posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 01:32 AM
Well, I might as well throw my name into the hat as well....It seems like every night I'm up a little longer. I haven't been able to fall asleep
before 4 A.M lately. Thankfully I work at home, so I don't have to be up at any particular time, but it's beginning to get ridiculous. I feel like
my sleep cycle has flip flopped or something. I get all my energy at night and am groggy all day. I've always been a night person, but it's gotten
extreme even for me.
I've also noticed occasional ringing in my ear, but that's not new, and I've always just assumed it was sinus related since I have issues in that
dept. Last night though, I had the worst headache I've ever had in my life. The pressure behind my eyes was unbelievable. It felt like my head was
going to explode, and even though the headache is gone today, it still feels sensitive and pressurized, like it could come back at any moment. I had
been reading the ATS thread on the "Iridium conspiracy" when I got the headache, so it could have just been due to ATS overload. LOL Don't know
if the ringing ears and the headache are anything more than sinus issues, but definitely my sleeping has been very strange lately.
Oh, one more thing...I haven't felt like eating much lately. There's been a few times in the past week where I've eaten just because I knew I
hadn't eaten all day and should get something in my system, but never really felt hungry....