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9/11 contains the loose ends that will bring down the corruption.

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posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by vardlokkur

Brilliant post. S&F for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
So many things don't add up about 9/11, but the truth always does come out.
I just want to watch the murderers squirm when it does.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by American-philosopher

Dont forget this ...

American poison gas for Saddam, courtesy of Rumsfeld

edit on 21-1-2011 by reeferman because: video link

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Isreal did 911, the over whelming evidence not only suggests that Mossad and the CIA/FBI were deeply involved. So justice is coming one way or another -- because they wanted us to stop trusting them, and you can't do better than obstruct Justice. and that is exactly what is happening here. the world all of a sudden in 2000 decided to show it's true colors... now, how are we learning all of this stuff - going way back that say's these people are INSANE, think about it. Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, USS Liberty, WACO, OK City, -- hell the underware bomber, the shoe bomber *Oh, both had plastic explosive and matches .... whats wrong here...?
Plastic requires blasting caps... ? now, two bombers with a blob of playdoe and a pack of matches. Ok, so this is all done for our benefit... to piss us off -- and it appears, they want to see how far they can shove us, until - what...? we rebel... ? against who....? Us... ?
All I can say is - I dont know what is going on, I doubt anyone here does either. but the Ends must be worth Means ... because 911 - for a whole lot of folks is the last straw. but we have this allegance with this entity that uses us ... for what I'm not sure... It's only interest is Profit - It's a for profit Corporation. that maybe for sale... remember Kawait, They gave us 6 billion dollars for liberation from an Enemy IRAQ we said could do it. in a letter to Saddam. now recall the Kawaite Daughter telling Congress all those Proven Lies, who was that for ?
us again - Why...? it's part of a Script - a very through script and you can tell its a written script - by the way
the same language - tactics - words.. bush told us this: it's a very old promise that must be kept..
Now, Fertilizing, Guarding ... Poppy's in Afganville.... Vatacan Job... so it's interesting figuring this stuff out...
but dont worry about anything until people start dying and if they start. well ... 1776, will be a blood bath.
they have space based weapons. which can fry you while you sleep, causing all kinds of problems. as far as Americans winning their Freedom ... ah, you never were Free, what are you basing Freedom on the size of your cell... your unalienable rights... anyway, are you aware that we hold an Oath so Dear, yet - there is no Jail or Fine for betraying ones on Honor,
edit on 21-1-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-1-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

I do remember reading an article that stated the Taliban had banned the growing of opium in Afghanistan prior to the US occupation. Can't find it this moment, but it was an Irish online news source. If I can find it, I'll post it. Doesn't mean it is true, as anyone can post anything on the internet nowadays, but to me, with the huge amount of business made off painkillers, and the fact that most painkillers are made from opium derived chemicals, I would not doubt this.

I tend to go by my gut; and from personal experience, seeing close friends get caught up in heroine. Seeing how little authorities do to stop the distribution of it, I would not put it past some sort of dubious plan. If tptb are dubious enough to destroy the WTCs, they are dubious enough to sanction drug addiction. If anyone knows what "the Badlands" of Kensington are like, they know what I mean. It is an isolated part of Philadelphia, a few blocks in radius, river on one side, train tracks as a barrier on the other. You would think you entered a third world country, Police patrol, yet they do not halt drug trafficking which is done in the opening. They will stop violence, and will scare suburban white youths to try and drive them off. I'm not saying the heroine is directly linked to Afghanistan or what. But the system of rehabilitation relies on drugs like oxycontin, methadone, etc. Which are all derived from opium. Enough is done on the state level to make it look like the government cares, but this is all paid for by taxes also, so what do THEY care if they need to give up a small percentage in order to get away with the rest of the pie? While furthering plans for de-population, further division between economic social classes, and whatever else a sociopathic genius with the means can imagine. I do not believe it is all about money to those at the TOP, they sure as hell know how to distribute wealth to the upper middle-class in order to keep everything hush-hush however.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:37 AM
Honestly I can't say what Rumsfelds intentions were. The intent of all these politico's is shrouded in mystery. All the most nefarious characters of the entire conspiracy "theorems" are also the ones pumping money into advances in science. From living close to Delaware, and the DuPont Empire, one can conclude that they are some odd birds. Their main compound is nestled in the Brandywine River Valley, near or on state park ground on the Delaware/Pennsylvania border. It's pretty much highschool tradition for kids to go back there upon getting their licenses, and get chased out during the night by trucks. I've heard stories that range from private security firms, to redneck bikers, to inbred mutants to explain why these pursuers seem so intent on keeping kids off their roads. Imaginative, I know. But these are mainly public roads though in secluded countryside, you cannot get anywhere near the mansions due to large gates anyhow, so it makes you wonder what all the trouble is for.

