posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 11:42 PM
Ok I was not sure whether to post this or not, bit realizing it could be helpful for some of us I choose to, posting it here and not in a new thread
is to give it less attention so that only those who need it will se it…
Ok here is what I visioned during the january-february this year. I've cooked it down some, if you feel any of it speaks to you feel free to ask.
I've always had many visions like this, but since newyear it has accelerated rapidly, this is the essence of some of the work these 2 months... Many
of these pictures here are multidimensional, and can have different appearings and different meaning from different dimensions. Ok here we go: The
keyconcepts are the lake, tower and cloud concept, (which I also descripes in the OP and in a later post in my thread 'The Event' at ATS) the lake
is the collective human consciousness, the tower is the swirling tornado like link up to 4th dimension and the cloud is the 'Divine Finger', the
help from higher beings. The tower is build by 2 counterwise spiralling rays, one being the ray of love/wisdom and the other the ray of creative
intelligence. The two rays consists of beings linked together... Example I perciedve myself as connected within the ray of love/wisdom and are
connected within this ray to two entities above and belov me, making the continuity of this ray... Also I am connected to the entity opposit me
(within the swirling ray of creative intelligence) this relation creates a focal point in the midlle creating the way for a third ray -the ray of
divine will-power -this ray will be enabled down to human consciousness through the connected focal points between the two other rays. Being a
straight down ray and not spiralling... The coming of this ray are to do with the event, which will be described with 'the cloud'..
The cloud is the upper part of this set-up. It consist of like a big bowl, consisting of layers of entities, in the lower layer are 7 or 8 beings
connected in the form of a heptagon... In the next layer are some more, thus forming the shape of a bowl. The purpose of this bowl is making the space
for the arrival of the golden egg or the X, this will be the impact of the Christ Consciousness, the golden.
when time is ready the egg will land in the bowl. Activating several powerlines, both within the cloud/bowl but also downward -activating the ray of
will going downwards through the tower into the lake. This will be like a hyperdimensional vacuumcleaner enabling those human who can listen within
and stand in their own fears to enter into the 4th dimension... Giving birth to a new Earth. This month I've had a sense that the coming Elenin might
have something with the event to do. Hope you can make something out of this, but remember it is Only my perception flawed as they may be.
Sending you good thoughts praying for you to be protected.