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One World, One People (Humans), One Religion, One Government. NWO a must!

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posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Laws are passed to control people, not to give them freedom. A one world government is about as antifreedom as you can get.

You support a world without laws? Really?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:14 AM
It is the fact of diversity that keeps humanity alive. We are a melting pot of diferent cultures, races and religions. It is those diferences that make our species so very special. Okay, yes I am a Mason, and as such, many probably think that I am out to achieve a New World Order. I am most certainly not. Yes, I do believe in Chao Ab Ordo, but not to the degree of a one world government.

Instead, we should learn to live together in harmony. Embrace our diferences.

Universal love? YES
Universal order? NO

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

We can embrace differences...while also finding our common grounds.

Do you really think we can reach our highest potentials as a species, while we stand divided?

Collectivism, which is what you are advocating whether you know it or not. It has these properties:

1. Rights are derived from the state;
2. The group is more important than the individual;
3. Coercion is the preferred method to bring about reform;
4. Laws should be applied differently to different classes;
5. Providing benefits (redistributing wealth) is the proper role of government.
6. Government is to be by the Elite since the "people" are not intelligent enough to govern themselves.

The worst part of collectivism is the most ruthless, sociopaths will always gravitate to the top of any power structure simply because they do not shrink at doing what good men will not to attain and maintain power. With a collectivist view point anything they do can be excused as "Being for the GREATER GOOD."

“The Collective Farm Policy was a terrible struggle, Ten million died. It was fearful. Four years it lasted. It was absolutely necessary." Joseph Stalin

Individualism on the other hand says the power of government comes from the people, rights BELONG to the people and the government is granted power from the rights of the people. Since individuals are allowed to be free, as long as they do no harm to others, individualism promotes innovation and the advancement of society.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Slipdig1
So just say I liked to smoke pot(just saying) and your new world order takes over and makes it illegal too. Where do I go?

The reason why we have a wonderful world, is because of culture diversity and the differences. If you make a NWO, you take this away.

I don't want to be the same, I pride myself on being different.

How would sport work, Nwo team versus nobody, in every catergory.

It doesnt take a NWO to make substances illegal. Many countries have their own laws on this and I think that even lands uniting in ways that would benefit the world, there could still be individual laws for different cultures and nations. Similar to America...there are states that individually have their own laws. I think what we are talking about for a world order would be greater laws that benefit us as a a planet.

I often think about the 'sports work' as you have brought up...for I have many great friends that love a certain team. But those friends..come together to watch one game, and enjoy the art and practice of one sport.

This is not about taking away individuality or culture differences but is more about the world joining in a bigger picture that we are all of. Resources in the Earth, are claimed by those that live near those resources or by another land that has more power and supports that land with the resources in ways the land with the resource is in need of something. There needs to be a system to claim the Earths resources for those that live near them and those that are in need of them...equally. Why should a land that has no clean water...not have the right to clean water when another land has the ability to share and help them. If we all start to look at sharing one world and seeing we all drink of the same water and breath the same air and that laughter and crying is a universal language...then maybe we will start to think more about our influence on the Earth and our influence to care for the waters and air.

Like the sports...there is uniqueness in each team...but if you ask them all...they all love the same sport. We can all be unique human...and still all love of the same species.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Its really not as difficult as every one fears it will be.

In America...some states have laws that others do not have. In Alaska, alcohol is illegal. This is just one example. Leaders of states and nations do not have to disappear for the world to step up and work together towards being a great planet together.

Individualism has its place...but it also can feed attributes like pride which causes harmful actions. We can see in the past when a individual took his own unique thoughts to the 3rd degree and harmed other people and a collective whole had to step in to stop that. We can see in the past and present how pride of a nation became to powerful and then became a bully to other lands and people. There needs to be a system that can step in the middle of wars and can stand up for people and lands that are suffering. We as a people should be able to do this...but we are so focused on ourselves and individualism we ignore those that suffer and we ignore the worlds silly squabbles.

I am not for a system or group forcing a world unity....I am for getting the people to see how our highest potentials exist on the avenue of unity.

We have individual groups right now that are surfacing more and more thinking that they have all the answers and that their religions or beliefs are the only way the world should see things. Groups like this I find to be a threat to the world in that they are forcing their own way onto others for what they truly feel is for a greater good.

Its complex, and it will take time and it will be an evolving of us, as a species. Im sure just like with any 'new idea'....there will be hard lessons from trial and errors.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I support a world without laws to coerce individuals, such as redistribution of wealth laws. It's not charity if its forced.

