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The Day Before Roswell

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:49 AM
Hello i was at roswell, i started a thread but its been temporarily closed, i cant make a proper thread until ive a certain amount of posts

What they didnt tell anyone was that this craft purposely crashed, there was no signs of it having being shot down, or destroyed by fire, or weather or anything

I will explain in great detail when i have my own thread.

Bernard Schnitzel

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 04:52 AM
to the user on the last page who posted this

i just want to say as welll we saw those exact same objects/lights in the skies for months before the roswell incident, and there are reports of it having being seen in other counties too

edit on 17-1-2011 by bernardschnitzel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by bernardschnitzel

Hi Bernard,
you should notify the moderator (Sauron on gray area forum) you're online and ready to post.
I'm looking forward for Roswell's details.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by A51Watcher

Dear A51Watcher,

Wow, simply wow. I had no idea there were so many news stories out there. What a good job there has been of covering this up.

What I am truly amased by is the fact no documentary, there are some which are slightly more objective than others, have ever mentioned this information before. Either i've missed those, or they simply haven't done their research.

I wonder what kind of method the respective governments would use to refute all of these old news paper articles.

Thank you so much for your post and information. As for the rest of the thread, some of you folks really should be ashamed of your comments.

Edit - Forgot to add, S&F!


edit on 17-1-2011 by torqpoc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by kidohno

I do believe that there are evil entities - I am, perhaps paradoxically, a spritual person; oringised religion in particular frustrates me as I feel its over-simplistic shorthand for the universes and multitude of entites that in habit it.

I agrred with you infact, perhaps I should have elaborated a little further.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Condemned0625

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by Condemned0625

My father, deceased, was stationed at White Sands during WWII. He claimed to have seen flying discs while there. He became an avid fan of Edgar Casey during his life and liked to collect photos of UFOs.

My mom, an avid "born again" (into fear) religious nut, disapproved of his interest and forbid him to discuss this with us and hid the books and pitcure from us, often throwing them into our fireplace, during their arguements. She was sure that UFOs were from Satan and she thought that communist were ovetaking the US government through rock and roll.

That's probably what my dad and his evangelical parents would do. "Demons! Those are not aliens! They're of the devil!" I bet some of the aliens are laughing their asses off at these brainwashed morons.

"They still think we're demons? It's been over 2,000 years and these christians haven't figured it out yet. If they think they'll be so surprised once they find out we're from another planet, wait until they find out that their god doesn't exist. That will be quite amusing."

Phew. Where to start?

I'm too tired to go over all of it.

To make a long story short, I grew up in a christian fundamentalist household and I was a christian as well for the better part of my life as a youth. And, of course, I bumped into the ufo topic.

Lots of lucid dreams and sleep paralysis and then... stories and tv shows and people I met at school that told me of similar encounters. I consumed everything I could on the internet to learn more. I was still in HS.

My opinion at the time was that UFOs were real and that they were satanic. I had this opinion probably until 2001? Back then I thought a lot of crazy things. I even thought jesus was returning in 2001.

So I grew out of it. It has been years since then. I no longer am sure that UFOs are real. Yes, a part of me thinks 1% or 3% of the cases might be legit, but most of the abduction claims and sightings are BS. Why do I think this? Because it's human nature to want a mystery and to be stupid. We spread hysteria like we spread sex and drugs and bad ideas. It's just too easy for us to be wrong. I lost my faith in humanity long ago.

I used to think that I or people in my family had seen things. But now I think they were just lucid dreams or sleep paralysis. I guess you could say I've grown out of a lot of things. Youth have a lot of enthusiasm for mystery, but they're negligent. Gullible? Well, that depends, but one thing is sure, there's more than enough gullible fantasy-driven people in this world to keep con artists and liars in business.

I'm too disenchanted with it all anymore. Sorry that I can't go into more detail or be more optimistic. I"m not in the mood. I'm tired. Just so tired. Tired of UFOs. Tired of BS. Tired of non-answers. Only thing I trust anymore is science. Real science. Not BS science. I may be wrong to think that science has the most truth in it of all things, but you can't blame. I got sick of all the BS in ufology. I got tired of the endless conspiracies and negativity.

