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World business leaders told flying saucers are real & extraterrestrials exist

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posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 02:45 AM
Just wanted to point to all the skeptics out there this is fact simply go to this link and look a at the guest speakers, each one mentioned in the non-msm article is present including Stanton and Michio.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 02:47 AM
the graphic is real:

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 02:58 AM
this is exquisitely funny

and if it turns into news, I'll be laughing my ass off

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by burntheships

Thanks for the information OP. S&F for sure!

This is one interesting development in the field of UFOs/ETs. I guess we do live in interesting times, cause if you take a bit of time to look outside the box, this conference points towards the slow but surely growing acceptance of the possibility we are not alone. Yes, this doesn't show any proof, I too don't know for sure whether we're currently being visited by an out of this world race.

But this thread/conference has led me to a more important revelation...

I, from personal experience know this - the advanced technologies most of the people here are crediting to UFOs/ETs do exist (and I've been on the skeptics side of the fence till my exp). I have seen them from very close - the orbs, the triangles, the flying saucers, I've observed their means of flying and I can assure one that those are the very least spectacular. Now, who operates those things is entirely speculation for me, and has been driving me crazy for the past 6 months. However, I know and I assure you, the technologies that can change life on Earth for the positive exist, and whether it's the military, Boeing, Google, put-any-huge-corporation-name-here, or aliens in control of these crafts, it's at least reassuring to know that those are around. It's only a matter of time now to find out what's true...

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by Monts

"We need to prepare for alien contact" seems to be a phrase that has been repeating itself pretty often over the past year. Makes you wonder if there really is contact going to occur, and if the powers that be are "preparing" us for the event.

I think the more plausible case is that the internet has made the UFO case open to investigation by anyone. And the evidence, to any unbiased mind, points directly to the phenomena as having credibility. Its only just starting to settle in, and my guess is that in the next few years, more people than not will know that the phenomena is real.

I think that most world leaders actually don't know anything about the phenomena... if they have ever asked or tried to find out, it has probably been a "need-to-know" basis type of thing. Maybe some of them are taking this seriously with excitement; as it seems that they are being told by this panel that UFOs and Extraterrestrial-life are something that is "need-to-konw" for not only governments- but for buisness too.

Coming on the heels of President Obama SOTU address on 'sputnik moment', it comes as no surprise. TPTB have to release more information as technological advances are the driving power of economies.

The biz leaders are the best to reap and tap such information releases, due to their organization size as well as the creative minds in their company. As long as any biz organisation has the intention and the brains to look into the extra-terresterial paradigm and find ways to evolve scientifically and technically, they will be 'helped' along the way.

No more are biz people to scoff or laugh at 'saucers'. 'inter-dimension travel', 'emf wavelengths of data transmissions', 'antigravity', etc, etc. Much of past technologies had always came from the directions of private enterprise with 'help'.

Times are changing. Debunkers of UFO and proponents of swamp gas, chinese lanterns, balloons, etc are sadly, like the arab dictators, are quickly finding their ground dissolving rather rapidly.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:06 AM
Well, we can all agree that this meeting happened, as it does every year. And for the right or wrong reasons, they asked certain people from the UFO field to talk??? Granted they happened to choose the more popular TV pundits of the day (I'd love to have seen Timothy Good's name in that list) but with CNN involved I'd say they were all quite obvious choices.
But the fact that it happened still blows my mind! Speculation about agendas is always fascinating (especially when you look at the list of sponsors involved) but they did it!
Quite simply one of the strangest stories I've read on ATS.
Reminds me of the Cosmic Journey event that was eventually scrapped.
I still can't bring myself to watch Tony Blair yet though...
A well earned S&F and a most enjoyable morning's reading for me.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by nightrun
Seems pretty fake. It would be plastered all of the news if there was any authenticity to it. Additionally, it just seemed really a whole like "there are aliens, forget the details lets talk about the making money".

A handful of web links isn't any proof. Need details about the aliens.

There seems to be a lot of misinterpretation about this event.

It wasn't disclosure, it was a forum for business with a sub-topic of extraterrestrial visitation and its implication on the business world. There was no evidence given that most people would consider a "smoking gun" of ET visitation.

The kind of event you're thinking about can only happen if the scientific community acknowledges the there are indeed some UFOs that have no conventional explanation and in need of a scientific investigation (I.E. another project blue book, but this time not by the military complex). My guess is as good as yours for when that time will be.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:18 AM
This "news" is so bloody laughably stupid.

