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Plus degrees in December (Polar night ends TWO DAYS early? )

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

It's depressing isn't it? So little rational and critical thinkings on display. And only days after some of the best ATS sleuthing and cooperation I've ever seen.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:29 PM
I'm sure this could be easily checked... but it would make sense that the icecaps in Greenland have gone down after the volcano left ash all over it and Europe which warmed the ice everywhere.

That said, photos would easily show if the landscape is lower as opposed to sun rising earlier due to a tilt or change in the sun.

and it should be everywhere - sun rises and sunsets are in almanacs everywhere - this shouldn't be hard for us to check no matter where we are.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:48 PM
When I hear stuff like this I think, well, let me check with Stellarium and see if things are as they should be. Then I remind myself that the software was made available to us for free, and possibly programmed to account for changes that some are aware of as we remain clueless.

The shame of it is that I have to resort to a program as opposed to just knowing. You'd think it would've taken more than a couple of generations to virtually eliminate the celestial knowledge our forebears used daily from the general public's consciousness, but I guess that's testament to the power of the Julian calendar that took us off the natural moon cycles and my just dessert for listening to Meteorologists as opposed to having that knowledge myself.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:59 PM
Good find.

IMO it is not possible at all that this is due to icecaps melting, you know why? Because the melted ice should have gone somewhere and it would mean a global ocean rise which would have been noticed.

Such a melting would have resulted in a few hundreds of feet of ice been melted on both poles and that would have caused several islands to dissapear completely. So imo the change happened on the crust of the Earth. For some unknown reason the crust has been either compressed at the Ecuador, or we had the landmasses of both poles rise at once.

A lot of people don't want to believe this, but there are large changes occurring in the Solar System which are affecting all planets, and not just Earth, so again in my opinion something from outside the Solar System is the culprit to this event, but I could be wrong.

edit on 13-1-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: errors.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Perhaps the Earth has tilted on its axis or sped up in its orbit because of the gravitational and electromagnetic effects of Planet X.

According to this report, Planet X is approaching the plane of ecliptic from below Jupiter now:


Planet X explains so much of what's happening now, because it also affects the Sun, which in turn affects the Earth's weather. And since there's a massive Planet X cover-up going on at NASA and various other government agencies, that would explain why there's so little media coverage about stuff like this.

Mark Hazlewood wrote an interesting book about Planet X, which you can read online here:

He was wrong about Planet X arriving in 2003, but if you change that year to 2011 or 2012, it still makes a lot of sense.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:14 PM
Global warming is rubbish, so this phenomena couldn't be blame on that. Climatechange is a reality but that's not the reason for this event.

The Earths axis is on a tilt. This tilt is what makes the seasons occur and the summer equinox and the winter solstice. All plants rely and evolved along this tilt occuring every year because the plants we eat start to flower when the days start getting shorter. This event in the arctic took place because the tilt of te earth occurred at a time that wasn't in it's normal cycle. If this type of behavior persists then the light cycle of earth will change. To what extent? I don't know. But it's not going to hurt us if the cycle is shifted 2 days ahead. Nothing to worry about. But it's earth changes as climate change is a result of earth changes. The earth tilt is not a result of climate change rather climate change is a result of the tilt change.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:17 PM
This is just another thing we really may never know but I give all here credit for trying to figure out what is going on.

As some here know I am an experiencer (yes, with those dreaded Aliens) I have observed here on this Planet from things I have been shown and told when there. I don't know when the events are to happen but I do know that an extinction level event was to take place here on this Planet and that they consider us worth saving because we are evolving (even though they say we are evolving slowly)

Not getting into it but in short all that is happening has to happen to lesson this event. I believe the event will be in an area not expected look for magnetic anomalities on the Central Mid-Atlantic Ridge. I was shown the big event it will start off of Brazil then the P-WAVE will come and the entire hump of Africa and surrounding Countries will be hit with the largest quake ever recorded.

I don't expect you to believe but just store this info in the back of your brains. Alien ship activity should pick up in the areas of Volcanoes. Keep your eyes to the skies

I really don't like writing what I wrote because I do know how members are here on ATS and hey you never know I could be wrong but sadly I don't think so.

