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Be Prepared for the Cognitive Infiltration of ATS in the Wake of Arizona Shootings

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by rufusdrak

You're absolutetly correct! To bad more people don't realize this. I've noticed that many times posts that point this out, and/or point out the truth concerning a whole range of things, especially posts pointing out the fact that all the 'issues' the public is being 'fed', are being presented by those in control of the media outlets, including CNN, FOX, CNBC, MSNBC, and especially Google and Yahoo, get little or no attention. Are people that ignorant? Are they being led around by their noses somehow? Sometimes posts like this don't get posted, and sometimes the posters are 'banned'! Its as if some type of social engineering program is being used to direct public opinion to generate acceptance of things not yet seen, but waiting in the wings, and soon to come online. From where I sit, it doesn't appear that these things will lead to anything good.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by pressure

Interesting. Let me shed some light on what is coming with respect to being able to determine if there is any 'probable cause' in future stops. Imagine the officer looking at his computer and being able to instantly tell the psychological and physiological 'condition' of the people in the vehicle because it has biometric and bioelectric facial and retina scanning technology built in. The officer could also tell if there were any weapons in the car thanks to imbedded RFID in the weapon. The officer could also tell if the people were intoxicated, for instance. The officer could also run instant background and criminal records checks thanks to the people in the car having in them, or on them, an RFID linked to wireless computerized databases. Theres your 'probable cause'!

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:47 PM
S+F to you, Proto, as I know you and your ego would of it..LOL!

The cognitive infiltration you speak is nothing new, although the insignificant and nobody me would readily admit. It had in reality been going on a few years here. TPTB may had been foolish but they are not stupid. They have the best minds running the show for them. Notice how our best and brightest had been succumbed and seconded to their organisations?

It is in reality a battle between the forces of good against the forces of evil. And this had been going on for centuries.

The evil forces that seeks to dominate mankind for their own selfish agendas depended on the instrument of fear, restrictions, threats, ridicules and deceptions to rule mankind. The forces of good depended on Truth and Reality. free discussions and debates to win the hearts and mind of mankind.

The founding fathers had used such against the mightiest nation on Earth - England. They woke up and realised the evil that had been done to them - mainly oppressed farmers from Europe, hoping to seek a better life in the new world.

Without fear and favour, the founding fathers, from the most intelligent of them all, the generals, to the bravest humble foot soldier with his musket and only a few buckshots inside, stood against the might that Tyranny can bring forth, the mightiest army the world had ever seen - the Redcoats.

Many of the good men, the founding fathers died in that war so that All mankind may be free with a constitution the world had never seen before. And in WW2, their descendants did not failed to live up to their standards and set a world free from tyranny again.

Today, the forces of evil once again seeks to dominate mankind, but the forces of good are already here. Some seek for heavenly guidance, a Messiah, a Matreya, a Mahdi, etc to guide. But the teachings had all already been taught and it lives within our hearts, to KNOW what is good as it had guided the founding fathers.

The battlefield between the forces of evil and good had never ended. And today, that battlefield lays in the media and the internet. Bring it on anywhere. Evil, with its deceptions, narrow views, ill conceived logic, fallacies, threats, etc may had won battles, but had never truimph. As long as there are good men around. Never be ruled by fear. Only the truth will set us all free.

Good luck to all.
edit on 12-1-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:52 PM
This morning, on my drive to work I heard both liberal AND conservative talk radio hosts refer to ATS several times while discussing the shooting.

They basically quoted from the thread that shows all the posts by Erad3, and referenced the site owner Bill's response.

What I found funny was that the liberal one was bashing ATS and saying "you know you have issues if you're ostracized from a site that teaches you how to talk to aliens."

While the conservative one said " you shouldnt judge someone just because they buy into ideas that are deemed different."

Either way, people in MSM are referencing ATS in discussions about Jared Loughner, and we're definitely in for an influx of new members.

Looks like we're going to have to start weeding out the men from the trolls.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:57 PM
I came here because of my search about the killer i admit.

I'm very left for you ( im from canada xD, in Quebec, so my english suck ). And i like to debate !!! And i'm psy by the gun mentallity here !!!

But i like Aliens and conspiracy !

But some conspiracy are hardcore here xD Like the H1N1 vaccin ! And the birds deaths !

And mind control too !

I like conspiracy because it's more fun then reality xD !

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:22 PM


posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:36 PM
"I believe that opportunity has arrived, Big Brother, might be posting in a thread along with you soon."

