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Iridium Is The Massive Conspiracy!!! ATS This is massive!!

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:05 PM
Fascinating. The boy is a genius. Have read everything and with help from some ats friends, i feel this hugh can of worms has been breached. Time to reverse engineer 'truths' in these new lights. People get on to this quicksmart.
Every major event in the last 10-20 years (and beyond?) needs to be deconstructed and viewed in the light of the main plays and players that jazz10 has so brilliantly unearthed. What then? said plato's ghost.
Only a coherent and consistant storyline can spread and has any hope of being a convincer and our arsenal is otherwise lacking in this one-sided battle.
Remember the david v's goliath myth. With courage, a simple weapon can determine his(her)stories. Truth is our only weapon. Simple as. Will follow this closely and investigate where i can. No stars or flags jazz10. Just respect and gratitude for your insights. Keep fighting the fight.

p.s. would love to hear more about your pyramids breakthrough and other iridium connections.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69

Originally posted by minigunner
reply to post by dnvrliz

I was thinking the same thing before I even finished reading your reply. The implications if correct are staggering, and staggering is putting it lightly. They are testing frequencies right now, seeing what is affected, what is triggered, and we should keep our eyes open for any mass die off of humans in the days following. I think its safe to assume that what has happened over the last several weeks is beyond coincidence. Its obvious that not only are they testing the measures, but testing the populace. Are they testing to see how far they can go?
My last question is this:
Is there a way to defend oneself from such an attack?

Oh thank god, Someone has put it in a way I understand.
Mini I love you, I'm hugging you tight right now, I was getting such a headache from trying to figure it out.
I realized that Jazz was onto something, his mind is a like V8 on full throttle and is running on adrenalin. My mind on the other hand is a rotary and it’s stuck in first gear.


Mini, who are "they" you are referring to, when you say "they" are "testing frequencies right now"?
How do "they" infer that whatever action they are observing happening in the human population is in fact a direct result of their "frequency" and not the result of another 100000 variables?

You haven't thought this through very far have you?
Or is it that you simply enjoy the titillation of discovering another "conspiracy theory"?
edit on 16-1-2011 by Hawkowl because: spelling mistake


Mod Edit: Skunk Works Forum Guidelines Please Review This Link.
Mod Note: Civility & Decorum are Expected Please Review This Link.
edit on 17-1-2011 by Ahabstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by cannotbeserious

A bit unfair to say the least, The post has truly viable connections which can obviously be seen, However if you choose to blindly follow your own oppinion on the matter you will see it as incoherent babble, Now i very much doubt Jazz is a scientist but has done a brillaint job of researching and making connections to what seems to be the Only True connection So far discussed on the forums, Including my own which was pretty vague compared to this.
I lot of thought has gone into this thread.
And to claim it is all Hogwash whilst not suggesting any another viable alternative is just not what ATS is about.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
reply to post by cannotbeserious

A bit unfair to say the least, The post has truly viable connections which can obviously be seen, However if you choose to blindly follow your own oppinion on the matter you will see it as incoherent babble, Now i very much doubt Jazz is a scientist but has done a brillaint job of researching and making connections to what seems to be the Only True connection So far discussed on the forums, Including my own which was pretty vague compared to this.
I lot of thought has gone into this thread.
And to claim it is all Hogwash whilst not suggesting any another viable alternative is just not what ATS is about.

A viable alternative to what, exactly? As far as I can tell, all the OP has actually done is googled the word 'iridium' and posted every link that he's found claiming some sort of connection, which he hasn't actually managed to explain short of 'look at the links backwards' and several claims that 'this is massive'. I could do that with any element on the periodic table, if I really wanted to.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Hawkowl

Wow.. you joined ATS just to post on this thread,... interesting... out of the many threads and topics on ATS you just happen to randomly choose this one... I see... I also noticed your name.

Oh and you bought along a friend I see cannotbeserious

You’re not being very “low key” are you. Maybe you should pop in over to the NWO thread and see what they are up to. Unless of course this thread should be moved to the NWO threads.