It will be worse before it gets better but the New Beginning is coming why do you think the Governments are doing all they are doing now with money etc.......they know

I know enough is enough

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I guess we can make light of it (as you appear to be doing) or...... read a lot more into it.

Rather than make an ass of myself, I read about it before posting. I checked the links in the article and then had a look through recent news on Greenland news sites. Nothing out there. It was early so maybe I missed something?

I'd say if the Sun's been rising....after a typical season of darkness...on Jan.13th for centuries (if not millennium) then one year it arose on the 11th instead..... I think I'd be a little alarmed too.

Don't be offended by this question, but I'll ask it anyway. Are you aware that it's the same sun that everyone sees? I met a guy once who thought hotter countries had their own sun. He hadn't really thought about it, so it made sense to him.

The sun can't be rising 'TWO DAYS early' if it's rising on schedule in every other country. This being the case, your interpretation of the article must be mistaken.

In several of your ATS posts and threads, you stand out as an excitable guy. Is it just possible that you've overreacted slightly to this article? Rather than the Earth moving/constellations shifting/OMFG panic scenario you're experiencing...could it be a simple case of a brighter sky on the 11th of January?

reply to post by theRhenn

Correct, but it has to be something noticable that hasnt been seen before.

I agree that it seems like something unusual occurred. Something weather-based seems more likely than some of the suggestions being raised in the thread. If the sunrise is on time everywhere else on the planet, it's on time in Greenland.

edit on 13-1-2011 by Kandinsky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:24 PM
Now that I think more about it, there is the possibility of the Earth's axis tilting as well causing this effect.

But if this was the case wouldn't other cities close to the poles also experience a change in how early the Sun would rise?

Wouldn't they also experience a few weeks of darkness if such a tilt would have occurred?

Whatever the case might be something must have caused this change.

edit on 13-1-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: add comments.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

What are you talking about, if the sky is brighter something has changed, and that IS something to be excited about.

Also i have watched weather and the suns movement in the sky for years, and it has been shifting noticeably for at least the last 10 years...and lately it has been much darker in early december, and now it is much lighter (by 15 minutes roughly) than it was this time last year.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

See Kandinsky's post just above. "excitable guy" is apt......(you realize this same article had its own thread before yours, right??)

IN any case....

The earth has tilted and changed its orbit but it’s been quite subtle.

Honest? You wrote that....didn't you think it through? NO ONE ELSE on the planet has seen/measured any such thing!!! Nothing out of the ordinary.

The story about the person who thought his country was hotter because it had a different Sun made me think of the story of the imbecile who was going to build a rocket to go to visit the Sun...

..."But, it's too hot!" they told him.

"No problem, I figured that out." he said. "I'm going to arrive at night!!!"

I see similar thinking on ATS lately....and it's truly saddening...

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

What is truly saddening is that people are noticing remarkable changes and you tell them they are all on drugs.

Sorry but this is not the forum for you i guess...someone who sees NO coverups or anything out of the ordinary EVER.

Deny the obvious, slam the observers. Trust in your overlord corporations and programmed is all you do.

You seem like an intelligent person however people do not need to look for evidence of things being different from sources who will never look at such things the way someone who actually cares about them would.

Money rules the world of evidence from the sources you quote, always has and its amazing you cannot see that.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by GrinchNoMore
reply to post by weedwhacker

What is truly saddening is that people are noticing remarkable changes and you tell them they are all on drugs.

Sorry but this is not the forum for you i guess...someone who sees NO coverups or anything out of the ordinary EVER.

Money rules the world of evidence from the sources you quote, always has and its amazing you cannot see that.

These are remarkable changes that are being obsered, but there is not a cover up going on.

The earth's axis is on a tilt. This tilt is what makes the days get longer or shorter, thus the seasons and oter cycles of the earth. This event is the result of a minor change in the tilt of the earth. It is not the effect of "global warming" it's climate change and climate change is the resut of the earths axis tilt and other outside factors.