But I will add that the DuPont's fund a Children's Hospital, own the property for Longwood Gardens (which is pretty beautiful if you ever happen to be in the Philadelphia area), and have also funded numerous research that has made many a life on this planet better. So if anything is true to the whole "Satanic" bloodline theory, they seem to be a double-edged sword. I won't even go into my own philosophies on the matter, but labeling them (and all these Bavarian Grove, Illuminatus, etc) Satanists does ignore the entire European history of pre-Christian paganism which has survived secretly in the upper echelons of society in the form of Christian Gnosticism.

As I have gone way off subject from the OP, I'll stop here, because the more I write, the more questions are raised in my head. Perhaps "they" have distributed enough disinformation to keep anyone from being 100%. One thing is for sure, if 9/11 was an inside job, then I believe it's strong evidence IMHO that all other reasonable conspiracies are that much more likely to be true, these being the roles of the World Bank, Federal Reserve, United Nations, WW1+2 puppeteering, hidden technologies (Tesla and/or Nazi; not necessarily alien). I label these reasonable, because there is more historical evidence to them than some of the others I have read on this site. (Though Timewave Zero, HAARP, Ancient High Technology all do fascinate me; as far as UFO's, project blue-beam would have me second guessing that, and a real Intergalactic and/or Interdimensional Entity would be so far beyond human comprehension that I don't think my imaginings of their intentions would matter anyhow.)

My greatest hope from all the paranoia, is that perhaps if we can imagine these things, maybe humans can prevent them from happening. Like telling someone your birthday wish; maybe it won't come true. : /

edit on 22-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: grammatical error.

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 05:28 AM
reply to post by vardlokkur

Your memory is correct. It was reported all over the news.
New York Times ...

And in regards to whether it's true or not, how about a more official source:

On 27 July 2000, the Taleban authorities banned the cultivation of opium poppy for the next planting season throughout all areas under their control. Since the start of planting season in October 2000, there were reports that the ban is being implemented seriously and farmers were refraining from cultivation of opium poppy 1 Fields that normally would be planted . with poppy seed were instead planting wheat and vegetables. Furthermore, there was strong evidence that the Taleban authorities were taking stringent measures to enforce the ban.


The conclusion of the Pre-assessment Survey was that the ban had been effective. The
amount of poppy observed in all villages surveyed was 27 Ha. The preliminary estimate was
that there would be a reduction of 70,000 Ha in total poppy area for Afghanistan. There were
no exceptions to the ban. In areas where poppy had been planted, violators were arrested and
imprisoned for several days and then released with the commitment that they would destroy
their plantings.

Opium prices in Afghanistan changed considerably during the last two years. After a long period of relative stability (1994-2000) and prices as low as US$ 30 per kg, opium prices skyrocketed in 2001 following the enforcement of a ban on opium poppy cultivation. Between mid-2000 and the harvest time of 2001, opium prices increased ten-fold from US$ 30 per kg to about US$ 300 per kg, and then doubled again to reach a record-high of about US$ 700 per kg in early September 2001. Immediately after 11 September, opium prices declined quickly to about US$100 per kg, reflecting the closing of Afghanistan’s borders and the off-loading of stocks by traders. In early 2002, as measured by the survey, the average price for Afghan fresh opium increased again to US$ 350 per kg. As the opium harvest is not brought at once to the markets and as opium prices movements are difficult to anticipate, the final average price for the 2002 opium production could differ from this estimate.

The new regime also established a ban but as evident from the graph below it doesn't seem to be working...


posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Sojourner

Thanks for the find; with all the hindsight gained into some of the possible alternative motives into the Vietnam War and CIA drug running, it seems possible that tptb would once again use American forces to deepen their own pockets. When one realizes how interrelated the military industrial complex, big pharmaceuticals, and big energy companies all are, and how vast their lobbying efforts are in the American Government, well the adage goes "follow the paper trail", here being money. I'm sure a deeper analysis would show that these large companies contribute to BOTH SIDES of the political party.

Anyone who thinks that a population of 200,000,000+ can be represented by two parties, well, it goes to show just how badly our minds have been conditioned.

