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Celebs who sold their soul

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posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 04:50 PM
I agree and disagree with this. I mean are there people who have there soul to become famous? Yes but are hendirx and dylan apart of that? No. Hendrix is flat-out one of the greatest guitar players of all time, if not the greatest guitar player of all time and dylan is an amazing song writer.

I think that people who sold there souls to be famous are the people who don't have any real talent.Like a Justin Bieber or the guys in the backstreet boys.

I just think hendrix was born with the talent to become famous she didn't need to make this contract.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Some of the celebs mentioned in the videos are members of the "27 Club", including Robert Johnson and Jimi hendrix. The 27 club is a list of celebrities/musicians who died at the young age of 27. The legend says that Robert Johnson sold his soul to the Devil to become a blues legend by letting the Devil tune his guitar at "the Crossroads". Robert was the first member of the 27 club.

Other notable 27 club members:

Jim Morrison
Janice Joplin
Kurt Cobain
Ron "Pigpen" McKernan
etc, etc....
edit on 20-1-2011 by Blarneystoner because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 05:42 PM
Watched it all for fun...and each film offering was nothing more than quick cuts from lengthy interviews that were obviously taken out of context. As for those actors and actresses that are now passed....remember there was rampant hard drug use and lots of booze flowing back then...hidden as it is today, but always know in the "colony". That too could have been "the devil" as well.

Those that were interviewed are successful because they possess the talent to transfer themselves into the characters they choose to play. Are they possessed by those characters they bring across? Remember those characters they become are a figment of the writers imagination...or maybe the writer is possessed, you never know. The musicians were all very talented as well, and I bet what was onstage isn't the person off stage.

Bottom line, thanks for posting the thread, but I will have to disagree that those in the entertainment field are possessed and have sold their "soul to the devil"...btw...another way to look at that saying is that you "sold your soul to the man". Every single person out there that has a job working for someone else...has "sold their soul".

It is nothing more than a saying, as I see it...
edit on 20-1-2011 by Holly N.R.A. because: to add more info.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:26 PM
Here's the list from the YouTube page:

List of celebrities exposed:
Alan Alda
Alice Cooper
Beach Boys
Black Sabbath
Bob Dylan
Bon Jovi
Caesar Pink
Carlos Santana
David Lee Roth
Deep Purple
Denzel Washington
Ginger Baker
Halle Berry
Lady Gaga
James Dean
Jimi Hindrex [sic]
Jim Morrison/The Doors
Joan Crawford
Joe Cocker
Johnny Depp
Joni Mitchel
Judas Priest
Juliette Lewis
Kanye West
Katy Perry
Keanu Reeves
Kevin Bacon
Leonardo DiCaprio
Lucille Ball
Marilyn Monroe
Meat Loaf
Meryl Streep
Peter Sellers
River Pheonix
Robin Williams
Robert Johnson
Roseanne Arnold
Ruldoph Valentino
Shirley Maclaine
Snoop Dog
Suicide Tendencies
Tori Amos
Vin Diesel
Willie Brown
Winona Ryder

Come on, where's Ozzy's new band? What about John Lennon, or the rest of the Beatles? Pantera? Alice in Chains? All 3 of the Hank Williams'? James Brown? Iron Maiden?

Every Jazz musician ever, in all of history? What about Ray Charles? He was blind for Christ's sake, how else could he learn to play piano without the assistance of the Devil?

Every pagan/Buddhist/etc.?

And you forgot ME!!

This list isn't long enough!!!

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by lektrofellon
I just watched the first video and it is pretty stupid, aint gonna waste my time with the rest,it was obviously created by some religious nutjob,i mean taking a few words from a queen song and coming to the conclusion they have sold their souls to the devil is one hell of a stretch, in fact on the scale of things its the f#ckin mount everest of stretches,and i would like to hear what katy perry says after it cuts out,shes obviously taken way out of context!.......ridiculous!!!

edit on 20/1/11 by lektrofellon because: (no reason given)

After she says 'it didn't work sold my soul to the devil'' it cuts to one of her vidoes.

In the said clip she describes her upbringing and failure to become successful. Then, rather than go into detail about how she did eventually become successful, she only says the above quote.

There are no religious references in any of the videos.

If anyone's out of context, it is you sir.


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:14 PM
OP- whoever made these videos is REALLY reaching- has this person ever heard of METAPHORS?
Although I will concede one thing- Tori Amos didn't sound like she was talking in metaphors....

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by Jedite
I've always wanted to ask something, well a couple somethings actually.

If our souls aren't really ours how can we sell them in the first place? We can't sell what we dont own and possess.

And my major point I want to ask is why would Satan/Lucifer/Devil/Demons torture and corrupt and imprison people to teach a lesson and prove a point for a god he hates? Plus why would he even torture his follower's at all seems kinda bad for business.

''If our souls aren't really ours how can we sell them in the first place?'' - I'm not sure if this is the right place for the discussion of ownership of the soul, as its not something I raised nor wish to discuss at any length, however, I believe the soul belongs to the self and for I at least, believe its of most significance and the only thing one can truly own, yet paradoxically, is shared with all beings that possess a soul.

One cannot enter this world without a soul, nor can one cannot return to the source without it.

Darkness needs light. Light is independent.

''And my major point I want to ask is why would Satan/Lucifer/Devil/Demons torture and corrupt and imprison people to teach a lesson and prove a point for a god he hates? Plus why would he even torture his follower's at all seems kinda bad for business.''