Watch this, the allagory of Plato's Cave.

People who believe that aliens are the ones flying aerial discs are the equivalent to prisoners chained within a cave, watching shadows without the ability to really realize what is really going on.

Aliens are shadows. They are not what they appear to be, just like everything else in life that appeals to the lowest common denominator of society.

Seriously, alien believers are puppets, and governments are pulling the strings. If people are conditioned to be stupid, then they will be compliant.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:20 AM
This is not suprising, I think we all kind of knew the big leaders had a knowledge of this,mitchio kaku though? im disapointed in him, why give the big leaders the key and motivation to make MORE money? its insane, but lets wait and see if it becomes genral knowlege to the public that E.Ts exist, because then we can all send therm broke by proving how to make the techknowlegies we already know exist, then they cant make profit off of there "inventions" and then we can prove the government and millitary had prior knowledge.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:45 AM
Too silly for words.
To think that such a childish chart would have come out of a top seminar (yes it does exist) is laughable.
It's quite obviously been produced by a 14yr old on speed.
And if it didn't, then there is no hope for anyone and we might as well end things now.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:53 AM
In my opinion, this is less about disclosure and more about profits. The momentum behind this meeting probably came from this concept:

"Well, we rode the whole global warming/climate change sham into the ground, people are fed up with wars, we need a new crisis to jump on to spurn buisness opportunity. People arealready taking these conspiracy theories mainstream. Let's give em what they want, and reap the rewards. Never waste a good crisis, and never pass on the opportunity to fabricate one if none are available. We have the tech capabilities to create the illusion of an alien threat. Let's start mass producing tinfoil hats."

Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer, but when the most powerful people in business, science, and politics come together in a casual way to talk aliens, I don't exactly get a warm and fuzzy feeling.

I think Bill Cooper predicted that after people get bored with the "terrorist threat," the next one will be the threat of an alien invasion. This country has so much money and jobs tied into defence spending, there must always be a new and increasingly vague threat.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by PhantomLimb

Originally posted by stellify
sorry....the mention of the Qu'ran made it lose credibility for me.

earthbound religion has no place with ET, methinks!

This took place in Saudi Arabia. The Qu'ran is sort of a big deal there.

the fact you even needed to explain this point proves to me that there are people on this forum without even basic skills of deduction. I mean to not be able to make that link is just sad.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:01 AM
Possibly one of the most important stories of 2011, and it's not even February yet!

I am amazed at some of the negative responses in this thread. To my mind, this conference and the effective 'announcement' it facilitated are staggering, and will have a massive impact on what we see and hear via our media outlets over the next 12 months.

I've already noticed (as have many) that several channels/ newsgroups who wouldn't previously get involved with anything extraordinary have been more open to present material which is slightly 'outside the box'. This trend will doubtless increase exponentially from here onwards, particularly if more of these types of 'mini-disclosure events' are staged by 'the people in the know'.

I worry that the overriding motivation seems to be built upon a foundation of money-making and security for those who are already established as the leading elite. It was to be expected. What I fear most is that the inevitable increase in knowledge of such matters amongst the 'business elite' will lead to a technocratic society that could ultimately be spun into a one world alliance, built in order to 'unite the species in the face of a need for universal conquest/exploration'.

I highly doubt that the rulers of such would risk themselves or their positions by reaching out in friendship to higher civilisations; it is more likely that they'll shut up shop, instigating a two-tier fascist regime to control the masses while fending off any well-intentioned ET groups.

This sort of scenario could well be the basis for the prophecies of disaster and 'war of the people of earth against heaven' seen in books such as the Revelation of St John, and the Q'uran (amongst others). The Mayans might have been let into some knowledge concerning when the 'universal enlightenment' would come upon mankind (roughly now by the look of things, running up to 2012), and their calendar change could well reflect the beginning of a new age; though in what precise form I guess will be down to our reaction as a species.

Unfortunately, those in charge cannot be trusted to act in our best interests, and the future may already be setting itself in stone before our very eyes.