Wow I do see a conspiracy in some things.

edit on 16/1/11 by Whateva69 because: i can

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:27 PM
This is a massive conspiracy. My evidence is within this thread.

Now it must be made global by all of you. Spread and share. It needs to be out there.
This has the potential to change our lives and give insight into our origins.
You must have love and faith.

Please share on your twitter and facebook the links to this. You are all part of it but you dont see yet.

But you will. Keep an eye on the prophecies.

edit on 16-1-2011 by jazz10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by jazz10

Jazz, it''s 2-30 in the morning, go get some sleep . You've been at this for hours and hours . Rest your brain !
(now sleepless in Cardiff after going to bed too early )

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by jazz10

Jazz, as much as I would like to follow this thread some more, I do not have the time to try to decode everything, as do many others on this site. A good way to try to get someone to see things as you do is to take each connection and briefly summarize each connection so that people know exactly what it is they are looking for when you provide a link with the evidence to each connection. By throwing out a bunch of links and telling people to figure it out for themselves, you are only pushing the audience away. Its like trying to teach kids math by throwing em a bunch of numbers and symbols and telling em "ok, class, figure out how to add and subtract, I expect the answers by the time you leave this afternoon".

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by jazz10
This is a massive conspiracy. My evidence is within this thread.

Now it must be made global by all of you. Spread and share. It needs to be out there.
This has the potential to change our lives and give insight into our origins.
You must have love and faith.

Please share on your twitter and facebook the links to this. You are all part of it but you dont see yet.

But you will. Keep an eye on the prophecies.

edit on 16-1-2011 by jazz10 because: (no reason given)

Are you acquainted with the word "meglomaniac" ?
You're loving all this attention aren't you?

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by hypervalentiodine

The connection is Obvious IF you read all the information provided, Please feel free to post a thread on how ANY other element has a combined connection to any current events and link it to this post if you can of course.
Jazz is not Super-human and should not be expected to be,

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

You couldn't be more wrong. Jazz doesn't even make an argument. Iridium is an element that a communications company was named after who went on to put satellites into orbit that are commonly referred to as, lo and behold, Iridium satellites. These satellites have reflective panels that are shaped in such a way that they (predictably) reflect sunlight brightly and briefly back to earth. Jazz presents all of this information like its critical to his argument (he doesn't make one) and then goes on to draw idiotic conclusions about frequencies and how they affect life on earth. If all the frequency talk wasn't completely worthless (it is), then he should have focused on it instead of posting dozens of links to all of the irrelevant uses of the word 'iridium' he could find on the internet. Basically, Jazz types 'iridium' into Google about once an hour and copy and pastes all of the links for our clicky, confused, and clever feeling reading pleasure.

Jazz's flagship and prized connection goes as follows:

Tempe, Arizona Wahiawa, Hawaii — owned by DISA[37] Avezzano, Italy The pre-bankruptcy corporate incarnation of Iridium built eleven gateways, many of which have since been closed.[38] Gateways have also been built in Pune (India), Beijing (People's Republic of China), Moscow (Russia), Nagano (Japan), Seoul (South Korea), Taipei (Taiwan), Jeddah (Saudia Arabia) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). All have been having a hard time with weather and other anomalies, fish birds? Quakes volcanoes?

Arizona made the news when some birds randomly dropped dead, but birds have been dying all over the world because of the magnetic pole reversal. As far as I know Hawaii and Italy have not been suffering from earthquakes or volcanic activity in the past year. The rest of the cities listed had gateways that are now closed; not that there is any evidence that these gateways caused extreme weather, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, I'd challenge you to pick any 11 cities around the world where things are always peachy keen. This is the biggest waste of time I've ever accidentally and embarrassingly been a part of.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by TedHodgson

Ted, there is a lot to take in, I have looked through the links, and I have kept an open mind to what was sort of presented, and I am failing to make the "massive" connection to everything, hence my last post about jazz summarizing each connection before plastering links and demanding people spread the word that they have yet to even remotely understand.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
reply to post by hypervalentiodine

The connection is Obvious IF you read all the information provided, Please feel free to post a thread on how ANY other element has a combined connection to any current events and link it to this post if you can of course.
Jazz is not Super-human and should not be expected to be,

Iridium as an element has absolutely nothing to do with Jazz's so called conspiracy except to help contribute to a rather catchy name for a global communication company....

