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You think the U.S. is a bad country?

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posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by StlSteve

Originally posted by The_Zomar
reply to post by pianopraze

I believe if everyone was like me this world would be a better place.

There's a scary thought - everyone like you.

Haha I realize how that sounded.

I don't mean same interests, same looks, etc. Would make for a pretty dull life.

I just meant kind, caring, understanding, patient.....

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by The_Zomar

Glad you have such a high opinion of yourself. You left out modesty.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by StlSteve
reply to post by The_Zomar

Glad you have such a high opinion of yourself. You left out modesty.

.... nevermind.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar

Haha I realize how that sounded.

I don't mean same interests, same looks, etc. Would make for a pretty dull life.

I just meant kind, caring, understanding, patient.....

It sounded human

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze

Originally posted by The_Zomar

Haha I realize how that sounded.

I don't mean same interests, same looks, etc. Would make for a pretty dull life.

I just meant kind, caring, understanding, patient.....

It sounded human

I would say thank you, but then I would have to wonder if that was a good thing...

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Saying the US is bad while being a US citizen is simply idiocy. Move then, and see if you'd like it better.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by IsraeliGuy

It really does help to read the entire post... but we've had this discussion in another thread.

My second post restates my whole first post in one sentence.

I know the first one was a bit long for those who are used to tweeting

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by IsraeliGuy
Saying the US is bad while being a US citizen is simply idiocy. Move then, and see if you'd like it better.

Your statement simply doesn't make sense. Do you think I have any control ?? Really?

I write my senators and congressmen. I vote. I inform others to do the same.What more can I do?

And if you are willing to pay for my plane ticket and money to live off of until I find employment U2U me immediately.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 04:41 AM
In concept and in theory and what this country is supposed to be it's not bad, the founding fathers had the right idea and there heart in the right place but since our government has become corrupt and did things like MK-Ultra false flag to start the Vietnam war ect ect it's not what it once was....

But the idea of America minus the corruption in the government is still a great place altho i can see some seeing that as a oxymoron.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by noobsauce13
..... This is a democratic country however secrets are still kept.........

The United States is NOT nor ever was a Democracy. We are a REPUBLIC.

A Republic is where a few royal families control everything and the citizens are property of those ruling families.

The Electoral College picks the Presidents, not the people.

Who's the Electoral College? The royal families of America.

Who picks the Supreme Court Judges? The President who's hand picked by the ruling elite.

What about Congress? Only those with the ability to get millions to run for office can become Congressmen. Therefor it's not filled with citizens, it's filled by those families loyal to the ruling elite.

It's amazing how many people swear up and down America is a Democracy. It's not, never has been. We don't support Democracy around the world. We topple it.

Fiji and Thailand under military supported by America because our ruling elite are making money over there. We TOPPLE Democracy...we don't support it.

There is a REASON why we MUST have 11 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups circling the globe...we've pee'd off alot of people killing and slaughtering innocent people so our ruling elite's pockets stay full. If we were not a bad country...we wouldn't need 11 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups to keep the world from seeking revenge on us.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by pianopraze
You think the U.S. is a bad country?

You think because this because we kill our own civilians in medical tests with radiation, syphilis, and untold number of ways without their knowledge and consent?

You think we are evil because we develop mind control techniques like MK-ULTRA where people raped, beaten, electroshocked and tortured to death, brought back to life, and tortured some more?

You think we are hell on earth for our corporations overthrowing democracies and any other form of government so our corporate masters can take control?

You think because we suck our media pacifiers and spend all our money and more on worthless junk we throw away less than 2 months later - destroying our environment with the waste - there is something wrong?

I have news for you. Your deranged. Your sick.

The REAL conspiracy here is that our nation is not evil - the people who do these things are evil.

Yes all these things are evil but they are no more evil than the evil perpetrated every day around this world in every nation, country, provence or deserted island. It has gone on since man raised his eyes and saw another man.

Every time we as human beings turn on ourselves in savagery, worse than any "animal," we perpetuate this. It takes no nation, color or creed. It is the evil in the human heart.

In me.

In you.

Stop pointing the finger outward and start pointing it inward. You think your going to change it by yelling and screaming in these forums? You think your going to have any impact on the world as you sit there with your laptops or in front of your desktops... the only sound your really making is a few key strokes.

Every time you harm those around you... in big ways... in small ways... you perpetuate this sickness.

Look inward and change what you see there.

You have thousands of chances every day. As you interact with your families in the morning. As you drive or ride to work. As you interact with all those "horrible people" around you every day.

