posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:29 PM
License to drive - Check
License to Sell Real Estate - Check
License to Carry a Gun - Check
License to Practice Law - Check
License to Practice Medicine - Check
License to Sell Milk to People - Check
License to etc. - Check
In all cases it may not be called a license per sey but there are so many things we do that are regulated, governed, directed, inspected or allowed to
do only at the pleasure of the government. Yet…..
License to procreate - nope have at it, young, old, poor, stupid, even the mentally ill… (More on that latter.)
I'd wager the licensing of the former things (while important) to protect Americans from each other and undue harm or burden would never equal up to
the absurd burden the lack of license to procreate has cost us over the years in pain, suffering (of the inocent children and the taxpayer) and in tax
welfare money.
Hmmm, that does sound a little like Nazi eugenics there doesn't it?
Here’s where it gets really scary; there is a couple in our area (in their late 50’s) that have custody of not one but two, of their grandchildren
who are - get this, the children of their daughter who is literally mentally retarded and her equally mentally retarded “husband”.
Yep they are married and everything – they are being “mainstreamed” I guess. They (the parents) evidently live in some kind of assisted living
home in the next county over that the taxpayers probably pay for – the couple in question had their daughter sterilized after the second kid.
Why did they wait till after the second kid? They had to petition the court for the order do it since she is a ward of the state and in the time it
took after the first one was born she got pregnant again. Abortion, evidently some religious choice for them?
Those poor grandkids are messed up genetically too, one obviously has downs and the other has a feeding tube, and all sorts of other medical issues.
Guess who pays for their medical care – the taxpayers that’s who; all Medicaide.
Of note is also that the couple in question is in their late 50’s and the grandkids are under both under 5.
Who will take care of these kid’s for the rest of their life – we will, the tax payers.
So while it may seem perhaps Nazi-esque or some Orwellian nightmare state program how long must we (Joe Citizen) suffer the burden of paying for these
children and others like them?
Perhaps it’s not a totally bad idea the Chinese have; perhaps a simple age, means and stability threshold for a license for procreation.
I'd vote for that!
Did that story not scare you? If not listening to the intellectual dynamo who was the subject of the initial video should - no business having a kid
for both age reasons and evident stupidity.
What kind of life is that poor little girl (the baby) going to have? I don’t know she may well be the second Barrack Obama for all I know; one
thing I do know is that our taxes are going to pay for her medical care and a lot more in the future.
What else can we do?
I say If one does not pass income/stability/competency checks - automatic and forced abortion.
This has to be way cheaper than welfare for life for most of these unplanned and unwanted kids.
Perhaps even more humane in the long run; think of all the pain and suffering we'd save the children of the poor and stupid.
No living in the ghetto, no hard life, no ending up on drugs and having the cycle repeat itself over and over...
That humane intevrention along with our saved tax dollars, no WIC, no "head start" (which is like free babysitting basically) no Medicaid births
etc... That savings would way more than pay for the mandatory Norplant and/or abortions.
I'd even go so far as to say if one serially abuses the abortion clause have forced sterilization for both the male and the female involved - just to
be fair.
We cannot afford to continue down this road!