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I got that from and It's bugging me to no end.
Do you believe in God?No atheist can become a member of a Freemasonry Lodge. Masons do not care what your individual faith is that is a question between you and your God - but we do require that a man believe in a Supreme Being.
Originally posted by agentblue
reply to post by Archangelelijah
LOL! I am a 33rd degree MM. the first two guys have it all wrong! to be be an atheist in the brotherhood is like a rogue atom bouncing around causing mayhem and it is not firmly planted to any idea of moralism and to make the world better through love. Every wonder why when people are asked to swear by the truth and nothing but the truth so help me GOD..... because what keeps an atheist grounded and not to tell lies?? What could an atheist possibly give a ?^%$#@# about anything except himself. The monotheistic idea that there is a grand architect to the universe and to all things there is reason whether it is known or not. it is the belief that the more knowledge is learned from free thinking the better we can suffice and become closer to the creator of the universe. I have seen blue lodges with the torah, blue lodges with the quoran, and blue lodges with the bible. It doesn't matter what you practice because as brothers we all have a duty to love eachother and realize all knowledge is given spiritually.
Originally posted by Serizawa
reply to post by Archangelelijah
The light is knowledge. To be enlightened is to be educated in their beliefs, The higher you move up the ranks the more enlightened you become. Illuminati - the illumined/illuminated ones.
Morals and Dogma: Albert Pike.
"Lucifer the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!
Lucifer, the Son of the morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds
feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!"
"In the higher Degrees those only should be received who have sufficient reading and information to discuss the great questions of philosophy. From them the Orators of the Lodges should be selected, as well as those of the Councils and Chapters. They are charged to suggest such measures as are necessary to make Masonry entirely faithful to the spirit of its institution, both as to its charitable purposes, and the diffusion of light and knowledge; such as are needed to correct abuses that have crept in, and of-fences against the rules and general spirit of the Order; and such as will tend to make it, as it was meant to be, the great Teacher of Mankind."
"To make this also their motto: Do that which thou oughtest to do; let the result be what it will."
Originally posted by Boredomsux
reply to post by Reptius
whats wrong with having a "boys only club" women have dozens and we dont gripe. also I'm pretty sure they have there own branches
Originally posted by Reptius
But if it's lucifer, why don't they go hang out with luciferians? Haven't luciferians been around for like thousands of year? Do they really need a secret group just to do the same thing as another group of people who aren't hidden from the public?
And what does Lucifer have against women beliving in him or joining his followers?
By the way Archangelelijah , Lucifer is not good or bad. He's a fictional character created by a bunch of people who couldn't understand science.edit on 25-1-2011 by Reptius because: Replying to someone else.