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The Event

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posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:17 PM
In the past few days I have read description of a coming event/ascension here on ATS
The following are my own perception of things to come.

The method applied have been using my awareness, following the energy-line into one-pointedness until suddenly it all opened up to me, the following things described came in a flash, seing all things at one time.

I don´t claim to have any special insights or abilities, the following are my perceptions, flawed as it may be
So my advice for you is to read the words, sense the energy-signature behind (you can do it if you try), if any of it makes sense and are in some way usable for you, your more than welcome. If on the other hand, it sounds like at load of BS, makes no sense whatsoever or provoke fear in you, then please ignore it.

You may ask for my motives for doing this since there have already been some threads on the matter, well I´ve asked myself that too, the answer is getting this ´vision´ filled me with joy and tranquility, and if there is anything I want for my fellowman/woman it is that.
Actually it has been a lot on my mind lately how to diminish the role fear may play in all of this.
And remember again: those are just my perceptions, not a fantasy as it all opened up at once, but no truth either
My hope is, to keep this simple and understandable
All comments are welcome, if there is something you don´t understand feel free to ask, English is not my first-language so I might mistake some words, please have patience with me 
A thread worth reading for preparation could be this one:

OK here we go
An event is going to take place, let´s call it X
What events is leading up to X, I am not entirely sure of, it might be something that triggers a whole lot of attention world-wide
When X happens, or start to happen, we will know that this is IT, in a way we have been waiting for this moment all our life, us being here at this time and place are bound to have a purpose connected to this X
It may look something like an extra Sun or a golden egg, but there will be something about this that is beyond our three dimension, something not easily described by word (as they are connected to a 3 dimensional reality), something beyond our senses, something that deeply shatters our intellect (understanding – being an empty cup – could be very usable here)… A light within the light, a light awaking all senses, and yet is beyond that… A light coming from a source, and yet seem to come from everywhere, even inside yourself, a light moving fast in waves and yet seems to already be everywhere.
There will be two waves coming from this event – actually you could say it is only one – the outgoing wave and the rebound
Both waves will interact with our personal level of vibration, thus creating some form of harmonic interference
X unfolds globally as well on a personal level
This interference is unique for each and every person
The outgoing wave will inspire bliss and the rebound will provoke fear (being drawn towards at-onement and the personality resisting)
Every person will be drawn into this dualistic symphony, a probing of the personality
At this moment (time is slowing down, a second seems like half an eternity) everything will be revealed to each and every person, they will meet themselves, light and darkness, good and bad - paradoxes will meet.
The personality will be confronted with all hidden, and find the level of darkness/light to which it is naturally attracted
If we say that Earthly awareness is like a lake, the waves from X will create a spiral in the lake, an upgoing and a downgoing, spiraling different ways
Like a sort of transdimensional vacuum-cleaner

One direction will be towards higher vibration (less dense, group awareness more than personal awareness, bliss more than fear, time is a tool rather than a master) another direction will be driven more toward fear, anger, hate (deeply personal, less soul-influence)
The broad middle field, will not have the vibration to make the quantum leap, nor will it have the density to let gravity pull it down.
Remember, all of these arrangements are made due to the characteristic vibration and harmonic interference with the waves, the free will in this is also applied – giving after for fear and anger or keeping focus on the highest vibration – this is not about some being better than others, this is all about getting the right lesson for the soul.
From a soul level all of this is already here, is already happening and are all in all no big deal, just a natural consequence of the One Life experiencing duality, we are the One Life experiencing duality, so from this level there are no judgement, just different needs, different roads to travel in order for existence to look itself in the mirror.

