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Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate

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posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
Your post actually proves my point.
The Birther thing was D.O.A. It was a dead issue until the Governor of Hawaii went on a crusade to find Obamas birth certificate and he came up empty and now he has raised more questions.

Excuse me, but where have you been these past three years?

The “birther thing” was definitely not ‘DOA’ prior to the claims of the new Governor. All you have to do is a search right here on ATS to show you how vocal and active the birthers have been since even before Obama was elected.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by freedish

Yes, because administrative mistakes never occur..

Does anyone here even realize that he could not even say that he found one even if he did?

Do you know why? It's a violation of HIPPA to even say it exists and you know what hospital they were born in.
edit on 23-1-2011 by Miraj because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 12:50 AM
The top 10 places Governor Abercrombie should look for Obama's birth certificate:

10. It might be under the unicorn feeder, not too far from the magic money printing press that Ben Bernanke uses.

9. The certificate may have been sacrificed to the volcano gods to ensure good luck. After two years of the Obama administration, it obviously didn’t work.

8. Check under Obama’s copy of the Koran signed by Ayatollah Khomeini. The one that reads: “To Barry. Good luck on the whole Manchurian thing. Kho-money.”

7. Perhaps it’s under a stack of promises to close Gitmo.

6. May be tucked in the pages of well-annotated Community Organizing for Dummies book.

5. Have you looked in George Soros’ command bunker? Check under those stacks of Chinese yuan and the deed to Obama’s soul.

4. May have accidentally passed it out as a syllabus during short stint as Harvard lecturer.

3. Pawned for crack in 90s.

2. Hillary Clinton may have it tucked in her jock strap.

1. Kenya

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
It's a violation of HIPPA to even say it exists
Maybe, but isn't that exactly what Fukino did?

"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai'i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.
So she's not allowed to do that because it's a violation? You could be right but I've not heard of any penalties applied to her as a result of saying it exists and whatever violations that entails.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 01:21 PM
It's easy to see how an anti christ, if he/she exists, can easily get into power as a Politician. Many people who follow these politicians are mindless zombies.

If you ask simple questions about Obama and his passport or college records you're a racist and you're crazy according to mindless zombies who call themselves Democrats.

It's the same way mindless zombies on the Republican side got upset when you asked for more info on Bush and Skull and Bones or National Guard records.

It's just like war protesters who marched in the street every other week and put fake blood on their shirts when Bush was in office but you don't see them doing the same thing to Obama and in some cases he has beefed things up. Were they really against war or just against Bush?

I see nothing wrong with citizens asking questions about their elected leaders. The leaders should have to provide this simple information. I just had to show my Birth Certificate to someone to get simple services. So asking our leaders to do the same shouldn't be a big deal.

I truly think some people who follow either political party are kool aid drinkers and as soon as you ask questions about their dear leader you're met with these mindless zombies whose opinions are always based on whether a D or R is next to their names.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
I see nothing wrong with citizens asking questions about their elected leaders. The leaders should have to provide this simple information.
Nice strawman you got there. No one has said that is wrong to ask whatever questions you wish. You seem to confuse the right that you have in requesting something with the legal obligation for someone to respond to that request.

I just had to show my Birth Certificate to someone to get simple services. So asking our leaders to do the same shouldn't be a big deal.
You had to show your birth certificate to get a “simple service,” because that person was required by law to confirm your identity. You birthers ignore the fact that existing law already stipulates who vets and confirms the candidates qualifications, and at what phase of the election process that can occur.

If the person that requested to see your birth certificate had failed to do so, and yet admitted you as eligible for the service you wanted, was it your fault that they didn’t ask you for your birth certificate?

Moreover, Obama has shown you his birth certificate, you simply refuse to accept it as valid because you believe some narrative that he wasn’t born in the United States, despite the fact that all reasonable evidence points to the fact that he has: (1) there’s the announcement of the birth in the newspaper at the time; (2) Obama has presented a certificate the competent authorities vouched for; (3) the competent authorities in Hawaii went beyond that and said that according to their original records Obama was born in Hawaii; (4) Congress certified Obama without a single objection; and (5) Congress passed House Resolution 593, “Recognizing and celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union,” which included the statement “Whereas the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.” The Resolution passed with a 378-0 vote.