NOTE: Brief moderator edit forI'm no longer religious. God is a sexist genocidal pscyho. Jesus is god in disguise. And since jesus has any relation at all to this being in hte bible known as god then everything jesus utters is also BS and malovent in nature. Anybody worshiping them is insane. Deny religion.

No I do not feel guilty for what I just said about christianity and islam and judaism and all the others.

I still think the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident is interesting:

edit on 17-1-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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edit on 17-1-2011 by Byrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 07:57 AM
In the vast sea of nothingness, a great thunder shook the heavens. we bascially discovered a reaction - that could collapse this whole Halogram we call reality -- thats right folks, this is one big Computer Program. and if we
never discovered Nukes, we would have never discovered this thing called reality. I am a systems engineer.
a computer engineer.... and show me one thing that doesnt come with CODE....

it all breaks down to energy, which can be used digitally.... and where are we now,? on the cusp of BioDigital
communications -- 2012 is going to very interesting ...
edit on 17-1-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: grammer and it still sucks

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by OptimusPrimate

Is a ball round...? for all is in all, and you have the right to choose your path, and the out come of choosing that path is your decision. you are the ROBOT of this program. and your program and mine are those of the intended outcome. (thats about as simple as I can make it) you think you are you, but you also accomplish what the program intended., capish

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Truth01
reply to post by A51Watcher

Certainly makes sense as the 'alien' myth is designed to fit a given culture - ours a 'space-age' one. Of course people saw the discs in the sky, it is Satan's plan after all.
edit on 16-1-2011 by alien because: ...large quote removed...

Just wondering..... Couldnt it be Satan an Alien plan...?

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 09:20 AM
Dammit can't you all stop talking about religion ? It's just silly names for things that people didn't understand. Religion/satan/god/aliens isn't the topic of the thread, it's UFO sightings days before Roswell... But I would suggest you make your own threads about satanic aliens !

Oh yes and great thread, S&F and everything from me. I did not realize either that there where that many sightings before Roswell, but they made good out of their booboo : "you stupid man, it was not a flying disk it was a weather ballon, do you want us to lock you up in a looney bin or what ?!"
edit on 17-1-2011 by WeSbO because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by spacevisitor

Dear spacevisitor

Yes well it just seams people of ATS do not seam to understand my sarcasm.

Colonel at time Blanchard ordered a press release stating that the USAAF had recovered a flying disc. When in fact according to the USAAF it turned out to be nothing more than tin foil and a bit of balsawood.

Before he retired they made him a 4 star General. My point being if it where true that all they had was nothing more than tin foil and a bit of balsawood, he should have been locked a a white padded room.

Perhaps it is just the UK humor.

Dear MAC269, looking at the stars given to your reply it is obvious that ATS people do understand your sarcasm, but obviously I did not at the time I saw it.

After reading your reply here, I understand it now, so there is nothing wrong with the UK humor, which I mostly really enjoy, but it is just because I did not understand your post the way it was meant.

My bad.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz

That German Brazil UFO base video is amazing, I can't believe I haven't sniffed that out on the internet yet. I heard the guy in the video make the claim that the Germans developed those UFOs around 1947, do you think that had anything to do with the Roswell craft that got shot down/crashed? He said that it was just some "Good old fashioned German engineering", but it's a pretty big coincidence that it happened right after Roswell IMO. I've also heard the theory that after that craft crashed, the USA hired some German scientists to back engineer it and create one that could fly.

Another thing that I found interesting was after the UFO crashed at Roswell, it was clearly in the newspaper as "UFO Crashed And Recovered" or something along those lines, right? So our top military personnel mistook a UFO for some tinfoil from a weather balloon? I can't imagine that a weather balloon crashing would catch anybody's attention, and you would have to be nearly blind to mistake an alien craft for a weather balloon if that was the case.

Maybe the ET's were planning on revealing themselves to the people of this planet, so they send down a craft to come and introduce themselves, but our idiotic military can only think with their guns so naturally they shot it down. The other ET's saw this display of barbaric brutality, and decided that it was in their best interests to never make themselves public to the people of this planet, or at least wait until we stop being so stupid.