This event is a mere oberservation of gradual changes in the cycles of earth.
edit on 13-1-2011 by elfulanozutan0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:17 PM
I was thinking that one of the comments I read sounded very reasonable. I really think this solar system and galaxy needs to be determined as a one system deal.

In other words there is an alignment that has nothing to do with an ICE AGE. This alignment is a 24,000 period alignment deal.

It means that maybe an ICE AGE is not coming but a switch in weather being more regular.
This alignment maybe is what you would say an evener. It could be that we are evening out the cold and the heat of summer and winter.

It's just a thought but the whole solar system is going through an adjustment.

I do believe that we are Geo-Magnetically reversing the pole due to other planets at the same time doing the same thing.

This is in turn rebounding galactically in a one system deal. You have take in all the galaxy at this time because there really is higher sciences that should be put into play.

For instance, YUGAS of AVEDIC ASTROLOGY. Look to anchient sciences of stars.

This is a star systems alignment science I'm suggesting that indicates this is not something that can be explained away as another ICE AGE.

It's something that has to be networked with other sciences.

This is a call for scholars of all the world to start working together in say a forum on this subject I suggest. I'm no scholar but I research much on many subjects.

I would say the scholars out there that independently want to research and hypothesize a one system deal should create a forum for this outreach.

I would consider it an outreach to the simply ignorant to solve things where western sciences have been too heavily counted upon.

It would seem to me that it's time for a whole world approach counting many world sciences together to create something as simple as a forum online out of something like ATS.

Not ATS but use it as a resource through ATS linked to this site to provide a place for scholars and others that research many world sciences.

It's a good way to link the world up in a moment in history where frankly everyone is obviously confused even me.

Thank You, I hope some good worldly scholars get the urge to come together to create this forum linked through ATS for those that like myself could use clarity.

Peace, MUZEAM.......Think about it at least.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by GrinchNoMore

Also i have watched weather and the suns movement in the sky for years, and it has been shifting noticeably for at least the last 10 years...and lately it has been much darker in early december, and now it is much lighter (by 15 minutes roughly) than it was this time last year.

15 minutes in 10 years? Your perception is either bionically improved to notice a 70 second difference per year....or you're mistaken.

Check out...sunrise calculator. Our sun in the UK is bang on time every day.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

The sea currents slowed down a bit, and that can affect orbital stuff. Though more or less it's a minor interesting note. We don't know enough to assume anything.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:17 PM
What if we were actually 2 days further along our orbital plane? Our last known reference point would be the winter solstice/lunar eclipse, just because it occured when it was supposed to. If earth was speeding up would we notice and what would be the signs? If it did occur after the 21st of dec. that would mean we had sped up quite a bit(in order to be 2 days further along the orbital plane). Not sure if this theory holds water just a few thoughts.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Human_Alien

The sun can't be rising 'TWO DAYS early' if it's rising on schedule in every other country. This being the case, your interpretation of the article must be mistaken.

Ok then, why doesn't the sun rise there for 6 months a year...this logic is flawed, I think...we are talking about the extreme northern hemisphere, not Southern California.
edit on 13-1-2011 by odd1out because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:20 PM
Its pretty damn cold in NYC tell ya that
its about 20 degrees outside

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Human_Alien

The sea currents slowed down a bit, and that can affect orbital stuff. Though more or less it's a minor interesting note. We don't know enough to assume anything.

China's Monster Three Gorges Dam Is About To Slow The Rotation Of The Earth

A shift in a mass of that size would affect the rotation of the Earth due to a phenomena known as the moment of inertia, which is the inertia of a rigid rotating body with respect to its rotation. The moment of inertia of an object about a given axis describes how difficult it is to change its angular motion about that axis. The longer the distance of a mass to its axis of rotation, the slower it will spin. You may not know it, but you see examples of this in everyday life. For example, a figure skater attempting to spin faster will draw her arms tight to her bodies, and thereby reduce her moment of inertia. Similarly, a diver attempting to somersault faster will bring his body into a tucked position.

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