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One World, One People (Humans), One Religion, One Government. NWO a must!

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posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by WJjeeper

oil,coal, and natural gas are all fossil fuels! meaning they all came from organic compounds in the earths surface. these resources may become unavailable for some time, but as long as the core is putting out pressure and things die and fall to the ground there will be fossil fuels.

With our population growth and our careless uses of OVER using these resources...we will have to keep making drastic moves (like places riggs in our Oceans) to try to keep ourselves going at this rate.

It takes a long long time for these resources to 'renew'....which is why we keep hunting new places to find them and extract them.

They are called 'non renewable' for a reason! Because it takes a LONG time for them to renew after taking them from their natural place.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by calstorm

Each culture should have its respectful place, each religion has served a certain group of people for a certain time and all of that should remain as a part of us.

Funny thing is...the last people that will agree on unity....will be those of religion.

We can respectfully cherish all things of Earths past...and make great new things to be remembered too.

And they shouldn't have to. They have the right to believe what they want, and if they decide to change that belief it should be their choice, something that they decided on their own, with out outside interference.
If someone wants to have a religion where only people whose name starts with the letter P, can be apart, that is their right!

It saddens me to see you talk cultures being in the past that should be preserved, to be experienced by future generations.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Archangelelijah

One World, Billions of People, Self Government is a Must!

It is time for all New World Order sycophants to understand that all governments, regardless of their form, exist by consent of the governed. This will come to a shock to the so called "elite", but I have never met a person who doesn't engage in some form of elitism. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, all are elitists, and look down their noses on some - sometimes many - people. The so called "elite" have no monopoly on this form of self serving emotion. Those that claim, (perhaps even genuinely believe), that they are only attempting to "assist" humanity to the "next level" are demonstrably megalomaniacs.

All closed systems tend towards entropy. This is a fact of the universe, and financial systems are no different. As long as the financial system is a closed system, where regulatory and licensing schemes exist, shutting out many in favor of the few, then those financial systems will tend towards entropy. Another word for entropy in this context would be chaos.

We are all individuals, and as individuals we have individually polluted our planet collectively, but we did not do it as a collective, we did individually each and everyone of us who did it. There are those individuals who endeavor daily to act in ethical ways towards others and towards the planet we live on. They lead by example, not by control. There are far more individuals who act in unethical ways towards each other, and towards the planet they live on, and it is demonstrable in this day and age of bureaucratic agencies that proliferate the planet, that their so called "control" does nothing to change that. Indeed, it is arguable that these government agencies facilitate unethical actions, not discourage them.

The United Nations must never, ever be allowed the authority to govern over free people. Freedom has never truly had a chance to flourish, and will surely never get that chance if agencies such as the United Nations are allowed to push forth their insidious agendas.

All people, as individuals, are on a personal journey, and they must, within the parameters of respect and regard for unalienable rights of individuals, be left alone to follow their path, and seek their own enlightenment.

Contrary to some peoples beliefs, natural convection can only take place in a gravitational field, but is not limited to the planet Earth. While Earth is the planet of which we now reside, we are not hopelessly trapped here, and have made great strides toward creating the means by which to escape our planet, and eventually the solar system in search of other hospitable planets. The universe is abundant, and it is abundance that we must endeavor towards, not scarcity. Scarcity is a method of control. Those who wish to control individuals will do all they can to ensure that scarcity is the consciousness by which we live. Those who seek freedom understand that abundance is the proper and natural state for all living beings.

There are those who would advocate a return to what Marshall Sahlins, in his book Stone Age Economics, calls the "original affluent society", which would be a return to the stone age, when we were nothing more than hunter - gatherers helplessly the effect of our environment, instead of cause over it. They would call this the "Age of Man", they would present it as a "higher level of awareness", they will do all they can to pretend that such advocacy is benign and magnanimous. It is a call for regression. It is a call for contraction. Either we will continue to expand as individuals, or we will contract. The choice is ours.

These sycophants of one world government will ramble on and on with symbolism and semantics, and will endeavor greatly to diminish natural law, while upholding the notion that humans can make law. They preach fear in order to convince their audience that without this man made law, humanity would perish. Yet, when legislatures and governments wisely legislate discovered law, i.e. unalienable rights, those societies flourish, and when governments begin legislating invented "laws", that create closed systems, those societies tend toward chaos. Even so, those who believe they are know better than you will tell you that you cannot be trusted to govern yourself, and that you must be regulated in every facet of your day to day living. They will tell you it is for your own good.

