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Maxine Carr injunction tightened, re: new ID

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posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by sanctum

My opinion of Maxine Carr' personality...
1. Low self-esteem.
2. Very 'insecure'.
3. "Blind by love"


Hi Sanc'!!

I couldn't agree more with your analysis - but are these *justifiable* reasons to have a witch hunt and *not* allow her to live a "normal" Life now that she's completed her sentence, which was for lying to the court and impeding justice, rather than for being involved with the murders of Jessica and Holly??

Again, I don't think we have a Myra Hindley here, but almost certainly a rather pathetic figure who was so besotted with Huntley that she lied to protect him, as he herself couldn't believe that he *had* murdered the girls??

EDIT: had wrong quote format: apologies

[edit on 14-7-2004 by Genya]

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by misspickle
OMG- she was in some way involved in the murder of two young innocent children-coming up with an alibi for her murdering lover is as sick as doing the act itself.

Agreed misspickle - *if* she actually knew that Huntley *had* killed the children when she provided the alibi. I can only presume that the police who investigated the murders - and the resultant prosecution - would have examined the *evidence* very closely to see if Ms Carr *had* been involved with the murders herself or lied knowing that Huntley had killed them. That she was "only" convicted of perjury/ lying etc rather than more serious reasons suggests, to me at least, that the police/ prosecution couldnt find any such evidence.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 08:44 AM
An individual with this trait, will 'cling' to whatever hope they have, meaning a
sense of security, and likes to be dominated. Because they will believe most things their partner tells them, for fear of not being 'loved'.


posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by sanctum
An individual with this trait, will 'cling' to whatever hope they have, meaning a sense of security, and likes to be dominated. Because they will believe most things their partner tells them, for fear of not being 'loved'.


I'm not disputing this at all Sanc' (though I'm not a psychologist by profession). However, I still don't understand why we have to have a witch hunt, though, and a righteous feeling for "retribution" - the law courts (specifically the Old Bailey - Brtains "highest" law court for thise who don't know) - when this court passed sentence on Ms Carr and she's subsequently served this sentence? It reminds me a little of Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, though I'm not entirely sure why?

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 09:44 AM
Point taken, Genya.

All Child abuse upsets me very much. I really think that if she is to be 'given' a new id,
she needs to be named. She likes to be dominated by her partner (bully) because it saves her
thinking for herself.


posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by sanctum
Point taken, Genya.

All Child abuse upsets me very much. ...

And me too Sanc', me too. By all means punish the guilty and send clear, unequivocal messages to others that such crimes can't be tolerated BUT have some degree of compassion - please - for people who are involved "on the periphery" (as it were) and didn't actually perpetrate the crimes themselves, which they get embroiled in by "being in the wrong place at the wrong time". If it was proved that Ms Carr had known that Huntley had committed the murders and lied to save him under those circumstances, then I believe that she would be an "accessory" to the murders and she would have faced a much longer sentence than that which she received(though, again, I'm not a lawyer).

The "fact" that she *wasn't* charged as an accessory, however, strongly suggests that she *didn't* know Huntley had committed the atrocious acts themselves until much later. Indeed, Ms Carr gradually turned against Huntley as this quote shows:

"MAXINE Carr yesterday described her former fiance, Ian Huntley, as "that thing" as she sobbed in the witness box and insisted that she would not be blamed for what Huntley had done to Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman......"

And she added this (taken from the same article above):

"....Carr choked back sobs and her voice cracked with emotion as she said: "I have been feeling very, very guilty for a long, long time, that if I was there I could have stopped them from dying." ....."

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 10:22 AM
Genya, as I said before... 'Blind by Love'.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 10:38 AM
14 Jul 2004

This is a cut/paste from
Reg req...

Maxine Carr, ex-fianc� of Soham child murderer Ian Huntley, will not be starting a new life abroad as widely reported.

It was believed that Carr, expected to be released from prison at the end of this week after serving half of her three-and-a-half year sentence for perverting the course of justice, was to be relocated in Australia or Scandinavia as part of her reintegration back into society.


posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Genya
Please remember that Ms Carr was *never* accused of being implicated in the murder of the two girls, "only" that she had lied in providing Huntley with an alibi. Whilst I'm not condoning what she did, please don't treat her in the same way as you would a known and incarerated child murderer. Shr was not a Rosemary West after all but, at the time, trying to "protect" her lover.

Are you saying its okay for Carr to cover for Huntley as she was "protecting her lover"?