You can rant all you want and mischaracterize my position as implying that it is “wrong to ask questions about our elected leaders,” but the truth is that the law specifies who has the authority to vet the candidates, nowhere it requires candidates to show you their birth certificate — let alone disclose their original vital records — and your opinion of what should Obama do, since he isn’t required to do by law, is merely your opinion with no legal authoritative basis behind it.

You think Congress didn’t do its job? Take it up with them. You think Obama wasn’t born in the United States? Don’t vote for him.

posted on Jan, 23 2011 @ 04:33 PM

(note: on a more serious note, I also think his origin of birth has yet to be proven, and support Taitz' cause.)
edit on 23-1-2011 by IamCorrect because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Let me ask how you'd interpret these CNN poll results (July 16-21,2010):

Definitely born in U.S. 42%
Probably born in the U.S. 29%
Probably born in another country 16%
Definitely born in another country 11%
No opinion 2%

I would interpret them as poll numbers. Now ask me what that is worth. He can not be sort of born anywhere. It is an eitehr or. Probably and probably not have no place in such a poll. Either you believe it, or you do not. Any doubt at all would be the same as probably, or probably not and would be the same as not believing it. Yet, the results show people answered differently to all of those. Why? Well, they did not ask me what I thought and even in 100% of the people polled THOUGHT Obama was secretly a Martian, that would do just as little to sway my opinion of established facts. Everyone knows Martians have anennae.

If you have no doubts, that puts you in the 42% category, meaning you're in the minority. The other 56% of the population that has an opinion has at least some doubt. I'd say the 29%, (of which I'm one) that say "probably born in the US" are the people that don't call themselves birthers but have doubts.

Right, people that do not call themselves birthers have doubts about where Obama was born.
Trying to make my point or yours?

Your failure to recognize this category even exists, or to make a claim in direct contradiction to the poll results, that these 29% believe Obama was probably born outside the US when that's not what the poll shows they believe, demonstrates a less than thorough grasp of the various opinions in the population which have been documented in this poll.

Cling to this poll and your skewed understanding of what it is telling you. Cling tightlt. Come 2012, it might be a cute reminder of that silly haircut you stopped getting too.

I would say the birthers are a combination of the 16% plus the 11% categories.

Cool. So birthers are people that think Obama was not born in Hawaii.
Non-birthers are people that think Obama was MAYBE not born in Hawaii?
Whatever it takes to make one feel better about their windmill chase.

A birther is a birther. You may not want to have that name but to go on and push the birther issue because you believe in the birther cause because you have birther issues yourself is not going to help. Just between us, you know.
Just trying to help you birthers out a little.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
reply to post by Sinnthia

Your post actually proves my point.

Actually it does the exact opposite considering many of those quotes come from 2009. Take a look for yourself. How do comments made before this new hoopla prove this new hoopla caused those comments?


The Birther thing was D.O.A.


D.O.A.???????????? You cannot be serious. The birther issue was dead the moment it came up? Have you looked around ATS? It is not only still alive, it has been alive. It has been thriving for two years. You are seriously trying to tell me that it went away the moment it came up? Seriously? Now it is just coming back?

Can you show me the period of time in which this issue was ever dead, please? I guarantee I can demonstrate it was alive and well at any time you choose. GO FOR IT.

It was a dead issue until the Governor of Hawaii went on a crusade to find Obamas birth certificate and he came up empty and now he has raised more questions.

On what planet?

Even if you're not a birther, this raises questions.

No, it only raises birther questions thus the nomenclature.

If this was a Republican, Democrats would be demanding an investigation.


If any of you knew anything about a birth certificate, you would all go hide in shame for a few years. Ifs dont mean jack.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
Why? Well, they did not ask me what I thought and even in 100% of the people polled THOUGHT Obama was secretly a Martian, that would do just as little to sway my opinion of established facts. Everyone knows Martians have anennae.
Yes because clearly this is all about you and what you think. You're certainly entitled to your opinion and it's obvious nobody is going to change it. And that's fine. But you seem to want to tell everyone else how they should think, how they should answer the polls, and how they should see things just the way you see them. Well you can try to delude yourself into thinking other people should behave the way you want, but your expectations don't change the reality. So, speak for yourself and you are undoubtedly right about your own opinion. However when you speak for others and say what their opinions are, you are clearly in denial.