Finally, a real reason to stick around here. Don't mean to stick it to anybody, but Big Brother would be quite a welcomed change from the current state of affairs on this site.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR

I note you are a new member.

Terms and Conditions dictate you comment on the subject at hand...not anything in your mind.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by romanmel

But I did
... to the relivents of the time... Old and wise I am to ATS my new Digi-Friend

Mr X-again

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
"I believe that opportunity has arrived, Big Brother, might be posting in a thread along with you soon."

Finally, a real reason to stick around here. Don't mean to stick it to anybody, but Big Brother would be quite a welcomed change from the current state of affairs on this site.

I trust Big Brother and you will be happy together in your self-inflicted hell on Earth.
Believe a lie and be damned.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 04:28 PM
another infiltration method would be to have two ATS identities.

one person could start a thread and then answer with his/her other name.

does anyone know if this is possible using the same IP address/location??

maybe the ATS staff is aware of these possibilities???

could a "banned" member establish and log in with another name?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Posts that prompted me to write this thread as a cautionary note, of what you might want to start being on the lookout for, posters dismissing any conspiracy out of hand, posters promoting the official story that runs contrary to a conspiracy, posters contemptuous of conspiracy minded people, may be in fact part of a cognitive infiltration effort by the government or ‘concerned’ private groups.

You've been on this site for quite some time. Are you saying that ATS isn't currently filled with establishment talking points and corporate media mantras? THEY'RE ALL OVER THE PLACE.

Now, I'm not saying that a person has to buy into every "conspiracy theory" but come on. Many ATS members are not here to uphold the site's motto of "denying ignorance" but on the contrary, are here to spread it.

Nevertheless, I would tend to agree, its only going to get worse.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


Excellent work as always Proto.

When this thing went down I rolled my eyes and said "Here we go kiddies".

A. The sheriff that started to run his head (and making an ass of himself admitting he had no basis for his statement")

B. All of the "anti vitriol" speeches by opportunistic politico's that days, months or years before used similiar or worse "vitriol". I doubt most folks even know what vitriol is

C. The immediate run to gun legislation.

All this before the dead were even cold in their graves.
Peace and Healing of the Most High to the families and loved ones.

I truly wonder at times if some of these nuts really are "manchurian candidates" at times. They are too convienent at the times they hit. Maybe I'm paranoid as well...or just read too many books?

Sometimes I wish I hadnt accepted the "red pill". It would be so easy to be an "obliviot" (oblivious idiot).

We have a cast of players at the top that I dont think this country has ever fielded before. At one time, they would just hide in the shadows. Not now. They are front and center with the hatred of our Constitution.


By Thomas Paine

December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men's souls.

The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.

Oh no. More vitriolic rhetoric.

To any "spooks" reading this: Are you "following orders"?

Euripides said, "The Millstones of the Gods, Grind exceedingly slow, But grind exceedingly fine."

Peace all. It will all be sorted. We as a nation are being tested. We should not be found wanting. Pray to the Diety of your choice for wisdom and understanding...and strength

Welcome to the "crucible".

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by FreeQuebec86
I came here because of my search about the killer i admit.

I'm very left for you ( im from canada xD, in Quebec, so my english suck ). And i like to debate !!! And i'm psy by the gun mentallity here !!!

But i like Aliens and conspiracy !

But some conspiracy are hardcore here xD Like the H1N1 vaccin ! And the birds deaths !

And mind control too !

I like conspiracy because it's more fun then reality xD !

First off, welcome to ATS.

Second, your english is fine (thank you for the attempt regardless

You like to debate? Thats awesome (just dont be rude

I'm sorry that a tragedy brought you here though. It would have been nicer if we had met under "happier" terms.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:01 PM
As a lurker turned poster, turned way too busy nowadays to post as much as I first did; I would like to add that some of the more immature members who fancy themselves "something special" may also try Cognitive Infiltration as a means to play with members and test their skills.

Thanks, Proto for the warning. I do believe you have identified a real threat to ATS and free thinking on the Web, but I not believe everyone who participates in these "mind games" is the real deal. We all know sometimes kids are just kids -plain and simple.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by tristar
I respect what you have typed and must also accept that particular persons observations. Obviously ats does carry alot of weight, far greater than people realize and many posts and threads do find there way into areas of the law that are simply looked at, categorized and re visited for a possible links to future events. This obviously is a common practice and should not be thought as something new. Its done countless times will be done countless times.