Yes, maybe she did have a lot to lose by telling the truth, her house/ job/ etc, but only if Huntley was guilty! I followed these events closely at the time. I think she must have had doubts about Huntley's innocence. If you were in in similar situation, wouldn't you persuade your lover to go to the police? To be investigated and cleared would be preferable to living with the fear of a "knock at the door".

Could you really continue to live with someone, with the knowledge they wouldn't let anyone else but you know they had been the last person to see Holly & Jessica before they disappeared? Would you still have no suspicions when their bodies were found so well hidden, close to Huntley's father's home, in an area Huntley knew well?

I agree she was not involved in the murder of these two children, but I am equally certain she could have saved their parents many days of suffering in not knowing the fate of their children. By speaking up, she could possibly even have given those parents the change of being able to see their children for one last time to say goodbye to them. Instead, the parents must have nightmares imagining the state of those little girls bodies by the time they were eventually found.

Carr's sentence, IMO, was not long enough. The school summer holidays are here again. Many children will yet again deprived of the freedom to roam with their friends because of this tragedy. Carr is being protected by law. It's a shame we cannot guarantee our children the same protection.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 05:13 AM
Just because she was protecting her lover doesn't mean that it is alright.

If my boyfriend had murdered two girls and i knew about it- i wouldnt be able to love that person.

Maxine Carr is not a human being and does not deserve to be treated with respect!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 02:38 PM
Maxine carr is a human being.

Things happen in the world.

There shud always be forgivness.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:54 AM
She should be given the exact same chance at life those little girls got.

Originally posted by Fitzpatrick
So you would want her dead???

[edit on 9/14/2004 by DavesWorld56]

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by misspickle
Just because she was protecting her lover doesn't mean that it is alright.

If my boyfriend had murdered two girls and i knew about it- i wouldnt be able to love that person.

Maxine Carr is not a human being and does not deserve to be treated with respect!

Racism and sexism and ageism etc

She is a "Human Being" but we are very cautious of her being in our society just like people who wear different clothes, like "Punks" etc or people who wear Religious atire,
"English" people (Not British) are very weary of anyone these days because of the "Politically Correct", "society we live in".

We are all in fear in many ways... "The End Is Nearly Here So Why Worry"?

"ARMAGEDDON" is upon us ALL!!!! SOON....

Carry on regardless if you like?


posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 11:44 PM
Although this is old, I am slightly appauled by the responses ... even though I understand where they were coming from.

The tragedy of the deaths of two young girls is horrid. The woman trying to cover is wrong.

But ... I ask you to question yourself ... if you found out your child/mother/etc. committed a heinous act, what instinct would you follow? Would you grab a zip tie and haul them in yourself? Or, would your love for your child overwhelm your senses and possibly protect their future, despite them doing such a vile thing. I would say, it is tough to say in the situation, unless you don't have any love in your heart for the person.

What is worse is how you are looking at it. Regardless of the crime and sentence ... this person has SERVED their time. Justice has been served, whether it makes you feel better or not. Regardless of how you feel, those girls will not be brought back. I suspect that the guy is serving life, no parole.

I can understand the passion you all have. Chances are you would hit the lottery before she ends up with another murderer ... so no worry about her covering up another loved ones sick mistake. I beg you to remember, she did not commit the murder, nor did she commit any other disgusting act other than very poor judgement. I am not trying to excuse her actions at all.

I just want you to understand, if you commit some crime, and serve your time, expect to be treated how you treat someone ... or really, treat someone how you want to be treated in their shoes.

Maybe her punishment wasn't enough for you ... did they do psychiatric help as well? Teach her how to handle situations? Apparently she didn't have those social skills and basis in reality.

What you are/were asking is to put her to death ... so ... basically you are saying, protect someone you love and die. Yes, that is taking it to the extreme, but, remember, when they make a rule, it covers the mundane to the extreme.

Please people who read this, have some reason. I can see child molesters needing to register, and fliers being passed out to parents ... but this woman did not commit the violent crime herself, unless someone has information that could put her back behind bars.

No excuse for what she did, no excuse to wish her dead either. Direct your frustration to the person who did it ... write him angry letters and such. Hope that you or a loved one never goes through any side or part of this unfortunate story.

Let's just have remorse and celebrate the memory of the girls, that will do them the most justice. Poor souls taken from the world so soon. It is very sad.

posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 07:58 PM
Yes, Get over it.

Lets start again she has paid the price etc...

R.I.P / M.C.

Did you not know what happened to her?

She finally decided ... .... ..... ...... ....


Tom (D.I. Quinn)

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