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The mason's supreme being?

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posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Do you believe in God?No atheist can become a member of a Freemasonry Lodge. Masons do not care what your individual faith is ­ that is a question between you and your God - but we do require that a man believe in a Supreme Being.
I got that from and It's bugging me to no end.

I mean I don't think the Freemasons are evil or anything but that just sounds like complete gibberish to me. Why would you make it a requirement for someone who wants to join your organization to believe in a supreme being and not tell them who it is?

It is an alien? Dracula? Who is this supreme being and what does he do exactly?

Does he have a place where free masons go when they die or what?

It just seems really strange and vague to me and I find it annoying yet interesting. So can anyone tell me who this supreme being is and where he comes from and what he does? I'm really interested in this man masons believe in.

Plus wouldn't it be kind of practical to believe in a supreme being yet be atheist?

I think the point of atheism is not to believe in god because none has proof he exist. Do the free masons have proof that being exist or what? And if they do why don't they share it with the rest of the public?

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by Reptius

Albert Pike:
Morals and Dogma.

“Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal to Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil.”

“AROERIS or HAR-oeris, the elder HORUS, is from the same old root that in the Hebrew has the form Aur, or, with the definite article prefixed, Haur, Light, or the Light, splendor, flame, the Sun and his rays. The heiroglyphic of the younger HORUS was the point in a circle; of the Elder, a pair of eyes; and the festival of the thirtieth day of the month Epiphi, when the sun and moon were supposed to be in the same right line with the earth, was called “The birth-day of the eyes of Horus.”

“In a papyrus published by Champollion, this god is styled “Har-oeri, Lord of the Solar Spirits, the beneficent eye of the Sun.” Plutarch calls him “Har-pocrates;” but there is no trace of the latter part of the name in the hieroglyphic legends. He is the son of OSIRIS and ISIS; and is represented sitting on a throne supported by lions; the same word, in Egyptian, meaning Lion and Sun.” -Page 79.

…“Khairum, therefore, would mean “was raised up to life, or living.”

“So, in Arabic, hrm, an unused root, meant, “was high,” “made great,” “exalted;” and Hirm means an ox, the symbol of the Sun in Taurus, at the Vernal Equinox.

“KHURUM, therefore, improperly called Hiram, is KHUR-OM, the same as Her-ra, Her-mes, and Her-acles, the “Heracles Tyrius Invictus,” the personification of Light and the Son, the Mediator, Redeemer, and Saviour.”

Now the rest is up to you.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Reptius

Masons believe in a spiritual being which is a positive entity inside each and everyone of us!

This supreme being is the answer to all questions.

It relys on the fundermentals of life itself and understanding why humans were given the gift of life in the first place.

This being is the beast! Which they call it.

The light is the light inside each and everyone of us. This is why the Illuminati use the term enlighten ones as they know the energy required to produce self light.

This energy of positive and negative energy produces light like a spark creating flame. This is the knowledge given to man from the serpent himself!

Yes, the beast is the knowledge of Satan himself!
edit on 25-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: Info

edit on 25-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:06 AM
I'm not 100% on this so bare with me.

I belive they only care that you belive in a "supreme architect". what religious denomination you hail from is seen as just a different way to practice your faith.

To me it is a very good and open way to have diverse religious and multicultural fraternity without all of the "my god is better than your god" dribble.

Like i said tho i could be wrong. Just my interpertation of it.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:16 AM
Funny Thing is, most Scottish Rite Masons haven't read Morals and Dogma. And York Rite Masons dont even follow that. In fact the have to, at one point swear a belief that Jesus Christ is the savior and messiah.

There are two major rites in america. dont know about else were.