Just a theory

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by Immortalgemini527
reply to post by TupacShakur

Dude you are trying way to hard to push your triangle UFO beliefs onto us. Who are you to say that there is one and only one type of UFO, and any other claim that is made about the shape of a UFO is false? Besides, that video you posted about the Triangle UFO is not even an extraterrestrial craft, it is a hang glider. Don't believe me? Watch from 14:00 Also, Phoenix Lights were debunked as flares. You can even see the flares being dropped in a straight line, just as it would look if a plane is flying by and dropping them. However I am still on the fence about this debunking job, because I have heard that several eye-witnesses saw the Phoenix Lights hover stationary for hours without dropping like the flares did, and the flares were dropped afterwords as a distraction. But hearing that is much less reliable than a legitimate video that brings forward solid evidence and a straight-forward explanation

Think Chinese lanterns type designs that drop a tethered weighed anchor to the ground. They can be dropped from any aircraft or shot out of heavy artillery. Like a 155-H. They are called illumination rounds. "long hangs' they're niced. Something like that anyway.

I was waiting for RL to show some on one of his two shows H dropped, but himz never did.

I was going to post about them on the old H site, but I got attacked by you and Arnie and Dave and Plad and I think everyone basically when I posted that J-DAM clip a few years ago trying to be funny. So I never got the courage up ever again after that experience to post about anymore military hardware or ordnance.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Who says there can't be ET's and Satan? For all we know Satan and the angels are merely ET's who operate in a different dimension? So in saying this, neither the religious people or UFO heads are wrong!

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
Who says there can't be ET's and Satan? For all we know Satan and the angels are merely ET's who operate in a different dimension? So in saying this, neither the religious people or UFO heads are wrong!

They're all pure ENERGY!

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by bernardschnitzel

I ask this with all due respect and with the personal the assumption that what you say is indeed truth; in 1947, you must've been in your early 20s (please correct me if I am mistaken) and, as such would not have been privy to high-level security clearance due to what one must assume would be your lower rank (assuming you are indeed military). Fair question, sir: How did you come by this information, if it was not merely a case of heresay circulated amoung the lower military rank and file?
Thank you.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

For those that are open minded enough to consider the possibility of the UFO phenom, both past & present having a spiritual tie, this web page explains things pretty well.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by Wolfenz

That German Brazil UFO base video is amazing, I can't believe I haven't sniffed that out on the internet yet. I heard the guy in the video make the claim that the Germans developed those UFOs around 1947, do you think that had anything to do with the Roswell craft that got shot down/crashed? He said that it was just some "Good old fashioned German engineering", but it's a pretty big coincidence that it happened right after Roswell IMO. I've also heard the theory that after that craft crashed, the USA hired some German scientists to back engineer it and create one that could fly.

Another thing that I found interesting was after the UFO crashed at Roswell, it was clearly in the newspaper as "UFO Crashed And Recovered" or something along those lines, right? So our top military personnel mistook a UFO for some tinfoil from a weather balloon? I can't imagine that a weather balloon crashing would catch anybody's attention, and you would have to be nearly blind to mistake an alien craft for a weather balloon if that was the case.

Maybe the ET's were planning on revealing themselves to the people of this planet, so they send down a craft to come and introduce themselves, but our idiotic military can only think with their guns so naturally they shot it down. The other ET's saw this display of barbaric brutality, and decided that it was in their best interests to never make themselves public to the people of this planet, or at least wait until we stop being so stupid.

Just a theory

Its Possible the Roswell Craft incident that there a there a Connection with Nazi Technology who knows Especially around the Area as there is Radars Galore around and Near Roswell as the Radars in someway caused the malfunction of the Alien Crafts

Data from U.S. War Department Technical Manuals TM11-1324 and TM11-1524
(published April, 1946 by the United States Government Printing Office)

This equipment was the most successful tracking radar available at the time and it was relatively new; the manuals on it were published in April, 1946 more than six months after the end of World War II. The radar was designed, during the war, to locate enemy aircraft and to provide an antiaircraft director with data on the slant range, azimuth and elevation angles to an aircraft. The SCR-584's maximum range in the search mode was 70,000 yards (39.7 statute miles) and it could track targets, either automatically or manually) if the range to the target was less than 32,000 yards (18.2 miles).


