Wow.. NICE find! Imagine the possibilities!!
I recently created a thread about NASA's announcing the discovery of thunderstorms that create particles and waves of ANTIMATTER above them (LINK
That could be relevant because the ANTIMATTER could be used to power the MAGNETIC device. In essence, you would have an...
Further, we (as a species) might have already developed this method of travel 50 years ago. When OPERATION PAPERCLIP brought Nazi scientists to the
US after the end of WWII, they were put into positions of authority in highly classified research, most famous of which is the atom bomb project.
Other technologies were developed and then privatized in order to maintain ultimate secrecy. While privatization achieves supreme, corporate secrecy,
it also puts the tech into the hands of the (soon to have become the) global elite.
Authors/people such as Richard Dolan, Mike Bara, Joseph Farrel and Richard Hoagland have postulated the existence of a "breakaway civilization."
That is, the people with fantastic technology (like the kind in your thread that allows for the travel to other planets and star systems) have kept it
sealed tight, the highest of classifications. They are to the "average earth citizen" as the average earth citizen is to someone from one of those
tribes in remote jungles who throw spears at helicopters. To them, helicopters are UFOs (or whatever they'd call them in their own terms). To us,
breakaway technology is our UFO sighting. While our scientists sit in helicopters watching the natives hurl spears, breakaway civilization citizens
might very well sit in UFOs watching us go nuts filming, running away or trying to make contact.
If this technoogy had been developed in the 1950s, mastered over the decades (as the rest of the world was embroiled in petty conflicts and war), and
used to colonize other planets... If so... Breakaway citizens could very well have a kind of "star fleet" with ships regularly venturing farther
into the unknown, with colonies spreading our human seed across the stars like dust.
Who knows where all of this is leading... Our government has been up to something for so long. We just don't know what. Perhaps all of the
chemtrail spraying and all the poisoning of our food and water (and immunizations) was a clandestine way for them to prepare us for the rigors of
other worlds, sort of building up our immunity to things and conditions found on other worlds. Maybe all this madness is a preparation for colonizing
other worlds...
These are the considerations that having such travel capabilities bring about. When you can travel to other star systems in a matter of days or even
months... An entire universe of possibility OPENS.
Could ANTIMAG be our gateway into areas previously reserved for science fiction? Wouldn't that be a neat kind of thing?