I am very pro-individualism. I do not think the whole is greater than its parts, and I do not like utopians who tell you to give up your rights for their ideals. Hopefully they can go bugger other people and learn from their own inevitable failures.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by crimvelvet

Its really not as difficult as every one fears it will be.

In America...some states have laws that others do not have. In Alaska, alcohol is illegal.

So you and your friend Archangel aren't Americans. Alcohol is very much legal in Alaska. My husband's ex has made her living bartending in Alaska for the past 30 years, as she does today. There was at least one tv show involving a bar in Alaska. So what are you- Chinese? Nostalgic and disgruntled member of the former Soviet bloc? Having a cabal of sockpuppets, or even dupes/ useful idiots to make your spew seem palatable to "somebody" isn't going to get you halfway down the block in the US. "New World Order" is just "Neo communism/ neo socialism". There's nothing "new" about it. It's the same old crap in a phony wrapper.

Oh. And pretending to "add" a concession for religion? That's not likely to fool anybody, either.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I support a world without laws to coerce individuals, such as redistribution of wealth laws. It's not charity if its forced.

I am very pro-individualism. I do not think the whole is greater than its parts, and I do not like utopians who tell you to give up your rights for their ideals. Hopefully they can go bugger other people and learn from their own inevitable failures.

Do you support nationality? Do you support laws against harming others? What is the difference in having a world wide law against harming eachother? What is the difference in one nation having a law against hate crimes then having a world law against hate crimes? Is there a difference?

There has to be order. Look at individuals in the past that tried to create order by what they believed was the right way. Look at Hitler...and his unique self. What do you suggest for the not allow such things like this to occur in our future? Should we just let individuals ran with their unique ideas that effect others.

This is about bringing an order...that the people are in agreement with...against ways that harm other people. Standing up for ways that benefit the whole. Are you not for that?

You would rather have your cake...then share it with someone that is in need of food?

This is not about little things that we all like in freedoms...this is about the bigger things that has potential to ruin this planet or our species. This is about stopping hunger in children, stopping wars that cause loved ones to die too early, this is about resolving problems through a system and order rather then with guns and blood. This is about us as a world, using our brains together and finding ways to make this planet better for everyone...not just those in power and not just the lands that hold the resources or great history in their past.

How do you think we can tackle the worlds biggest issues...while we stand divided? Or do you ignore the bigger issues...thinking there is no way we can make the world better?

We all have individual potential....but we also have potential as a species that shares a universal common ground called the Earth. We all smile the same, we all shed tears, we all laugh, we all need water, sun, good, and energy. Why keep letting differences separate us from becoming a one world? It does not have to.

People are so worried when others start to talk about a world coming together and acting like we are from one planet....but there are religions out there that support 'one way', that believe in 'chosen people, that support a world ran by their laws and their leadership alone....those are the groups you should fear....not the people that are trying to find a way to respect all religions under one planet. There are wars that will come due to some religions trying to make their destiny in their chosen status under god come true....I fear this much more then people seeing that all beliefs and cultures have their place and that these differences should not stop us from becoming one working system.

You believe in God and you really think that the Holy Spirits nature would support us all thriving in separation, standing divided due to our prides of nations and individualism?

The road we are on....will only take us to a further fall. Sure, there will be some that thrive and have alot...while others remain to wonder....where is love, where is the hearts of other men, does anyone not care about my suffering>

There is no reasons that cultures can not be or that beliefs can not be...through a world that admits, its of the same place, same grounds, under the same sky, that experiences life and death through the same vessels of body, that gives birth through the same ways.

This is about admitting our similarities....and focusing on those....not about taking away our differences.

Sure, there are powers that would love to force a world order for their own benefit. But that is not what the majority on here that support a world coming together for its now benefit is talking about. Im not for powers forcing something onto the people. Im for the people creating this understanding and respect for all life, on their own. Only then can true humble leaders be elected in positions that will support a better world. Leaders that the people will bring forward. Leaders that have shown their understandings and reasoning's.

Im not saying just accept any world order that gets promoted. Im saying as a species and only as a species, will mountains truly move.

As a individual...can you move a mountain?

Can one his own hill?

There are signs in nature that are all around us that suggest that our greatest potentials, are as a unit. I dont think we are ready for this...because there are too few that understand its potentials and benefits. Too many still fear such ideas. But throughout history...there have slowly been those that stand up, willing to offer their very life....for a better world, for mankind seeing a deeper more meaningful existence. There have not only been individuals...but movements. The more individuals see how our greatest potentials comes through unity, the more movements there will be. Eventually, with time, there will be more people that understand it and dont fear it....rather then those that dont and do.

Even when one person prays...there may be power. But when 3 come to pray, or more....well, know the story.

