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9/11 contains the loose ends that will bring down the corruption.

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posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:26 PM
For all the thousands that died on 9/11, there are tens, even hundreds of thousands left behind PERSONALLY mourning them.

When we realize that the Iraq war, and Afghanistan war were justified, using 9/11 as a reason, the death toll reaches into the millions.

How much has the military-industrial complex reaped from this? Then we realize how close the military industrial complex is related towards big pharmaceuticals and energy. Iraq has the oil, Afghanistan has the opium fields. Using google you can find evidence that the taliban had destroyed all opium fields in Afghanistan prior to Coalition Forces invading; now it is known that American forces are personally protecting opium fields and that tribal leaders are paid incentive to grow opium.

9/11 is almost like a vortex, a HUGE knot of this secrecy and corruption. Anyone remember what Rumsfeld said about the trillions missing from Pentagon reports on 9/10/2001?

To me, this is the smoking gun in itself. The evidence of the thermite just reassures my suspicions. The lack of pentagon video, and lack of debris in Pennsylvania, also just more reassurance.

People are so stupid anymore however, they will believe anything. The funniest (saddest) thing to me, is that people believe a plane can VAPORIZE by crashing.

It's funny that Rumsfeld has been lumped in with Cheyney and the Bush clan. It seems to me that he WANTS people to know the truth. That he stands against this sinister force that treats lives as chess-pieces in a game played for a few extra pennies (when these people already OWN EVERYTHING).

To me, 9/11 was a stone used to kill as many birds as possible. Erase the paper trail of the black budget, while fueling the blind nationalistic rage required to invade two third world countries and decimate their natural resources. While they're at it, they gave tax money to private companies that do the job our military is funded to do. The list goes on. My only question is, are people really ignorant, stupid, and apathetic enough to simply LET THIS SLIDE?
edit on 20-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:38 PM
I can't be sure but I think Rumsfeld got canned sometime after his slip of the tongue...

And yes, the majority of people are still conditioned to drink kool-aid.

They do so as to not question authority, because to question authority means one is un-patriotic.

People can question authority, and be patriotic at the same time.

Now watch how the ones with a perverted sense of patriotism come in here to dish on your fine thread.

It is a patriotic duty to question authority.

Thanks for your patriotism OP. You are appreciated.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by vardlokkur

Right?! There is just too many WTF's, you can't find what's?!, and what about this or that's?! for this to be what TPTB claim. Will enough people really open their eyes and ears and take in what some have been pointing out for years and do something about it? I certainly hope so.
edit on 1/20/2011 by FoJAk because: for spelling and additions

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:55 PM

It's funny that Rumsfeld has been lumped in with Cheyney and the Bush clan. It seems to me that he WANTS people to know the truth.
reply to post by vardlokkur

oh no no you don;t, Rumsfield is a dirty as the rest of them well maybe not as cheney. Do you really need a list of crimes that Rumsfield has done. I know one major crime I can give you right now. He was the key person that got the FDA to approve Aspartame. So no Rumsfield is not one of the good guys.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 10:57 PM
It will NEVER be proven without a doubt that our government was responsible for 9/11. IMO.

And it will be snowing on the hilltops of hell before they admit one iota of guilt.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by vardlokkur
Afghanistan has the opium fields. Using google you can find evidence that the taliban had destroyed all opium fields in Afghanistan prior to Coalition Forces invading; now it is known that American forces are personally protecting opium fields and that tribal leaders are paid incentive to grow opium.

I'm posting this from afghanistan, and your statement is completely backwards. We arent destroying the fields but are telling them that cannot grow them after this year and we are delivering seeds for other crops to them. We are encouraging them to grow food. I dont know what source told you otherwise but i am a firsthand source.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 11:20 PM
but i am not disagreeing with you on anything else, im a truther who sees no way 9/11 could have happened like they said it did...

