posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:16 PM
I've mentioned this in other posts, hope it might help...
I spent some time with a sleep doctor due to the fact that i have not slept well since leaving the forces 14 years ago. An average night for me would
be 3 or 4 hrs of broken sleep. Not ideal.
I was advised to get into a decent sleep hygeine routine. Making sure i was active during the day (sitting on the computer does not count no matter
how fast you type).
Try a milky drink at bed, but not anything with caffeine in for obvious reasons.
Turn your tv and computer off at least 30-60 mins before bed, otherwise the brightness of the screens fool the brain into thinking it is daylight
Same with the lights, turn the down prior to going to bed.
Try reading in bed, good for tiring you out. If you have a partner....well you know)
Try these first before listening to the many end of the world type reasons that you'll find across the net.