An Assessment Of Steve MacKenzie's Account Of the Radar Tracking Of An
Unidentified Object Over Southern New Mexico During Early July, 1947

Seeing the Fact there's a Atomic Bomb Based Unit ,RAAF
509th Bomb Group That is the Only Atomic Bombing in the Nation at the Time so is there any wonder theres Radar's allover and Frequent every day thing Weather Balloons for (Test Runs) that Jesse Marcel would have known about ! ... Speaking of Jesse Marcel ... Check out is Profile AFTER 1947 he was Promoted and sent to Washington DC for a Unimaginable Assignment Especially for a Guy that Mistook a Weather Balloon for a Alien Spaceship craft! just doesn't Jive with Me !

If you Compare Billy Meier's UFOs as the Pleadians as he claims They Learned to Speak German Fluently and The Pleadians has the Resemblance the Nazi Master Race Body Features and were in Switzerland near Germany at that... & The Crafts IN Brazil that looks hell of lot like Billy Meier's UFO as There is Evidence (a whole lot of it Especially Joesph Mengles Twin Experimentation ) Before & During and after the war (WW2) Brazil & Parts Of South America was Occupied by the Nazi Germans and the So Claimed ( In the Mix) German Bell Experiments (Levitation) and Operation Paper clip Senerio ... Connecting the Dots sort of Makes sense Personally I think its All Back engineered from Alien Technology as it was Started within Nazi Germany Just look at the Tech First's that The Nazis Had Fighters Jets , High Advanced Submarines, ETC. Let alone Medical Experiments with Aryan Twins , and The Activity of Searching for Holy artifacts and it not just because of the Movie Raiders of the Lost Ark ! it way deeper , One Fact is that they had was the Spear of Destiny and Later fell in the Hands of General Patton as the Legend Goes


Spear of Destiny

TECHNOLOGY: Recycling Nazi Secrets

Secret Anit Gravity Nazi Technology

Nuclear Energy Project
The Nazi Bell - Doomsday Weapon , page 1

The Boys From Brazil: Nazis in South America, page 1

But .... from the Claims of the Roswell Craft alone
is this from Nazi Technology ? or Alien Technology
or is it Back Engineered Alien Tech from Nazi/American Hands ?

as claim from the Book Day after Roswell
Impenetrable Metal - thin as a sheet of paper !
Heat & Cold resistant
Memory Metal

within the Craft
Circuit boards
Optical Technology
and a Box Device that can see in the Future ( The Looking Glass) ?

I Do Know this Americans of German Descent Created the Atomic Bomb
from being isolated from the Public ! more less being told your not getting out of here unless
you make a functional bomb !

But there is Alien Bodies in the 1 of the 2 Crafts and Who Knows Either there Alien or a Genetic Spliced Creation by Earthen Hands who knows , Cloning & Splicing can be done in Today Tech..

This is the Biggest Clue of all!
If you look at Jesse Marcels Photos of himself holding the Weather Balloon Pieces ! the Famed Photo
His Looks SAY's IT ALL ! .. I Called it the (You Gotta Be F*C*king Kidding Me This is not what I Discovered ) Look... that to me proved it .there something wrong ...

There was More Activity then ever before ! of Ufos since the First Atomic/Nuclear Test ! (Trinity)

The First was The Foo Fighter's During WW2 the so called Orb ( Probes)

I wonder if there and claims of Orbs, Balls of light in The Great War ( WW1 ) ?

WWI British Pilot UFO
Sightings Described

edit on 17-1-2011 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Heatrae
reply to post by DZAG Wright

For those that are open minded enough to consider the possibility of the UFO phenom, both past & present having a spiritual tie, this web page explains things pretty well.

It explains nothing. It's page after page of unsubstantiated assertions, much of it based on the premise that the bible is in fact true with alien and UFO sightings interpreted in the most negative light possible.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by A51Watcher
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

Would it be ok if you didn't quote my entire post in your previous message to this one? Maybe just the relevant part you are replying to? In this case you are going on about some video, and as of yet I have not mentioned any videos anywhere, so I'm guessing you hit quote on the wrong message. Could you just hit reply instead of quote from now on? And before your alloted time runs out, how about trimming down your -mistake- post down to a sentence and move on?

How about trimming down your mistake of writting 'The Day Before Roswell',when it was acually a month before roswell.
How about trimming down who told you this to some one credible,then picking a name out the air ,telling every one he told you this,lol.REALLY !
'185 stars' get real. how about trimming your flags down on one post .


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This has to be a record for the most flags in less then 3 weeks.

edit on 17-1-2011 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

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