I believe you and just wanted to offer some sympathy. I hope you will feel better. Please do go to a doctor if you are not feeling better.
Why I do believe your story, and other similar ones, is because I live in Chicago
The cops here - yeah. Let alone security guards.
I have heard all manner of stories about police brutality here - hell - you can Google Chi and Police Brutality and watch all manner of videos
I have avoided them, for the most part, no major problems for me, but - one incident has come to mind:
I walked down some stairs, and out a door - and as soon as I stepped out - BAM! I was spun around, cuffed, and being propelled through the air by 2
cops. I was then roughly thrown into the back of a cop car - banged around all over on the hard plastic back there, hauled off to police station, put
in room, left there.
I was ANGRY! So I got up and walked to where the cops were, demanded an explanation, they got very hostile with me and grabbed me to lead me back to
the room.
Then - I yelled the Magic Word: LAWYER
All of a sudden they got REAL NICE, apologized, took the cuffs off, and a female officer who was over friendly appeared to "give me a ride back
She did tell me, on the way, that there was a guy who stabbed 7 people at a party near my home (yes, this actually happened and I read about it and
heard more about it later.) They had info that the "stabber" had run into my apartment building.
But still - I felt this was handled ALL WRONG.
Why not just STOP ME and question me - as I exited my building? The cops were all over and one could have CLEARLY SEEN (from cop car lights from alley
and street) that I had no cuts on me, nor was drunk from a party, etc.
BTW - I am female, and the suspect was male. And - I had my
pajamas on and a paperback book in my hands when I walked outside to see what was
going on - if they would have just STOPPED ME - and TOOK A LOOK AT ME - no questions would've even been needed.
Instead - I am not kidding here - I stepped out the door and was IMMEDIATELY GRABBED and whisked away.
Yeah, I was resting in bed, in my PJs, reading a book - step one foot outside - BAM! Cuffed and Stuffed.
So after this incident, and a few others, and from what I have heard from friends - yes I
do believe that all of these people - cops and
wannabes alike - are getting
WAY out of line.
Again, I hope you will be OK OP
- Not The Party Stabber