Law is self evident, and what is for your own good is also self evident and needs no explanation.

Respect the rights of others, respect your own rights and govern yourself.

It matters not if you are man, or you are woman. Respect the unalienable rights of all people and you are necessarily behaving lawfully. Deny or disparage those rights and you are necessarily acting unlawfully. This is not so because I say it is so, this is so because it is law. Not law created by men, not law created by women, but law that has existed long before humanity made the scene, and if humanity must perish, law will exist long after humanity exits the scene. Flourish and prosper, or perish. Expand or contract. The choice is yours, it has always been yours, and it will always be yours.

Choose to govern yourself, accept responsibility for that government, and obey the law, and it is a fair prediction that prosperity will result. Choose to surrender your rights, choose to oppress the rights of others, and refuse to accept responsibility for that, and it is a fair prediction that chaos will result.

The choice is yours.

Wow that was brilliant Jean Paul Zodeaux!!! I would give you a hundred stars if I could! Also quoted the whole thing it was so good! I hadn't seen you posting for a while so it is good to see you post again my friend and what a great post it is!

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I agree, Leo, that we are all different.

But we are definitely animals. And not even the most intelligent ones apparently (why does that not surprise me?)

Yes, as individuals, a lot of us do care, deeply, about others.

But unfortunately there is a mass of humanity who could be in a position to help others, and the planet, who just don't care.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by calstorm

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by calstorm

Each culture should have its respectful place, each religion has served a certain group of people for a certain time and all of that should remain as a part of us.

Funny thing is...the last people that will agree on unity....will be those of religion.

We can respectfully cherish all things of Earths past...and make great new things to be remembered too.

And they shouldn't have to. They have the right to believe what they want, and if they decide to change that belief it should be their choice, something that they decided on their own, with out outside interference.
If someone wants to have a religion where only people whose name starts with the letter P, can be apart, that is their right!

It saddens me to see you talk cultures being in the past that should be preserved, to be experienced by future generations.

I never ever said people should not have the right to think what they want...and I never said cultures would become 'nothing'.

I never said anyone should not have the right to any religion or new belief. I never said people should not decide on their own.

The only reason I used cultures in 'past' tense is to show we can keep any culture alive, through respect. We dont have to let Indians culture die, for example. America is full of many cultures...we eat many cultures foods and recipes...we have tried to respect and love different cultures.

Im sorry that you took my word as 'past' as if they should go away or not be anymore.

Im all for individual rights to beliefs and ways of long as it does not harm others or take rights away from others.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

We are creatures, defiantly....but we are very different then animals in many ways. We can figure things out, we can critically thing and analyze better ways, to improve.

We have the ability to observe and improve our ways and this makes us different then the common animal. Dont you think?

Going to bed for now....been a late one here at ATS

Great conversation though going on here...I think its good for us all to discuss this kind of stuff.

My point being....there has to be better ways...and we need to start thinking about those critically and cognitively.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 09:38 AM
I'm starting to come to the realization that a one world everything is necessary, if not the next step. All these borders just give us another reason to fight eachother and live separately.

I would agree to this but on one term.

Man can not rule as he is not fit to. I would fight if a council of however many wanted to take power. This would only work if EVERY MAN WERE EQUAL, not the few put in power, not even 1, not even a 100.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

In a one world system, there is no more military defense for regions.

That means the 1 world military will be able to crush anyone they want, and use the 1 world media to lie to everyone and say those people were bad and evil, when in reality all they wanted was independence from the oppressive global tyranny.

We have already had a foretaste of this type of policy. If you want to see how a "One world government" really would work take a look at the Ukraine during the 1930's.

The Soviet government has preserved the greatest secrecy concerning the exact number of persons who perished in Ukraine during the Genocide Famine, but analysis of recently revealed Soviet census data comparing 1939 with 1926 figures suggest that no fewer than ten million men, women , and children perished.

