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Originally posted by Larryman
reply to post by RUSSO
I don't think radiation is a problem. The theory states that the ship (and everything in it) would be converted to an 'alternate' (hyper-dimensional) form of matter - which has NO MASS. No mass means no inertia forces to contend with. And normal radiation can not affect matter with no mass.
Originally posted by Larryman
reply to post by backinblack
If you hop into a stargate to Mars... there had better be a stargate on Mars to come out of.
It will be awesome if real, but I have my doubts.
not sure if the Z machine is capable of what this article is talking about!
The interesting part is that the Department of Energy has a device -- the Z-machine -- that could produce the kind of ultra-powerful magnetic field we’d need to see if the idea might work. If it does, researchers could be testing a working engine in five years.
The Z machine fires a very powerful electrical discharge (several tens of millions of amperes for less than 100 nanoseconds) into an array of thin, parallel tungsten wires called a liner (pictured here). The high electrical current vaporizes the wires, which are transformed into a cylindrical plasma curtain. Simultaneously, the current density induces a powerful magnetic field and their combination creates Lorentz forces which radially compress the plasma into a z-pinch process. The imploding plasma produces a high temperature and an X-ray pulse which can create a shock wave in a target structure. The target structure is placed in a cavity inside the wires called a hohlraum. The powerful fluctuation in the magnetic field (an "electromagnetic pulse") also generates electric current in all of the metallic objects in the room (see picture at upper right). The vertical cylinder's axis is conventionally termed the z-axis, hence the name "Z machine".
Originally posted by Mayura
Teleportation is quicker and it's already being used. Since the 80's I believe.
There's already industrial sites on the red planet... Which is also being terraformed.
Use a search engine.
frank frank Visit me on... Twitter I will be presenting a paper on gravitomagnetic propulsion on March 16 in Washington DC at: I believe that gravitomagnetic is the way to explore the universe. An overview of this work is below. Frank Znidarsic Friday, January 07, 2011, 18:31:20 – Flag – Reply
NEW TECHNOLOGIES This analysis suggests that a macroscopic body may be forced into a state of quantum transition. Trillions of atoms may be adjoined within a single transitional state through a process involving the external vibration of a Bose condensate. Strong gravitational and long range nuclear forces may be induced. The use of these strong, long range forces could provide new sources of propulsion, allow for the reduction of nuclear waste, and lead to the development of new sources of energy. CONCLUSION The field of quantum physics was revolves around the stationary quantum state. New observables have emerged from experiments involving low energy nuclear reactions. This author, with the use of these observables, has developed results as a condition of the transitional quantum state. These results provide a causative classical explanation for the quantum condition and may lead to the development of revolutionary new technologies.
Vancouver is hosting a unique conference featuring three distinguished international experts in the fields of Exopolitics, Remote Viewing, Voice Analysis and UFO imaging this February. Intelligent life - Beyond the 4th Dimension will offer lectures and workshops from Exopolitics founder Alfred Lambremont Webre, Monroe Institute Remove Viewing trainer Paul Elder and Canadian Speech Analyst and Paranormal Imaging expert, Jon Kelly. Although these cutting-edge topics may represent challenging new frontiers where few conservative Vancouver audiences have gone before, the panel of experts will not disappoint with their long and distinguished records in academic research, public service and international media production.
Originally posted by Mayura
What do you think this is? DishTV and The Discovery channel?
Doing your own research is always good.
Take your pick.
These aren't my only references, just quick examples. I'll let you take it from here...