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by iamahumandoing

Originally posted by hypervalentiodine

Originally posted by iamahumandoing
reply to post by hypervalentiodine

Just go back a step its easy - if you don't see an Iridium connection, try having a look at the periodic table - is there anything strange about other elements? Build it up instead of breaking it down and you're heading the right way. I've discovered a few strange things in the periodic table.
Numbers and letters are a way of communicating. Depending on how we look at them depends on the message we see.
If you change your view - what you view will change.
Check out the Secret Societies thread titled 'September 15' - if you read it all and take in the detail in some of the posts and links you will see where this all just begins to unravel.

We need help with this.
edit on 16-1-2011 by iamahumandoing because: addition

There's a lot of strange things about a lot of the elements, but that depends on what you call strange. I am a chemist, so my definition would vary hugely to that of yourself, so perhaps you could clarify what you mean when you say 'strange'?

I hardly think that their atomic numbers or symbols have anything to do with anything except the roots of various names and descriptions, which are so for various and explainable reasons. Examples, please.

Ok then just a quickie:

Aluminium, Arsenic
Al, melting point 660C. As, melting point 613C
so that's 666, 0, 13?
AlAs - Alas?

What were those recent lifeforms they found in that lake based on? Wasn't that As? Note it's also number 33 on the table.
33 degrees?

Not sure how or why but there is something I feel that connects the elements beginning with the letter 'A' to the concept of Ascension.

Au - Gold - See how the u faces upwards.
Ag - Silver - Gee how the g points down.

Could this be tied in with what is happening with these metals at the moment?

g is as 9 appears - the inversion of the perfect number 6.
I have seen stone circles with individual stones with markings that look like the letter A on some (without the horizontal line) and g on others.

Furthermore - as I said when you're on the right path things start to happen.
For example I was assaulted recently by two guys - came out of it unhurt but somehow managed to lose both pieces of silver jewellery I own...

Look closer at the table - look at where these elements (precious metals) point towards -
Ir, Pt, Au,#
#######Ho, Er, Tm
####(anagram of Mother)

Any takers??

edit on 16-1-2011 by iamahumandoing because: more thoughts

edit on 16-1-2011 by iamahumandoing because: addition

So far as I am able to tell, all you have done here is picked numbers and letters that fit your theory that the periodic table holds some sort of conspiracy symbolism. It does not. There are over a hundred elements in the periodic table. There are thousands upon thousands of combinations of various statistics of each of these elements that could be added or mixed to create some sort of 'meaningfu'l conclusion. Doing this is as bad as the scientists who pick only the data that confirms their hypothesis and ignore the rest of it.

As for the chemical symbols. Any idiot can combine a series of letters into a word. A lot of people can even spell their own names. Again, this doesn't mean that it is symbolic of something larger. The symbols given to elements are representative of their names and various other latin roots that are associated with the chemicals themselves. That is all.

The bacteria found in the lake you speak of are not based on As at all. They are able to assimilate it into their chemical make up when the stocks of phosphorous are running low - it's a survival tactic. Might I also ask what 33 has to do with anything and of what type of degree you are referring to?

By your logic, any word with the letters q, w, t, y, u, i, p, a, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, v, b, n, m would have some sort of symbolism associated with them. What about the letter o? You are really clutching at straws to say the direction of letters has anything to do with anything other than the fact that, that's how they are written.

