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You think the U.S. is a bad country?

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posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 09:06 PM
You think the U.S. is a bad country?

You think because this because we kill our own civilians in medical tests with radiation, syphilis, and untold number of ways without their knowledge and consent?

You think we are evil because we develop mind control techniques like MK-ULTRA where people raped, beaten, electroshocked and tortured to death, brought back to life, and tortured some more?

You think we are hell on earth for our corporations overthrowing democracies and any other form of government so our corporate masters can take control?

You think because we suck our media pacifiers and spend all our money and more on worthless junk we throw away less than 2 months later - destroying our environment with the waste - there is something wrong?

I have news for you. Your deranged. Your sick.

The REAL conspiracy here is that our nation is not evil - the people who do these things are evil.

Yes all these things are evil but they are no more evil than the evil perpetrated every day around this world in every nation, country, provence or deserted island. It has gone on since man raised his eyes and saw another man.

Every time we as human beings turn on ourselves in savagery, worse than any "animal," we perpetuate this. It takes no nation, color or creed. It is the evil in the human heart.

In me.

In you.

Stop pointing the finger outward and start pointing it inward. You think your going to change it by yelling and screaming in these forums? You think your going to have any impact on the world as you sit there with your laptops or in front of your desktops... the only sound your really making is a few key strokes.

Every time you harm those around you... in big ways... in small ways... you perpetuate this sickness.

Look inward and change what you see there.

You have thousands of chances every day. As you interact with your families in the morning. As you drive or ride to work. As you interact with all those "horrible people" around you every day.

When you turn and finally can see hurting people hurting around you and let all your actions and reactions be ones taken with real love... then.... then we will se a change.

When we do this we stop lying to ourselves. And when we stop lying to ourselves it is easy to see the lies of those around us.

When we are no longer captive to our own lies, we will no longer be captive to those lies which perpetuate all the evil around us.

It is not nations or people... it is us.

We must change.

We can change.

We can.




posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by pianopraze
I have news for you. Your deranged. Your sick.

Yeah...thanks. Back atcha!

The REAL conspiracy here is that our nation is not evil - the people who do these things are evil.

And you are deranged and sick for not helping control those evil doers. The world suffers at the hands of your government and has done for decades with its tentacles in just about every pie it can reach.

While the rest of the world takes to the streets and makes their point, fights for freedom and change, what do Americans do?

Apply for a permit to go stand in a fenced off area and wave placards about.

All those guns and big words but most of the time you just shoot eachother instead of making any real difference.

What have YOU done to change things other than point your own finger at the outside world?

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Well said nerbot. If we want to see the true problem with the US, it's as close as the nearest mirror.

There are many of us who see the problem and have our ideas regarding its solution. Acting on them seems to have been bred out of us due to fear of our *public servants* and the iron fist they have encased in their velvet glove.
edit on 26-1-2011 by bozzchem because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 09:23 PM
I believe the United States is a "bad" country not because of its people, but rather because of its controlling and power-hungry government. The citizens of America are treated as inferiors by elected officials, who instruct them what to do, when in fact it should be the other way around. The people must regain their power and demand a non-corrupt leadership. Unfortunately, many Americans have chosen to ignore this call to assert dominance, in exchange for solace in short-term comforts, which only feed the corporate monster that is the U.S. government.

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by nerbot

While the rest of the world takes to the streets and makes their point, fights for freedom and change, what do Americans do?

Americans have never fought for freedom and change? Are we really sure about that?

Apply for a permit to go stand in a fenced off area and wave placards about.

Becasue taking to the streets with displays of violence is so much better. Is that what your saying?

All those guns and big words but most of the time you just shoot eachother instead of making any real difference.
What have YOU done to change things other than point your own finger at the outside world?

So which is it? Waving placards around peacefully or shooting each other? What the OP was saing here is that it is within the individual where evil exists. But you immediately stand up beat your chest and demand to know what they have done. This was a very well thought out thread, about the evils of the indivdual, to be met immediately with the kind of response that was described so eloquently above. Like you said, pointing fingers here, but what really did you just do?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 05:55 AM

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:48 PM
To answer the critics, a quote:

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by questcequecest

You, as well, have completely missed the point here, and decided to go ahead and go on an attack yourself, exactly what the OP was talking about. Thank you for personifying exactly what the OP was talking about.

Now everyone who reads this thread will get an example of the exact subject matter. Instead of looking within, and seeing that there is a possiblity that evil exists in all of us, you simply stated that there are just a few evil men in the world, and that the US holds most of them. Then provided a laundry list of your complaints, many of which I am sure have benefitted you in your life.

You got a good laugh, now the rest of us can too.
Once again I must thank you, your example will serve the rest of us well.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Sorry, I refuse to ever take responsibility for our corrupt governments actions.

More pro-US garbage that riddle these forums...

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:17 PM
No, its not bad...Look at this lady, just 1 of hundreds that helped clean up the Gulf Oil Spill.....

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

Every time you harm those around you... in big ways... in small ways... you perpetuate this sickness.