Probably and probably not have no place in such a poll. Either you believe it, or you do not. Any doubt at all would be the same as probably, or probably not and would be the same as not believing it. Yet, the results show people answered differently to all of those.
A perfect example of you trying to tell everyone else what to think, and how to think it, and even how do design the poll and how to answer the poll.

I'm sorry if the world doesn't conform to your wishes, but hopefully you'll find a better way to deal with it than the current state of denial you're in.

Regarding what the poll is worth, probably not much to you or me, but since there's an election coming up in 2012, and the poll shows only the minority like you have no doubts, the information might be helpful to Obama campaign planners who I'm sure would have liked to think this was a fringe issue that only a small percentage of the population had any doubts about, but now may realize the majority of people have at least some doubt so they may want to consider resolving this issue by releasing the birth certificate. I'm not holding my breath for that to happen, believe me, but if the Obama campaign ignores the fact that only a minority 42% of the population have no doubts, it will be at their peril of possibly losing the election over something so easily resolved. It's not that I think this one issue will determine the election, however with all the broken campaign promises like increasing the size of Guantanamo rather than closing it as promised, etc, it could be a "straw that broke the camel's back" type issue that combined with everything else, does make a difference.
edit on 24-1-2011 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by Sinnthia
Why? Well, they did not ask me what I thought and even in 100% of the people polled THOUGHT Obama was secretly a Martian, that would do just as little to sway my opinion of established facts. Everyone knows Martians have anennae.
Yes because clearly this is all about you and what you think.

It isn't?

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Let me ask how you'd interpret these CNN poll results (July 16-21,2010):

Who was I supposed to answer that for?
I interpret things in the first person. How do you do it?
edit on 24-1-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Sinnthia
I asked you to interpret the poll, but instead of interpreting it, you chose to not interpret, but deny the poll and say it was wrongly designed because it offered 4 responses instead of only 2. Yes, you're entitled to think the poll is wrongly designed, but that response isn't an interpretation of the 4 responses given and responded to on the poll.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Either way, you asked ME
for MY thoughts.

Then you complain because I answered with what I thought.

Now you complain because you just do not like what MY thoughts were.

This is not about opinion. This is about facts. If you ask silly questions about my thoughts, you get my thoughts. My thoughts and your thoughts do little for the topic though. This is a fact based issue.
edit on 24-1-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Yes because clearly this is all about you and what you think. You're certainly entitled to your opinion and it's obvious nobody is going to change it. And that's fine. But you seem to want to tell everyone else how they should think,

hmmm I didn't see him say that. What I think he meant was that you cannot rely on poll numbers to point to questions about this presidents eligibility.

Do you know that in another CNN poll, only 34% of americans believed Obama to be a christian? Does that mean he lied when he stated he was a christian? Or is it clearly his choice whatever the heck he wants to be? What about the Iraq war?

Did you know that in 2003, a CNN poll found that 68% of americans believed the war on Iraq war justified?

Do you want to go down a long list? Polls are very seldom reliable evidence, neither does a poll on the personal opinions of people indicate a question in Obama's eligibility. He went through the appropriate constitutional process as every other president has in the past, the personal opinions of individual(s) does not change that fact. Now, I don't see how a poll is going to help your argument here anymore than raise questions, and merely raising "questions" will get you nowhere in life let alone the court system.

A perfect example of you trying to tell everyone else what to think,

Yep, attack the other poster for forcing his beliefs one everybody else. Nice. How about we stick to discussing the relevance of polls as evidence that Obama has not met an acceptable eligibility vetting process.

I'm sorry if the world doesn't conform to your wishes,

So why can't birthers like yourself understand this? You demand something clearly you are not entitled to. You may think you are, but under the constitution and current law you are not.

but if the Obama campaign ignores the fact that only a minority 42% of the population have no doubts, it will be at their peril of possibly losing the election

Quiet possibly, although the Obama campaign won handly in 2008 and the birther polls at that time were little different. Who knows, 2012 is on it's way, so we'll see.

over something so easily resolved.

Obama releasing his original birth certificate will not "resolve" or end the birth conspiracy. By this assumption you are to suggest that a certain type of oldish documentation will so easily change the minds of birthers such as yourself.. you are not bringing much credit to yourself and other birthers at all.