This is what really fills me with joy, and compassion for everyone of us involved in this great masquerade…
Well, there is plenty of details, but I think the above fulfills the purpose

The message is a joyfull one, during this event there is only you facing youself, your free will is applied, and you will be heading for where your vibration natutally attracts you, so no punishment and revenge
My conlusion is: Be the one you are, be real honest with yourself, and face what you see emerging from the dark without giving after for fear or anger. Get used to listening to that tiny voice inside, the heart within the heart, and do it right now, for the now is the only moment you´ll truly get
Of course this will look completely different from other angles of observations (I shortly touched in on the joy-full soul level) and for some entities the game will be played out quite differently
Some may have some sort of assignment, a group purpose, facilitating this process, these beings will know and are probably already preparing
It´s important for me to stress that fear is only a small player in all of this, really just friction created from awareness seeking its way back to the source
Some may have interest in provoking and animating fear (power, control of others) but really there is nothing to fear, getting to know your true nature you´ll realize that.
A timeline for this I cannot come up whith, but it will be sooner than later imo
This was it for now, hope it will be of any use, if not I am sorry for having waisted your time, as stated in the start these are not truths, only my perceptions.

Take care. Be aware.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:23 PM
Care to link to the thread you read?

For scholarly reasons and giggles.


posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Hmmm I wonder why you would want to giggle at this fellow members perceptions. If he hasn't presented anything to the giggly effect already, in his descent sized thread. Why are you looking for something?
Cut the OP some slack partner.

edit on 25-1-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2011 by randyvs because: spelling b

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

This is one of them
Couldn´t find the other

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by laffoe

Thank you for your post, if was beautiful to say the least. You put things in a very nice perspective. I "feel" that you are correct. I really like the part about fear, "really just friction created from awareness seeking its way back to the source." Nicely put, Much appriciated.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
Hmmm I wonder why you would want to giggle at this fellow members perceptions. If he hasn't presented anything to the giggly effect already, in his descent sised thread. Why are you looking for something?
Cut the OP some slack partner.

Please let's keep this on track randyvs. I'm asking the OP to verify their sources and they now have.

The expression giggles was added as a term of endearment for what caused them to have such a profound foretelling.

It's not easy stuff you know getting a foretelling of that magnitude. It's difficult to know how to politely approach it.

I thought jovial and inquisitive to be best.

Cut those who are asking the right questions some slack please, in the nicest possible way.


posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by mileslong54


I am glad you liked it

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Ok I'll agree to keeping this on track for sure. You must admit your first post could be tak'in in a negative fashion.
All good with your explaination .

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

No offend taken

2nd line

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Agreed it could be taken as a negative response. But how could anyone be negative to such an articulated and poetic opening post?

Granted it doesn't specify much, but it does mention important minutia in delicate subtleties.

An art long lost to most.


posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by m0r1arty

Now you just took the words I wanted to post and posted them for me. In other words my sentiments in your crosshairs.

But how could anyone be negative to such an articulated and poetic opening post?

edit on 25-1-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:49 PM
Very entertaining...very good post....S&F for ya.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by randyvs

It's nice that we share the same sentiments regarding this beautifully crafted piece of prosaic prose.

I'm looking forward to hearing much more and hope we are lucky enough to hear it sooner rather than too late(r).


posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:54 PM
Thankyou for the kind words
The purpose of all this was to spread some joy in all of this doom and gloom
And to me it is most joy-bringing that you even consider it poetic, as I am lover of poetry

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by laffoe

Your threads sound VERY plausible to me. I can't say with certainty that i can command the astral planes, but i have experienced shaktiput (third eye opening), and i dropped my jobs and took up the backpack and just wandering for a couple years now, giving service to those in need and asking nothing for it except nourishment. I am a completely different person than i was 3 years ago, and feel that i am at home with who i am now. Been asking the guardian angels for LOTS, and have been given all things that i ask amazingly. I have little to no material attachment (i enjoy my stove and sleeping bag), and have (somehow sadly in this realm) accepted the fact that many of my relatives wont make the cut.

Any Advice Laffoe?

