posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1
But keep on, keepen on if thats what makes you sleep better at night.
Personaly I think You sound like a preacher or Govmnt on a pulpit trying to convince the sheeply about the great book of truths with no proof.
You open your story here on ATS about being an MKUltra subject and make claims of good deeds that "Can be taken to the bank", does subjected you to
public scrutiny now and forever.
Many people fall and dont break a single bone, Ive fallen 140-50 feet and only had two scratches, sent home with a bottle of asprine and 4
stiches.......hhhmmm maybe Im MKUtra
Claiming you have secrets and then holding the secrets and watching them play out while you cry about how you dont want to be "psychoananlyzing" is
an act that goes hand in hand with the puppet masters. So I feel your just as much to blame as them, considering how you cant prove the good you have
done and being your MKUltra, I have to assume your bad.
I feel your at least thinking straight when it comes to not seeing a shrink or psyche, its those guys who started all these programs, and lead people
enough to keep them as test subjects to further the study.
Shrink's and Psyche has never curred anyone!!!!
Without valid proof, your just a silent fart in the wind