Walter Duranty - New York Times journalist who in 1930s misled the world with his mendacious articles on the situation in Ukraine, claiming that there were no famine there. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his fictitious articles which denied that peasants were being starved to death in Ukraine

No thank you I will keep my guns and sovereignty.

“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” - George Santayana

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:20 AM
A one world government is like a monoculture farm, ie. a farm that grows only one crop. If a disease or pest comes along and wipes out the crop, the farm is done for. We need a diversity of nations so that if a crisis develops and threatens to destroy certain types of nations, there will still nations left that have policies that work. If all nations were one, and a crisis developed that destroyed it, there would be no working political system left that is able to continue civilized existence. Diversity is the key to survival in nature and with nations.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by MichiganSwampBuck
A one world government is like a monoculture farm, ie. a farm that grows only one crop. If a disease or pest comes along and wipes out the crop, the farm is done for. We need a diversity of nations so that if a crisis develops and threatens to destroy certain types of nations, there will still nations left that have policies that work. If all nations were one, and a crisis developed that destroyed it, there would be no working political system left that is able to continue civilized existence. Diversity is the key to survival in nature and with nations.

I agree with your logic in nature.

Humans though are a advanced species which can overcome senarios like you stated.

A one world Government will still have separate countrys which operate similar to states in a single country. Each country have their own culture and diversity and they deserve that through what they achieved in history.

Diversity will always be in life and nations just like each individual experiences different aspects of life. To operate all systems for the one common goal will encourage the next generation to understand the meaning of support and respect for others instead of isolation and selfishness!

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Archangelelijah

One World, Billions of People, Self Government is a Must!

It is time for all New World Order sycophants to understand that all governments, regardless of their form, exist by consent of the governed. This will come to a shock to the so called "elite", but I have never met a person who doesn't engage in some form of elitism. Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, all are elitists, and look down their noses on some - sometimes many - people. The so called "elite" have no monopoly on this form of self serving emotion. Those that claim, (perhaps even genuinely believe), that they are only attempting to "assist" humanity to the "next level" are demonstrably megalomaniacs.

All closed systems tend towards entropy. This is a fact of the universe, and financial systems are no different. As long as the financial system is a closed system, where regulatory and licensing schemes exist, shutting out many in favor of the few, then those financial systems will tend towards entropy. Another word for entropy in this context would be chaos.

We are all individuals, and as individuals we have individually polluted our planet collectively, but we did not do it as a collective, we did individually each and everyone of us who did it. There are those individuals who endeavor daily to act in ethical ways towards others and towards the planet we live on. They lead by example, not by control. There are far more individuals who act in unethical ways towards each other, and towards the planet they live on, and it is demonstrable in this day and age of bureaucratic agencies that proliferate the planet, that their so called "control" does nothing to change that. Indeed, it is arguable that these government agencies facilitate unethical actions, not discourage them.

All people, as individuals, are on a personal journey, and they must, within the parameters of respect and regard for unalienable rights of individuals, be left alone to follow their path, and seek their own enlightenment.

Contrary to some peoples beliefs, natural convection can only take place in a gravitational field, but is not limited to the planet Earth. While Earth is the planet of which we now reside, we are not hopelessly trapped here, and have made great strides toward creating the means by which to escape our planet, and eventually the solar system in search of other hospitable planets. The universe is abundant, and it is abundance that we must endeavor towards, not scarcity. Scarcity is a method of control. Those who wish to control individuals will do all they can to ensure that scarcity is the consciousness by which we live. Those who seek freedom understand that abundance is the proper and natural state for all living beings.

There are those who would advocate a return to what Marshall Sahlins, in his book Stone Age Economics, calls the "original affluent society", which would be a return to the stone age, when we were nothing more than hunter - gatherers helplessly the effect of our environment, instead of cause over it. They would call this the "Age of Man", they would present it as a "higher level of awareness", they will do all they can to pretend that such advocacy is benign and magnanimous. It is a call for regression. It is a call for contraction. Either we will continue to expand as individuals, or we will contract. The choice is ours.