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by iSHRED

I'd have to agree with iSHRED, OP, when your talking about the drug trade income, even international drug trade, your talking about peanuts when compared to the amount of money the military industrial complex deals in. The drug trade may be used to fund off the books ops on occasion, here and there. But the MIC is dealing with billions of dollars, corporation and country building.

Btw iSHRED, you stay safe out there.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 02:52 AM
While it is hard to say how deep and wide the corruption from 9/11 goes, it is clear than this is a significant cause of a lot of waste and loss of life. To be able to remove this corruption from the system will remove a lot of pressure that is negatively impacting the nations in terms of resources and reputation.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by vardlokkur

Good post. I did a thread a few weeks ago on basically the same thing. Got a lot of naysayers attention as well...

And the video I included in the post...

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Stillresearchn911

thank you...

i think im a good example of, support the troops, not the war. cuz im here and i dont even agree with the war.
i joined before i was opened up to conspiracies and such, now i feel guilty supporting tptb (not really guilty but i cant wait to get out)

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by vardlokkur
My only question is, are people really ignorant, stupid, and apathetic enough to simply LET THIS SLIDE?
edit on 20-1-2011 by vardlokkur because: (no reason given)
yes most are all the above just look at the trusters on this site theres so much evidence yet they are still brain washed i wish i was wrong but the truth will never come out

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 09:44 AM
You know I really find it interesting and enlightening to see how billions of dollars can disappear and no one, not the WH, not Congress, not the press even asks well where did it go? No investigation into it that I know of at all. Not even a "We're looking into this" bs statement. Tell me where else this could happen. If you lost $100 at work there would be an investigation, but not billions?

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by vardlokkur
Thanks Vard. Well said. 'They' can't kill everyone, so we have to continue to have faith. Faith is something we have that 'they' don't, and my faith tells me that it will be their undoing. We all know that in order for evil to exist, we have to stand back and do nothing. And even though I'm just a nobody punching these keys, I still believe I can make a difference. Good post, and may God bless you.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Why don't we just...

1) build a replica of the world trade center using same materials and blueprints.

2) crash same type of airplane into it

3) observe that the building does not collapse

4) crash more planes into it until it DOES collapse

5) bet on if the building would fall with fewer than 20 planes crashing into it and make money from the people who believe the official story. Enough money to pay for 1 to 4.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 03:26 PM
It happened 10 years ago. They got away with it. The public is far to lazy to care. They only care about what directly affects them, not what affected them 10 years ago. Sadly, it's time to move on, let it go, because the truth is so distorted now, that even if you found it, it will be throughly debunked until no one believes it. There is no truth about 9/11 anymore. Just like there is no truth about religion. It's all about what you believe in. And sadly, we don't all believe in the same thing, and are hostile to others who try to change your beliefs. 9/11 is the new JFK, and that's the end of it.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 03:30 PM
No person i know, considers the 9/11 tradgedy anything but an inside job.
Though still they seem to not be able to make the next connections, or the next step.
It seems to stop at that point they agree the buildings were demoed.
Why is it that there is this dead zone in most that will not let the spark of consciousness cross the gap to all the other even more important realisations that 9/11 so dramatically illustrates about TPTB?
They go on paying taxes, and living their lives, as if this never occurred?

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 03:39 PM
All it would take is a little history lesson that suggest that the CIA had a huge hand in the jar of the opium fields, way back when during the Iran Contra scandal era. This thread doesnt come as any new news.

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

I would disagree.

If anything, the movement is picking up steam. Ive read more new info in the last few years than I did in the 5 years after it happened. Scientific papers, celebrities, commercials, recognition in the mainstream.

Dont listen to this chum, he's trying to make you give up!

posted on Jan, 21 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by vardlokkur

I was in my local video store last month and there was a newspaper sitting on the counter that was free, Titled: "9/11 Investigator (( It is 1000 engineers and architects challenging the Official Report of the WTC Destruction. The founder is Richard Gage, AIA. I was thrilled to see someone actually taking up the gauntlet to actively move forward on this. Thought some of you might be interested. They are asking for any assistance anyone is willing to offer....FYI

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