The world today is full of hurt and suffering, its full of greed and corruption, people no longer care for their fellow man only for the man keeping a
watchful eye on their wallet. We have lost our values with increasing secularisation and our materialistic motivations. ATS is no different.
On ATS people are obsessed with UFO’s, 9/11 and the NWO. These are perceived as being mans greatest threat even though it is fair to say that
collectively none of us have a clue if there is any real conspiracy to be found in any of the forums. The passion which these subjects are discussed
is indeed admirable and for the most part well meant however it is misplaced. None of you actually care enough about the NWO to stop using the banks,
just like none of you care about 9/11 enough to seek any real revenge, just like many of you probably still watch the news, read the news papers
despite logging onto ATS and telling us about how bad the MSN really is. It’s all talk, there are no actions behind the worlds and what’s worse is
that you all only seem to care for those conspiracies that affect you, which are for the most part fallacies.
The real conspiracies of today in the world are found in the killing and suffering going that none of you could possibly imagine, there are people in
the 3rd world whose greatest luxury is a loaf of stale bread. In Haiti, there is a massive
cholera outbreak , Sudan is a mess as is the Ivory Coast and in DPRK people are
dying of starvation. Yet ATS is full of people worrying about an elusive group of corrupt
bankers that probably don’t exist trying to “control” them. It’s selfish,does nobody care enough to bother starting a thread about them or the
civil war in Chad?. The greed filled culture that we have created is killing people all over the world; our oil driven economies have led to the
deaths of thousands in Nigeria, just so that we can get our cars out of our driveways in the morning. In Indonesia since 1969 almost 100,000 people
have died as the result of an ongoing conflict, yet we have never had a thread about that. We have an entire forum dedicated to people’s dreams but
I don’t think in my time on ATS I have ever seen a single on the
Papua Conflict .
Did you know that every day in the world
25,000 people die of hunger, yet there is more than enough food for
everyone it’s just that we like to take entire food crops to grow bio fuels and the capitalist system has led to an unbalance of food supplies
throughout the world? There is such a demand for our western coffee, farmers would rather grow the cash crops and sell them to the capitalist west
than grow wheat to sell to the starving locals. In any case even if they did the capitalist system would only out price them, put the local farmers
out of business then take advantage of their monopoly by putting up prices and before you know it every one is starving. Even in the west when there
is a food surplus, it’s not economically viable for the big businesses to export it to the poor, for free.
Heath care is another one; something like 1.2 million will die this year from diarrhoea, probably more with the out brake of cholera in Haiti. The
solution to this is so simple, it’s called Oral Rehydration Therapy and it costs about 10 cents for about 1 litter of the solution. Yet every day
thousands of mothers and fathers have to watch as their children die of diarrhoea or hunger. Then we have TB, Malaria, Measles and other such
illnesses that in the western world either just don’t exist or the treatments is as essay as accusable as tap water. Speaking of water, 1.1 billion
people don’t have access to clean water and 2.6 billion don’t have adequate sanitation. When one takes this all into account, then is it not truly
shameful that ATS is full of conspiracies about how the pharmaceutical companies are out to make us infertile and how the NWO or is poisoning us all
with fluoride in the water, just think yourself lucky you have water and medicines. The real pharmaceutical conspiracies are found in the places in
the world where they let their fellow man suffer painful deaths when they have the ability to help and put a end to their suffering. Not that they are
trying to control your mind or lying to you about the existence of Schizophrenia.
People on ATS go on about 9/11 as if it were the greatest tragedy to ever be bestowed upon mankind and that it must have be a false flag as part of
the NWO’s grand plan. Yet in the grand scale of things it wasn’t really that big of a tragedy when one considers that in the 1994 genocide of
Rwanda, 850,000- 1 million people were slaughtered. Yet no threads are on ATS about any conspiracy or even the evident corruption and evil of the
disgusting chapter in recent human history. Even when compared to the Srebrenica massacre that some 8000 people were killed and 30,000 displaced 9/11
starts to look like just another act of evil. 9/11 happened, there is no massive conspiracy, the real conspiracy is that during the
Srebrenica massacre and the Rwanda genocide, the UN and America watched, indeed the
Srebrenica massacre took place in a UN safe zone. Why is everyone on ATS spent 9 years looking at 9/11 yet have never thought to look at what else is
going on to find some “real conspiracies” about how the global community will not intervene when humanity shows it ugly side because it is not
beneficial to the capitalist oil driven system.
On ATS we have became obsessed with the spectacular conspiracies theories that only affect us in the western world, we have neglected to recognise
that the real conspiracies are found elsewhere in the world. The real conspiracies are not going to be found on these forums unless you all start the
look for them. 9/11, the NWO, UFO’s, fluoride in your water, reptilians and all of your delusional predictions are just distracting you all from
what is really going on in the world and thus distracting you from the real conspiracies.