These sycophants of one world government will ramble on and on with symbolism and semantics, and will endeavor greatly to diminish natural law, while upholding the notion that humans can make law. They preach fear in order to convince their audience that without this man made law, humanity would perish. Yet, when legislatures and governments wisely legislate discovered law, i.e. unalienable rights, those societies flourish, and when governments begin legislating invented "laws", that create closed systems, those societies tend toward chaos. Even so, those who believe they are know better than you will tell you that you cannot be trusted to govern yourself, and that you must be regulated in every facet of your day to day living. They will tell you it is for your own good.

Law is self evident, and what is for your own good is also self evident and needs no explanation.

Respect the rights of others, respect your own rights and govern yourself.

Choose to govern yourself, accept responsibility for that government, and obey the law, and it is a fair prediction that prosperity will result. Choose to surrender your rights, choose to oppress the rights of others, and refuse to accept responsibility for that, and it is a fair prediction that chaos will result.

The choice is yours.

Yes we are all elite but require security and support for our direction in life! Would you call a parent attempting to guide their children megalomaniacs?

You said it! The world has always been in chaos under your word of entropy.
Leading by example is a form of control!

Every individual is operating under a collective system and must seek their enlightenment in their own personal experiences in life.

We have achieved where we are through the abundant population of all humans with their work ethic and labour. All individuals creating a collective energy is scarcity! It is a system under control.

We will progressively expand if world society understand the choice which has to be made for all individuals.

Law is required to support everyone. This is not self evident. As you stated we all interpret things differently and some people don't have the same ethic and mindset as us. These people need guidence the correct way through social law. It is not self evident for certain people and needs explanation!

The current generation lacks the respect and rights of others and fail to understand the meaning of their own rights and the abilty to govern themself for individual enlightment.

You state obey the Law. This is what society brings to individuals. This will bring joint prosperity. Chaos will only reign if citizens do not accept themself and what they must give to society. This will be the choice!

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

Yes we are all elite but require security and support for our direction in life! Would you call a parent attempting to guide their children megalomaniacs?

I would call a person who assumes a parental role over humanity, necessarily relegating humanity to the role of "children", a megalomaniac.

You said it! The world has always been in chaos under your word of entropy. Leading by example is a form of control!

My word of entropy? It is a word used by physicists in discussing the second law of thermodynamics, and stated another way it could be said that the entropy of a closed system always increases. While this is a law of physics regarding thermodynamics it is self evident that this law is universal and extends itself to all systems, including financial systems. The closed system marketed today as a "free market" is clearly tending towards entropy.

"Leading by example is a form of control"? It is a form of self control, but should not in anyway be equated with the oppressive control that petty tyrants are so enamored with. Your choice to use doublespeak is telling, but it has no effect on those disciplined in critical thought.

Every individual is operating under a collective system and must seek their enlightenment in their own personal experiences in life.

More doublespeak! When it comes to personal enlightenment the "collective system" you hope to convolve with enlightenment is moot. When it comes to humanity, the collective cannot exist without the individual, but the individual can exist without the collective. A human body is a collective system of organs, and each organ can be viewed in their individual functions, but society is not a human body, and the people who reside in a society are not organs of that society, even if sociologists, such as Herbert Spencer, would like to use such an analogy. It is an analogy that diminishes the individual in favor of the collective. It is an analogy that deems society a closed system, rather than an open system. It is an analogy that favors entropy over neguentropy.

We have achieved where we are through the abundant population of all humans with their work ethic and labour. All individuals creating a collective energy is scarcity! It is a system under control.

And the doublespeak continues: "All individuals creating a collective energy is scarcity!" It is not just doublespeak it is empty rhetoric that means nothing. Nomen inane. Worse, it is propaganda selling scarcity as something we should embrace rather than reject. It is insidious nonsense.

We will progressively expand if world society understand the choice which has to be made for all individuals.

And even more doublespeak! We as individuals will "progressively expand" - a redundant phrase if ever there was one - if a "world society" understands the choice that has to be made for those individuals? The work ethic and labour you referred to earlier is an individual effort at all times, and never a function of collectives, only the consequence of collectives when individual agree to collectively work together to achieve something. The collective will not accomplish a thing without that individual effort. The work ethic, a crucial part of any individual effort can not be mandated, nor legislated into existence. It must be the choice of the individual alone. If that individual eschews a work ethic then their labour will suffer for it. Your advocacy of creating a world society that makes choices for the individual is nothing more than an advocacy for tyranny.

