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Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by Wildeagle

though it sounds far fetched, nonetheless, an interesting theory.

during summer 2010, I couldn't sleep and got up early, had urge to look at sky, nothing unusual, sky is something I find interesting.

As I looked at the sky from the patio around 0450, sunrise, two small, very fast, generic looking planes, similar to those in the youtube videos, bat wing style (I know a fair bit about planes and these weren't identifiable as any commercial / air force I am aware of, at least from this height and behaviour).

These 2 planes flew straight up from the horizon, parallel, and at the same speed until the one on the left moved closer to the plane on the right. These planes appeared to be flying more vertically than horizontally until they got smaller and disappeared higher in the sky, presumably because they were at higher altitude.

I took some pictures on my blackberry which was to hand, though, unusually it kept freezing and wouldn't take pictures as I wanted it to.

I noted the position in the sky of these trails as there was a funny shaped cloud further east.

I returned to the patio after taking my eyes from the sky for literally a few minutes, less than 4 minutes, and the entire parallel trails had moved in the sky, perhaps around 20 degrees west and there was one plane flying parallel to the two trails already there. I knew these had moved due to their position in relation to houses / trees on the horizon and the fact the funny shaped cloud was still exactly unaltered in the exact same position of sky it was before.

After seeing these, I felt immediately sleepy and fell alseep for at least an hour.

here's one of the pictures saved on my laptop, I will look for the other pics on my pc when I get the chance.

edit on 17-1-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:49 AM
chemtrails vs contrails, what exactly is the govt doing? are they trying to create another katrina
to rid themselves of low income poverty stricken crime neighborhoods ... just my 2¢

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Thepreye

Confirmation bias.

And, my "bashing" is reserved for those who perpetuate this "chemtrail" nonsense, for their own agendas and aggrandizement...on the Internet. THOSE off-site of ATS, who spread the filfth.

It is aggravating to see such ignoance displayed, repeatedly....AND for people who simply haven't had the life experience (yet) to fall prey, and be gullible due to naivite'. EDUCATION, teaching and examples that illustrate the ridiculousness of these "chemtrails" claims is the key.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Illuminizard

Greetings Illuminated green one,

Why is it always that if "they"(don't know who 'they' are but everyone calls them "they") are spraying us with something, it's always a bad thing?... maybe they are just taking C.A.R.E of 'there live stock'(something to do with "they owning us as cattle") with new DNA upgrades... because with out us there is no "they"
... ithink most of the planes that spray this stuff are GPS controlled and have no human pilots on board... "Allegedly"... some even are invisible to human light spectrum... so this is something that "they" do on all Earth like planets with human like being's... just a fun thought...

edit on 17-1-2011 by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR because: I even confused myself

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by 01010101010101

where I am isn't low income or poverty stricken and no major disasters though plenty chemtrails.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Illuminizard
reply to post by firepilot

I've been to Phoenix and I don't recall having died 20,000 times. That would be my first inclination of doubt towards the data available on those charts.

It may be valid data though, but taken way out of context. Just like Patent US3899144, Powder Contrail Generator, which is typically quoted as chemtrail evidence without the "Background" paragraph.

What they did was test was basically gather dust from a air filter system in a house, and then just because it was stuff filtered out of the air, they assumed that if their dust sample tested at 39000 ppm of aluminum (probably naturally occuring aluminum oxide), then that the air is 39000 ppm too.

Like I said, total junk science.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR
reply to post by Illuminizard

Greetings Illuminated green one,

Why is it always that if "they"(don't know who they are but everyone calls them "they") are spraying us with something, it's always a bad thing?... maybe they are just making sure 'there live stock'(something to do with "they owning us") just taking C.A.R.E of us with new DNA upgrades because with out us there is no "they"
... ithink most of the planes that spray this stuff are GPS controlled and have no human pilots on board... "Allegedly"... some even are invisible to human light spectrum... so this is something that "they" do on all Earth like planets with human like being's... just a fun thought...


Greetings human
. I don't know. I choose to remain neutral on the subject, but if I were to choose to believe, my interest would not be in the "who" but in the "what". The UAV method you mentioned does seem to be more practical, but most of the proponent supported videos here depict full sized passenger aircraft leaving the trails.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Hearing someone speak out, tell the truth and make sense is becoming increasingly rare these days.