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Coming on the heels of President Obama SOTU address on 'sputnik moment', it comes as no surprise. TPTB have to release more information as technological advances are the driving power of economies. The biz leaders are the best to reap and tap such information releases, due to their organization size as well as the creative minds in their company. As long as any biz organisation has the intention and the brains to look into the extra-terresterial paradigm and find ways to evolve scientifically and technically, they will be 'helped' along the way. No more are biz people to scoff or laugh at 'saucers'. 'inter-dimension travel', 'emf wavelengths of data transmissions', 'antigravity', etc, etc. Much of past technologies had always came from the directions of private enterprise with 'help'. Times are changing. Debunkers of UFO and proponents of swamp gas, chinese lanterns, balloons, etc are sadly, like the arab dictators, are quickly finding their ground dissolving rather rapidly.

Pure baloney.

UFO's/ET's/Aliens -- Religion -- are all a part of a gigantic "God Sting". There is a hidden language in the English language. Who else but "God" could do that. Those dodo's who are called world leaders and experts have now been drawn into the "God Sting". Let them see how important they are when they get caught with their pants down.

It is the first truly intellectual appearance of GOD -- hold on to your seats, it is going to be a bumpy ride.

edit on 27-1-2011 by SecondComing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:16 AM
I'm sorry.. You all are reading what you want into this again..

The "UFO disclosure" everyone is talking about seems to be highly misrepresented.. If you take a look at the program you will see it was only a small speech lasting 1 hour and 15 minutes out of the whole 2 day confrence.

2:10 – 3:25
Learning from Outer Space
The unconventional and highly relevant topic of extraterrestrial life forms was addressed by yesterday’s panel discussion “Contact: Learning from Outer Space”. Experts Zoaghloul El-Naggar, Stanton Friedman, Michio Kaku, Nick Pope and Jacques Vallee made compelling cases for the existence of living beings elsewhere in the galaxy, drawing upon empirical evidence, religious theology and logical reasoning.

Mr. Friedman opened his remarks with a bold statement, “Flying saucers are real!” and this summed up the perspective of the panel members. Mr. Pope explored the potential business implications of outer space, such as the profitability of alien branding or sponsorship.

While El-Naggar was also convinced of their existence, he raised the interesting point that it may not be ethical to spend resources trying to contact alien societies when we still face war and poverty in our own society.

Mr. Vallee encouraged more academics to analyze the evidence. However, on behalf of his successful Venture Capital fund, he said, “We are not ready to invest in this type of research, but we think that somebody should.”

I'm sorry all, they where just bucking for funding and looking for ways to make money.

edit on 27-1-2011 by ShogunAssassins because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:18 AM
Thanks for this update and improving infos about this Event.

Of course the first huge consequence in this scenario is the end of the old heavy industries oil/fossil fuel based!
A threath for Oil Corporations fighted for one century.

But Things and Times change, and maybe "they" know that are on the edge of the abyss.
They need to change their old industrial process... or die.

New Industries, New Jobs, New Energy,.... New Horizons!

Then I admit: I must change my signature below...

"Dark place to transact Dark business"
"Hot place (Saudi Arabia) to transact Cold (Fusion) Business"....

edit on 27-1-2011 by Arken because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-1-2011 by Arken because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by SecondComing

I'm sorry all, they where just bucking for funding and looking for ways to make money.

I agree.
edit on 27-1-2011 by SecondComing because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
This "news" is so bloody laughably stupid.

Watch this, the allagory of Plato's Cave.

People who believe that aliens are the ones flying aerial discs are the equivalent to prisoners chained within a cave, watching shadows without the ability to really realize what is really going on.

Aliens are shadows. They are not what they appear to be, just like everything else in life that appeals to the lowest common denominator of society.

Seriously, alien believers are puppets, and governments are pulling the strings. If people are conditioned to be stupid, then they will be compliant.

So the Goverment built UFO's with fake aliens in them to make the punlic beleive that aliens exist and that the goverment is covering them up, but really they made them?

Now that is a stupid theorey

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Possibly one of the most important stories of 2011, and it's not even February yet!

I am amazed at some of the negative responses in this thread. To my mind, this conference and the effective 'announcement' it facilitated are staggering, and will have a massive impact on what we see and hear via our media outlets over the next 12 months.

Im not, it sno suprise to see the Non beleivers (mainly religous people) Pounce on anything with a slight bit of credibilty.

God knows what will happen if the goverment announces official contact

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by SecondComing

Well, its not anything big but still kinda interesting.. I do wonder how they chose speakers and panel subjects.

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