It's not that I think this one issue will determine the election, however with all the broken campaign promises like increasing the size of Guantanamo rather than closing it as promised, etc,

You further bring down the argument that Obama releasing more documents will change your mind. You are already making it clear to all of us that you are unsatisfied with this president over alot of things, so what difference will Obama releasing his documents bring? Well nothing really.

...and yep, Obama has broken campaign promises, so will many other presidents to come. If there is ever one president to come and not break a single promise in his term, let me know. It's not the promises broken that concerns me so much, it's the manner in which they are broken.
edit on 24-1-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Thank you. Perhaps I should just respond to some folks by sending you a private message so you can translate. You seemed to be able to see my point just fine so thanks for trying to relate it for me.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 11:28 AM
I'm sure the President would show his birth certificate if he thought that doing so would dispel this rumor. Unfortunately, birthers are impervious to logic and facts.

He could release his birth certificate and the birthers would still scream "NO! THE REAL ONE! THE ONE FROM KENYA!"

He could invent a time machine and take all these crazies back to see his birth in Hawaii and the birthers would scream "THIS IS AN ALTERNATE TIMELINE WHERE YOU WERE BORN IN HAWAII YOU KENYAN MUSLIM SOCIALIST MARXIST USURPER!"

They are never, ever satisfied.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Do you want to go down a long list? Polls are very seldom reliable evidence, neither does a poll on the personal opinions of people indicate a question in Obama's eligibility.
You missed the point by a thousand miles, the poll was never supposed to confirm anything about Obama's eligibility, I posted it in response to this post:

Originally posted by Sinnthia

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
I'm not a birther but

This is why your argument is failing. You all want to cling to this birther idea but even you all realize it is so stupid that none of you want to actually admit you are pushing it anymore.

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
I am not a "birther", but

Originally posted by WeAreAWAKE
I'm not a "birther", but

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
I am not a rabid "birther" per se, but

Originally posted by sremmos
I'm not a birther but

Originally posted by webpirate
I do not consider myself a "birther" either, but

Own it people.

The purpose of the poll was to show that 29% of the population believes Obama was probably born in the US, but has some doubts, and they don't believe Obama was probably or definitely born outside the country which is how I would characterize a birther, and that Sinnthia's claims that anyone who has any doubts must be a birther is unfounded.

Whether people opinions or correct or not is highly questionable, so I agree with you there, however I was also pointing the poll is only relevant insofar as these are the people that will be voting in the 2012 election. That was my point, sorry you missed it but hope you understand the relevance now.

And yes the poster is still in denial about the existence of that 29% of the population but I guess we just have to agree to disagree about that.

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
You missed the point by a thousand miles,

No one is missing your point. Your point is that there are people that have questions about Obama's place of birth but are not "birthers." Your point is pointless.

My point was originally that you are all pretty funny screaming and yelling about how you have "some questions" but refuse to be called "birthers" because...well I am not sure why. Why do so many of you have to qualify with that "im not a birther" phrase before diving head first into some birther rant? You can say you are not birthers all you want. Until you stop being birthers
edit on 24-1-2011 by Sinnthia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
You missed the point by a thousand miles, the poll was never supposed to confirm anything about Obama's eligibility,

And yet you are referencing it as part of your argument in favour of birthers, so? And I already indicated to you, polls are very seldom reliable.

The purpose of the poll was to show that 29% of the population believes Obama was probably born in the US, but has some doubts,

Yep, 28% of people have doubts about Obama's eligibility, 18% believe Obama is a muslim, 68% at a time believed the Iraq war was justified. Ah yes, heres another poll below:

Public Policy Polling released this shocking nugget on its blog: "a 52% majority of GOP voters nationally think that ACORN stole the Presidential election for Barack Obama last year, with only 27% granting that he won it legitimately."

25% of americans overall believed that Acorn stoll the elections for Obama. Say, I wonder if those 27%ers are related?

edit on 24-1-2011 by Southern Guardian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Well you can try to delude yourself into thinking other people should behave the way you want, but your expectations don't change the reality.

You mean like how the birthers act? That demand Obama to disclose his vital records, despite not being required by law to so. Like that?

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