Originally posted by yadda333
reply to post by C2CExaminer
No offense, but this isn't so much about you as it is the ATS membership. I just find it funny how everybody in this thread is slobbering all over
this article from examiner.com. Protoplasmic already pointed out how quick we are to laugh at using examiner.com as a source, yet here you all are
raving over an "article" just because it praises ATS.
Just kinda funny...
Actually I pointed this out in large part because so often how the mainstream media maintains it's credibility is though telling people what they
want to hear.
One network tells the right what they want to hear, another network tells the left what they want to hear.
The people on the right tell the people on the left their news source is not credible, mainly because it says what they don't want to hear, and the
people on the left tell the people on the right their news source is not credible because it says what they don't want to hear.
Each becomes a danger to society at large in each other's minds because they imagine people would form no opinion at all if someone wasn't forming
it and presenting it for them.
The Examiner is just one example of a few different sources that are sometimes used by members, where a certain number of members are going to
normally show up and say something to the effect of "That's not a good source, they sensationalize or trivialize the news, they don't do very good
research etc" which very much fits into the "It's not what I want to hear" category.
Personally I would take my news from the Devil himself, if what he was reporting could be indpendently verified as being true, but of course there are
a number of people, the majority likely, who would just reject it out of hand because it was the Devil who reported it, and they would do no further
research or investigation as to it's validity or purpose.
I hate newspapermen. They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are. If
I killed them all there would be news from Hell before breakfast.
William Tecumseh Sherman
In fact distrust of the press is nothing new, and you don't even have to be a conspiracy theorist or divided on the left or right to believe that as
evidenced by Sherma's quote from the Civil War above.
However in Sherman's case since what they were reporting on was his army, he was an in ideal position to know what they often were reporting was
simply rumor, because he knew the truth of it all himself, standing at the top of that enterprise as he did.
While there is a large contingent of members still very much involved in the typical left/right political discourse, many of them and their respective
arguments fueled by the left/right media camps that cater to them, there is also a large group of posters who won't allow themselves to be divided
along left/right lines, and question why those people who will, place so much trust and have such a reliance on the questionable media sources that
fuel their arguments.
For people who have forgotten why that happens this is a classic example where as long as the press, the source, is telling you what you want to hear,
you gladly accept it as credible.
So even the people who imagine they have risen above it, often have not risen above it, once a media outlet starts to tell them what they specifically
want to hear.
So I think there is a valuable lesson here as most of the more progressive members, those not caught up in the left/right two sides of polarized group
think, are still vulnerable to succumb when the source and article resonates within their own group think.
Personally I think anyone and everyone does a disservice to themselves by making judgements based solely on the percieved quality of the source, as
opposed to really delving into the information and trying to ascertain independently whether it's valid or not by looking for real evidence one way
or another.
That seldom happens when a source for a topic comes from the more scoffed at news sources, but the truth is, all they or any news source really has to
do in most cases to be valid in a number of people's eyes is to just tell them what they want to hear.
Of course in a world full of deceptions where information is power and powerful corporate sources often control the ebb and flow of what is put out
there, why, by whom and for what, and more importantly what isn't, it's not always so easy determining what is valid, because the truth is a person
like Sherman at the top of a command structure in the know on almost everything isn't going to disclose it to the press, because a good portion of
his power and success comes from being the only person who knows everything, in a process where force and violence is often deployed in it's extreme
to force a new reality and conditions on people at large.
So I can't help but think of that cute scene in Men In Black I, where Tommy Lee Jones is telling a disbelieving and amazed Will Smith that the
closest thing to the truth put out there is by the Tabloids like the National Inquirer and the Examiner who's headlines and articles seem so far
fetched and unbelievable, because the truth is, most of us don't have access to enough Shermans to really know what the heck is going on from the
people who are making it really happen and dealing with it all at the top.
So I think it pays to consider each and every source, on a case by case basis, which in some cases, likely to many cases, even a progressive group of
critical minds like those that congregate on ATS aren't prepared to do that.
But since in essence I caught many people in the act of doing that in this case, where people who would normally be inclined to dismiss this
particular source out of hand, where willing to consider it, mainly because they feel that they know the truth themselves in this case, that ATS is a
great site.
So I wanted to point that out, because if there is one thing Proto loves to do, that's to tell everyone what they don't want to hear!