Its natural to fear that someone will try to take away our uniqueness as individuals. But the people that are understanding the benefits to world unity that are talking here on this thread....obviously dont support such a thing. They simply support a higher understanding for mankind, they support that we as a world can go on to do better things.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by DogsDogsDogs

So you and your friend Archangel aren't Americans. Alcohol is very much legal in Alaska. My husband's ex has made her living bartending in Alaska for the past 30 years, as she does today. There was at least one tv show involving a bar in Alaska. So what are you- Chinese? Nostalgic and disgruntled member of the former Soviet bloc? Having a cabal of sockpuppets, or even dupes/ useful idiots to make your spew seem palatable to "somebody" isn't going to get you halfway down the block in the US. "New World Order" is just "Neo communism/ neo socialism". There's nothing "new" about it. It's the same old crap in a phony wrapper. Oh. And pretending to "add" a concession for religion? That's not likely to fool anybody, either.

I dont know archangel by any means besides this thread.

I should not have related to the whole state of Alaska as dry...but many communities are in Alaska. They are allowed to make that choice as each to their own. You are right...its not the whole of Alaska...but yet each community gets to decide for themselves to be wet or dry. So still yet, proves my point, ONE law does not stand over all America...but each state and each community deals with the smaller laws in its own right. Such could be the same, if the world decided to start working together in ways that would benefit our planet and mankind on a larger scale in more higher/important decisions.

We can observe that one nation...has many states with their own ways and those states have many communities with their own ways. So here is a perfect example to show that individualism does not die, when there is a leadership over a nation that has many states and within those many states are many communities.

Yes Im American....I live in Alabama. From county to county, there are some laws that change and there are those that are the same. My country was a dry country until the recent past. There are counties around me that are dry and there are those that are wet. So while Alcohol is known to be legal in America...there are places in America that still make their own rules and say that Alcohol is prohibited.

There was a show some time ago that was all about the law in dry communities in Alaska going into homes where it was thought there was alcohol in that home and showing the law arresting those people.

Im of no 'group' so please stop grouping me. Im a individual that sees that the worlds greatest potentials, will take many lands and many people and many nations to be on the same page. Im a mother of 3...Im a waitress...Im one person amongst a many people. I like to dream of a world without war and dream of a world that my children dont see people kill others due to beliefs, due to a lands resources, due to a peoples past.

I suffer just like anyone. I come from a family that has had many trials. I dont label myself with a religion or with a political title. Why do you feel the need to do that for me?

Im just a person like anyone else...why do you assume that Im saying anything that I dont mean. I hold no judgment on any religion...until they voice the right to harm anyone or voice the right to hold themselves in a higher rank then those that are not of their group.

Seriously....why does people jump the wagon and immediately start thinking that people are in on some sort of hidden agenda. Ive shared practically my whole life here on ATS...its not hard to figure out Im just a normal person that has ideas and dreams and wants a better world for future generations.
edit on 9-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Again "give up your rights for the better of the group". I see individual rights as moral. You shouldn't ever ensure the happiness for many by violating the rights of a few. I believe God supports private property rights among other things. If you can't see how it's a moral imperative to allow individuals to be masters of their own lives and property, you need to read among other things books on Austrian economics. There you will learn firsthand that though a law has good intentions it leads to disaster. For example take minimum wage. Increase it and some people will be fired. It would only benefit the workers who haven't been laid off at the expense of the workers who have been laid off. You will find most well-intentioned ideas actually benefit some at the expense of others. In essence you are forcing people to do things that are bad for them so that others may prosper. I think that is ethically wrong. They must have the choice, not be forced to by the state, by the "enlightened", or by any benevolent dictator. Instead of trying to force people to give up their rights, convince them to donate to causes you support. If you can't respect individual rights why should anybody respect yours?
edit on 9-2-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by 547000

We are not talking about trying to create a perfect world. How do you like your laws and world at the present time? Is it working for you?

We are just talking about a change, a way the nations and lands can have a united focus. You wish to buck against such an idea and scream that someone is taking away something from you that you dont really have to begin with...but any who.

You are making this all out to be the worst possible scenario...when anyone should be able to see there are many different ways it can go. Are all nations the same? Are all their laws alike? Have laws changed though out history?

Life and a process and for the most part its trial and error. This system we are in is failing. There are countries in need. There are some that have more then what they need and yet they are usually the ones complaining.

Its against nature. ..that we as a species...dont work together.

This is not about your preconceived image of what a NWO would be or what others have told you it would be...its about seeing that as a 'one' kind sharing 'one planet' that we would have higher potentials and possibilities that will help those in need and create prospering foundations for the future.