Just saying.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

LOL! I am a 33rd degree MM. the first two guys have it all wrong! to be be an atheist in the brotherhood is like a rogue atom bouncing around causing mayhem and it is not firmly planted to any idea of moralism and to make the world better through love. Every wonder why when people are asked to swear by the truth and nothing but the truth so help me GOD..... because what keeps an atheist grounded and not to tell lies?? What could an atheist possibly give a ?^%$#@# about anything except himself. The monotheistic idea that there is a grand architect to the universe and to all things there is reason whether it is known or not. it is the belief that the more knowledge is learned from free thinking the better we can suffice and become closer to the creator of the universe. I have seen blue lodges with the torah, blue lodges with the quoran, and blue lodges with the bible. It doesn't matter what you practice because as brothers we all have a duty to love eachother and realize all knowledge is given spiritually.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

The light is knowledge. To be enlightened is to be educated in their beliefs, The higher you move up the ranks the more enlightened you become. Illuminati - the illumined/illuminated ones.

Morals and Dogma: Albert Pike.

"Lucifer the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!

Lucifer, the Son of the morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds

feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"

"In the higher Degrees those only should be received who have sufficient reading and information to discuss the great questions of philosophy. From them the Orators of the Lodges should be selected, as well as those of the Councils and Chapters. They are charged to suggest such measures as are necessary to make Masonry entirely faithful to the spirit of its institution, both as to its charitable purposes, and the diffusion of light and knowledge; such as are needed to correct abuses that have crept in, and of-fences against the rules and general spirit of the Order; and such as will tend to make it, as it was meant to be, the great Teacher of Mankind."

"To make this also their motto: Do that which thou oughtest to do; let the result be what it will."

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:26 AM
reply to post by agentblue

There is no way you're a 33rd degree. How long have you been in freemasonry? And saying that I've got it all wrong is like saying Albert Pike didn't know what he was talking about. Surely if you were a 33rd degree mason you would have understood. You are probably still in the blue degrees, or a troll.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Hi, interesting thread. Although I believe in a creative all powerful being I.E. THGAOTU, I do not follow any mainstream religion. That is one of the things I love about FM. My Lodge contains members of all races and religions, this outlook removes the "My God is better than your God" problem. We are all there for the same reason. I do not hate Muslims (my brother is a Muslim) as my brother is a Jew. We are all on the level in the Lodge. It is a wonderful feeling.

It is more important to love your neighbour for who they are and not for what God they follow.

Oh, for those interested, U2U me and I will email you a copy of Morals and Dogma.

Peace be with you all.

And for the record, I am not a 33 Degree Mason.
edit on 25/1/2011 by TheLoneArcher because: Added Text

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:37 AM
I have to agree with agentblue here. His answer seens very much like the responses I have gotten from the masons I know.

I dont know why so many people equate masonry to the likeness voodoo or black magic

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by agentblue
reply to post by Archangelelijah

LOL! I am a 33rd degree MM. the first two guys have it all wrong! to be be an atheist in the brotherhood is like a rogue atom bouncing around causing mayhem and it is not firmly planted to any idea of moralism and to make the world better through love. Every wonder why when people are asked to swear by the truth and nothing but the truth so help me GOD..... because what keeps an atheist grounded and not to tell lies?? What could an atheist possibly give a ?^%$#@# about anything except himself. The monotheistic idea that there is a grand architect to the universe and to all things there is reason whether it is known or not. it is the belief that the more knowledge is learned from free thinking the better we can suffice and become closer to the creator of the universe. I have seen blue lodges with the torah, blue lodges with the quoran, and blue lodges with the bible. It doesn't matter what you practice because as brothers we all have a duty to love eachother and realize all knowledge is given spiritually.

You have it correct in stating that the more humans think and act for eachother the further we will progess in the future.

All religions and cultures believed in a higher energy other than humans to achieve the system of operations we have in place today. This is the positive energy inside every single one of us! If all nations and religions realized they had this common thread in common, the better we will progress in the future!

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by Serizawa
reply to post by Archangelelijah

The light is knowledge. To be enlightened is to be educated in their beliefs, The higher you move up the ranks the more enlightened you become. Illuminati - the illumined/illuminated ones.

Morals and Dogma: Albert Pike.

"Lucifer the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!

