posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:24 PM
Well, I think ATS is cool, or I wouldn't keep coming back, but...
I'm reminded of that scene in "Pulp Fiction" where Mr. Wolf tells everyone not to use their mouths to apply negative pressure to each others'
appendages. 202,000 members, of whom just over 1/2 are active each month. Cool, but there must be @least a billion humans who can understand English
well enough to take part in an ATS thread. We've a way to go yet.
There are some excellent examples here of fine research & critical thinking, made all the more mind-boggling b/c its done for free, but lets not kid
ourselves: there are also some widely held beliefs that stem from a poor scientific education, simple stupidity &/or mental illness.
I'm not suggesting that we ought to censor what prima facae seems nuts, b/c whether it is or not, such wild ideas often provoke informative
discussion. What I am saying is that simply saying we deny ignorance isn't enough. We must challenge every belief to see if it actually
does stem from irrefutable truths &, if not, then accept that, no matter how ingrained such beliefs may be, they are just an opinion that has no more
merit than any other opinion that's derived from false premises & thus is no more worthy of basing action upon than those posts which clearly are
Just b/c an idea is couched in clever language doesn't make it any more true than an idea someone who appears to be insane is trying to get across.
Being crazy doesn't mean someone is stupid. So let's spare a moment's thought for the ignorance we personally deny that we not only have but enjoy
& also propound whenever we post without 1st having researched the subject matter & drawn our own personal conclusions from the available
evidence & demonstrably truthful corollary argument.
Naturally, much of the subject matter here precludes a rigorously logical approach, for many different reasons, but what we can do is support our
statements with the beliefs we accept as true & not bark merely received opinion @other members.