Look inward and change what you see there.

You have thousands of chances every day. As you interact with your families in the morning. As you drive or ride to work. As you interact with all those "horrible people" around you every day.

When you turn and finally can see hurting people hurting around you and let all your actions and reactions be ones taken with real love... then.... then we will se a change.

I don't recall EVER hurting anyone..
I'm sure I'm not alone in that aspect....

So what are you asking me to do.??

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by The_Zomar

It seems you didn't read to the end, or did not understand my op.

My first post was the same as my second.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by nerbot

Originally posted by pianopraze
I have news for you. Your deranged. Your sick.

Yeah...thanks. Back atcha!

The REAL conspiracy here is that our nation is not evil - the people who do these things are evil.

And you are deranged and sick for not helping control those evil doers. The world suffers at the hands of your government and has done for decades with its tentacles in just about every pie it can reach.

While the rest of the world takes to the streets and makes their point, fights for freedom and change, what do Americans do?

Apply for a permit to go stand in a fenced off area and wave placards about.

All those guns and big words but most of the time you just shoot eachother instead of making any real difference.

What have YOU done to change things other than point your own finger at the outside world?

I think thats what the Government wants you to think
This is a democratic country however secrets are still kept, like the soviets. Only a matter of time until it gets cracked.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by pianopraze

Every time you harm those around you... in big ways... in small ways... you perpetuate this sickness.

Look inward and change what you see there.

You have thousands of chances every day. As you interact with your families in the morning. As you drive or ride to work. As you interact with all those "horrible people" around you every day.

When you turn and finally can see hurting people hurting around you and let all your actions and reactions be ones taken with real love... then.... then we will se a change.

I don't recall EVER hurting anyone..
I'm sure I'm not alone in that aspect....

So what are you asking me to do.??

If you have never hurt anyone then you are far more advanced than I am

The answer to your question is in the quote you excerpted.

When you turn and finally can see hurting people hurting around you and let all your actions and reactions be ones taken with real love... then.... then we will se a change.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:23 PM
The problem with your thesis is that it ignores the ability for the government to raise its own people in its own image. The longer the bank-controlled government exists the more and more society is bent to its will. They excel at creating programs to dumb down society, to pit racial groups against one another, and to weaken the resilience of its people to remain subservient. It wasn't the fault of the people in the 1900s, its the current generation's fault though.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

I do understand, but I am the change I want to see.

As dumb as it sounds, as selfish and full of myself as it makes me sound; I believe if everyone was like me this world would be a better place.

I don't steal, or hurt anyone. Even when assaulted on these forums, I usually respond in a neutral way.

I am a vegetarian, I don't even hurt animals.

I am not greedy, if I am down to my last 2 dollars I will still spend one of those dollars on a friend. I often hurt myself financially by doing this.

In the elementary school, the teachers would always pair me with the mentally retarded children. I didn't like it... (I'm not perfect) but they paired me with them because I was the only kid that would help them out and wouldn't make fun of them. I put myself in situations I didn't want to be in because I was too kind to object.

And I believe we can take back our government peacefully without firing a single shot. I want to take back our government because of the harm and hate they propagate.

All hate we produce is created by a lack of understanding, lack of patience, and fear.

PS: I miss Carlin too.

edit on 27-1-2011 by The_Zomar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by ararisq
The problem with your thesis is that it ignores the ability for the government to raise its own people in its own image. The longer the bank-controlled government exists the more and more society is bent to its will. They excel at creating programs to dumb down society, to pit racial groups against one another, and to weaken the resilience of its people to remain subservient. It wasn't the fault of the people in the 1900s, its the current generation's fault though.

You misinterpret my thesis. The problem existed far longer than the 1900 or the United States of America. The same meme has been played out in every nation, tribe, or gathering of humanity. No one people has exclusive claim.

The problem lies inward, not without.

When we start to change within, change comes without.

If a drug addict wanted to straiten up he would never be able to by throwing away their drugs. They would have to address the real source of the problem... the pain within that drives the actions without.

We, humanity, are addicted to violence and hatred. Until we address the pain within that drives the actions without.......

... it will continue.

It will continue past the end of the United States...

past any future NWO...

it will continue until You, and I look inward and change within.

Only when we change within will there be change without.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:42 PM
This whole thread is bunk and should be deleted.

All this thread will do is bring in the many America haters and everyone will call each other names. That is all this thread is good for.

It's a troll-fest and it started with the OP.

Waste of time and bandwidth.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
reply to post by pianopraze

I do understand, but I am the change I want to see.

As dumb as it sounds, as selfish and full of myself as it makes me sound; I believe if everyone was like me this world would be a better place.


All hate we produce is created by a lack of understanding, lack of patience, and fear.

PS: I miss Carlin too.

edit on 27-1-2011 by The_Zomar because: (no reason given)

A beginning

When we heal ourselves we heal the world.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
reply to post by pianopraze

I believe if everyone was like me this world would be a better place.

There's a scary thought - everyone like you.

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