I'm almost at the point where I'll take what I can get.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by firepilot

Also, I think MCL is a measure used in water purity studies. Air contamination studies (the ones I've been involved with, at least...) have been measured in counts, concentration, and Lethal Dose.

There's really nothing right at all about that information.
edit on 17-1-2011 by Illuminizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Seagle
reply to post by firepilot

You are the person trying to mislead. Are you saying silver iodide is safe because it has a use as an antispetic? Is everything with a medicinal purpose safe? Hardly.

Lets see what the experts think -

The Office of Environment, Health and Safety, UC Berkeley, rates silver iodide as a Class C, non-soluble, inorganic, hazardous chemical that pollutes water and soil.(8) It has been found to be highly toxic to fish, livestock and humans.(6,7,8,9) Numerous medical articles demonstrate that humans absorb silver iodide through the lungs, nose, skin, and GI tract.(7,8,9) Mild toxicity can cause GI irritation, renal and pulmonary lesions, and mild argyria (blue or black discoloration of the skin). Severe toxicity can result in hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, shock, enlarged heart, severe argyria, and death by respiratory depression.(8)

Moreover, a key manufacturer of silver iodide for weather modification, Deepwater Chemicals, warns of potential health effects of silver iodide in their Material Safety Data Sheet as follows: Chronic Exposure/Target Organs: Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce “iodism”, which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss of weight and general depression may also occur. Chronic inhalation or ingestion may cause argyria characterized by blue-gray discoloration of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic skin contact may cause permanent discoloration of the skin.(10) Under the guidelines of the Clean Water Act by the EPA, silver iodide is considered a hazardous substance, a priority pollutant, and as a toxic pollutant.(10) Some industries have learned this all too well.

Thats right, even the companies spraying are now either directly warning of the dangers or being very careful in their language regarding the safety of all the chemicals they spray in their virtual unregulated industry.

But who cares, how about we just keep talking about the important stuff like the size of planes hey firepilot.

Tell us where Silver Iodide is in this list of priority pollutants

Its also not listed as a hazarous substance either.

Yes, it is listed as toxic, if you ingest it or inhale it. Do you plan on eating a cloud seeding flare, or grinding one up into a drink and drinking it then? Lots of things are toxic, and there have been environmental tests done on it too and the amount of silver iodide over the land area is utterly tiny.

And yes the size of the airplane matter, isnt this about chemtrails, or are you trying to link the two together? A small plane can only carry so much stuff, surprisingly little silver iodide is actually used. So little silver iodide is used total, and only in a few areas, so basically you are scaremongering, acting like this is some massive health hazard.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Illuminizard

Thank you for your reply

What if there was that hologram theory thing or they just look like commercial planes
... also as most us conspiracy types know... all commercial looking planes are not always for commercial use... but to the enemy it looks harmless... they always have jet's in the air part of NORAD thing but they don't look military... Understand

Is it true that the only time a reptilian experiences an orgasm... is at the moment of death

May peace be with you,
Mr X-wing-nut

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Hi theabsolutetruth,

Thankyou for taking the time to reply to me, on the subject.

Sometimes I think theories just get stranger and stranger.

This one for me, is possibly the most far out theory I have ever heard - but totally intriguing at the same time!

I have been reading up, and have seen people swear that they seen these 'holographic' planes. Of course that is going to make one wonder

At the end of the day, regardless of who is flying them, they really need to be stopped.

Thanks for being kind in your response, and sharing your picture and experience too!

edit on 17-1-2011 by Wildeagle because: Made an oopsie!

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by StaceyWilson

If spraying did kill the birds, then i think that they must have sprayed a different substance than what is normally sprayed. Maybe it was some kind of waste and a company paid to get rid of it. I do not doubt that from time to time all sorts of hazardous waste is improperly handled in order to save money.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Wildeagle

you're welcome and yes there are so many things happening and all sorts of theories...I wouldn't dismiss anything as impossible.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

And, my "bashing" is reserved for those who perpetuate this "chemtrail" nonsense, for their own agendas and aggrandizement...on the Internet. THOSE off-site of ATS, who spread the filfth.