Law is required to support everyone. This is not self evident. As you stated we all interpret things differently and some people don't have the same ethic and mindset as us. These people need guidence the correct way through social law. It is not self evident for certain people and needs explanation!

I did not state that "we all interpret things differently" and made no mention of interpretation. I said what I said and I did not say what I did not say.

What is required is determined by law, not by legislation, but by law. Law is self evident, what is not always self evident is the positive acts of legislation that attempt correct problems before they happen. No amount of legislation will prevent an asteroid from crashing down on Earth, nor will it prevent an earthquake, or a flood, and legislation will not even prevent the unpreparedness of some individuals who would face such natural disasters. Legislation that attempts to accomplish this foolishness always requires explanation, and usually that explanation is that it is "for your own good". However, as I did state, what is for our own good is self evident and needs no explanation.

"These people", as you put it, that need your "guidance" through "social law", of whom you have deemed too stupid to understand to understand law - natural law - are far smarter than you are willing to give them credit for, and precisely because of this, you come off as a petty tyrant who cannot be trusted. Your so called "guidance" is nothing more than doublespeak for control over others that you fear. Fear is a base emotion and has nothing at all to do with the love a parent holds for their children.

The current generation lacks the respect and rights of others and fail to understand the meaning of their own rights and the abilty to govern themself for individual enlightment.

It is you who lacks the respect for the rights of others, and have gone out of your way to demonstrate this profound lack of respect. You pay lip service to individual enlightenment but advocate only the "enlightenment" you deem appropriate. You have openly and brazenly looked down your nose at "this generation" and declared yourself the "elite" that you speak of in your original post. You have insidiously embraced some sort of divine right of rule, and justify your lack of ethics by insisting that only you - and by implication your generation, (whatever that is) - are enlightened enough to make choices for those you so clearly revile.

You state obey the Law. This is what society brings to individuals. This will bring joint prosperity. Chaos will only reign if citizens do not accept themself and what they must give to society. This will be the choice!

Societies do not "bring" law to individuals. Law exists and either people obey that law, or they do not. The law of gravity existed long before Sir Isaac Newton wrote down the equation on paper, and gravity did not come into play because Newton legislated it, and so too do the rights of all individuals exist whether legislatures recognize this or not. All law works in the negative sense - as opposed to positive acts of legislation that attempt to prohibit or prevent - and when one disobeys the laws of gravity, there are often times dire consequences to this. Gravity is not noticeable until it works in the negative, that is to say, when one jumps off a cliff, then gravity becomes noticeable, or when an apple falls from a tree and bonks one on the head, then gravity becomes noticeable. This is what is meant by the negative. The rights of individuals are not noticeable until they are denied or disparaged, and then, in the event of this absence of justice, that right, or those rights, are quite noticeable.

What are rights? Rights are those actions that we do that, outside of self defense, defense of property, or defense of others whose rights are being disparaged, cause no harm. That which causes harm, unless it is done to protect that which is a right, is not a right. Causing harm to another is a crime and that crime creates a victim. If there is no victim, then there is no crime. This is how we know what is and what is not a right. It is self evident by the victim, or lack thereof, affected by the action. If we cause no harm, then what we do, we do by right.

Individuals do not owe a damn thing to society. Society will never buy me a beer, nor will it ever buy you a beer, but in the course of human events, there very well may come a time when you and I will meet in person and such an event will afford me the opportunity to buy you a beer, or you I. No person should ever live for the sake of another, nor should they ask others to live for their sake. All people should live for their own sake, and should do what they can, do what they must, to understand what that sake is. They should endeavor to live in their own best interest, because surely you have demonstrated that if they left their own best interest in your hands, they would be screwed.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 09:44 PM
This sounds a bit like an advertisment for the eutopian religion - Baha'i

Info if you don't know about it -

Unfortunately it's the most flawed philosophy ever concocted to unite the planet. One world , one language, one people, one blah blah blah....

Cultural / Spiritual / Individual / Psychological Diversity combined with love, wisdom, acceptance and tolerance is the only way to a sustainable and SELF-evolving human system. The NWO seeks to strip us of our individuality and self-determination. It is clearly a plot to break down and dominate the human spirit and all that is 'light'.