Europe is waking up to the corruption, as you must well know in Greece. It is sad how little news coverage this backlash has had here in the states. From what little I have seen on major news sources, it seems to be depicted as "angry students losing financial aid".

edit on 23-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: grammatical error. run on sentences.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by vardlokkur

Interesting comments on Rumsfeld.
I often had ideas that he might be somewhat of a fly in the ointment of the 911 conspirators. This is just a hunch of course based on the fact that Rumsfeld twice made statements that confirm suspicion of 911: there was his statement the day before the disaster about the trillion dollars that were missing in the pentagon budget and then his “slip of the tongue” admission that flight 93 was shot down.

I always believed that amongst the conspirators of 911 there may have been a small group of insiders who sabotaged it for their own reasons, and building 7 falling down was their main input.
Rumsfeld may be a part of that group.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:24 AM
The OP has many good points. But what may help us understand 911 in the context of the points he makes is that America is primarily a business enterprise even before it is an independent country. I can’t emphasize this point enough. It seems this experiment called America exists for the corporatist and capitalists of Euro-American and European descent; not for the citizens of the country, and the recent economic woes of the US bear this out. Drug dealing has always been a part of that mainly for the benefit it gives the International Bankers, therefore undoubtedly the aspect of 911 that supports the opium trade, as well the Military Industrial Complex benefits, is all a part and parcel of the business enterprise called AMERICA!

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 12:31 AM
This website offers a fairly accurate outlook of current state of international affairs. Many sources, describing Taiwan/China and South Korea/North Korea, and increasing US involvement of the Middle East are sourced decades ago.
Three World Wars

July 12, 2001 -- A full two months before the September 11 attack, a Russian expert, Tatyana Koryagina, "a senior research fellow in the Institute of Macroeconomic Researches subordinated to Russian Ministry of Economic Development", warned of an attack in America: "Besides bombs and missiles, there are other kinds of weaponry, much more destructive ones. . . . The U.S. is engaged in a mortal economic game … There is a shadow economy, shadow politics and also a shadow history, known to conspirologists. There are (unseen) forces acting in the world, unstoppable for (most powerful) countries and even continents. There are international, 'super-state' and 'super-government' groups. In accordance with tradition, the mystical and religious components play extremely important roles in human history. One must take into account the shadow economy, shadow politics and the religious component, while predicting the development of the present financial situation. Shadow financial activities of $300 trillion are hanging over the planet. At any moment, they could fall on any stock exchange and cause panic and crash... The U.S. has been chosen as the object of financial attack because the financial center of the planet is located there. The effect will be maximal. The strike waves of economic crisis will spread over the planet instantly, and will remind us of the blast of a huge nuclear bomb." This speech has proven prescient, given the state of the global economy in 2009.

edit on 25-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: errors

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 12:59 AM
God bless you for your discerning mind. Everything you have said is true. The man responsible for the theft of 2.3 trillion dollars is a dual Israeli citizen named Dov Zakheim. Have you ever looked into how many dual Israeli citizens make up the United States government? Our current Head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, is a dual citizen. He has access to all of the country's information, including its weaknesses. He is the head of the company that manufactures the TSA invasive body scanners at airports. Is there not a conflict of interest when such a man vehemently pushes for such measures!?! He is a citizen of the only middle-eastern government that ever attacked the United States. Please look into the USS Liberty.

While you are at it, please look into the Lavon Affair, the King David Hotel bombings, and Rachel Corrie. Mainstream movies talk about groups like the Illuminati. However, speaking about a certain historical event lands some people in jail in Europe. Do not get me wrong, the Illuminati, if you want to call it that exists. It was started by Rothschild and Weishaupt. I have been called the biggest bleeding heart liberal. I do not have anything against anyone because of something like race or religion. When one puts on the Zionist spectacles, however, everything makes sense. Look up quotes from the Talmud. They are on record as stating their plans.

This is not indicative of every Jewish person. I know many working hard to expose this but are great peril. Look into men like Rabbi Weiss who states unequivocally that Zionism is evil.

Iraq was a threat to Israel. It was a government that could handle the formidable Israeli army. This could not be. Look into the symbolism of the Day of Purim:

The Day of Purim-A jewish holiday in which Jews celebrate getting revenge on past enemies.

In 1991, the Day of Purim fell on February 28, 1991. This was also the day the Zionist President George H.W. Bush, the father of the President that illegally invaded Iraq in 2003, ordered the crime of the unmitigated slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi troops with fuel air bombs. These Iraqis were fleeing on a crowded highway from Kuwait to Basra. President George Herbert Walker Bush ordered United States military aircraft and ground units to kill these surrendering troops, they were then bulldozed into mass unmarked graves in the desert, some still alive.

