and yes,,there are criminals and sick people amongst us as well...

This was pure brutal and evil!!!

Note how thses extremist all luv our cell phones/lap tops and the tech from the infidels...

Some also say well,,thats their culture,,,,,your right,,,,,!!!

Im quite aware of all those countries who have these brutal clerics/extremist,,,and laws,,,

The clerics even were giving a sermon on this,,,she crawled and it was so brutal,,,

I cried to so please pardon my opinion,,,

I would say more but glad the OP posted this,,

Make a cartoon you hear a billion voices,,,,(I know this is a bad example) but the brutality of this was evil....

Why is there not any moderates? who protest against this madness????

I'll never watch anything like that again,,

sorry but that was brutal,,...complete madness,,,,and no way can a RIGHT be made out of this or on eqaul terms of evil and madness what this is....

sorry again,i worked on this 1 hour but just my opinion,please dont get mad at me being upset...


posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by reatarded
It is the norm of the country, abide by the norm and the law.

I could post a torture within US prison and claim how messed up is it that this still happens, that people get tortured physically and psychologically for stealing, to survive in a capitalistic environment.

Those who commit adultery in Afghanistan know the cultural norm, and the cultural norm.

You're really defending the Taliban? Stoning is just used as a control device incorporating fear. Capitalizing on the lesser urges of man to demostrate how quickly one's world will be turned upside down if they go against the group in power.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by ahmonrarh
wow...they even stoned the guy she was accused to have been sleeping with.........sorry, can't say it was totally unfair then.

Yes, so fair..

C'mon people, grow up!

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Hardstepah

Screw that, we all share the same ground of being and we all breath the same air and share the same Earthly sphere. Evil is evil, plain and simple and that was evil.

What's interesting is it's my understanding that the prophet Mohammed was a womanizer, who shared his bed with many women, surely some of whom could have been married and thus engaged in acts of adultery.

I have to leave this thread now, it hurts too much, and the points being debated by many are also disgraceful and abhorrent.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
Afghanistan laws do not allow stoning, so this murder violated not only moral laws, but afghani laws as well.

Afghanistan laws? That's a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron to be sure.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 04:02 PM
I suppose that it is possible that if this group of villagers knew they
were breaking the Afghan laws, one can only imagine the guilt they
felt as they killed the couple with the stones... I suppose a better
camera may have shown their reluctance.

I can only imagine the man felt pompous knowing his death was not
only against a moral law -but the country's law too.

I'm pondering if they are in hiding right now.


edit on 29-1-2011 by A boy in a dress because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
I suppose a better
camera may have shown their reluctance.

I seen the video, I seen no reluctance, only smiles and looks of hate, joy and all the emotions a civilised human being would not be showing through such a diabolical act.

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 04:38 PM
Disgusting ! Stoning people for adultery ? But no "law" against "dancing boys"
Of course not, because some scum in leading positions need to polish their egos !
Do not do as we do. Do what we tell you to do ! Hypycrites

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