I can't say I've noticed any aggrandisement or self interested agendas being pushed by any of my fellow posters who have a concern that things in the sky aren't what they should be.

However I have noticed a lot of grandstanding, ego massaging and self appreciation on behalf of the err Skeptics, assuming as they always do that they are correct, let's be honest the main basis for your collective confidence is simply that you don't think such a thing could happen, anyone can own a plane anyone can have a sinister agenda, you don't know what goes on in the sky in totality.
edit on 17-1-2011 by Thepreye because: n replaced by f, on to of.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

Your photo shows normal contrails, sorry.

The perspective, looking over and towards the horizon as that is, causes the illusion of the apparent "vertical" paths....when in fact, those were undoubtedly normal commercial airliners, in level flight.

Are you familiar with the much-publicized "missile launch off the coast of California" from a month or two ago???
(There is a thread on it, here on ATS....dead, now.....)....since the So-called "missile launch" was actually determined to be a contrail.....from a jet, at altitude, flying Eastwards from over the Pacific Ocean.

Took some sleuthing of the records, and nailing down the timeline....finally discovered it was a UPS MD-11 freighter, from Honolulu-Ontario, CA.

As the contrail formed in the jet's path, UP AT ALTITUDE the entire way....from the ground in Southern California (actually, the TV cameraman was in a helicopter, at a few thousand feet above the surface....still, basically, "on" the ground, for this comparison)....from the camera's vantage point, the illusion of the contrail "rising" from the surface was profound....and, KNOWN to be an illusion of perspective. To experienced sky watchers, and aviation professionals. Even a professional photographer, of aviation subjects, chimed in...because HE had seen the illusion often times...and it was not want he wanted, in some of his photos...because it's so distracting.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR
reply to post by Illuminizard

What if there was that hologram theory thing or they just look like commercial planes
... also as most us conspiracy types know... all commercial looking planes are not always for commercial use... but to the enemy it looks harmless... they always have jet's in the air part of NORAD thing but they don't look military... Understand

Is it true that the only time a reptilian experiences an orgasm... is at the moment of death

May peace be with you,
Mr X-wing-nut

Thank you for yours! I'm not aware of a hologram technology with that level of sophistication, but sure, not all planes that look commercial are commercial and I don't think that knowledge is exclusive to the realm of the conspiracy theorist. I think that's commonly accepted due to the current state of world affairs.

And I don't know... I'm not dead yet

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

Of course not. Anything is possible with the US Congress. After all, the opposite of pro is con. So the opposite of Progress is clearly Congress. Cults are clearly an archaic system of BS.

But I do highly doubt the credibility of people who state such things and use their job title as their only backing to their claim. All I have to say to that is that George W Bush was president. And since then, job title doesn't mean anything in terms of Intelligence and Credibility.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

It would appear that your life experience has hampered your are in fact too analytical for your own good.

Clearly this forum is not for you...if chemtrails do not exist these postings should not bother you in any fashion whatsoever...but still you are here...never believing anything but the official story, of peer-reviewed controlled edited, and largely fractured science.

(Chemtrails DO exist and you know it, this is why you say the opposite.)

(Normal contrails do not and will not cause such spewing and massive ever growing in size trails.)

(Those vids you have of WW2 craft are NOT jet engines , yet you continually say those are contrails as well, looks more like those engines are spewing alot of unburnt gases into the air , which we should likely call a CHEMTRAIL.)

( I have personally seen these trails filter all the way down to 1000 feet above sea level, where i was STANDING, amazing as it was 35+ celsius at the time, this summer i will take pictures for you as this happens every summer here.)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by firepilot

Originally posted by Illuminizard
reply to post by firepilot

I've been to Phoenix and I don't recall having died 20,000 times. That would be my first inclination of doubt towards the data available on those charts.

It may be valid data though, but taken way out of context. Just like Patent US3899144, Powder Contrail Generator, which is typically quoted as chemtrail evidence without the "Background" paragraph.

What they did was test was basically gather dust from a air filter system in a house, and then just because it was stuff filtered out of the air, they assumed that if their dust sample tested at 39000 ppm of aluminum (probably naturally occuring aluminum oxide), then that the air is 39000 ppm too.

Like I said, total junk science.

Total junk argument based on no knowledge of the real situation or the facts.

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