My view of a new order is not about taking individualism away from people, lands, or cultures. We have many states in one country, many counties in one state....and the laws vary inbetween them. But still...we are one country. Similar idea....just larger scale.

Please stop making accusations to me about trying to take away individual rights....for many posts of mine are full of standing up for peoples differences, including those that I have many differences with. I have no issues with individualism and a NWO does not mean that such would be lost. Its only your view of what a NWO would be...that makes you spout such to me. When I know that you know...I dont support such.
edit on 9-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

I have contemplated this before in the past and believe you are correct we as the people of the world need a one world system, however we need the oposite of a one world government. We can take the USA as a miniture experiment which prooves the point I am trying to make.
Initially the USA was designed by the founding fathers to have states, the advantage of have states was that they had close oversight and control over the people within them as opposed to 1 government having a say over all people within the country when they may not understand the localised needs. The states create a system where you get variations in opinions so when there is an issue you can choose a solution that in theory should be well rounded and fall somewhere between the extremities.
However when you have 1 government that has their say over the others you can get a very extreme solution to a problem without anyone having the power to contest it, and the solutions do not solve problems on a local scale - it might as well be communism where it is all about what is best for the system as a whole as opposed to individuals within that system. This is what I believe is our problem, the second we see the world as a system and forget that it is filled with humans we get corruption and abuse of those who the system is supposed to be designed to protect. Also people find it very hard to accept other peoples cultures - often thinking theirs is better and does things right, not realising in truth their culture is likely just as bad but keeps it hidden. We need to realise that we live in a world where everyone has different beliefs, some think killing animals is never right, some think it is a part of life, and some do it for game.
Some think you should have the right to cut off the hand of a theif and then let him go and let the public shame him, others think he should be jailed for years with murders, rapists and other hardened criminals.
The fact is no system is perfect and when we try to create 1 system for all we force our beliefs and view on others, which can only lead to abuse, corruption and eventually revolution (likely violent)
Thats my 2c
edit on 9-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:55 PM
I think a wise man once said...there is no glory if the glory is only for the self.

I think he also not prideful.

Im not talking about utopia or a perfect world. Im just talking about the next stepping stones for mankind and earth. There is a long way to go.

Edit to add...the voice of another man who once said...'only a life lived for a life worthwhile'.
edit on 9-2-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:08 PM
I'm out. There's no arguing with people who think they are wise, when their ideals will lead to much more bloodshed and suffering than there currently is.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

While I do understand that the idea of a one world government is amazing due to the benefits of no wars, peace, food for everyone, unity, and etc. it will never work. I will show you through past history why this will not work long enough for you to enjoy your peace.

1) Humans always want more than what they have. What do you do when you get more money than you can spend? What fun and excitement is left for you to accomplish? Power. You increase money than get bored so decide to increase your power and influence, it is human nature.

2) Who will lead this perfect world that they want to create? Will it be the same UN that only cares for countries it has vested interest in? Will it discriminate and bully the countries that oppose what it wants? Who will stand up for countries that don't want to be a part of this new world order? Will it be through diplomatic stances or will the UN (I am using UN as an example) cut that country from food, water, and production supplies? Or will they go to war?

3) How will we ensure that having a one world government will not over-extend it's power and declare us slaves of the government? What if they started to drastically eliminating people to reduce populations such as what Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, and the Rothschilds want. How will we fight back knowing the UN has the whole world's military behind them?

4) What ensures us that a dictator will not rise to power such as the likes of Stalin, Mao, and Pot?

In the end, if there is a chance that our safety can be jeopardized would you really want to risk it all for a so called peaceful world? Remember what Lord Atkin said:
"Power tend to corrupt, Absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely"
There is some truth in these words, you give people an inch of rope, they take the whole thing and hang you with it.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:34 PM
Yes I agree, we do need a more unified world, with a world counsel, but we don't need any of the political stripes or fascist controllers, the so called elite bloodlines or the bankers, or any form of money to run this, nor do we need most of the laws, especially anything that controls our food, our self sufficiency and freedom to utilize lands or even drugs and substances as these are the seeds of the earth and belong to every single person on this planet.

We in short will not accept any form of NWO.

Period. Period. Period.

Now, this is how I envision the future. No religions as we know them, separate schools of thought with too many distortions. The way around this is to have very high unified standards of equality and rights for all people and no corporal punishments with only bracelets and counseling for prison sentences except for extreme mass murders and forgiveness and helaing/meditation/prayers for those in need. We don't allow religions to be tied into the state affairs and also, its a private thing, with the focus on meditation and private seeking and collections of only the highest loving passages in a kidn of unified meeting for those who like this kind of thing.