As for ATS carrying more weight than members realize, especially content from the seasoned folks, I point you to this recent article in the The Atlantic regarding mass bird deaths, John Wheeler, military testing and one grand conspiracy theory. Apparently, Chinese media is using information from sites like ATS (my guess is the author is sourcing ATS) to influence its populace.

Chinese Media Join the Wheeler-Conspiracy Bandwagon

Anyone following this story is aware that there has been a parallel discussion, at sites I'm deliberately not linking to, that has resolved all mysteries with one sweeping conspiratorial explanation. To sum up this (far-fetched) view: it is "no accident" that Wheeler died around the time of the also-mysterious mass death of birds in the Midwest. The birds were the victim of a military poison-gas test (or leak, or whatever); Wheeler, a one-time Pentagon staffer and a recent Mitre corporation employee, obviously "knew too much" about the evil plans; and so he was eliminated near the headquarters of (naturally) the DuPont corporation, which manufactures exotic chemicals.

I shouldn't have to say this, but I will: such reasoning is nuts. And so far it has not crossed the barrier from fringe websites to "real" media in the United States. But in China, it is quoted today in the very popular and proudly nationalist Global Times - Huanqiu Shibao 环球时报.


I encourage members to read the full article.

edit on 12-1-2011 by Jason88 because: clarity

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:33 PM
I'm one of those new people, I've read bits and pieces of this forum for a long time but only registered to chime in on the Loughner issue because everywhere I see people automatically jumping to the conclusion that he's guilty. It's not as if that's uncommon, when you watch COPS you assume every victim they show is guilty of whatever the cops say. It's all part of the programming, television programming and programming responses into people so when an event takes place they react predictably.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101

Without fear and favour, the founding fathers, from the most intelligent of them all, the generals, to the bravest humble foot soldier with his musket and only a few buckshots inside, stood against the might that Tyranny can bring forth, the mightiest army the world had ever seen - the Redcoats.

Many of the good men, the founding fathers died in that war so that All mankind may be free with a constitution the world had never seen before. And in WW2, their descendants did not failed to live up to their standards and set a world free from tyranny again.

Today, the forces of evil once again seeks to dominate mankind, but the forces of good are already here. Some seek for heavenly guidance, a Messiah, a Matreya, a Mahdi, etc to guide. But the teachings had all already been taught and it lives within our hearts, to KNOW what is good as it had guided the founding fathers.

That is the biggest croc I have ever read. "The founding fathers" sold out this country to a Masonic system from the very beginning. There is nothing good or holy about them. It was all a clever, deceptive arrangement. And anytime anyone ascribes to the Constitution as giving them rights, etc. they are pledging an allegiance to the Masonic system.

The "founding fathers" did not stand against Tyranny; they compromised with it and were part of it. Everything else was just for show and a convincing pretense.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Greetings Nano-Space-Ship-Earthlings,(Earth is just a single cell inside "GOD's" great body... so what is dark matter?)

I know who you are but who am I
... let's all not forget... there is no water on the moon

Shall we play a game

Let's start with the Palin quote of the day "Blood Libel" why this quote?... if there was no Manna Machine stolen by Moses from the Egyptians (the ends justifies the means
would there be a Is-real? today?...

"Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is...

Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

So... let's understand something about her quote and the ori-gins... maybe something of a clue to be found in "The Book Of Law" could Nuit be something the Elite even Palin are saying subbliminaly of course :@@
Yes We Can)-(Can We Yes).

Now we are going into a new course of reality... a BIG pitcher of water to be poured out onto us for the true Awakening of the structured water within us to connect to the whole ocean of one... we are all religious beings like it or not.

Let's keep this simple... after all Jesus was only 5% of the bible the rest was from "Who Knows" and who's gold payed for the printing press and pay checks of the writers input into the book of dead tree's.

And most of all... Let's have fun... for you can not enter the kingdom of Heaven unless child like in nature

Mr X-wing-nut

WOW! there are all kinds of great new upgrades and fun tools on ATS... I will have to get re-acclimated to the "New ATS Order"... don't worry, I won't leave Mr Head-Cheese Info Warrior out

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:20 PM
>>> Now why was my last post off topic? I am a new ATS member because of this BIG event... Right?

So I am 100% on spot no matter what I post in this topic.

Mr xXx... "I AM THE TOPIC"

edit on 12-1-2011 by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR because: OOP's he did it again:0

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