On March 17, 2003, on that Eve of Purim, the traitorous, treasonous President of the United States announced the decision to wrap up the 12 years of bombing runs over Iraq, the 12 years of sanctions against Iraq which deprived the people of vital medicines and clean drinking water, the 12 years in which nearly a million Iraqi infants and children died of disease and depleted uranium (DU) poisoning.

They flaunt their control. They control all the media and have the highest positions in the government and no one wonders if there may be a reason they, the American public, fear Muslims so much. Is it not possible, that when one group of people has such absolute power and control over the government and media, that the general population's opinions may be shaped by such power?

What about the five dancing Israeli's celebrating across the river from the World Trade Center. Do you remember the thumps of the bodies hitting the ground? While someone's father fell to his death, these Israelis were celebrating. When someone's mother could no longer endure the intoxication of the flames and smoke and decided to simply jump from the towers, these Israelis were celebrating.

Please look into the former director of studies at the US Army War College, Dr. Alan Sabrosky. Listen to who he KNOWS is responsible for September 11. Why is the President surrounded by men like Rahm Emanual and David Axelrod? Do you really think he chose them? Do you think past presidents chose other such men? Why is the head of the World Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the IMF all members of the same group of people?

Iraq and Afghanistan were two of the last countries not enslaved to the Zionist Rothschild Federal Reserve banking system before 2001. Never forget the USS Liberty! 34 American servicemen were killed and over 170 were injured. Mossad agents came on to American soil and threatened these men for simply telling their stories! Foreign agents came on US soil and threatened American servicemen. Why is the head of every media corporation a Zionist?

Thank god there are Jews who put human beings first and expose these lies. Thank god for Norman Finklestein, Shulamot Aloni, and Victor Ostrovsky.

These Zionists in power are Khazarians, Ashkenazi Jews. They are usurpers and imposters. Make no mistake who is responsible for September 11. Dov Zakheim stole 2.3 trillion dollars for Israel.

Ariel Sharon: "We, the Jewish People, Control America, and The Americans Know it"!

I do not think most Americans do know. Let us do our part and spread Mr. Sharon's wisdom with our fellow citizens.

Tell everyone you know about the Lavon Affair, the King David Hotel bombings, and the USS Liberty for starters. Let them look into the truth while it still exists. There is an effort to suppress it right now.

Over 4,000 brave Americans were sent to die to further the aims of the same people who continually attack the United States. When are we going to stop this??
edit on 25-1-2011 by digginapony because: no reason given

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by damwel
You know I really find it interesting and enlightening to see how billions of dollars can disappear and no one, not the WH, not Congress, not the press even asks well where did it go? No investigation into it that I know of at all.

Typical truther lie, read what he actually said, and the context and you would know where the money is. Why do truthers keep repeating this lie?

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by digginapony

In regards to the three world wars correspondence between Pike and Mazzini, it is a hoax. Having mainstream movies talk about the Illuminati and movies like "National Treasure" has surely brought the world's attention to the conspiracy theories. Why would the powers want to expose themselves like this?

Look at the symbol of the Freemasons. Can you not see it is a HEXagram, also known as the Star of David? People are purposely being mislead to keep the culprits of these egregious crimes hidden. One cannot defeat a faceless enemy. There are freemasons, do not get me wrong. Please look into whom these gentiles are subjected.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by dereks

God bless you, Derek!

It is known where the money went. People are purposely being confused because as the OP stated, the events of September 11 alone points in only one direction. It cannot be denied.

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by dereks

Typical truther lie, read what he actually said, and the context and you would know where the money is. Why do truthers keep repeating this lie?

Yep, it was just accounting errors, but even by twisting the numbers they still couldn't account for all of it..
Care to tell us how much their twisted accountants still failed to hide/account for???

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by backinblack
Yep, it was just accounting errors, but even by twisting the numbers they still couldn't account for all of it..
Care to tell us how much their twisted accountants still failed to hide/account for???

Zero, it has all been accounted for

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by backinblack
Yep, it was just accounting errors, but even by twisting the numbers they still couldn't account for all of it..
Care to tell us how much their twisted accountants still failed to hide/account for???

Zero, it has all been accounted for

How quaint..Do you have a link?
Last I heard it was quite a few Billion to still cover for..

posted on Jan, 25 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by backinblack

Here is one link that tries to account for some of the missing money.

posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 03:45 PM

edit on 31-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: (no reason given)

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