That we have local, regional, and ever larger counsels of citizens that take turns in shifts, can opt out of it in large numbers that must agree, and also a large watchdog body, that any courts woudl be the same, no judge, no leader, just counsels of non-punitive, healing advanced caring, highly cosmcially educated with no secrecy citizens that can problem solve and also change their minds, nothing is set in stone, and its interactive to the persons healing and ability to transform their lives, no write offs, no prison sentences, as we know it.

There would be some advanced science that is capable of misuse in gangs hands, it currently is in the mafia leaders hands and the para military gangs, and has wrecked our planet, possibly the core, and that is anti gravity, the scalar waves they used to stabalize the crafts. Some advanced science needs to be somehwhat controlled and used in centers for people, but guarded by highly trained peace keepers, yet at the same time who are very respnsible and transparent and replacable. In addition, this is not electro magnetic free energy, this isn't weapon worthy and its only greed that is preventing us from all having abundant free clean energy.

We need to have no secrets, patents and copyrights, nor banks and corporation, no para military elites, they're all surrendered to the people and service to other type guys. Just equal loving caring, highly trained educated world like the venus project with volunteering for all the jobs and retraining, guilds readily training and supplying people with all the things they need for music, crafts, arts and science experiements, and very low work hours, for the able bodied with parenting of young children recognized as work and parenting respected, maybe 4 hours a day, 3-4 days a week. In short, a grass roots, highly educated, citizen run planet, Venus project, no elites.

Most things would be like eco villages, with our own private homes and yards, like earthship homes, recylced water and free energy, greenhouses and organic food production inside and outside, with help for all those who are unhealthy, childrearing and elderly. A wonderful cooperative world where we have privacy yet at the same time, communal activites and everything we have belongs to all, yet because there is no scarsity or limits we are all prospered, for if we can dream it, and volunteer for it, there is no cost to getting it done!

No control, no banks, no corruption. No starving, no negative ETs running things, no paramilitary, no controlling religions but the spriti of Love and Peace and Goodness that can be found in all of them preserved for the spiritually minded.

Psi,,telepathy, mediation, Quantum Physics, all explored by all or encouraged.

I renounce/denounce anything else, and every other system including my own coutnry and the corrupt pyramid laws of the land are illegal crimes humanity.

We the people from the bottom up need to run every single level of this world and then there would be the world level, which would insure that goods are shared, but solutions found to equalize regions, people moved to safety when dangers are found, and high levels of education, dental care, health care and equal food/housing and rights to the land/seeds and resources exists for all, and that includes what we have made illegal and now run out of the cia as the drug trade and black market, that would be gone.

Advanced sciences, plasticas made out of plants and hemp, all recyclable, even toilet paper, made out of renewable organic plants such as cotton and hemp. Hemp would play a huge role in everything.

For the people. No plan agains the people will ever prosper. Love/Peace/Equalty to all.
edit on 9-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by Slipdig1
We are not all the same, you need to get over yourself and stop thinking we can all be the same. How can we be we are all bred to be different?

We can embrace differences...while also finding our common grounds.

Do you really think we can reach our highest potentials as a species, while we stand divided?

The author is not on about differences, difference will not be accepted, no middle ground, it will be their ground or none.

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Slipdig1

I know..I commented to the OP that Im not in agreement with all that they wrote and was trying to show that there can still be a united world for greater causes and there still be cultures, religions, and even different leaderships for each land. But we do need to find a over all way to join together to create ways for those that are in need....ways to help them and those that have too much, be more aware of wasting things and respect 'life' everywhere.

I worry about the idea of a 'new world' getting such a bad rep when there are ways to unit and raise our potentials as a 'many' on one planet.

I understand the reaction to the OP when the words like 'ONE RELIGION' gets spouted. This is the main part of the opening post that I disagree with. We dont have to totally give up on the idea of a 'one world' just because some of the view points are vary narrow.

I say we can embrace our past as a species, show respect for it, even continue to let what is of our past be a part of our future....but become a more mature species in that knowing only together, do our greatest potentials become more then dreams.

I was hoping the Opening Poster would also see that this idea does not have to be narrow in thought...but can be full of respect for diversity.

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:24 PM
Global Peaceful Unification is the inevitable choice for mankind to the future!

posted on Jun, 11 2012 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by sld6397
Global Peaceful Unification is the inevitable choice for mankind to the future!

Global Peaceful Unification will only happen when the unalienable rights of all individuals are respected by all. No one world government, and no one world religion will accomplish this. Either individuals will learn to respect each others rights or they will not.

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