In reply to OP
It's a mathematical certainty that alien life, intelligent or not, has / currently / will exist. There is no tangible evidence that suggest god does /
has / will. I'm not completely dismissing the idea, and SOMETHING had to bring order to chaos, it's just the text people hold to be evidence of TRUE
FACTUAL events are extremely beyond even being remotely possible. No matter what religion you look at, there is no evidence to support this theory
other than documents that was written during a time when your average person was discouraged from questioning them. This was also a time when religion
ruled government (for example, kings was deemed to be of holy bloodline by the church). So, obviously it would be beneficial to change documents which
only you have access and control over, to benefit your own political agenda.
Let's look at it just from a common sense point of view. How can someone, 200+ years later, possibly know what Jesus did on a day to day basis? Did
Jesus have a twitter account? Jesus was a man, he was to experience all the emotions and feelings of a man, this would mean Jesus got angry, he cried,
he laughed, most-likely masturbated and most likely had sex / even possibly got married. After all, this was his purpose of coming here. So to think
that he wouldn't have done any of this would be ludacris.
We must also take into account, not only was gospels written centuries AFTER the person involved passed on, but the fact that not every single gospel
made it into what is now the new testaments. Religion was highly locational, so let's just say in New York they had 5 gospels that they studied in
church, in Florida they had 10 gospels, and completely different than the ones studied in New York. The bible was a method of unification, so that
every region would study and hear the exact same message. This would mean some gospels was deemed unnecessary, maybe even too much information on that
person. So someone / group of people had to decide what should stay and what should go.
The problem with this is once you start picking and choosing what should be in the overall story, the story's context can and will change. Also, why
was they so special to say if THIS gospel was more important than THAT. Take into consideration that this was still, a time when religion ruled
government. So being able to dictate and change / control the flow of information was TRUE power.
And I am only speaking about Catholicism, one of many religions, but the scenario remain the same. Religion was created by us to control the masses.
While UFOs (not even in their original meaning, Unidentified Flying Objects, but as alien craft / devices), are a proven phenomena. Sure, it's easy to
dismiss these nowadays, because theres alot of traffic in the skies and alot are easily misinterpreted by the untrained eye, but how do you dismiss
all the reports throughout history, even by famous people, like Napoleon, Alexander the great, Christopher Columbus, even Ezekiel's account in the
bible clearly describes a physical craft when he talks about the Chariot of Fire. How can you explain the commonality of these reports of flying
silver shields in the sky, during a time when human flight wasn't even conceived, let alone possible.
UFOs are not a matter of opinion, they are indeed a real occurrence. Whether they are aliens from another solar system or just some physics of time /
energy that we don't understand is up for debate. But UFOs are something that is without a doubt happening, while God not so much.
It's hard to say God is real when you see helpless kids dying from starvation, apparently God doesn't seem to care enough about us, because he has so
much more important things to do with his infinite existence right?
So UFOs, easy to believe in, God, a bit harder.
(btw I'm agnostic, I believe that something binded all things (if you want to call it god), but I don't believe ANY religion has the story right, not
at all, and apparently I'm not the only one, or else there would only be 1 religion & only 1 story, the truth)
edit on 9-2-2011 by DeboWilliams
because: (no reason given)
edit on 9-2-2011 by DeboWilliams because: (no reason given)