If you've been in, or lurked in ATS chat then you are already aware. If you haven't had either experience then, on top of strongly suggesting you do
so, I humbly ask that you read this thread so that you will be prepared to discuss the #1 topic of heated and passionate conversation that happens in
Of course I am talking about
Now, as we all know, bacon can be all things to all people. In chat we have spent hours debating the subject of how TPTB might enslave all of mankind.
Our conclusions? That the answer to this question is either boobs or bacon. And since a "BOOBS!!! ATS Chat And The Cult of Boobs" thread would get me
banned faster than a jedimiller revival... I've opted to focus upon bacon for my OP. Bacon is the tool that Big Brother holds over your heads. Bacon
is the carrot which dangles at the end of the pole, driving us further and further into servitude. Bacon is quite possibly at least one of the vials
referred to in the Book of Revelations.
Bacon, my dear friends, is evil is its most yummy, nummy, may I have more Mummy form.
Bacon is the very subject that almost every single thread on ATS tries to understand and warn us of. Bacon is our overlord.
Think about it... Just about every religion tried to warn us about bacon... But do we listen? Well some of us do, but, lets face it... saying "No" to
bacon is way easier if one has never tasted bacon. The vast majority of us simply ignore disgrace and damnation as we revel in the porky, friend,
drippy goodness known as bacon.
In fact I have unearthed rare and arcane photographic evidence that the entire fallen angel thing? Happened over bacon...
In fact, it is a well known reality that other animals willingly sacrifice themselves in the hopes that they, in death, might be wrapped in bacon!
Bacon wrapped turkey.
Bacon wrapped filet mignon.
Bacon wrapped shrimp.
Bacon wrapped hot dogs.
And, as a Chat based bonus and and homage to Elevatedone...
BACONTOTS!!!!... this picture could actually freeze the chatroom for at least 45 minutes, get 8 people permabanned, cause 4 different riots,
and create a brand new religion. This is powerful mojo...
Those of us in this cult know very secret things...
For example the fact that Patrick Henry was actually misquoted. What he really said was
Give me bacon, or give me death!
Or that Shakespeare actually wrote these words about bacon:
My bounty is as deep as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I
have, for both are infinite.
The bard knew the pain of the love of bacon... such a fickle lover bacon is... but thankfully we have a remedy to his pain.
For our bacon is a merciful food. It giveth and it taketh away.
Proof of the power of bacon... Now tremble before the might and majesty!
Even mans best friend knows the power that is bacon.
Chant with me, brethren... IT'S BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, even the dogs know it's always time for bacon, and we have proof of this:
And though our Cult lost a bit of ground in the last Presidential election:
We did not lose heart nor focus. We simply fired our candidate:
Got back to our core moral values:
Rebranded ourselves with a new logo:
And began again in earnest.
So, should you opt to wander into ATS chat on a stormy afternoon, looking to talk that conspiracy talk with conspiracy minded folks... I suggest that
Put on our scent of choice, to help win us over...
Clean up your act, because we have high standards and strict T&C guidelines...
And chew on the thoughts I've discussed here. With these tips you are bound to be an ATS Chatroom hit and you'll make friends in droves... Bacon
loving, patriotic, good hearted people!
Oh, and you should say "meep" too, but that is an entirely different thread!
This thread was not created, endorsed, or even remotely acknowledged by the Campaign to elect this guy Emperor of the Universe.
edit on 15/1/2011 by kosmicjack because: attempt to
perfect bacon color
edit on 8/19/2011 by 12m8keall2c because: (no reason given)
You just made me sooo hungry with all those pictures of FOOD and BACON!!!! I would be willing to bet that if you could get Kevin Bacon to come
onto the ATS Live! show, you would likely get that moderator status.
Well, well, well. Did you think us quiet Canadians were just sitting up here doing nothing? HAH! You all thought that we were militarily impotent,
didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!!!??? MUAAAHAHAHA! This has been in the planning for decades! You're Pwned!! Take it from an insider...you never had a
chance. Methinks too much has been said already.
He that hath knowledge spareth his words.
Francis Bacon
Bah... I saw this coming and offered you bacontots! This does not bode well... The great chat schism and reformation shall start because of this! And
the blood is on your hands Elevatedone!
And to think... once upon a time I dreamed of a world where tots and bacon could live in peace. Now my dreams are dashed upon the rocks of sectarian
That is possibly the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed.... My eyes are filled with tears and I suddenly feel as though my words can never,
again, do justice to what my eyes have witnessed.
Great thread man,i haven't been on this site very long,i signed up in october then had no internet for a couple of months,but since i came back
im totally addicted thanks to great posters like you,keep it up!
Do not bring the heresy of Canadian bacon in here... We have our own brand of exorcism for those who dare to call ham as bacon!
Hey Heff,
Thanks for this awesome thread! It was only a matter of time that this would come up, seeing the the spirited conversation there was in chat last week
about this! I see a number of replies here were from chat regulars, and I'm sure it will come up again in chat tonight
The "bacontots" look pretty wicked, I must try make a few sometime. I don't think you convinced ElevatedOne on that, he seems to be a "tatertot"
As for the Canadian Bacon - I don't really give a rat's what it is - as long as it keeps tasting that good.... I'm sold buddy!
aaaaarrrrrrgggggg I have to have it, I have to!!! Bacon makes everything better. Bacon as cult, bacon as conspiracy, bacon as addiction......YES
Lets all live high on the hog, till we can't .