When you turn and finally can see hurting people hurting around you and let all your actions and reactions be ones taken with real love... then.... then we will se a change.

When we do this we stop lying to ourselves. And when we stop lying to ourselves it is easy to see the lies of those around us.

When we are no longer captive to our own lies, we will no longer be captive to those lies which perpetuate all the evil around us.

It is not nations or people... it is us.

We must change.

We can change.

We can.




no I don't think our country is bad.

Doing those things makes you a good p

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by Pervius

Originally posted by noobsauce13
..... This is a democratic country however secrets are still kept.........

The United States is NOT nor ever was a Democracy. We are a REPUBLIC.

A Republic is where a few royal families control everything and the citizens are property of those ruling families.

The Electoral College picks the Presidents, not the people.

Who's the Electoral College? The royal families of America.

Who picks the Supreme Court Judges? The President who's hand picked by the ruling elite.

What about Congress? Only those with the ability to get millions to run for office can become Congressmen. Therefor it's not filled with citizens, it's filled by those families loyal to the ruling elite.

It's amazing how many people swear up and down America is a Democracy. It's not, never has been. We don't support Democracy around the world. We topple it.

Fiji and Thailand under military supported by America because our ruling elite are making money over there. We TOPPLE Democracy...we don't support it.

There is a REASON why we MUST have 11 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups circling the globe...we've pee'd off alot of people killing and slaughtering innocent people so our ruling elite's pockets stay full. If we were not a bad country...we wouldn't need 11 Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups to keep the world from seeking revenge on us.

Maybe Americans will put down the fluoride and demand democracy then.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar

Maybe Americans will put down the fluoride and demand democracy then.

I quit drinking fluorinated water years ago... guess that's my problem!

I truly am surprised how many people fail to see what I'm saying in my OP, or don't read it to the end...

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

"If you want to change the world, change yourself, all the rest will follow"
-BARBELITH to Jack Frost-
The Invisibles by Grant Morrisson

edit on 29-1-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: added video

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by youdidntseeme

I agree. How do people think America got here?

Sure things aren't great right now, could be better, and yes we know behind the scenes the government is more deceiving than we think, but that isn't my fault. That is the individuals fault. Every country has it's bad qualitites, but as far as I know the good America has done for the entire world and this planet outweighs its negative deeds, for now.

I also agree with you about the protesting. Sure, peaceful protest's are softer, and not as convincing. But what does going crazy do? Honestly. Sure you may get the change you want, but you cause so much damage just to get there. What good is it to burn cars and buildings, unload bullets in the streets, throw stones at people, hurt or kill people and in general just cause chaos. Im all for standing up for yourself, and I guarantee if it got to the point where the American government was becoming way too controlling, the American people would finally be tired of their ****. But there is a good way about doing things and a bad way.

I also don't think America could ever turn it's military on it's people, because people in the military wouldn't stand for it either. I've been planning on joining all my life, and will soon, and know in the end the government can never get full control over us. Not when they dont have the massive force to do so. They would receive way too much opposition.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

I dont think so. Just look at my profile
Its the best country on Earth. Its the politicians and their bad policies make us seem bad in the eyes of the rest of the world. US has contributed heavily to the rest of the world in building Wealth and prosperity. Surely when the resources are scarce and when competition is stiff and the economy is hurting, the policies and politics take a wrong turn and do what it can to benefit however it can for the politicians or the industry or the people. There is nothing wrong in that. Eventually push comes to shove, any country would do the same. Wars are generally fought for that reason alone (acquire things you do not have) since humans decided to form herds and tribes. Its just that US is also looked upon as a role model upto certain extent by other countries for several aspects thus it is criticized heavily by some. I am proud to be an American.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by hp1229

I'm not sure you read the whole post
It is not really about america being good or not, it's about what inside in all of us

It is summed up in the second post

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:36 AM
You think the US is a good country?

This is a fallacious question. No country is good or bad. They do good things and evil things.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Again, please read the whole post. Thank you

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
reply to post by hp1229

I'm not sure you read the whole post
It is not really about america being good or not, it's about what inside in all of us

It is summed up in the second post

I guess so. I think you should be bit direct and just keep it simple
Use the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid)

Your second post sums it up alright. But what good does it really do unless you are preaching to the rest of the responders? If you go by Gandhi's statement then why dont you go by another one. 'Action Speaks Louder Than Words'
Dont type on ATS. Go outside and be the change

edit on 9-2-2011 by hp1229 because: Stupid Typos.

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