Mother is also and anagram for thermo, did you know that? Again, you cannot just pick things that fit your theory and ignore the broader picture. Yes there are trends in the periodic table - in fact, it was designed so as to group these trends so that scientists may be able to easy predict certain chemical properties based on their location within the table.

Now then. Do you have any real examples?

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by hypervalentiodine

I'm glad there are actually people on here who at least claim to be educated. This website needs a team of psychologists to wade through all of the garbage and an FBI unit to make house calls for the deranged and dangerous designing conspiracy theories.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by OptimistPrime

I see what your saying, Its pretty hard to fathom but Iridium does have links such as this:
That just cant be ignored, Im thinking iridium has something to do with selet mass extinction, But the more deeper you research Iridium itself the more you see connections forming with un-explained events.

BTW i do not agree with the entirety of this post, However have done my own research on Iridium and formed a thought basis based only on scientific connections.
edit on 16/1/11 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:04 PM
How exactly does the Iridium Jazz Club tie into Iridium Satellite Communications, other than the name Iridium, and Jazz club and Jazz10's topic of iridium? Its like saying here is a link to click about the federal reserve and a link about federal express, and a link to the federal govt and saying all 3 are connected based on the name. Explain connections, summarize it, show that connection in some way shape or form other than "figure it out for yourselves". This is a good reason why this thread is in skunkworks.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
reply to post by hypervalentiodine

The connection is Obvious IF you read all the information provided, Please feel free to post a thread on how ANY other element has a combined connection to any current events and link it to this post if you can of course.
Jazz is not Super-human and should not be expected to be,

You are correct in saying that he shouldn't be asked to perform super human tasks. He should, at the very least, provide a succinct summary of his findings and state what it is that he thinks they mean - what are the implications and how do all of his pieces of information actually connect with one another. He has not done that. All sorts of companies use all sorts of chemicals for various reasons - and some might even name their company after an element or compound that they use (and sometimes even compounds they don't use, say if for instance they want people to associate their business with certain properties of the compound/alloy in question - steel for example). That in no way means that said company is involved in some greater conspiracy involving whatever the element or compound in question might be.

We all breath oxygen and we need to breath oxygen to live and to be able to talk. Oxygen is a phone company. From Jazz's logic, one might conjecture that they could possibly control us by the air that we breath. In reality, that is completely absurd. Jazz, as I and many other have mentioned, has not actually stated what the connections are between all these links he keeps posting. He told me some story about how iridium was used to make measuring sticks once and then another story about how a guy was asked to measure an alter. He claimed his conspiracy to have biblical implications when in reality, there is no connection between the two events. A guy measured an alter. Measuring sticks were once made of iridium. These are two independent events; no more, no less. His whole argument very much reminds me of a game I sometimes play called 'wiki hunt'.
edit on 16-1-2011 by hypervalentiodine because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by TedHodgson
reply to post by OptimistPrime

I see what your saying, Its pretty hard to fathom but Iridium does have links such as this:
That just cant be ignored, Im thinking iridium has something to do with selet mass extinction, But the more deeper you research Iridium itself the more you see connections forming with un-explained events.
edit on 16/1/11 by TedHodgson because: (no reason given)

Do you have any idea what this article says? The SCIENTISTS at the UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER are theorizing that the mass extinction of the dinosaurs was indeed caused by a meteor because of the FACT that iridium is extremely rare on earth but is found in huge quantities in the sediment layer that the dinosaurs marched around on. That has nothing to do with Jazz's load of the worst kind of psychotic babbling. Where did you go to University? I have a feeling that you didn't. These are scientists drawing real life conclusions based on real life facts and evidence. You are a conspiracy theorist making something out of nothing just like 99% of the people on this website.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by iamahumandoing

Furthermore - as I said when you're on the right path things start to happen.
For example I was assaulted recently by two guys - came out of it unhurt but somehow managed to lose both pieces of silver jewellery I own...

You sure you guys are not comedy writers, that's funny stuff!!!

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