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by survival

Thank you deeply for your reply
Sound to me that you are moving ahead following your path, finding peace with who you are and what you are.
You will certainly explore wonders in times to come.
I really love what you do, and what you bring to this world

I don´t take it lightly when a brother ask for advice, so I´ve been pondering on what to say.
Like with my opening post, take this as my perceptions flawed as they are, but honest and straight from the heart, with only the purpose of bringing more joy into your life.
So in brief, if it strikes a chord in you, follow that tune, if not just let it go

My advice will be two-fold
1) In the case of your family, I sense a sadness there (could be my projection) follow that sadness, befriend that sadness (not intellectually, get into the texture of the sadness and beyond that)
You´ve experienced lots of lonely hours, changing from within, not quite understanding, wanting to do it right, wanting the best for you family, hoping, wishing... I think following this sadness will get you beyond that
Your family are exactly where they should be, perfect in their imperfectness, like you and me a mirror of creation, the One Life´s joy of exploring itself, so everything is and will be all-right
You´ll do fine, your family too... Hope you´ll find joy together
2) When 'X' manifest, there will be plenty of confusion (remember it will play out on inner and outer levels simultaniously) Standing in the center of your own light, facing whatever to come emotional, mentally and physically... By your own light I am reffering to that silent line of connection to at-onement, when you align with this you know, you understand, and can see through all of the astral flicker (don´t know if that´s a word in English?!?)
Don´t get too much caught up in systems, as your soul will provide you with all the answers
The hyperdimensional vacuum-cleaner from OP which are activated by this X, will be three-fold in nature, consisting of two opposite swirling tornadolike energies (one green/golden and another purple/blue/red) and a straight white line in the middle... These will manifest Divine will, Divine intelligence and Divine love.
You will know exactly what to do

Hope the above will help some
Things will be fine my brother

posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 11:07 PM
goodness, if energy is transmitted into cyberworld, this was the most conclusive evidence for me! thank you so much. i felt the care in my heart
so focused!!

i am so grateful for the response. loving energies brother!

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by survival

Your loving presence here is much appreciated brother

Another thing struck me by world affairs these days (this may be far out for some, but then again... just my perceptions of matters)
Much talk of UFO, alien visits, people dreaming of doom and gloom and so on, conspiracy after conspiracy... Some pointing to some behind lying truth, some just creating fear and confusion...
There are beings (some highly intelligent) walking the way of power and control, they´ve been here for ages and from a point of view they think they got it all made.
They are very well aware of all this coming down, pondering on how to use his to their advantage...
They might have planned a pseudo Event, for the purpose of gaining yet more control and power...
Don´t buy into this, please, it´s our true nature to fly free, to swim in the ocean of abundant love and use our creative intelligence to unfold this Universe in the most playfull way...

Those beings, seeking power and control, may and may not have allied of non-human nature, using advanced technology to cloud or minds...
In a way they have already lost, they struggle against their own true nature, which is One Life - see the Universe smile to you from all directions and from within themselves...
There plans may have been intelligently worked out, but the inflow of light and high vibrations, makes it more and more difficult to hold on to these, leaving them in immense pain, due to the huge friction of the Soul within screaming.... I have deep compassion for those Souls, and know that one day we will meet in joy among the stars, so love and hope goes out for you, feeling your pain and your secrecy hiding away in darkness...

But again, don´t buy into those tricks they play, you will easily be able to discern the one from the other, The True Event will come from everywhere and nowhere, from within talking to you in voice you always heard, playing a symphony, a music which will remind you from where you truely came and where you´ve always been...

The false Event may be based on spreading fear (might be UFO´s 'natural' disasters, might even be attempted mind control using advanced satelite systems)... Follow your breath and know the difference
Those plans may never work out, since their plans fall more and more apart for each and every person who opens up their heart, and express the song from within trough their daily life...

Much love and joy

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:54 PM
A hope
A silent whisper
A grain of sand
Forever in the eyes of you
So lonely
Yet so full
Unity of paradox
Reaching out for you
How I wish
Oh how I do wish
You could be here
Joy would be near
Loneliness within without
Ever loving
Around the corner
Bliss will be
And a day

Be a friend - reach out - be here now

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by laffoe
reply to post by survival

The false Event may be based on spreading fear (might be UFO´s 'natural' disasters, might even be attempted mind control using advanced satelite systems)... Follow your breath and know the difference
Those plans may never work out, since their plans fall more and more apart for each and every person who opens up their heart, and express the song from within trough their daily life...

and the gift of knowing what may come, grants you with a natural protection.OP u did't waist my time with your thread , nice read .ty

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