Lucifer, the Son of the morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds

feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"

"In the higher Degrees those only should be received who have sufficient reading and information to discuss the great questions of philosophy. From them the Orators of the Lodges should be selected, as well as those of the Councils and Chapters. They are charged to suggest such measures as are necessary to make Masonry entirely faithful to the spirit of its institution, both as to its charitable purposes, and the diffusion of light and knowledge; such as are needed to correct abuses that have crept in, and of-fences against the rules and general spirit of the Order; and such as will tend to make it, as it was meant to be, the great Teacher of Mankind."

"To make this also their motto: Do that which thou oughtest to do; let the result be what it will."

Lucifer is light and dark, Good and bad, high and low, wide and narrow. Positive and negative!

The light is all humans thinking as one to achieve what humans have always craved, information to the stars!

Read previous threads and posts of mine if you truly wish to know! You must be strong and think positive with your heart, mind and soul!

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:47 AM
But if it's lucifer, why don't they go hang out with luciferians? Haven't luciferians been around for like thousands of year? Do they really need a secret group just to do the same thing as another group of people who aren't hidden from the public?

And what does Lucifer have against women beliving in him or joining his followers?

By the way Archangelelijah , Lucifer is not good or bad. He's a fictional character created by a bunch of people who couldn't understand science.
edit on 25-1-2011 by Reptius because: Replying to someone else.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by Reptius

whats wrong with having a "boys only club" women have dozens and we dont gripe. also I'm pretty sure they have there own branches
edit on 25-1-2011 by Boredomsux because: spelling

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Boredomsux
reply to post by Reptius

whats wrong with having a "boys only club" women have dozens and we dont gripe. also I'm pretty sure they have there own branches

Did I say anything was wrong with that?I just said I didn't understand why they don't allow women into there weird hidden club.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Reptius

Didnt mean that as an attack friend. Its just a lil peve of mine.

It seems like every time the guys have something good here come the girls screaming "not fair i wanna play too!!!"

i apologize if that came off pointed at you
edit on 25-1-2011 by Boredomsux because: spelling

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 02:00 AM
A 33 degree mason knows the truth to a certain extent!

The first 3 means our internals of Mind, Heart and Soul which is our positive spirit inside each and everyone of us. The other 3 is our externals of Fuel, Heat and Oxygen which forms fire! Fire burns us all physically and this is what we encounter in life during our learning.

Secret Knowledge has always be known to certain people and bloodlines! This is what we have achieved by keeping the general public in darkness!

The Light is all cultures and countrys understanding the truth of life. We learn in the natural environment like a child attending school to achieve the supernatural experience of the afterlife.

All this information is in the Pyramids of Egypt and the Jewish Star of David! A triangle representing the age of man and an upside down triangle representing the age of women or rebirthing of energy. This is the Technology age which humans have created by spiritually thinking of each other.

The Pyramids where made with technology to perfect mathematical equasions and precision. This could not have been made by early man!

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by Reptius
But if it's lucifer, why don't they go hang out with luciferians? Haven't luciferians been around for like thousands of year? Do they really need a secret group just to do the same thing as another group of people who aren't hidden from the public?

And what does Lucifer have against women beliving in him or joining his followers?

By the way Archangelelijah , Lucifer is not good or bad. He's a fictional character created by a bunch of people who couldn't understand science.
edit on 25-1-2011 by Reptius because: Replying to someone else.

Look at your surroundings mt friend! Everything external is Fuel (Food, Water), Heat ( Tempretature) and Oxygen. This is Fire which created the idea of Lucifer! Fire is a negative which burns us externally but our internal energy is that of water which gives life to all. This is the knowledge of humans. We are all living batterys of negative and positive energy!

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Wait. They worship lucifer yet they know the pyramids couldn't have been built byman? So who built them aliens or demons? Or are you one of those people who thinks demons are really aliens and that the greys are working for the "devil."

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 02:05 AM
It's just a religious cult like scientology or whatever. Like all the rest.

Lucifer isn't real you are right, it was some mumbo jumbo invented by people who knew nothing of science.

Sure is scary that all of the powerful people in the world (not just masons but all the religions and nations), are run by highly delusional people who believe in fairy tales.

No wonder we are stuck in a system of war and lies. They can't even be honest with themselves about basic reality.

Oh well, so much for typical disillusionment with religion in general.

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