Wake up my friend and smell the stench that eminates from those who seek to control and manipulate rather than liberate.

I myself however am not worried about what is to come as I know in my heart that Christ Consciousness will prevail in the end (days).

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 09:47 PM
haha are you serious?

the idea of a One World Government, ran by anyone short of Jesus Christ, is a ridiculous nothing. i think we should go back to local government but under a universal protocol perhaps.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

If Jesus returned and stated he was here for his children then you would call him a Megalomaniac!

I don't disrespect others and never will! You don't know me at all and have no idea of my background.

Have you noticed comments made here on ATS or have you been to the local supermarket and experienced the way most youth speak to their elders! This is a lack of respect in common manners for eachother. Even members of the older generations have a lack of respect for the enviornment they live in.

You might think I always doublespeak as you call it and thats your opinion which you and every other person is entitled too. My words are for the common person to understand with a meaning behind it.

I'm not a member of the elite! On the contrary, I am just a normal citizen on the bottom of the triangle supporting the elite in labour and someone who understands the operational logistics of life. You would not believe that I am a humble security guard!

You are a scholar and should understand the system thats in place. Use your wisdom and read my OP carefully!

Life is free will for each individual which is the right to govern yourself like you earlier stated! This has created the system we are now all a part of in learning. You would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if this was not the case.

Reverse Live and Lived and what do you get! The serpent (Devil) tempted humans with knowledge through Adam and Eve with the apple. How do you think we got here today!

The English language is the most prolific in the world. Understand why and you will truly learn.

edit on 15-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

You're wasting your time. One worlders will never see the evils of the "unity" they are proposing until they study out of their field of comfort. History has shown the evils committed when trying to create such a utopia. But they will try, try again, doing the same thing and expecting different results.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:56 PM
It is time for us to Reveal that there are two NWO. One is the Dark and Evil one that uses extremities to control and stay in power.
The other is the Light,which will be the guiding force in the golden age(The New Era) From the survivors of the great upheaval that will change the inside and surface of this planet,a guardian of the planet and humanity will introduce the NWO of the Light. All the ones that are unworthy of existing peacefully and in harmony with nature and other lifeforms( including animals and others) shall not be able to materialise. In the process of the Great Cleaning of the Universe those who are unworthy of existing without causing others to suffer shall have their existence terminated.
"It shall come to pass,the combined vibrations,energies and powers of All beings,All Lifeforms and All lifeforces shall merge in the neutral infinite force and enable the Combined Guardian Force of All Universe to Change and Correct the outdated and Unsuitable Laws of the Universe that is causing so much suffering in the Whole Universe."
The Combined power of Billions and billions of entities,lifeforms and lifeforces merged into one infinite force is the absolute and infinite Power of the light of good of the Whole Universe.
Project an image of the pure bluish white ray or rod of light shining endlessly through each end of you vision in your mind to connect and share your effort to support the fight to be able to exist Truely Freely.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Archangelelijah

If Jesus returned and stated he was here for his children then you would call him a Megalomaniac!

Do you now compare yourself to Jesus?

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 7:15

I call you a megalomaniac, not Jesus, for truly where Jesus preached a message of individual accountability and love and insisted that the only higher authority was that of Yaweh, you preach a message of a higher authority in the guise of humans who claim some sort of divine right to rule over humanity.

I don't disrespect others and never will!

Oh but you do! Have you forgotten your own words?

The current generation lacks the respect and rights of others and fail to understand the meaning of their own rights and the abilty to govern themself for individual enlightment.

These are not words of respect you have typed, they are words of disrespect to an entire generation!

You don't know me at all and have no idea of my background.

What does that have to do with what you are preaching here?

Have you noticed comments made here on ATS or have you been to the local supermarket and experienced the way most youth speak to their elders! This is a lack of respect in common manners for eachother. Even members of the older generations have a lack of respect for the enviornment they live in.

I have had the profound privilege of knowing young members on ATS who are very respectful to not just their elders but to each other. I have been to the supermarket and seen plenty of young people not only act respectfully towards others, but help others! Respect for their elders? Being an elder does not mean you have earned the respect of strangers, regardless of how much younger they are than you, and yet, (not that you have apparently noticed this), there are plenty of young people who will afford you this unearned respect anyway. You must necessarily ignore this and speak in gross generalities in order to make your claims about the younger generation.

