posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 04:39 PM
I pay no mind to people who complain and offer no solutions. I don't see a reason why anyone does. A complainer does only one thing. Points out
issues to people. Once he's done that he has two choices. Either be helpful and offer suggestions on how to fix things or move your rear end over
and let other people contribute ideas on how to fix things.
I think what's funnier than Moore's quotes is the fact that they shock you. Those of you who are surprised to see Moore calling victims of murder
"scaredy cats" are either living in a box or are slow. Equally slow are those of you who claim Moore to be "real."
Why do I say this? Because Moore is one thing and one thing only, a sensationalist complainer. Period.
Does he bring up valid issues? ABSOLUTELY!!!!
But that's not good enough. In addition to the issues he legitimately points out Moore has an unbelievably intense hatred in him. Not just for
Bush, not just for Conservatives, not just for Republicans. He has a hatred for "The man". Funny, isn't it, how someone who is making millions
through movies and books has such a hatred for a system he himself bleeds dry.
If Michael Moore hates the American people and the American way of life and the way that rich people exploit poor people and the way that we nasty
rich white people brutalize the rest of the world then I have a suggestion for him. Put up or shut up. You just made millions off a PR operation.
Do something useful with your money. You think wealthy and influential people are the devil and out to kill and enslave everyone else, so why be one
yourself. Donate your millions to people living in poverty in the United States. Show that you are more interested in helping people than your
rivals. What a difference that would make. To move from a complainer to a doer.
Until some kind of development like that occurs Moore is a sensationalist. He makes bizarre hateful comments so people notice him. So people talk
about him. So his message spreads further. It's brilliant tactics and amazing that people don't get it.
Real? More like good... real good.