I'm not sure what dogma lead you to ask, but I shall do my best to answer your point although I'm used to answering questions:

The people, or souls, that darkness abuses are those that possess something that it needs to survive or grow (all beings are evolving). It may offer one a deal, or it may try to incite negative emotions from which it feeds. Those that have given their allegiance (or soul) to darkness, are manipulated to carry out the work of darkness (devil).

Believe me, as long as there is an ego - business is booming.

When one realises that darkness's' most powerful weapon is fear, then one starts to see things very differently.

Darkness is of this world. I am in this world but not of it. I still have a connection to the source. Darkness does not. I am not just darkness' equal but infinitely greater, and until this is realised, one will always tread in the shadows.


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by Skippy1138
OP- whoever made these videos is REALLY reaching- has this person ever heard of METAPHORS?
Although I will concede one thing- Tori Amos didn't sound like she was talking in metaphors....

Ever heard of NON-SEQUITUR?

I'm not going to respond to anymore posts based upon subjectivity.

I'll leave you all with this.. the devil (satan, darkness, lucifer etc) is very real and to its credit, far more sophisticated than the old horned fork tailed beast surrounded by an inferno image one may have, but it is finite. The soul is also very real, yet infinite.

The gap between beings that belong to the light and those of darkness is becoming more defined, and those caught in the middle are increasingly restless/confused. The later, are the most vulnerable and are the prime target for the 'dis-info agents' as they want you off the fence and into the dark. Listen to you inner voice and don't be unnecessarily disheartened by the typical 'this is BS, fake etc' comments as like I said, darkness is not stupid and understands human psychology intimately.

Be strong, be fair or at least make your mind up.



posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:55 PM
Nice thread
Go to youtube and look up a documentary called The Music Industry Exposed.
It's about artists 'selling their soul' in order to get fame. They sell their soul to the Illuminati and let them put subliminal messaging in their lyrics and music video's.
Really interesting thing to watch, I recommend it highly.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 07:57 PM

full interview here..

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Beyond Creation

Do you even know the definition of "non-sequitur"? "a statement containing an illogical conclusion. ".
In other words, practically everything in these videos.People are using metaphors to describe the creative process, or figures of speech,etc etc and you come to the "illogical conclusion" that they all "sold their soul to the devil".
Now, I have no doubt that celebs throughout the years have dabbled in pseudo-Satanism, but so many of the "examples of proof" in those videos were reaching like there's no tomorrow.....

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Skippy1138
reply to post by Beyond Creation

Do you even know the definition of "non-sequitur"? "a statement containing an illogical conclusion. ".
In other words, practically everything in these videos.People are using metaphors to describe the creative process, or figures of speech,etc etc and you come to the "illogical conclusion" that they all "sold their soul to the devil".
Now, I have no doubt that celebs throughout the years have dabbled in pseudo-Satanism, but so many of the "examples of proof" in those videos were reaching like there's no tomorrow.....

Perhaps ''non-sequitur'' was inappropriate and for that I apologise, although, I maintain that your original statement is contradictory at the least .You have every right to say that the author of the video is 'reaching' to a conclusion but please understand that this is not my video or basis for my personal conclusion and you yourself made a notable exception, for it not, we wouldn't be having this semantical discussion?

edit on 20-1-2011 by Beyond Creation because: typo

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by alaskan

That's pretty awesome.

Maybe I should sign a contract with Satan, too. Seems like there might be something to it.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:35 PM
I've always found the notion of 'selling your soul' a interesting concept. Let me say first off that I do believe in a form of heaven and hell. And I also believe that 'selling your soul' is a reality. However, I'm not 100% certain that it involves signing a contract for specific goods and/or services. I think it's more probable that the term is refering to the act of perpetrating crimes(morally of physically) against humanity for the sole reason of self accomplishment and/or accumulation of vanity. In the end though, the outcome is the same.....

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by HomeBrew

''I'm not 100% certain that it involves signing a contract..''

No, its not as simple as that, indeed simpler. Its about permission. Once obtained, the ego of the permission giver is fed at the cost of facilitating darkness, whilst consuming the soul.

I appreciate your awareness. Stay strong, as it is souls like you that are dearest to me.


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Beyond Creation

"darkness is not stupid and understands human psychology intimately. "

For some reason that really creeped me out at a gut level.

I'm one of those who is on the fence, but if it came down to it, I know where my allegiance lies.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by alaskan

full interview here..


Its surprising how candid, and even proud the soulless are. Humility was definitely sacrificed in the deal.

P.s. Nice gloves! Kinda reminds me of someone.


posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Beyond Creation
Its surprising how candid, and even proud the soulless are.

Aren't we supposed to be proud?

So why would it be surprising?

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:08 PM
wow...looks like some in this thread have a problem with respecting the opinions of others...keeping it under control, but it still shows.

Signing a pact with the "devil" as has been pointed out, is a metaphor. Tori Amos is a very eclectic writer who had a few really bad things happen to her in her life. Her writing reflects these things. Most writers understand this.

The use of the names of that said darkness are mainly a Christian design in order to make it easier to control the populations through organized religions. Governments and Religions have both used fear and damnation to control the flocks.

By your statement about light and darkness, it appears you subscribe to the idea of in that case you may wish to rethink the idea that Light stands alone. Looking at it differently, you may say that once light enters darkness, that darkness is no longer and becomes part of the light.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 09:11 PM
Sold mine. Got a pack of cigs and a six-pack. He got screwed.

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