You might think I always doublespeak as you call it and thats your opinion which you and every other person is entitled too. My words are for the common person to understand with a meaning behind it.

Doublespeak is just as easily ferreted out by the "common person" as it is by the uncommon.

I'm not a member of the elite! On the contrary, I am just a normal citizen on the bottom of the triangle supporting the elite in labour and someone who understands the operational logistics of life. You would not believe that I am a humble security guard!

I would most certainly have a hard time believing you are humble, but no problem at all in believing that you are a security guard. Have you been to the supermarket and noticed the way security guards dress and act there? Hardly as humble guardians of the public, but instead as arrogant enforcers of elitism, often times dressed in a paramilitary uniform. Nope, no problem at all in believing that you are a security guard.

You are a scholar and should understand the system thats in place. Use your wisdom and read my OP carefully!

I am a common man who has disciplined my mind in critical thought, which means I did read your original post very carefully!

Life is free will for each individual which is the right to govern yourself like you earlier stated! This has created the system we are now all a part of in learning. You would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if this was not the case.

More doublespeak? Do you mean I would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if it weren't for my own free will and self government, or do you mean that I would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if it weren't for the system we are all now a part of in learning? One has nothing to do with the other, and the vast majority of the knowledge I have gained I discovered once I graduated from learning institutions and used my own free will to discover that knowledge.

Reverse Live and Lived and what do you get! The serpent (Devil) tempted humans with knowledge through Adam and Eve with the apple. How do you think we got here today!

Regardless of who did the tempting, Adam and Eve were endowed with free will just as you and I are, and in the end they chose to know good and evil, and this became their journey, and this is now our journey, to reconcile the knowledge of good and evil within a human mind, and the contradiction that comes with good in evil within our spiritual self. For truly the spiritual self recognizes that on a higher plane there is no evil, only good. Yet, this a journey each person must make on their own terms in their own way, and it is not up to you or I to decide for them when and where they reach that journeys end.

The English language is the most prolific in the world. Understand why and you will truly learn.

On the contrary, mathematics is the most prolific language in the world. Understand why and you will truly learn.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Archangelelijah

If Jesus returned and stated he was here for his children then you would call him a Megalomaniac!

Do you now compare yourself to Jesus?

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matthew 7:15

I call you a megalomaniac, not Jesus, for truly where Jesus preached a message of individual accountability and love and insisted that the only higher authority was that of Yaweh, you preach a message of a higher authority in the guise of humans who claim some sort of divine right to rule over humanity.

I don't disrespect others and never will!

Oh but you do! Have you forgotten your own words?

The current generation lacks the respect and rights of others and fail to understand the meaning of their own rights and the abilty to govern themself for individual enlightment.

These are not words of respect you have typed, they are words of disrespect to an entire generation!

You don't know me at all and have no idea of my background.

What does that have to do with what you are preaching here?

Have you noticed comments made here on ATS or have you been to the local supermarket and experienced the way most youth speak to their elders! This is a lack of respect in common manners for eachother. Even members of the older generations have a lack of respect for the enviornment they live in.

I have had the profound privilege of knowing young members on ATS who are very respectful to not just their elders but to each other. I have been to the supermarket and seen plenty of young people not only act respectfully towards others, but help others! Respect for their elders? Being an elder does not mean you have earned the respect of strangers, regardless of how much younger they are than you, and yet, (not that you have apparently noticed this), there are plenty of young people who will afford you this unearned respect anyway. You must necessarily ignore this and speak in gross generalities in order to make your claims about the younger generation.

You might think I always doublespeak as you call it and thats your opinion which you and every other person is entitled too. My words are for the common person to understand with a meaning behind it.

Doublespeak is just as easily ferreted out by the "common person" as it is by the uncommon.

I'm not a member of the elite! On the contrary, I am just a normal citizen on the bottom of the triangle supporting the elite in labour and someone who understands the operational logistics of life. You would not believe that I am a humble security guard!

