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Did you get a flu shot?

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:37 PM
I had the flu shot for the first time this year- darn thing nearly killed me!
Friday Nov 12 had the shot
Sat Nov 13 Flu symtoms
Sun Nove 14 Sickness and Diahorrea
Monday BP 66/47 severe renal hosp 7 days IV overload which lead to congestive heart failure...another 4 days in hosp whilst got rid of fluids with diuretic.
It contained and Australian (brsibane flu shot this year)......banned for under 5's due to seizures- contains neomycin (which can cause renal failure)
Lets face it guys do you really know what's in it
My husband who has always had the shot has decided not to take it next year.

Ps i now have permanent slight memory loss...was the shot worth it......Ha ha...and No One can give me answers...even a nusrse at the hospital asked me questions as soon as the dr went out the door as she wasn't sure whther to take it or not- she decided not to...and before anyone jumps on me aqnd says ok I was unlucky...just think about it at least....I was a healthy 48 yr old and now I can't have salt hardly...have to watch everything i eat...and can't remember stuff sometimes...I forget my next word..or I might forget what I'm doin next...THESE ARE PERMANENT SYMPTOMS THAT WILL NEVER GO AWAY...I LOST PART OF MY MEMORY (tears)
Anyway I HAD to share- oh and Iit is seming that I am permanently on a duiuretic once a day.
Regards- Jools

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by ReadyPower

Hey you are aware that when you get the flu shot, they are giving you a some dosage of the flu.

They do that with all vaccines, they put it in your system so your immune system can create an immunization for it.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:42 PM
I received a strange automated call yesterday,inviting me to come and have my flu shot,as records showed I had not gotten one yet. What the heck is that all about? Who has records like that? My brother-in-law is my Dr. It was not his office calling.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by ReadyPower
thanks for the replies.. some of the symptoms they have (or had) are congestion, cough, runny nose, and a slight fever. Some have been sick many days and others get over it in a day or two.

One of the main differences between the Flu and a common Cold is that with the Flu you dont usually get a runny nose, you do with a cold.

If you had the Flu you'd know it was the Flu, you'd definately be in your bed and unless you got your temp down you'd be hellucinating and possibly worse.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:45 PM
Didnt want one
(my instinct told me not to)
didnt get sick
didnt get scare by this flu scare
we never know what was that for .. the after effect can come forward on a long term basis

the vacine and the flu scare was obviously made for money profit so pharmaceutical compagny
can highly benefit from the WHO warnings (WHO + Pharmaceutical compagny = $$)
edit on 1/12/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:09 PM
a friend of mine show me this video a few months ago, its about a girl who got flu shot and ended up getting some disease.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:14 PM
I got a flu shot last June just as I do every year for the last 10+ years although I left it much later this time to ensure I had the most up to date one (normally I get a shot in mid Autumn which is around April in this hemisphere) and I've enjoyed excellent health ever since IE no health issues whatsoever. I only ever had a reaction to the flu shot once and that was very mild.

Been getting those shots every year since a bad dose of flu nearly finished me off with double pneumonia and all sorts of other complications as well. I lost a friend to last year's strain of flu (one who was adamant about never getting immunised)
edit on 12/1/2011 by Pilgrum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:21 PM
I did get my flu shot this year. I only do so after having life threatening pneumonia that caused COPD.

This may explain why some still got sick...

It states it can take up to two weeks for it to become fully effective andit still is not 100%.

I think twice about it every year myself, so I can understand why people refuse. I did not get sick this year though I did have pretty bad muscle aches the next day.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:26 PM
I have never had a flu shot and I have never had the flu. None of my family members ( in my household) have ever had a shot and we have never had a single occurrence of the flu.
My best friend and her entire family are vaccinated every year, and every year every single member gets the flu.
It could be a coincidence, but I will stick with what works for me.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Took the flu shot this year for the first time in probably 6 years. Took it Dec 20, I thought maybe this year I should take as I look after my elderly mother and did not want to make her sick, the flu would probably do her in.
Anyhow I never get sick, not so much as cold, I wash my hands a lot I am now sick with something, not the flu, cold, bronchitis, I don`t know. I started getting sick with what ever this was about the Monday of this week.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:09 PM
l have never had the flu jab, never will. l dont trust big pharma, never will.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Iamherefornow

Took the flu shot this year for the first time in probably 6 years. Took it Dec 20, I thought maybe this year I should take as I look after my elderly mother and did not want to make her sick, the flu would probably do her in.
Anyhow I never get sick, not so much as cold, I wash my hands a lot I am now sick with something, not the flu, cold, bronchitis, I don`t know. I started getting sick with what ever this was about the Monday of this week.

So your immune system is probably lower than usual just from the shot, lowering it more, getting you sick.

Chicken soup, honey for a sore throat, lots of tea, gingerale. Avoid dairy, red meat, and sugar. Spicy foods if you can handle them, help the sinuses.
Plenty of rest, and tv that makes you laugh.
Hope you feel better soon.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:43 PM
I didn`t get the flu jab because i dont trust vaccines no more.
I haven`t had the flu but i`ve had a slight cold for about 4 weeks.
I`m in the UK and although they say we have an Epidemic, i have still to here of anyone who has caught the flu.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:55 PM
Flu Vaccine Fraud

Go get a flu jab ... you now have the flu to pass onto other people

Big Pharma makes money on the vaccines
Big Pharma makes money on the flu medicines, cough syrups, headache tablets

Dont spread this virus for them by getting jabbed.... its a very dangerous ponzi scheme

If you are ill Take Vitimin D3 tablets to boost immunse system
and a swig of Apple Cider Vineger which is Yuck ...but same acid as metabolism will
help flush the virus out of your system ...

Russia Today has covered this Big Pharma con .. If noone got jabbbed -- be no flu period !

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:01 PM
The corporation I work for has a contest on right now. Everyone is given a group colour and if you are in this group you need to find the form and check off that you've had the flu shot. The winning groups get things like flat screen TV's and stuff. I'm ignoring the whole thing as I have other things to worry about. Anyway, recently they blocked all radio stations sites on the internet because we're not supposed to enter contests on the's up with that?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:02 PM
Pfft. I have only gotten sick once this whole year. The day I was sick was the day after I got the tetanus shot required for a school I applied to.

I avoid most vaccinations like the plague. I just don't trust them, and my immune system kicks ass anyway

edit on 1/12/2011 by BobbinHood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:11 PM
I've never gotten a flu shot and never had the flu. Live virus vaccines cause the diseases they're supposed to prevent.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Yes I did exactly that yesterday, had soup and lots of tea. I do feel a lot better today. I do agree that perhaps the flu shot may have lowered my immunity. Not sure if I will take it again next year or not.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by ReadyPower

I have never gotten a flu shot and I haven't had the flu since I was 10.

Everyone I know, no exaggerations, that got a flu shot, got sick soon after. My grandmother always gets a flu shot and a pneumonia shot, every year, and every year she says that she hates to get it because she knows that she'll be sick later. She continues getting them because her doctor suggests it.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:15 PM
There are 2 ways to get immunity to any given strain and probably the best way is the natural one if you're strong and healthy enough to catch the disease and survive it. For those with other factors like age, poor general health, weak immune system etc that can make the disease potentially less survivable, there's the shot as an alternative means of getting the necessary antibodies into your bloodstream. It's all a matter of personal choice unless you work in the health industry and come in regular contact with infected patients.

The person I knew who didn't survive the swine flu outbreak was young & healthy so there's a little food for thought there. Something will ultimately get you and that's guaranteed, always was :|

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