I would most certainly have a hard time believing you are humble, but no problem at all in believing that you are a security guard. Have you been to the supermarket and noticed the way security guards dress and act there? Hardly as humble guardians of the public, but instead as arrogant enforcers of elitism, often times dressed in a paramilitary uniform. Nope, no problem at all in believing that you are a security guard.

You are a scholar and should understand the system thats in place. Use your wisdom and read my OP carefully!

I am a common man who has disciplined my mind in critical thought, which means I did read your original post very carefully!

Life is free will for each individual which is the right to govern yourself like you earlier stated! This has created the system we are now all a part of in learning. You would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if this was not the case.

More doublespeak? Do you mean I would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if it weren't for my own free will and self government, or do you mean that I would have no knowledge of language in an educated form if it weren't for the system we are all now a part of in learning? One has nothing to do with the other, and the vast majority of the knowledge I have gained I discovered once I graduated from learning institutions and used my own free will to discover that knowledge.

Reverse Live and Lived and what do you get! The serpent (Devil) tempted humans with knowledge through Adam and Eve with the apple. How do you think we got here today!

Regardless of who did the tempting, Adam and Eve were endowed with free will just as you and I are, and in the end they chose to know good and evil, and this became their journey, and this is now our journey, to reconcile the knowledge of good and evil within a human mind, and the contradiction that comes with good in evil within our spiritual self. For truly the spiritual self recognizes that on a higher plane there is no evil, only good. Yet, this a journey each person must make on their own terms in their own way, and it is not up to you or I to decide for them when and where they reach that journeys end.

The English language is the most prolific in the world. Understand why and you will truly learn.

On the contrary, mathematics is the most prolific language in the world. Understand why and you will truly learn.

I did not disrespect an entire generation. I stated most youth! That is not an entire generation is it!

You are clearly disrespecting me my stating that Security Guards are the way they are! They do a excellent service for the community.

You have no idea! You are well informed but have no common sence. This is the most natural information we all have!

Yes, on a higher plane there is nothing but good. This is not on Earth at the moment. This is why people have religion and pray in times of need. If we all considered it good like you stated, law would not be required and we would not kill to eat. The truly spiritual will overcome this ethic and think of nothing but good with the offerings of life and live again! People must go through this period first!

You obviously didn't read my OP carefully! I stated maths, science and religion is nessasary and go hand in hand. Maths is a universal language. Numbers created what we have today. Money is this Physical form.
Measurements are in everything we do. The Pyramids were made to perfect mathematical equasions for this reason.
How do you think mankind understood the meaning of time. Through numbers!

All people are humble people! Keep up your ridicule. It doesn't bother me. It shows me who you are!
edit on 16-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

edit on 16-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

edit on 16-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by 1Starman
It is time for us to Reveal that there are two NWO. One is the Dark and Evil one that uses extremities to control and stay in power.
The other is the Light,which will be the guiding force in the golden age(The New Era) From the survivors of the great upheaval that will change the inside and surface of this planet,a guardian of the planet and humanity will introduce the NWO of the Light. All the ones that are unworthy of existing peacefully and in harmony with nature and other lifeforms( including animals and others) shall not be able to materialise. In the process of the Great Cleaning of the Universe those who are unworthy of existing without causing others to suffer shall have their existence terminated.
"It shall come to pass,the combined vibrations,energies and powers of All beings,All Lifeforms and All lifeforces shall merge in the neutral infinite force and enable the Combined Guardian Force of All Universe to Change and Correct the outdated and Unsuitable Laws of the Universe that is causing so much suffering in the Whole Universe."
The Combined power of Billions and billions of entities,lifeforms and lifeforces merged into one infinite force is the absolute and infinite Power of the light of good of the Whole Universe.
Project an image of the pure bluish white ray or rod of light shining endlessly through each end of you vision in your mind to connect and share your effort to support the fight to be able to exist Truely Freely.

We all have the light inside of us. The light guides us out of darkness!

Yes you are correct in stating all beings are as one! This is my original point.

The NWO has the third eye (Eye of Horus in Egytian terms) or all seeing eye in which is our spiritual self understanding our surroundings in the spiritual realm and the age of technology in the physical world where all information is kept via computer systems and surveillance cameras.

In time all will see the light. This will come with a fight but in the end it will be right!
edit on 16-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

edit on 16-1-2011 by Archangelelijah because: info

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